Gospel Life in this Secular Age

1 Corinthians   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Main idea: Gospel living in our Secular age requires boldness, grace and preparation in order to honor Christ.

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Main idea: As Believers we must live the Gospel Life as we engage the present age with Gospel boldness and grace.
Living the Gospel Life? Living for Christ out of the spiritual blessings given by Christ in the age in which we live.
Spiritual blessing - church - Lived & proclaimed
Ex: Robbie Knievil: 1999 - Jumping the grand canyon
Our study in 1 cor. looks at the life of a church in Corinth in the first Century
Gospel bridge from KM NC & our American society to Corinth and its greco Roman society in the 1st century
Ex? 80 yr old and a 20 year old. Howe much difference is there that exist in the way the see the world? What has to be done to bridge the cultural and social gap?
Next week we want to take a wide angle look at what should characterized the church of Jesus Christ.
Let’s build the bridge!

Three introductory points:

Every Age after the fall is to some degree both Secular & Pluralistic
Define Secularism: Secularism is a system which seeks to interpret and order life on principles taken solely from this world, without an appeal to belief in God and a future life
That’s basically what happened in the garden...
Define Pluralism: Religious pluralism is the belief that every religion is true. Each provides a genuine encounter with the Ultimate. One may be better than the others, but all are adequate.
This is the reality in which we live
The gospel life is rooted in Love for God
Deut 6:4 -The Shema - monotheistic - personal God
John 14:15 - Love me - keep my commands
John 14:15 ESV
15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
My love for Christ always grounds/roots my obedience to Christ
My love for Christ roots my love for my neighbor
To not obey God is idolatry it is to love something else as supremely valuable
Sin begins w/ a divided heart
This will bring suffering in this age
1 Peter 3: 13-14;17
1 Peter 3:13–14 ESV
13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,
Phil. 1:29 - Spiritual blessing = Believing and suffering for his sake
Philippians 1:29 ESV
29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake,

Living the gospel Life in a Greco-Roman Age

Acts 15:20
Acts 15:20 ESV
20 but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood.
One worldview: Materialism
All life focused on the pursuit of three things
Health - Prosperity - Safety
Personally and nationally
Three culture realties about living in a greco-Roman age: Life, Worship & Politics
Everyday life
Patriarchal society - one male leader
Class system - wealthy ruling & poor serving class
Rome won the military battle with Greece but they lost the culture war.
Greek Sexuality
Male dominance - power & control & conquest not devotion, intimacy or faithfulness (at least for men)
Homosexuality among Greeks was ok as long as it was the dominate male.
Women were to be faithful to secure the family line whilemen could do as they pleased.
morality was not an issue
Everyday worship
No separation from life, worship and politics
Religious & immoral - Religion and morality did not connect
Polytheistic - Henotheistic (a family god worshipped more than the others) - Syncretistic = They synchronize all gods into the pantheon of their gods.
Greco -roman culture simply paid tribute to the pantheon of gods in hope for materials blessing personally and nationally - Safety - Health - Prosperity - the center of prayer and tribute to the gods.
Religion was ritual not relationship
Worship was not about heart felt devotion
House worship verses temple worship (personal health, prosperity, safety)
House Worship = Ancestor veneration & tribute to lesser gods to bring blessing to the home
This is about obligation, not a relationship. No tribute no blessings.
Temple worship = Ruling class -Tribute to the more powerful gods - especially by the elite class
No corp worship or gathering but the temple was the “home” of the god and the place to bring tribute.
Elite classwould host feast in honor of the gods. Gorge themselves & engage in whatever they pleased.
Everyday politics
Rome secured their materialistic needs.
No voting - Caesar/Emperor had a closer connection/in Favor to the gods and so veneration of the emperor was another way they secured themselves. If the gods blessed him they would benefit.
What was it life to be Jewish in this age?
Ancient religions were respected as long as the didnot pose a threat to Rome
What was it like to be Christian in this age?
Greco -Roman culture considered Christianity to be a “new” religion and was skeptical and suspicious
This set up a collision of two belief that was a polar opposite.
Any religion that refused to pay tribute to the pantheon and the Emperor put the whole state in jeopardy and was the enemy of the people & rome.
Christianity was faith-based centering on a devoted relationship with their one God.
Christianity refused to worship or pay any tribute other than Jesus alone.
Christianity recognized no class system in its community.
Christ was the patriarch of this new family called Christians
Christian “temples” were places where the community gathered to sing, worship and here their God speak from his Word.
How was Corinthians doing navigating their pluralistic and materialistic age? Not good!!
This is one side of the Contextual bank

Living the Gospel Life in our Age

Christendom in the center
Culture was pre-christian until:
The rise of Constantine - Life -worship -politics = Governed by the Church
Individualism in the center
The rise of secularism: Secularism? The non-negotiable cultural conviction: individualism
Secularism three core non negotiable values: Individualism, freedom, & equality
I can believe or I can not believe
I can think for myself, live where I please, go to church where I want, when I want
Secular’s goal Individual human flourishing (positive and negative)
Protestant Reformation, Equality for women, civil rights....
Worship in our age
“We take part because we choose to do so, and we choose to do so because we like it, or it makes us feel good about ourselves, or because we enjoy praying and singing with others. It gives us a quickly fading experience of togetherness, a passing thrill of religious excitement, but it doesn’t impose the constraints of discipline and commitment. It merely satisfies some obscurely felt need for the time being but will have to be fresh and different and exciting every time if it is to keep drawing us back.” (Every Day Church, 68)
Where does secularism lead?
Pluralism - privatizing of spirituality - this is true for me & thats true for you & no absolute truth for anyone
The modern world is not becoming more secular.
If anything its becoming more religious (14)
Personal spirituality is on the rise and it will continue.
The rise of pluralism will Thrust Christianity to the margins of our society.
Christians to the margins
1 Peter 2:11 - Why did he calls them stranger and aliens? Because they were living are the margin of their society.
1 Peter 2:11 ESV
11 Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.
Because they were Christians they were marginalized by society, alienated from relationships, threatened with or lost societal honor and standing.
The danger of false assumptions:
Most people are believers or at least care about God and are familiar with the “church.”
If people want to find “God”, they will go to church. (15)
The great majority of Americans will not be reached through our Sunday morning services. (15)
Good NEWS?!
The death of nominalism
When nominal Christianity dies we will not:
Equate church activities to church growth
Equate a Better experience with Gospel transformation
See mass professions with no gospel life
Be content shuffles the same 52 cards of church members.
When nominal Christianity dies revival begins!
The canyon between Corinth and KM, NC is closer than we think.
Live or survive?
We cannot only survive in the margins; we can thrive on the margins. (35)
From the margins, we offer a devoted community that proves incredibly attractive. (35)
God haunts the secular age with their unavoidable desire for goodness, community & for something transcendence.

How can we live the gospel life in this present age?

Where did Paul go before Corinth.? Athens
Acts 17:16-18 - Paul fearlessly yet compassionately engages the culture in Athens
Acts 17:16–18 ESV
16 Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who happened to be there. 18 Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection.
What Does Paul see?
We must see our culture for what it is: Religious - idolatry - polytheistic
How does he engage the culture?
He sees the lostness - v.16 -provoked - upset & stirred to action - upsetting that makes you sharpen your sword.
His response?
v.17 -engages on Two levels - the religious & The marketplace - center of the city
V.22-24 - Start where they are w/ something they affirm
One Creator & Lord of all
Sin - Repentance -Judgement - Gospel - Response
V.32-34 Response? - Mocking - Belief
1 Peter 3:13-17
1 Peter 3:13–17 ESV
13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.
How can we live the gospel life in this present age?
V.15 - Seek to Honor Christ about all things.
Honoring Christ - thru Gospel boldness - 14c
have no fear - don’t be afraid
not troubled - mental distress
Honoring Christ - Gospel preparation - V.15
Honor Christ - Parent: “Use your words”
Be prepared - completely prepared or in a condition for immediate action - readiness
Make a defense of your inward hope - Paul in Athens - knowledgeable people of that time - Jesus & Resurrection
It is unholy and dishonoring to Christ to say nothing?
Corp worship & GG & Equip & Indiv & corp. prayer = preparation
Honoring Christ - Gospel humility - V.15b
Honor Christ: Gentleness and respect
Gentleness -mild & even tempered
Respect =Fear - profound respect for someone (Dignity & value as those made in God’s image)
Dishonoring to Christ to be rude or condescending
Honoring Christ - Gospel holiness
Good conscious - good behavior - We must have Word informed conscious
When you are slandered
Gospel life - A life that is above reproach because it is living out of the spirtual blessing that are continually flowing into the live of believers.
Acts 18:1 - He left Athens and went to Corinth & with that we have the birth of the Corinthian church.
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