5.6.37 8.11.2019 1 Peter 2.1-10 A Sense of Belonging

Sermon Tone Analysis
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Entice: It is impossible to pursue God without being surrounded by people. Some try. What ever it is they think they find it is not Biblically defined Christian faith. Yes, Jesus is the foundation stone, the corner-orienting stone.
Entice: It is impossible to pursue God without being surrounded by people. Some try. What ever it is they think they find it is not Biblically defined Christian faith. Yes, Jesus is the
foundation stone, the corner-orienting stone.
Engage: What is being founded? What is it that needs orientation? Why, the Church of course! Salvation was never extended to me, it was extended to "we". God's work was plural in concept from the very beginning. The evil genius of the last 120 years was the recasting and removal of what the bible clearly teaches.
in concept from the very beginning. The evil genius of the last 120 years was the recasting and removal of what the bible clearly teaches.

It is nearly impossible to preach Jesus without preaching about the Church.

God thinks things about the Church that the world misses. Because it only sees the flaws of fallen men. It does not see the enabling presence of God’s Spirit, the empowering reality of resurrection, or the sanctifying choice of Jesus. Of all the literature in the NT there is no more profound a statement of what God thinks of us than
1 Peter 2:1–10 ESV
1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. 4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” 7 So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” 8 and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do. 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Us is we. The Church. His people. His Son's body. The bride.
fallen men. It does not see the enabling presence of God’s Spirit, the empowering reality of resurrection, or the sanctifying choice of Jesus. Of all the literature in the NT there is no
Us is we. The Church. His people. His Son's body. The bride. Holy People. Chosen People. Empowered people.

Holy People

more profound a statement of what God thinks of us that . Us is we. The Church. His people. His Son's body. The bride. Holy People. Chosen People. Empowered

Chosen People

Empowered people

Excite: I cannot think of anything the world needs more in 2019 than a powerful, Biblical image of the Church. People feel like they do not belong. In the connected age people are
\Excite: I cannot think of anything the world needs more in 2019 than a powerful, Biblical image of the Church. People feel like they do not belong. In the connected age people are
Excite: I cannot think of anything the world needs more in 2019 than a powerful, Biblical image of the Church. People feel like they do not belong. In the connected age people are somehow more isolated. Promises of intimacy and presence multiply and then quickly disappoint. In Jesus and His Church there is a profound, eternal, transforming place to belong.
Excite: I cannot think of anything the world needs more in 2019 than a powerful, Biblical image of the Church. People feel like they do not belong. In the connected age people are
somehow more isolated. Promises of intimacy and presence multiply and this disappoint. In Jesus and His Church there is a profound, eternal, transforming place to belong.

We find our place in Jesus within His body the Church.

Explain: Peter reminds of both of God's actions for us and our responses to Him.
Body of Sermon:

1 God Nourishes us.

1 God Nourishes us.

1.1 When we reject the "junk food" that feeds our passions.

1.1 When we reject the "junk food"

that feeds our passions.
1.2 When we accept the pure food which provides growth.

1.2 When we accept the pure food

which provides growth.
2 God Chooses us.

2 God Chooses us.

2.1 God's Choice is in Jesus…

2.1 God's Choice is in Jesus

2.2 God's Choice transforms us…

2.2 God's Choice transforms us…

2.2.1 Living stones

Living stones

2.2.2 Spiritual House

Spiritual House

2.2.3 Holy priesthood offering acceptable, spiritual sacrifices.

Holy priesthood

offering acceptable, spiritual sacrifices.
3 God Establishes us.

3 God Establishes us.

3.1 Upon the foundation stone which is Christ. 6

3.1 Upon the foundation stone which is Christ. 6

3.1 Upon the foundation stone which is Christ. 6

3.2 Because we accept Him in faith. 7, 8

3.2 Because we accept Him in faith. 7, 8

4 God Cherishes us.

4 God Cherishes us. 9,10

4.1 By giving us a renewed identity.

4.1 By giving us a renewed identity.

4.2 By providing a profound purpose

4.2 By providing a profound purpose

How do you “cherish” a great wide receiver? Get him the ball! Great hitter? Get him at bats! God cherishes us by writing our name into the lineup!
4.2.1 This is possible because God acts first and most powerfully in Jesus. All that God does to save and sanctify us He does in and through His chosen Christ.
4.2.1 This is possible because God acts first and most powerfully in Jesus. All that God does to save and sanctify us He does in and through His chosen Christ.
4.2.2 It is God’s loving attention to us which gives us the capacity to change the world. We change the world by proclaiming the transforming word by which He calls us out of
4.2.2 It is this, attention to us which gives us the capacity to change the world. We change the world by proclaiming the transforming word by which He calls us out of darkness into the overwhelming light of His own goodness and grace.
darkness into the overwhelming light of His own goodness and grace.

darkness into the overwhelming light of His own goodness and grace.

Us is we…we Are His Church:

Us is we…we Are His Church:

The persistent problem in the 20th & 21st century church is to view the blessings of the Church through purely individualistic eyes.
The persistent problem in the 20th & 21st century church is to view the blessings of the Church through purely individualistic eyes.
God nourishes His church…and through it you & I
God chooses His church….and through it you & I
God establishes His church…and through it you & I
God cherishes His church…and through it you and I.
It's not just a complaint for preachers and elders who have a "vested" interest in attendance, buildings, and community standing. That is what many who object to the church
It's not just a complaint for preachers and elders who have a "vested" interest in attendance, buildings, and community standing. That is what many who object to the church while claiming their allegiance to Jesus and freedom from public profession or worship miss entirely. I'm just preaching the text. God said it.
while claiming their allegiance to Jesus and freedom from public profession or worship miss entirely. I'm just preaching the text. God said it.
Yes…we preach Jesus. The cornerstone of the Church. We preach Jesus who died…for the Church. We serve Jesus whose Spirit…fills the Church. If you join Jesus you are joining the Church and I think it right to join the body which meets here in this place to extend the Father's blessings to this town.
Yes…we preach Jesus. The cornerstone of the Church. We preach Jesus who died…for the Church. We serve Jesus whose Spirit…fills the Church. If you join Jesus you are joining
the Church and I think it right to join the body which meets here in this place to extend the Father's blessings to this town.
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