Three Reasons Why You Should Bless God - Ephesians 1:3-14
Pre-Study Check-Up
Personal: Devotions & Prayer
Public: Service & Witnessing
Question #1: What is the meaning of the word “blessed” in v. 3?
Answer: To praise, to celebrate with praises,” of that which is addressed to God, acknowledging His goodness, with desire for His glory,
Question #2: What are the Spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ in v. 3?
Question #3: Why should you regularly bless God according to v. 3?
Answer: explain what these Spiritual blessings include.
God has blessed us with all of the blessings in the heavenly realms. These blessings include our union with Christ; being seated with him in the heavenlies; and our adoption, redemption, and election. All spiritual gifts and service abilities also flow out of these spiritual blessings that God gives to every believer at the time of salvation.
Question #3: Why should you regularly bless God according to v. 3?
Question #3: Why should you regularly bless God according to v. 3?
Question #4: Why did God choose me to be His child based upon v. 4?
Question #4: Why did God choose me to be His child based upon v. 4?
Answer: We should bless God because He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing!
Question #4: Why did God choose me to be His child (based upon v. 4?)
Question #5: What does it mean that I was predestined to be adopted by Jesus in v. 5?
#5: What does it mean that I was predestined to be adopted by Jesus in v. 5?
Question #6: Who is being referred to as “His Beloved” in v. 6?
What was Paul’s response to God’s many perks to His children in v. 6? He praised Him who “has made us accepted in His Beloved.” Literally the expression shows that God has bestowed grace or favor upon us in Jesus Christ. The overwhelmed apostle heaped praise upon God for all His wonderful gifts to His children. How exciting! The Father’s generous activity is not limited to this portion of the Bible, so let’s expand our view.
What was Paul’s response to God’s many perks to His children in v. 6? He praised Him who “has made us accepted in His Beloved.” Literally the expression shows that God has bestowed grace or favor upon us in Jesus Christ. The overwhelmed apostle heaped praise upon God for all His wonderful gifts to His children. How exciting! The Father’s generous activity is not limited to this portion of the Bible, so let’s expand our view.
There are three points of action to be employed in Eph. 1:3-6. Your first assignment (which was also to be applied by the Ephesians) is Bless God who blesses you through Superman. Yes, you’ve read it right; I wrote Superman. The Latin “Super” means above. Clearly all the rights and privileges granted to you, my brother or sister, exist because your placement “in Christ.” Positionally, we sit with Jesus in the heavenly places.
The writer of James assumes that Christians will bless God. Indeed, he shows the contradiction when we praise the Lord and curse men. Consider James 3:9-10, “With it [the tongue] we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things out not to be so.”
Have you ever planned a praise party? The next time you have your devotions, include several minutes where you intentionally bless God specifically because of how He’s favored you. Also, ask God right now to help you practice Heb. 13:15, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
Your second employment is rooted in Eph. 1:3-4: Bless God who has chosen you to model Him. You are honored my friend to know God intimately; it is furthermore an astonishing entitlement to show Him to others. Write out v. 4 on a 3 X 5 card and determine to memorize it over the next few days. Stop and thank God for choosing you to mirror Him on the stage of life each time you take out the 3 X 5 card for review. Every believer needs the internalization of God’s Word as a necessary discipline; the assimilation of the enduring truths of the Bible will help God’s beloved children to form godly patterns.
Employment number three is Bless God who adopted and favors you (vv.3-6). Our heavenly Father is the One who has chosen you for His holy aspirations. He has elevated you to the full stature of an adult son; therefore, enjoy your advantages.
Do you think that He is delighted when you come to Him in prayer? Yep! Plan to bless Him during your next prayer time specifically for adopting you and the innumerable kindnesses He’s done for you. Honor God also by entrusting Him with your needs and explicitly share your struggles. Follow the admonition of Heb. 4:16 that says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” He’s waiting for you. Happy employments!
There are three points of action to be employed in Eph. 1:3-6. Your first assignment (which was also to be applied by the Ephesians) is Bless God who blesses you through Superman. Yes, you’ve read it right; I wrote Superman. The Latin “Super” means above. Clearly all the rights and privileges granted to you, my brother or sister, exist because your placement “in Christ.” Positionally, we sit with Jesus in the heavenly places.
The writer of James assumes that Christians will bless God. Indeed, he shows the contradiction when we praise the Lord and curse men. Consider James 3:9-10, “With it [the tongue] we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things out not to be so.”
Have you ever planned a praise party? The next time you have your devotions, include several minutes where you intentionally bless God specifically because of how He’s favored you. Also, ask God right now to help you practice Heb. 13:15, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
Your second employment is rooted in Eph. 1:3-4: Bless God who has chosen you to model Him. You are honored my friend to know God intimately; it is furthermore an astonishing entitlement to show Him to others. Write out v. 4 on a 3 X 5 card and determine to memorize it over the next few days. Stop and thank God for choosing you to mirror Him on the stage of life each time you take out the 3 X 5 card for review. Every believer needs the internalization of God’s Word as a necessary discipline; the assimilation of the enduring truths of the Bible will help God’s beloved children to form godly patterns.
Employment number three is Bless God who adopted and favors you (vv.3-6). Our heavenly Father is the One who has chosen you for His holy aspirations. He has elevated you to the full stature of an adult son; therefore, enjoy your advantages.
Do you think that He is delighted when you come to Him in prayer? Yep! Plan to bless Him during your next prayer time specifically for adopting you and the innumerable kindnesses He’s done for you. Honor God also by entrusting Him with your needs and explicitly share your struggles. Follow the admonition of Heb. 4:16 that says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” He’s waiting for you. Happy employments!