August 11, 2019

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August 11, 2019

This morning I'll be reading Luke chapter 12 verses 32 through 40.
And I'll be reading the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
We are back in Luke again this week. This continues with the scripture that we had last week and the week before where Jesus is still teaching the disciples,,, and us today. Hopefully we are learning as we study everything that Jesus taught as well.
32 Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow old, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 35 “Be ready for service and have your lamps lit. 36 You must be like people waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for him at once. 37 Those slaves the master will find alert when he comes will be blessed. I assure you: He will get ready, have them recline at the table, then come and serve them. 38 If he comes in the middle of the night, or even near dawn, and finds them alert, those slaves are blessed. 39 But know this: If the homeowner had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40 You also be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”
God bless the reading and the hearing of your word this morning.
Let us pray:
Dear Lord, as we begin this morning, we ask that you open our ears to hear and our hearts and minds to receive the message that you have for us today,,, In Jesus' name I pray,,, Amen.
These scriptures begin with Jesus telling them to not be afraid and they end with Jesus telling them to be ready at any time because He is coming back at a time when you don't expect Him.
I love the way that verse 32 starts out where Jesus says: "Don't be afraid, little flock," because that was something that I really needed to hear this week.
You hear sermons all the time and I've used it several times also,,, "don't be afraid",,, "don't worry",,,
Jesus tells us to obey His word and this was something that He wanted the disciples to understand,,, and this was something that He knew that we would struggle with and that's why it's mentioned several times and in different ways.
Kaye has fussed at me this week for ignoring this and I confess that I was and I’ve asked forgiveness from God for it too.
Aaron has gotten on to me about worry at another time in the past also.
Why am I telling you this?
Mainly to let you know that even though I’m up here behind this pulpit,,, I’m still human and I’m still able to make mistakes.
I’m not perfect,,, even though I strive to be as Christ like as I can,,, I still fall short!
Just like we all do!
That’s why we should all be accountable to one another and why it’s so important to be involved in a congregation where we are loved enough that someone can correct us in love if we are wrong.
That’s why that we need to be in constant prayer for each other because we don’t ever know what someone might be going through.
When you are praying for someone,,, your love for them shows.
And it's this love that we have for each other that will hold us up when we are going trials.
It’s through this love,,, that we know that we aren't alone as we struggle!
Here in verse 32 Jesus says: 32 Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom.
In the previous verses Jesus had been teaching them about being anxious or worrying.
I've already confessed about my doubts and worries,,, now I'm going to touch on the worries that we have as a nation.
As I mentioned earlier I forgot to lift up the victims of the shootings that occurred last week,,, during our service.
This week we have heard over and over about these shootings and we as a nation are hurting,,, saddened,,, shocked,,, angry,,, with feelings of disbelief,,,
As we have heard in the last week,,, over and over about the shootings that I failed to mention during time of asking for prayer concerns,,, we as a nation are hurting,,, saddened,,, shocked,,, angry,,, feelings of disbelief,,,
We just can't understand these senseless shootings and why they keep happening.
There have been several instances where people have heard noises that they thought were gun shots and panicked.
In New York City in Times Square,,, a motorcycle backfire caused pedestrians to run for their lives or so they thought at the time.
In a shopping mall in West Valley City, Utah,,, the crashing sound of a sign falling down startled shoppers who ran for cover and hid in stores before realizing it was a false alarm.
These are noises that before last weekend would have possibly been ignored,,, but now,,, they send people running for their lives.
At least that’s what they thought at the time.
Here in our state we've had the largest ice raid in the countries history and children were in their first day of school during that time.
When the children got out of school,,, they found that in some instances both parents were gone.
Whether you agree with these raids or not,,, this part of it could have been handled better.
We live in a messed up world right now and everyone on the republican side is mad at the democrats and the democrats are mad at the republicans and we don't have anyone acting like Americans.
Satan is having a field day with all of these angry people because he knows that as long as he can keep us fighting amongst ourselves then we won't begin to work together and get things done!
It also helps him to keep God out of the picture because he knows that without us showing love for each other,,, it will never happen!
Even though that's what is really needed now!
Jesus is telling them to not be afraid because as He said in the previous verses,,, God will take care of you and you don't have to worry.
In verses 22 through 31 leading up to the verses for today,,, Jesus gives examples and tries to ease our fears of worry by letting us know that He will take care of us if we are seeking His will and doing everything that we can to improve the Kingdom of God.
He also tells us that worry is foolish because there is nothing that can be accomplished by it.
So what can we do?
We need God back in our country but He isn't going to be allowed in without love!
Jesus gave us the greatest commandment in : Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Love is the key to all of our problems and it starts with the local church and members.
If every local church,,, and every member nationwide,,, begins to respond to every problem that we have with love for one another,,, soon all of our problems would be taken care of.
It would help to solve our problems because right now we can’t figure anything out because of all the hateful things that are said,,, on both sides!
We concentrate on the arguing instead of working together to find a solution!
Now you might be thinking that we can't do any good in our little church,,, but it has to start somewhere and just maybe,,, if enough love is shared locally,,, then it will most certainly spread further than we will ever know.
And even if it doesn't go any further than this community,,, it will definitely make a difference in the way that we get along with those that we disagree with,,, because we can love them even if we don't see things the same way!
Now going back to the scripture for today,,, in verses 33 and 34 Jesus said: 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow old, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We must help those in need.
We can't ignore them and expect to be recognized by Jesus when we come before Him in judgement.
By helping those that need our help,,, we make treasures in Heaven that no one can steal or anything destroy.
This goes back to the scripture that we had last week about greed because if we are helping others instead of storing up worldly treasures,,, then we are storing up Heavenly treasures.
Also the feelings of peace and contentment from helping others is priceless and cannot be stolen or destroyed.
Continuing on in verses 35 -38: 35 “Be ready for service and have your lamps lit. 36 You must be like people waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for him at once. 37 Those slaves the master will find alert when he comes will be blessed. I assure you: He will get ready, have them recline at the table, then come and serve them. 38 If he comes in the middle of the night, or even near dawn, and finds them alert, those slaves are blessed.
This is one of two parables that Jesus tells in these scriptures.
In this one,,, Jesus is telling them they must be prepared,,, ready,,, and waiting.
In the King James Version,,, in verse 35 it says: Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning.
“Gird your loins” means “be prepared;” tuck your garments into your belt so you can run.
Similarly, in is the expression “gird up the loins of your mind.”
When Jesus returns we must have our minds made up,,, be living for Christ,,, ready and focused on living the life that He has called us to live.
The Israelites were told to eat the first Passover meal and be ready to depart from Egypt, “with your loins girt, sandals on your feet and staff in your hand, you shall eat like those in flight.”
That's what Jesus meant when He told them to be prepared.
Jesus told them that they must be like slaves that are waiting on their master to return home from the wedding banquet.
They don't know what time he will arrive but they must be ready when he does show up.
Whether it's early or late,,, it didn't matter,,, they must be ready.
Then in verse 39 it says: 39 But know this: If the homeowner had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into.
The main point here is that Jesus will be like a thief in the night that comes without warning.
We never expect a thief in the night because if we had any idea that he was coming then we would be ready for him,,, so it's something that we don't watch for and it's always unexpected when it happens.
That's why Jesus used a thief as an example along with the servants who were expecting their master that night because Jesus didn't want anyone to think that we would know what day,,, night,,, or,,, time,,, Jesus would come.
Verse 40 says: 40 You also be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”
What Jesus means is to always be ready,,, because we don't know when He is coming back.
We must be like the servants that are expected to be waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding banquet.
And just like the thief in the night,,, that we don't know what time,,, day or night when it will show up,,, we won't know what time or day that Jesus is coming either.
And when He does come back,,, then it will be sudden,,, immediately we will know,,, but there is nothing we can do then,,, because it will happen without any warning.
That's why He has waited so long in coming back.
He is going to give as many as He can,,, a chance to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
New International Version (NIV)
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
There are preacher's today who will tell you that the time is getting close for Jesus to come again and I agree that it certainly seems that way,,, but,,, we don't know the hour or the day,,, we can't predict it!
It can be this very minute,,, later today,,, tonight,,, tomorrow,,, we just don't know!
And when it's something that's so important,,, we are talking about eternity after all,,, we need to be ready at any minute!
We need to understand that God has been waiting for those that haven't accepted that call yet.
But time could be running out,,, He won't wait forever,,,
Just like the days of Noah,,, when God shut the door on the ark that Noah built and no-one else could get in,,,
And the morning when God sent the fire down on Sodom and Gomorrah,,, and all of the others stayed in the city,,,
Time is running out and it's your choice!
You have to make that decision,,, no one can do it for you.
I'm praying that today is the day that you will make that choice,,, if you haven’t already,,, and accept Jesus as your Savior because we aren't ever promised tomorrow.
So as we begin our week,,, I want us to remember to pray for our country,,, our president and other elected officials,,, our neighbors,,, our schools,,, students and teachers,,, everyone,,, because we need God back in this country today more than ever.
The events of the last two weeks have hurt many and Satan is doing everything that he can,,, to divide us more and more.
At the same time,,, I want us to be aware that we are told over and over to be ready,,, Jesus is coming again.
And it will be like a thief in the night,,, unexpected,,, unannounced,,, no warning,,, except,,, maybe,,, for the warning that you hear today.
So as we sing our final hymn,,, let me remind you that the alter is always open,,,
If you feel God speaking to you,,, don't hesitate to come,,, maybe you just have questions,,, God will answer,,, you just have to ask Him,,, whatever the need may be,,,
As we sing the final hymn,,, come if needed!
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Seminary - Hymn Page - 382
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