2019-08-11-LIVE OAKS - Are you ready to meet you Master?
Encourage you all to go a little retro from here on out. I want to encourage you to go to the Bible bookstore or if you have one right now get yourself a really good Bible. One of the things that I want to Foster in a really really encourages you to get into your word of God. I'm going to do it to you. I'm going to get a Bible that I'm going to I'm going to hold onto and really work on. And we're going to as a church. We're going to go through the word of God and we're going to use the power of God's word. So mightily in this church that it is going to change Arts. First of all inside this building and then it's going to go out. In the very first step is he need to grab yourself a Bible get that one that's on your bookshelf. That's collecting dust and pick it up today and make it your own. You know, I want our church to be honest. I just a symbolic gesture. I want people to be people that there is a priority that the word of God comes to church and not just showing up on it on a techie screen get your Bibles out right in the margins become students of the word of God. That's what our country needs from you. That's what the responsibility we has a as Christians is to get in God's word and spread it to this the world that needs it desperately. We're going to be in the Book of Matthew today Matthew chapter 25. I'm speaking at a very interesting subject the subject of the lesson today because I get the great privilege of kind of being Evangelistic speaker in the church. And for many of you who are Christians you all here we go. Again, he's going to be given the gospel and he's going to be doing his thing. Anyway, I can kind of tuna out don't do that. I want you to listen very carefully to the verses today because the verses are not just meant for the unsaved are meant for you as Believers in Jesus Christ. There is a dual message today that comes forward from the word of God and not only that but we are going to be giving some scripture and we're going to be talking about the gospel presentation today and we all have a responsibility to get an A on that subject. You need to know how to witness to your neighbors. You need to know how to share god with with those you need to know how to talk about Jesus Christ death on the cross to your friends and your family and so don't tune this out because this message has the most important Central message of of scripture. This is the message we need to be excellent on The guys were let's start Matthew chapter 25 in verse 1 and its title the messages. Are you ready to meet your master? Probably the most important question you will ever hear
Ben the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise in five or foolish those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise to coil and their vessels with their lamps. Wild herb I tried room was delayed all they all slumbered and slept in at midnight. I cry Was Heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps in the pool instead of the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out but the wise answered saying no less there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and those who already went in with him and wet in in the door was shut after the other versions came also saying Lord Lord open to us, but he answered and said as surely I say to you I do not know you watch their for for, you know, not the time nor the hour in which the son of man is coming. Let's pray. Lord I have only father we thank you. We thank you so much Jesus for this Parable that you gave us on the 10 virgins. Lord you talk to us you gave us you are your future plans and Promises based on stories that were simple that we could understand from our everyday lives Lord as we go through the scripture and we dissect it and we slowly chew on the words that are there for us allow your message to come to our hearts allow it to sink in and that we may realize the importance of understanding this message and applying it to our lives. So God change us from the inside out today allowed your message to speak to us and transform us to be more like you and be the kind that are prepared to meet you Jesus and your precious name. Amen.
All right. I don't know if you've ever had that question asked you are you ready to meet your master? I remember my brother Dwight and I went to a classmate of mine from Duluth East Zane was Brad Brad Severson in what was interesting Brad was one of our star football players for Duluth East. He was a a I just grew up with me is one of the one of my I look up to him stew this day just his kindness. He was one of these guys that was always you such thing as such a big man, but he was always so kind you just had a way about him that he was like a gentle giant rat Severson was one of these guys that we all looked up to you. He had everything going for him. He was one of the captains on her football team. He was very very good football player strong kid. And not in right and in our senior year he came down and develop cancer. I went away to school for two years. He had battled cancer for two years and I came back and I remember my brother Dwight who was the pastor said, you know, I'd like to go into the Tatian. Would you like to come with me and I was just starting as his youth pastor at the time and I said sure I had no idea who I was going to visit that day. I went with my brother and we came into the room and sure enough. It was my classmate Brad Severson. And I remember the talk that my brother had with him in one of the things that my brother said is right and I hate to say this. I'm not trying to sound negative at all. But are you ready to meet your savior? You master your Creator and you know what? I remember that talk and I remember those words that went with my brother said them and and I just remember thinking. Wow, what a statement about point of your life. Yeah there times where we hear things like that when you hear a question in life is going well. We're healthy. We got so much going for us. But when you're sitting on a hospital bed facing the very very reality that you may not be living but maybe a few more months those words matter and all the sudden all the things in life. That seems so important are no longer important. What matters to you is just when I take my last breath, where am I going to be? What is going to happen to me? Am I ready? Is there a God and if there is a God am I ready to meet him? That's a question that I posed you today. I bring you as an evangelist. I bring you to a place where I want you to really think about what really matters in your life because all the other things that you do in your life really are not going to matter. I'll to a hill of beans all the the cars that you accumulate all the boats all the houses all the all the all the things that are in your house when you die, somebody else takes them from you. You can't take them with you when you die. But you and I are Eternal beings. We are Eternal Souls that will live forever. We're going to live forever the Bible tells us what happens to us. It's very very clear. There's going to be two destinations one is heaven in one as hell in the question I have for you today is are you certain that? If you died tonight that you would be ready to meet your master important question. Now when I was younger kids to my brothers all went to a college down here. I told you that Debbie went there at school, Florida Bible College and it was known for being very Vangelis te school. It was a school that pass out tracts on the beaches whenever they went out. They would counsel traction the schools for philosophy was to get God's word out to the Lost beautiful School beautiful Mission and and so my brothers would bring home these tracks and that's one of the fact I remember if you died today it would you know for sure you were going to heaven
This most important question that we haven't asked in your life is is today. Are you 100% sure you are ready? Are you 100% sure? Some of you may feel a little distant right now from your relationship with God some of you may be struggling with sin in your life. Very very very common for Christians to struggle with sin struggle for anyone to start Saga. We have a sinful nature as I spoke to last time when it was here that the sinful nature is is passed down to Adam and we all have a part of us if we want to be very honest that wants to do bad. We want to do things that we know we shouldn't do but we do anyways Paul said it affects him in his soul. He said the things I want to do. I don't do the things that I shouldn't do I do he was struggling with a battle inside of him. And folks what this lesson is about today is for both Christians and non-christians. It's about are you prepared? Are you ready right now in your life to meet your savior? I thought about this lesson this week and I I was vexed in my soul because I don't feel like I'm ready right now. Being very honest statement. I got things I got I got to clean up in my life. How about you?
Go back to first one and says this the Kingdom of Heaven shall be like in to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom five of them are wise and five were foolish. They who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took the oil and their vessels with their lamps. I've got a little thing in your bulletins. I think it's there. But if it's not you can write them down here. The very first point of my lesson today. Is this the wise plan and prepare to meet Jesus.
You know what we're looking at at 10 emergency. If there's something that these wise ones did that were that made them wise that the others didn't do. Okay. They were they were and 5 harlots. I want you to think about this when I read when I read versus I go over them and I think in my head, what is it? What is God trying to tell me here? And he says 10 virgins not understand when we talk about what why why would God want to bring us into talking about virgins anyways? folks God uses marriage as a very important institution in this is what I want to talk about just for a second. I want a dub tail off because I want to talk about marriage for a second. Marriage is a sacred component of God's plan. Did you know that? Marriage between a husband and a wife is a sacred component of his plan.
God knew man was was was lonely. He provided a woman and he instituted marriage immediately as being between a man and a wife. And the Man in the wife should come together in the Bible says let no man should take apart. marriage now has become a very flippant conversation in our society has become something that is
not valued anymore and we've gotten to the point where we're so mixed up that marriage has become not between a man and a wife but if we come between men and men and women and women and we have so much that we have polluted God's word on because our sinful Parts number the two parts of Jeremy two parts of you are sinful Parts want to do what is wrong and we want we have less inside of us that want to be carried out.
I just want to be honest. I have them you have them. Let's get over it. Let's not try to cover up and say pretend that we're some holier-than-thou people here. We have a sinful desire inside of us that wants and craves to do wrong. And when I hear people say that you know what I was born this way. I have an affinity. I'm a man and I have Affinity 2 Min run a woman and have a finity two women. Guess what I have a finity to do a lot of sin we all do Sin is Sin but we have to understand what Sin is Sin is a separator between us and the almighty God sin is like a wall that comes between us and when we have unconfessed sin in our lives, we have no relationship with the almighty God because God is righteous. He's holy and he cannot deal in the presence of sin. So if you want to have a non-existent Christian walk if you want to have a life that is Baron of any type of fruit if you want to go in the desert for a really long time, then while your flesh to do whatever it wants to as a Christian you're going to be miserable. It's been a Vex your soul. It has many times in my life. And we as Christians have to understand that we are not above sin. And we see this marriage problem that's taking place in our society where we have crumbled down. We we don't we don't even know what marriage is anymore we go to the bathroom. We don't even know who am I am I going to win the men's bathroom or an it's bathroom. I don't even know what kind of bathroom I'm going into sometime. That is so messed up we have become because our flesh has taken over in our country. We desire to do everything that is totally opposite from what God has instituted as right folks. Our church has to know scripture because we need to get back to what is the truth. We need to know what God says is right and we cannot stray from it and make up our own rules.
When I bring you to these virgins were talking about virgins. The reason why virgins it's important that you don't have sex before your married is because God wanted Purity for a bride before they met her husband and same thing with your husband's they should be pure they should be virgins and they should come together. That's God's way this way back. You're going to you're going to Wayback Nobody Does that anymore? That's what God wanted for us. He didn't want us to have broken relationships in hurts. He wanted us to take and be very very serious that when we got with our person that we were dating it was going to be someone we wanted to spend the rest of our lives within it was going to be a commitment there. But what we have done is we said we want to fulfill our lusts of sex and all the different things are so we have gone in there and we've made a shamble of marriage in our country today. We have totally polluted God's way and so now marriages is really up a broken fragmented Institution. But the way God set it up is he said I want virgins for virgin for a spouse in it for both partners, and when he's talking about this, I want you to understand why marriage is what is going to take place between you and Jesus Christ. Did you know that there's going to be a time when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior that you are going to enter into a marriage relationship. Imagine if Jesus Christ treated your marriage of Salvation like we treat our version of marriage and every time we did something wrong and we send against him. He said you're cut out. I'm divorcing you. Think about it. Divorce is a very easy thing in our society today. It's very easy to throw in the towel and move to another.
Thought about it. I thought about it. I thought about it and what God is trying to teach me and teach you today. Is this is that marriage the commitment matters?
We're not talking about five virgins and five harlots. We're talking about five virgins that have held out in five versions that have held out. These are ladies that have done and they have they have they have kept away from sex before marriage. They have done their duties. They've done the work and yet Jesus is saying that five were foolish in fiberwise speaks to me. It means that there's something more than just being a good person in your life. There's something more than just following all the rules of the Bible. There's something that was needed for these five wise and five foolish didn't take and not was the oil the oil mattered and we're going to get to the oil at the end. But I just want to encourage you that this picture of marriage is found in Revelations 19. I'm going to read it to you here. I heard what seemed to be a voice of a great multitude like the Roar of many Waters and like the sound of Mighty peels of Thunder crying out Hallelujah for the Lord Our God Almighty Reigns, let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. It was granted her to clothe yourself with fine linen bright in pure for the fine linen is the righteous Deeds of the Saints and the angel said to me, right this blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb and he said to me these are the true words of God.
I want to concentrate on words in Bristol 11. The bride has made herself ready.
There is a an important component of your life right now as children of God. If you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior is that you are to make yourself ready to meet him you are at to get closer with your savior. You are to read God's word. You are to pray you are to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. So you get to grow and be ready to meet him.
I want to show you something. That's very very cool.
First of all, I got to bring us to a bad sign. Because none of us as Christians are really good Brides right now. If we try to go on our own and we tried to please God based on on how we live our lives. I'm going to tell you that I think all of us would get D's and F's maybe some of you would get a D+. But the reality is we fail God and we are not making ourselves ready for his son Jesus when he comes back. We are filled with hypocrisy. Romans 3:10 says this as it is written. There is none righteous. No, not one. There is none who understands there is none who seeks after God. If you want to know when you want to look in the mirror, the Romans 3:10 is a very good verse for you to look at and say to yourself. There is none righteous when you are thinking you are self to be righteous. Your fall is about to happen because on your own merits on your own works on everything that you do you're going to fall. Miserably if you are holding onto your pride and your way of trying to live your life. What year is the Greeley really really good news?
Is that there was something really precious in that oil. Battle Royal that those five virgins put in with them to bring along with them was important.
Where was the fuel that could be seen when that when that groom was coming out to meet those virgins? There was a reason why they needed to have that oil because it was under Darkness one that later on. We're going to see that when that groom came. It was about midnight. It was pitch dark in the ones that had the oil lit up for their room to find. Folks there's an important point there. There's coming a time when Jesus Christ is going to come back for those who are genuine True Believers in him. He's going to look out and he's as he comes back for the for the for his people for his kids those who truly loved him. He's going to look and see if there's light in your heart. Is there really really really light? Or have you lived a faith life and you're filled with Darkness? Other questions you got to ask yourself. I have to ask myself. You know Matthew 25 says this. but when the bridegroom was delayed all they all slumbered and slept noticed that when the bridegroom didn't come all these words with these tan they all just kind of chilled out and they slept Now my mom used to always say this. She said God hates laziness Jeremy. She hates people that in inches would give me verses like this one found in Proverbs 6:6 through rate go to the ant you sluggard consider her ways and be wise which having no Captain overseer or ruler provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the Harvest, you know, the answer something that.. The song medicine to look at he saying you know what we see ants, they're constantly working there constantly building they're constantly doing things to build for the winter time. They're preparing themselves. You know, what we would take a very good lesson from the ant as Christians to prepare ourselves for our groom Jesus Christ. We would be very very wise to say there's going to be something in my life that's going to be purposeful and plan and I'm going to set it in motion. And how do you do that Christian? Well, I believe the things were Institute in our church as a good start having a daily time where you read the word of God and Chantilly time where you're praying and it having a time where you can meet in fellowship with other believers on a Wednesday night and then being in here on Sunday morning and be filled with the word of God, that's a good start. And these are the kind of things that we need to do. Now. Let's look at this. The second point is this there is a difference in being prepared and the difference between prepared and negligent sleep these ten virgins all slept by virgins that were that were prepared and got by that didn't and you're going to see that in the world. There's there's people right now that are not even worried about anything to do with Jesus Christ right now. They're sleeping away. They're doing their thing and then there's this other group that's sleeping. But their sleep is definitely different because a Christian who is prepared to meet Jesus Christ. You can tell it in their countenance and let me stop there for a second. I always can tell someone who's living for the Lord and is walking closely to the Lord because the things and circumstances around them and their lives just going to bounce off of them. You know about possum Paul when he was in jail, and he was struggling and going through all the turmoil that he was doing and all the things are happening to him and yet he was able to sing in jail. Is that where you're at right now? And if it's not where you're at you need to ask yourself some questions. Why what is getting in between from me and my Lord? Why am I not getting intimate folks? Here's the truth. This is the next 2 minutes of the most important message part of my message. Listen up here for a second.
Satan wants to pollute. So badly what I'm about to say. This oil that were talking about symbolizes something very very very important. It symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ.
The Bloodshed of Jesus Christ is the oil that you need in your life. If you do not understand if you think that you can get to Heaven by being good, you're like the five foolish virgins. You are like the five that are sleeping easy thinking everything is okay. But in the very end, you're going to have a nightmare. Because the blood of Jesus Christ is the oil that you need. Jesus Christ died on calvary's cross and he came to this Earth for a reason because God looked at us and so there is no one righteous. There's not one. There's none that can be with me in heaven. And the Bloodshed of Jesus Christ as the oil of those lamps that you need in your life.
Want to get come back to in the second? The next part of this vs. This and at midnight a cry Was Heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him. Then all the versions are rose and trimmed their lamps. You notice all 10 of them. They got their lamps and they started him on fire the five foolish virgins just had a little bit of oil enough to start the flame and they could see that flame slowly start to flicker down because they're running out of oil and then they said to the others give me some of your oil give it to me, please. I need it. I need it he's coming and I know he's coming. I need to have this light on.
And those who were wise said something very interesting.
Get to it but my point number three is this make no mistake. Jesus was going to return at a date and time, you know, they're people right now. That's a Jesus says that Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming and where is Jesus they make a mockery out of it.
You as Christians when you know your Bible and you read through the prophets of Daniel and Isaiah and you read through the prophet prophetic books and then you read Revelation and you know, what about to take place and honestly, most of Christians don't read any of those books anymore. We don't open your Bibles. But if you understand them, you know that everything that the Bible said has all taken place through history and it's gone down the line brings us to a point right before a seven-year tribulation is about to begin. I had my brother say this message has a very similar way in this was 30 years ago. We're right there. He said and yet more time is going on it. So people when they hear this message over and over again there like Jesus is never coming back. You know what the Bible says. The reason why Jesus hasn't come back yet. The Bible says that God is longsuffering that no one should perish God gives you opportunity an opportunity an opportunity to accept his son Jesus Christ death on the cross for your sins. He's given so much time. He's been so patient. The one thing you cannot say about your God when you meet him is that he did not give you a chance. He's giving you chance after chance after chance Time After Time After Time the word of God comes forth and you hear it and yet for whatever reason you say, you know, I'm not today maybe later on when I'm not so busy or maybe later on, you know, I'll feel a little differently maybe later on. I won't be so embarrassed to go up but there's always an excuse not to come forward when the preacher gives the gospel. There's always a reason that holds you back. There's always a time. There's always a place that will come in the future, but I'm going to tell you right now you are messing around with God's timetable and there is a date and a time when Jesus Christ will come back.
Make no mistake. That's what this preacher tells you today is what the word of God speaks.
And a foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil. Our lamps are going out but the wise answered say no less that should not be enough rest and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves. My point number for is this there are people in your life that I've tried I've been praying for you. They have been praying weeks after weeks maybe for years that you will accept Jesus Christ and they have been faithful to the gospel book. They've been faithful to the word of God. They've been faithful to you to preach the word of God encouraging you to accept the gift of Jesus Christ on the cross and you continue to hold and not given and there has to be a time when those people will not be able to help you anymore. Never know. I've had people that we're so close to accepting Christ and I've seen it in churches and then all the sudden they get in a massive car accident in their life is taken from them. You have no idea. I think I'm 19. I mean I can get this message and not even blink because it's so true. You can get on this road today on your way home from church and you may have your last breath. I seen so many Wicked accidents out here on 19 these two hot leads to intersections Tampa Road and Curlew are two of the most deadly in the nation and you are on them. Every time you come to church. You do not know your time. You do not know the time when your take your last breath you do not know but you are playing Russian roulette every day on the highways are here. Are you ready? And there's going to come a time where all the faithfulness of the people around you have been praying for you. They will be taken out of your life. Your chances are over. And it's important for me to share that with you cuz that's very scriptural. That's what the five wise virgins said to the five foolish. No, I can give you any more. You have to go and buy for yourself.
Matthew 25:10 says and then they went to buy the bridegroom came and those who were ready who were prepared when in with him in the wedding and the door was shut. Guys, I want you to close your eyes and I want you to imagine the Gates of Heaven cuz wide open to you right now. There's going to be a day when God calls his kids home. You're going to hear the creaking hinges. I believe they're going to creep for reason. Because there's going to be a slamming that door when that door shuts is going to be good and there's going to be a hopeless cry from all of the people that are begging to get in and the door will be shot.
My point number 5 is it'll be a time when God's door of Salvation price you will you will not have any more choices.
This is what the end up happening. The Virgins came. The foolish ones came and said Lord Lord open to us, but he answered in the said I surely I say to you. I don't know who you are.
new imagine Coming up to the doors of Heaven. And pleading with Jesus. Please Lord, please Lord. Let me in I failed you I'm so sorry. I failed you and Jesus says yes to go like this. I'm sorry. I don't know you.
Every opportunity I gave you a child to accept me. And you spit in my face.
Here's the deal. Here's your ticket to heaven.
Is not based on anything you do. not any work not anything you avoid doing? You can be the greatest sinner in this room and get to heaven today. You can be the police Center and not Your Works to Jesus Christ in the god are like filthy rags god is perfect. Don't mess around with what's the true God is righteous. God is holy God is the definition of perfection and you are not And if you try to go to heaven based on your good works you are going to fall stolen for infinitely short of the kingdom of God, and he's going to look at you and visas prices going to say I never knew, you know those words matter because you have to understand it's not based on works. It's based on a relationship with Jesus Christ. You must know him. I challenge anyone to think about anyone they married other spouse or anyone and say would you go on a date with somebody and then just purposely not paying attention to what they say not what they do not want everything, you know know when you go on a date with someone you want to know what they like what they don't like in the more you date that person the more you know, what they like what they don't like any do what they like and you don't do what they don't like you care about them enough to care what they want. You know, let me ask you a question folks if Jesus Christ is truly your God if he's truly your Messiah how well do you know him? How well do you know him? Are you a stranger to Jesus? Why don't you go to words hurt hurt me?
Because in the end it's not going to be about what I did or how many people I fed or all these other things the words that she's going to say to you is I don't know. Let me know who you are. Doesn't bring it home a little bit to understand that Jesus Christ is looking for something a little different here. He's looking for you to have a relationship. He's looking for you to first of all believe in him to recognize I check the heaven on my own. I need you Jesus.
Whenever 6 there will be a day when trying to have a relationship with Jesus will be too late. Final verse says this watch therefore if when you know, neither the day nor the hour in which the son of man is coming. folks we don't know when Jesus is coming. It could be 30 years from now. It could be 3 minutes from now. But what Jesus is trying to encourage all of us is saying be ready at a basketball coach that used to get us on our tippy toes and we used to have this thing where we have a drill and we go like this really really fast as we could because what you wanted us to play defense was always on her toes ready to go either direction in our lives Christian. I want you that ready. I want you on your tippy toes ready for Jesus Christ. I want you ready to be prepared to meet him to be a bride that is worthy to meet the groom. If I am a preacher with anything worth my salt it's so tell you this make straight your ways right now don't play around with what the world and all the lies on. What's right and what's wrong according to them trust the word of God and what it says in cling to it with everything you have and you will be just fine. Get to know your savior. Today folks. I'm going to give a Plan of Salvation. I'm giving you an opportunity to come up here.
Get on your knees before the Lord God and say Lord. I am yours. I need a relationship with you Jesus. I know the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The reason I bring you forward and I'm telling you very gutsy today that come for you when I get in your knees. That's fine. You stand up here and I'll pray with you. If you are afraid go ahead and sit in your Pew and say it right there. I don't really care. But let me tell you this. There is something about a man or a woman that has the guts to say. I'm going to identify myself with Jesus Christ. Today is something about solidifying that relationship that says I don't care what anybody else says. I want to be right with Jesus. Come up here. If you want to get real with him right now and you have a relationship with your savior to start today. He wants so badly to come and enter your heart. He wants you to acknowledge him as your savior your personal savior that you believe that you need him as your ticket to Heaven. That's where Life Starts and what happens is when you trust in Jesus Christ, he comes to you right then and there and he puts inside of you his Holy Spirit and you from that point on are his forever. Amen. You know how cool that is to be locked sealed and delivered forever in the promise of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. No one no man. No woman. No Satan can take you out of the arms of the almighty God when you are signed sealed and delivered with the Holy Spirit.
I'm not beating around the bush. I'm coming you boldly and I'm going to give it to him now and I'm going to say a prayer and if you want to get your life with the Lord and have a relationship with him to accept Jesus Christ as your savior you come aboard and we'll pray together everyone bother hair heads and close her eyes.
Lord I am not worthy to be your preacher.
My life is filled with sin.
But I know what is right.
I know what is right.
No truth is that we are all sinners and we need you desperately Jesus. We can't go a day without you. We can't go a minute without you. So my first prayer is for me personally. It's a cleanse my heart.
When's are people's hearts?
there are people here today that I believe don't know you yet. I believe they're knocking on the doors of being very very dangerous of not having a relationship with you. And Lord salvation is yours you instituted it. This is how it is you created this way that they need to trust you as their personal savior so that I'm giving you the floor when I get out of the way. Say the words for you.
Center City near today You know the words a prick your heart, you know, if you are not saved and you know, you don't have a relationship with Jesus. God is knocking on your door. He's not knocking. He's pounding right now. He wants desperately to be in your heart. He wants to save you as a good father. And so God right now Lord. I'm going to say this prayer. Before I do I want to give these people one and one maybe two maybe three if you want to come up here and identify and come before the Lord. Lassie from Ford just do it. Just come on up. It'll be your spiritual birthday between you and the Lord and I'll be a day you will always remember as the day that you gave your life to Jesus Christ something. So incredibly special just come on up.
Is there anybody?
Then give us prayer for you, if you feel like you'd rather do it and your share.
First Step you have to realize that your good works are not going to get you to heaven. There's nothing you can do. You have to realize your sooner in that sense that breaks from you from God you have to turn away from that and turn to God. You need to give your life over to Jesus Christ. So I'd like you to say this prayer with me to yourself between the Lord Lord. I know I'm a sinner. My sin Separates Me From You. Lord I'm asking you right now to save me from my sins. I Need You Jesus I need what you did on the cross your blood paid for my sins my past present future sins you cover everything and I need your covering in my life. Jesus I believe in you today and I'm asking you to be my savior. I trust in your name alone to save me so come into my heart.
I want to live my life the rest of my life for you Lord. I give you myself.
For the rest of this church. Are you ready to meet your master? unconfessed sin in your life
Lord we pray for those things in our lives that are keeping us from a relationship with you. You know what they are each one of us has mm.
The Lord I asked for cleanse this in my life. I asked for a church body to do the same right now bring us back to a relationship with you again because our sin unconfessed separate us from a loving relationship with you. Bring back the purity of us. Eye cleansing us now for our sins Lord. We love you so much. Now we finish our last song are we thank you for this time in this message and we pray for those in our church that you will give them boldness and strength and encouragement and hope that we have to give to this world in your precious name.