#8 Patterns of Prophecy-American-Israeli Relations
Patterns of Prophecy: The Supernatural History of Israel • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 1:35:43
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Patterns of Prophecy
Session 8 American-Israeli Relations
Promises of Blessing or Cursing
1. Promises to Preserve Israel (Lev.
26:44; Psalm 106:46; Is. 41:10-11;
49:14-16; Jer. 30:11; 31:35-37)
2. Promises to Bless those who Bless
Israel (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18;
26:4; 27:29; 28:14; Ex. 23:22;
Num. 24:9)
3. Promises to Curse those who Curse
Israel (Genesis 12:3; Ex. 23:22;
Num. 24:9; Deut. 32:26-43;
Jeremiah 2:3; 30:16; Isaiah
41:10-11; 45:24; 49:14-16, 26;
54:17; Joel 3:1-8; Mic. 4:11-13;
Zech. 12:3)
Premise for Cursing
God’s standard for judging the nations
is two-fold:
1. Personal evil of the nations (Hab. 1),
based upon God’s covenant with
Noah (Gen. 9). God created
government to promote good and
restrain evil (cp. also Rom 13). When a
government ceases to do this, they
ultimately inherit God’s judgment.
2. Personal attack on God’s special
nation, will bring a special attack by
God upon that Gentile nation
(Genesis 12:1-3; Jeremiah 2:3; Amos
Biblical Examples of God’s Curse Laid
Upon Nations
1.Assyria (Isaiah 10:5-19)
2.Phoenicia (Joel 3:1-8)
3.Syria (Amos 1:3-5)
4.Philistia (Amos 1:6-10)
5.Edom (Amos 1:11-12)
6.Amon (Amos 1:13-15)
7.Moab (Jer. 48:26-27)
8.Babylon (Jer. 50:9-11, 17-20)
Jews in America
America has a long tradition of being
a harbor for the Jewish people,
wherein the Jews have never suffered
the sort of government organized
persecution that they have experienced
in almost every other country on earth.
The first Jews to come to America fled
from Brazil to New York City (then
“New Amsterdam,” a Dutch colony) in
1654 when Holland lost the colony to
Portugal, which had antisemitic
George Washington
Great Britain renamed New Amsterdam to New
York City when they defeated the Dutch in 1667,
yet the Jews were permitted to stay. This sowed
the seed of a long tradition of tolerance of the
Jews in North America.
When the American Revolution broke out in the
late 1700s, the Jews took a leading role in not
only joining the American cause as soldiers, but
also financing the Revolution. A Jewish money
lender, Haym Solomon, was largely responsible
for raising funds for the American cause, and is
largely credited with saving the American
Jewish merchant ships also served as blockade
runners. Aaron Lopez of Newport, Rhode
Island, used his 130 ships to supply the
American army. Even George Washington’s
personal physician, Dr. Philip Moses Russel, was
a Jew.
Statue in Chicago with Robert Morris, George
Washington, and Haym Solomon.
George Washington
In fact, when George Washington
became President of America in 1789,
many Jewish communities around the
nation sent him letters of
congratulations. His letters in response
set the tone for American policy
toward the Jews from there forward.
Many of these letters have survived,
and are kept in the Library of
Washington’s Letter’s to the Jews
at Newport
“May the same wonder-working Deity, who long since
delivered the Hebrews from the Egyptian oppressors, planted
them in a promised land, whose providential agency has
lately been conspicuous in establishing these United States as
an independent nation, still continue to water them with the
dews of heaven [Genesis 27:28] and make the inhabitants
of every denomination participate in the temporal and
spiritual blessings of that people whose God is Jehovah.”
–President George Washington to Jews in Savannah, Georgia (1789)
“May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in
this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the
other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit under his own
vine and fig tree [allusion to Micah 4:4], and there shall be
none to make him afraid.”
–President George Washington to Jews of Newport, Rhode Island (1790)
Martin Van Buren
America continued to receive a steady
flow of Jewish immigrants so that in the
mid-1800s somewhere around 200,000
Jews lived in America. Many of these
Jews excelled as merchants, bankers,
lawyers, doctors, and educators.
American support of Jews even
extended to foreign affairs. American
President Martin Van Buren (pictured
on right) wrote the Ottoman Empire in
1840 to plead the case of persecuted
Jews in the region of Syria, who were
suffering because of another accusation
of Blood Libel. You can find this letter
at jewishvirtuallibrary.org
Jews in American Society
Praise for the American Constitution and the freedom that it provided
for the Jews came from the London Jewish Chronicle in 1862.
“We now have a few words of the Jews of the United States in
general… The constitution having established perfect religious liberty,
Jews were free in America… They, therefore in a comparatively short
time, prospered, and thrice there in a degree unexampled in Europe.
Jews were found in all positions of life filling offices from the highest to
the lowest.”
Jews in American Military
Jews have always been part of the
influential fabric of American society
including the military, even reaching
the higher echelons of the military such
as generals and commodores.
One influential Jewish commodore,
Uriah P. Levy, who served from
1812-1862, is largely responsible for
the abolition of flogging in the United
States Navy.
Both a WWII destroyer (USS Levy
DE0162), as well as the Jewish chapel
at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis
were named after this Commodore.
Uriah P. Levy
Jews in American Military
As the American Civil War approached
Samuel Mayer Isaacs, the editor of The
Jewish Messenger, wrote a moving article
entitled “A Day of Prayer.” He accounts
how blessed the Jews had been in America,
enjoying freedoms and equality never
enjoyed in the history of any nation.
In this editorial Isaacs quotes George
Washington’s letter to the Jews at Newport.
After the Civil War started, Isaacs wrote
another article entitled “Stand By the
Flag,” wherein he called upon Jews to
support the United States and the
Constitution, which he described as “the
admiration of the world,” and the reason
why Jews enjoyed such equality.
Jews in American Military
After the American Civil War, the Jewish
War Veterans (JWV) was founded (1896).
This organization continues to list the
proud achievements of Jews throughout
the history of the American armed
forces. Their contributions are extensive,
and illustrate the unique integration of
Jews into the fabric of the United States.
Washington D.C. hosts the “National
Museum of American Jewish Military
You can find a fascinating resource for
this history in a downloadable pdf
Jewish Immigration to America
Just 16 years after the end of the
American Civil War, America would
experience another flood of Jewish
immigration as a result of the Russian
pogroms of 1881.
A census in 1877 listed the Jewish
population in America as 250,000. Yet
just 30 years later the Jewish population
reached 2 million. This tidal wave of
Jews coming to America was largely
due to the Russian pogroms
(1881-1921). No country in the world
wanted the Russian Jews except
American, which became nicknamed
“the famous land,” among many Jews.
Jewish Immigration to America
Mary Antin was a Russian Jew who
escaped to America. These are her
“America was in everybody’s mouth.
Businessmen talked of it over their
accounts; the market women made up
their quarrels that they might discuss it
from stall to stall; people who had
relatives in the famous land went around
reading their letters for the
enlightenment of less fortunate folks…
Children played at emigrating; old folks
shook their sage heads over the evening
fires and prophesied no good for those
who braved the terrors of the sea and the
goal beyond it. All talked about it.”
This political cartoon was published in November, 1881 by an
American/German newspaper called Puck. The cartoon shows the
Atlantic opening and the Jews coming through it to America. Uncle
Sam in the cartoon was labeled “The Modern Moses.”
Jewish Immigration to America
The famous poem written at the base
of the Statue of Liberty was written in
1883 by Emma Lazarus, a Jew…
“Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses yearning to breathe
free, the wretched refuse of your
teeming shore, send these, the
homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift
my lamp beside the golden door!”
Jewish Immigration to America
After the Russian Pogroms, and
throughout the World Wars, America
became the center of world Jewry in
that the majority of worldwide Jews
lived in America.
American maintained this status until
just recently. Though estimates vary,
many believe the country of Israel
passed America as the new center of
world Jewry in 2008.
Yet throughout American history, even
up unto the modern day, Jews continue
to integrate into every part of
American life.
American Christian Zionism
The massive immigration of Jews to
America after the Russian Pogroms,
seemed to awaken American
Evangelicalism to the plight of the Jews,
and led to a major surge in American
love for the Jewish people. This brought
in turn a huge American influence upon
Zionism, which would later contribute to
the establishment of the modern state of
Israel in 1948.
McTernan [Author of As America has done
to Israel] traces the “roots” of Christian
Zionism back to the revivals of the 1-2
Great Awakenings, and the work of D.L.
Moody and other great preachers of the
American Christian Zionism
One such preacher was William E.
Blackstone, who became perhaps the
most outspoken leader of Christian
Zionism in America. He published a
book entitled “Jesus is Coming.” He then
began traveling the country speaking on
the end times. He chaired a conference in
1890, which focused on the past, present,
and future of Israel. This conference sent
resolutions to the Russian Tsar on behalf
of the suffering Jews, yet Blackstone
didn’t think this was enough. So he met
with American president Benjamin
Harrison, and Secretary of State James
Blaine in order to ask them what they
would do for the Russian Jews.
American Christian Zionism
Blackstone suggested that America
take the lead in calling upon the wealth
of world Jewry to purchase land from
poverty-stricken Turkey and allow Jews
to immigrate to Palestine. This
suggestion by Blackstone came 6 years
before Theodore Herzl wrote his
earth-shattering book “The Jewish
State” (1896), and held the first Jewish
Zionist Conference at Basel,
Switzerland in 1897. The point is that
“Zionism” as a movement actually had
deep roots in American Christianity
even before the Jewish world took up
the cause.
1st Zionist Conference 1897
American Christian Zionism
Blackstone’s suggestion, which he
presented to President Harrison was
written up and signed by over 400 highly
influential American leaders, which
included the mayors of Chicago,
Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, & New
York, as well as the governor of
Massachusetts, a Supreme Court Justice,
and Congressmen. In this document,
Blackstone cites the promises of Genesis
12:3, and prophecies from Isaiah &
Ezekiel as reasons for action. Though
President Harrison did not act directly,
the idea was planted. Jewish Zionism
would soon begin, and find strong
support in America.
1st Zionist Conference 1897
American Christian Zionism
Blackstone would continue to spread his ideas
and would later meet with president Woodrow
Wilson in 1916 proposing the same thing. The
British Balfour Declaration was issued in
1917, which officially allowed Jewish
immigration into Palestine. This became a
huge stepping stone for Blackstone’s ideas to
actually take shape. Yet before Arthur Balfour
issued this declaration, he came to American
President Woodrow Wilson to seek support,
which he received. Thus Britain confidently
allowed the beginning of Jewish immigration.
The United States Congress passed a
resolution on June 30, 1922 in official support
of a Jewish State. That same year would bring
the League of Nations decision to give the
British responsibility for a future Jewish State.
President Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson & WW1
America officially joined WW1 on April
4, 1917, by declaring war on Germany
and Austria, but they did not declare war
on Turkey. This was highly unusual, but
it was a calculated move by Woodrow
Wilson. He did this in order to maintain
diplomatic relations with Turkey, and
thereby be able to plead for the cause of
persecuted Jews and Christians within
Turkish territory. Turkey not only
allowed America to bring food and other
aid to these persecuted peoples, but they
took a gracious stance toward Jews and
Christians for the remainder of the war
out of fear that if they did not, then
America would declare war on Turkey.
President Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson & WW1
In Late 1914-Early 1915 Turkey
demanded all Jews in her realm to
renounce their original citizenship and
swear allegiance to the Turkish
government. When many refused,
President Wilson came to their aid.
Turkey allowed America to rescue tens
of thousands of Jews from Turkish
territory, and grant them safe passage
to other countries.
This rescue had a huge impact upon
Jewish history in that multiple future
leaders of Israel were saved at this
time. In fact David Ben-Gurion
himself was part of this evacuation.
USS Tennessee at Jaffa Port
American Impact on Israel’s Rebirth
If the Central Powers had won WW1 then
Palestine would have remained under
Turkish control and the status quo would
have been maintained. Yet American
involvement in the war assured an Allied
victory and set the stage for the future
restoration of Israel.
After WW2 and the Holocaust, the world
voted on November 29, 1947 for the
formation of a Jewish state by the United
Nations Partition plan known as Resolution
181. Though this was highly controversial,
the State of Israel declared her
independence on the day the British
mandate ended. Recall that America was the
first country to recognize Israeli
Though America & Israel have a long tradition of
cooperation & alliance, American foreign policy toward
Israel began to shift dramatically in the late 1970s.
Land for Peace?
The philosophy applied throughout
modern history has been that the creation
of the state of Israel has been the largest
roadblock to peace in the Middle East.
The muslim countries around Israel would
be appeased if Israel were to give up some
of their land.
Though the British Mandate (1920-1948)
clearly evidenced this philosophy, U.S.
Policy since 1979 has also conspicuously
evidenced this philosophy via the Camp
David Accords, the Madrid Peace Process,
and the supposed “Road Map for Peace.”
The Obama administration in particular,
evidenced great coldness toward Israel.
Consequences for America?
God has His Way in the Whirlwind
“The Lord is slow to anger, and great in
power, and will not at all acquit the
wicked: the Lord hath his way in the
whirlwind and in the storm, and the
clouds are the dust of his feet” (Nahum
God gave this prophecy through
Nahum, right before God providentially
used a storm to swell the Tigris, and
bring down the mighty city of Nineveh.
Scripture gives many examples of God
using storms to either help His people,
or hinder His adversaries, all to
accomplish His purposes.
God has His Way in the Whirlwind
YHWH declares His total sovereignty over
the weather patterns of earth. These
patterns would include storms, rain, wind,
waves, & earthquakes (Dt. 11:10ff; 1
Kings17-18; Job 40:6, 10; Ps. 18; 29; 77:16;
97:2-5; 104; Isaiah 45:8; 55:10; Jer. 10:13;
23:9; Nahum 1:3; Zech. 9:14; Amos 4:7).
Biblical examples of storms used by
YHWH for his purposes abound (Genesis
6-8; Josh. 10; Judges 4-5; Jonah 1; 1 Kings
19; Isaiah 29:6; Ex. 9:13; Rev. 16:21; Ezek.
If we see this throughout the Scripture,
might we also see historic examples of God
using storms to accomplish His purposes???
Supernatural Storms?
John P. McTernan in his book “As America
Has Done To Israel,” records 32 separate
events where dramatic storms, which cause
great damage to the U.S., correspond
directly to U.S. involvement in the Peace
Process of the Middle East. In his book
“Eye to Eye,” William Koenig catalogs 127
separate events of disasters correlating with
U.S. involvement in Israel.
McTernan makes the interesting
observation that most of these storms hit
America within 24 hours of America’s
involvement with Israel. In fact many of
these stories were reported side by side on
the same front page of a given newspaper.
This may be coincidence, or it may be
Between 1992-2006 (when McTernan’s book first came
out) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration has identified 47 separate billion or multibillion dollar disasters.
Several of these disasters were droughts, which stretched
over a long period of time, so are not considered in this
equation. Several of the other disasters, interestingly
enough, connect to abortion and homosexual events.
However, American pressure upon Israel to give up her
covenant land can be directly tied to 20 of these disasters.
The total estimated cost for damages in these top 20
natural disasters is $334.8 billion.
Supernatural Storms?
On page 17 of his book McTernan says
this, “The facts reported in this book
are irrefutable, but my interpretations
of these facts are open to question.” He
goes on to document his sources
carefully for anyone who is willing to
track them down.
I take the same posture as McTernan in
sharing these facts with you. The when
and where of these storms and their
correlation to the involvement of
America in the affairs of Israel are
irrefutable facts. However, whether
these events are related or not is up to
you to decide.
October 1991
After the Gulf War in 1991, while
President Bush Sr. was speaking at the
Madrid conference suggesting that Israel
give up more land for a Palestinian pledge
for peace, a storm was brewing.
On October 30, a powerful storm
developed off of Nova Scotia, catching
the National Weather Bureau completely
by surprise. The unusual weather
patterns, which produced this storm, are
believed to occur only once each century.
This storm was rare in the additional
sense that it traveled for 1,000 miles in a
westward direction, which is opposite
direction for storms of its type in this
October 1991
Meteorologists called this storm “extratropical” because it did not originate in
the tropics as most hurricanes do. On
October 31, this storm, hundreds of miles
wide, smashed into New England. It
created waves over 100 feet tall, which are
still among the highest ever recorded.
The storm traveled down the East Coast
into the Carolinas, creating millions of
dollars of damage from Maine to Florida.
The National Weather Service later
nicknamed this hurricane “The Perfect
Storm.” A best-selling novel, and later a
movie were made about this storm, going
by the same name.
October 1991
President Bush owned a home along the
East Coast in Kennenbunkport, Maine,
that was heavily damaged by the Perfect
Storm. Eyewitnesses said that waves as
high as 30 feet rose from the ocean to
smash the Presidents seaside home.
When he returned from Madrid,
President Bush canceled speaking
engagements to inspect the damage
done to his house. This storm hit the
President’s home the same day he
initiated the Madrid Peace Conference.
August 1992
August 24, 1992 the Madrid Peace
Conference moved to Washington D.C.
Nations involved felt the U.S. was a
better location for the continuing
negotiations. The New York Times
quoted the U.S. representative of these
talks, Eagleburger, (pictured on the
right) as having said that the peace talks
were resuming in the context of “an
Israeli Government that is prepared to
be far more forth coming.” He
predicted that “the issue of Palestinian
self-rule in Israeli-occupied territories
would be the focus of discussion.”
August 1992
On that same day, August 24, 1992,
Hurricane Andrew smashed in the
southern Florida, hitting Louisiana a few
days later. This hurricane was the worst
natural disaster to hit America up to this
time. This storm left 180,000 people
homeless in Louisiana, and cost an
estimated $30 billion in damages.
On August 24, the front page headlines of
USA Today contained several articles that
made a visual link between the hurricane
and the Madrid Peace Process.
The August 26 headlines read, “Israel
Offers Plan for Arabs to Rule in Occupied
Lands,” & “Thousands Homeless in
January 1994
On January 16, 1994, President Clinton
met in Geneva with Syria’s dictator Assad
in order to discuss peace between Israel
and Syria. This peace agreement included
Israel giving back the Golan Heights,
which it won from Syria in the Six Day
War. The newspapers quoted Clinton as
saying, “Israel must make concessions that
will be politically unpopular with many
On January 17, 1994, a 6.8 magnitude
earthquake rocked Los Angeles. The
quake was so powerful that in caused the
Sant Susanna Mountains to rise one foot,
and L.A basin to shrink. This earthquake
cost an estimated $25 billion in damages.
January 1994
What is interesting about this
earthquake was that scientists failed to
identify the fault that actually triggered
the quake. Scientists also found that this
earthquake appeared as two separate
quakes. The first quake movement was
a powerful upward thrust followed by a
violent shaking of the earth. The
upward thrust was so powerful that is
lifted buildings off of their foundations.
Scientists described this quakes as
having a “one-two punch.”
May 1999
On May 3, 1999, starting at 4:47 p.m.
Central Time, the most powerful
tornadoes to ever hit the U.S. fell on
Oklahoma and Kansas. Meteorologists
officially measured winds at 316 mph,
making it the fastest ever recorded.
Meteorologists classified this tornado as
an F-6. There had never been an F-6.
This storm also included many F-4 &
F-5 tornadoes (F-5 winds reach 260
mph and are themselves very rare
making up only 1% of all tornadoes). 50
confirmed tornadoes with nearly 200
tornado warnings hit the mid-west. One
of the F-5 tornadoes was a mile wide
and traveled 80 miles in 4 hours.
May 1999
The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration stated,
“This in as outbreak of historic
proportions, no doubt about it.”
The tornadoes destroyed over 2,000
homes in Oklahoma city alone. Some
small communities disappeared entirely,
and the federal government declared
large sections of Oklahoma and Kansas
to be disaster areas.
May 1999
This event occurred within 24 hours of
a personal letter from President Clinton
to Yasser Arafat, which encouraged
Arafat regarding his own aspirations for
his “own land.” Clinton stated further
that the Palestinians had a right to
“determine their own future on their
own land.” Based upon these views,
Clinton had already declared the city of
Jerusalem to be negotiable as the capitol
city of a Palestinian state. As such,
Clinton refused to move the U.S.
embassy to Jerusalem, as would his
successors till recently.
September 2001
August 9, 2001, a suicide bomber killed
19 people in Jerusalem, and wounded
over 100. Later on that day President
Bush made a speech condemning the
terrorist attack, and then demanding
that in spite of this attack, Israel abide
by the Madrid Peace Process (initiated
by his father), the Mitchell Plan, and
U.N. Resolutions 242 & 338.
In case you are unaware, these U.N.
Resolutions called for Israel to retreat
back to the pre-Six-Day War borders.
This would mean they give up East
Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the
West Bank.
September 2001
The United States pressure upon Israel
began in 1991, but climaxed in July 2000
when the U.S. convinced Israel to officially
offer to withdraw from East Jerusalem and
most of the West Bank. The only reason
this offered failed is because the Palestinians
rejected it. During the President’s speech,
Israel was in the middle of the second
Intifada (i.e. Palestinian uprising, which
lasted from 2000-2005 wherein Palestinians
were committing constant acts of terror
and murdering Israeli civilians). Yet amidst
this tumultuous time for Israel, America
demanded that Israel retreat back to
borders, which in and of themselves are
indefensible from a strategic standpoint.
September 2001
According to The Washington Post,
President Bush and other U.S. officials
were cooperating with the Saudis to
produce the most comprehensive offer
of Israeli land to the Arab world that
any U.S. President had yet proposed.
Most of this work was completed by
September 10, 2001, and U.S. Secretary
Powell planned to present the plan to
the United Nations General Assembly
on September 24, 2001.
September 2001
On September 11, 2001 America got a
small taste of what it is like for the
normal Israeli everyday. The “terror”
caused by the 9/11 attacks, the
estimated $40 billion in damages and
the stunting of the American economy,
the feeling of vulnerability, the entrance
into a long, low-grade war against
largely hidden enemies, all seems to be
eerily similar to the experience of Israel.
Journalist Mike Evans speaks of an
interview he had with Mossad Chief
Isser Harel in 1980. He published this
conversation in an article on September
30, 2001 in the Jerusalem Post.
“I sat with former Mossad chief Isser Harel for a conversation
about Arab terrorism. As he handed me a cup of hot tea and a
plate of cookies, I asked him, "Do you think terrorism will come
to America, and if so, where and why?" Harel looked at his
American visitor and replied, "I fear it will come to you in
America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight
terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight
America - but all that could change with time. Arab oil money
buys more than tents."
As to the where, Harel continued, "New York City is the symbol
of freedom and capitalism. It's likely they will strike the Empire
State Building, your tallest building [he mistakenly thought] and
a symbol of your power."
September 2001
America has clearly taken the posture
of appeasement toward the Islamic acts
of terrorism perpetrated upon Israel.
Israel has suffered hundreds, even
thousands of terror attacks upon its
citizens, yet America says to Israel, “give
them land and they will give you
peace.” Could it be that this posture of
appeasement was interpreted by Islamic
terrorists as a sign of weakness?
August-September 2005
In 2005 President Bush succeeded in
pressuring Israel to withdraw from
settlements in the Gaza Strip, and the West
Bank in a unilateral agreement. Jewish
settlements were evacuated, and 12,000
Jews lost their homes. 40,000 Israeli soldiers
forced the relocation. Most Jews left
willingly, some were forced out. The Israeli
army then demolished 21 Gaza settlements.
In addition to this, Israel had to give up one
of its richest agricultural centers known as
Gush Katif, which produced about 15% of
all Israel’s vegetables. In other words, these
settlements were not primitive, but small
modern cities. This formed the largest
evacuation of Jews in modern Israeli
history since 1948.
August-September 2005
Though 21 settlements were entirely
demolished, the synagogues were left
standing, because according to Israeli law,
a house of worship of any religion cannot
be destroyed. Yet when the Palestinians
came in, their first order of business was
to destroy all the synagogues left standing.
Palestinian mobs then looted and
destroyed the agricultural installations left
them by the Israelis. This same strip of
land is now considered totally worthless
for agriculture.
After the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza,
the terrorist organization Hamas took
control of the area, and have only
increased attacks upon Israel.
August-September 2005
President Bush was extremely happy,
mentioning the Israeli withdrawal from
Gaza in two separate speeches on August
22 & 23. Then on August 23, the same
day as President Bush’s second speech and
the same day the last Israeli settlers were
removed from Gaza, a tropical storm over
the Bahamas upgraded to a massive
hurricane we named Katrina.
Bill Read, meteorologist tracking Katrina,
stated, “The energy, the near-record low
pressure in the storm’s core, and its huge
dimensions add up to an inevitable
disaster. That’s why they’re basically
forecasting Armageddon when it goes
August-September 2005
On August 24, Katrina became a
category-one hurricane. On August 25
she hit Florida causing about $1 billion
of damage. The storm weakened over
Florida and was downgraded to a
tropical storm, but then it moved into the
Gulf of Mexico and rapidly intensified.
By August 29, it was a massive categoryfive storm about 375 miles in diameter,
and was heading to New Orleans.
The coming storm caused 1.5 million
people to evacuate their homes and flee
inland, and nearly destroyed the Port of
New Orleans, which is the 5th largest
port in the world.
August-September 2005
Katrina has been hailed as the greatest
disaster in a major American city since
the destruction of San Francisco by
earthquake and fire in 1906, or the
great hurricane of 1938.
The federal government declared a
90,000 square mile chunk of land as a
disaster area. This square mileage is the
equivalent size of Great Britain!
Just as one of the major southern cities
of Israel was given up and evacuated, so
one of the major southern cities of
America was evacuated and destroyed.
1. Prior to removal, the Israel 1.
government called on Jews to
evacuate their homes.
2. August 17, Israel ordered
mandatory evacuation.
3. The evacuation of 12,000
Jews made it the largest
evacuation in Israeli history
since 1948.
4. Israel sent 40,000 troops to 4.
aid evacuation.
5. Many Jews went to their roofs 5.
to try and delay evacuation.
6. Gaza is on Israel’s southern
7. Evacuation destroyed
thousands of Jewish homes.
U.S. government called on
residents to evacuate their
homes prior to Katrina.
On September 7, the mayor of
New Orleans ordered
mandatory evacuation.
The several million Americans
that fled Katrina made it one of
the largest in American history.
U.S. sent 80,000 troops to aid
disaster relief.
Thousands of Americans ran to
their roofs to avoid drowning.
New Orleans is on America’s
southern coastline.
Disaster destroyed around
500,000 American homes.
8. The day Katrina hit America,
wave uncovered hundreds of
Jews were digging up their
bodies from Gulf coast
dead to re-inter them in
cemeteries outside of Gaza. 9. U.S. government barred
9. The Israeli government
American citizens from their
barred citizens of Gaza from
homes in the disaster areas of
their own homes.
10. Many Jewish people felt
10. Many Americans felt abandoned
by their government’s failure to
betrayed & abandoned by
respond quickly to the storm.
their government.
11. Gaza refugees were bused to 11. Katrina refugees were bused to
shelters all over America.
other locations all over Israel.
12. Gush Katif was a major
agricultural shipping center for
agricultural center for Israel.
the U.S.
13. Bush promised $2.2 billion 13. Bush spent around $200 billion to
dollars to help relocate Jewish
help rebuild or relocated
American refugees of Katrina.
Coincidence or Providence?