Why No Instruments In Worship?

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Why is it that some churches use instruments in their worship today but others do not? While we may never know the answer to every church’s reason for refraining the use instruments, the Bible is very clear about this issue. We must be open minded enough to explore and accept it.

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Sunday Sermons August 11, 2019 WHY NO INSTRUMENTS IN WORSHIP? (JOHN 4:24) I) “Why No Instruments In Worship?” A) This question necessitates an investigation into the Biblical purpose and concept of worship. B) Organized worship of (Yahweh) God originated with God. SERMON NOTE Why is it that some churches use instruments in their worship today but others do not? While we may never know the answer to every church’s reason for refraining the use instruments, the Bible is very clear about this issue. We must be open minded enough to explore and accept it. CONTACT CHARLES KNIGHT (Preacher) PHONE: 386-427-8585 EMAIL: ministerknight@hotmail.com CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST 2119 STATE RD 44 1) It was handed down from heaven, and regulated by God (Lev, Num, 1-2 Chr). C) Worship was about publicly displaying honor and praise to the one true God, accepting humble surrender to His will—In every aspect of one’s life. 1) The key focus of organized worship was to praise God according to His design (Lev 10:1-3). II) Those Who Worship God Must Do So In Spirit & Truth (Jn 4:24) A) In SPIRIT 1) Worship of God must me be spiritual in nature. 2) Acts 17:29: Since God isn’t a physical—earthly being, we shouldn’t view or practice worship of Him from that perspective. 3) 1 Cor 2:1-16: Christians must see God’s truth, purpose and will for their lives—from a spiritual point of view, not a secular one. B) In TRUTH 1) Mat 15:1-9: Worship of God that is based upon the doctrines and commandments of men, is vain. P.O. BOX 231 NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32170 CENTRALCOCNSB.COM 2) We must be sanctified by God’s word alone (Jn 17:17-21), because His word alone is truth! 1 Sunday Sermons My Sermon Notes DID YOU KNOW, “Make melody...” the Greek word here, psállō, means “to rub, pluck; to pull; twitch; twang,” and primarily referred to the idea of playing a musical instrument, such as a harp. But in Ephesians 5:19, Paul identifies the human heart as the instrument that is to be plucked. August 11, 2019 III) Key Important Truths of New Testament Christianity A) Jesus is its 1) Founder (Heb 12:2). 2) Mediator (Heb 12:24). B) Christ alone is in a position of full authority over every aspect of Christianity. 1) Mat 28:16-18. 2) Eph 1:15-23. C) Jesus never gave His apostles any command or instructions for them to require instruments in N.T. Worship. Nor is there ever any mention or example of such among the 1st century church ( Jn 16:12-14; Jude 1:3). 1) The mention and use of instruments in worship to God was prevalent under the Old Testament. 2) Instruments in organized worship to God was specifically commanded by God (2 Chr 29:20-28). Such is not the case under the New Testament. IV) The Early church in the first century during the apostolic age sang praises to God in worship without the company of instruments: A) 1 Cor 14:26. 1) Eph 5:19 Paul told the Christians in Ephesus and Colossae to address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart. (see also Col 3:16). B) Early “church fathers” and reformers were opposed to instruments in worship because there was no heavenly authority for it. 1) John Calvin: “...musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting up of lamps, and the restoration of the other shadows of the law. The Papists, therefore, have foolishly borrowed this, as well as many other things, from the Jews. Men who are fond of outward pomp may delight in that noise; but the simplicity which God recommends to us by the apostle is far more pleasing to him. Paul allows us to bless God in the public assembly of the saints only in a known tongue, (1 Cor. 14:16.) The voice of man, although not understood by the generality, assuredly excels all inanimate instruments of music.” —John Calvin, Commentary on Psalm 33. CENTRALCOCNSB.COM 2
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