Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Priscilla & Aquilla - Faithful Fellow Workers
Sometimes in life, we focus our attention on those who see to attract more attention than others.
Usually, it is not that they are asking for more attention.
Often because they are more visible.
In football they would be the quarterback and those who carry the football.
In hockey, they are usually the forwards or the goalie.
In the minds if some they are the only ones who are doing anything meaningful.
Restaurants - all of the folks who are part of the food delivery/service providers
Open kitchens - behind a long counter
Retail service providers - every member of the team is important and integral
The same is true in Gospel ministry - team ministry - we are only as strong as our weakest link.
Even those who might be perceived as weaker links are important and indispensible.
1 Cor 12:
1 Cor 12:
In Luke’s extended accounted of “Acts” - praxeis/praxis - the achievements of great men of God - i.e. the Apostles - he was careful to note others, like Aquila and Priscilla, whom God also used.
And lest we think that Luke was the only one to note the integral contribution of Priscilla and Aquila, today we will also consider the Apostle Paul’s summary of their ministry impact.
At the close of his Epistle to the Romans, Paul referred to them as “faithful fellow workers in Christ Jesus” -
Luke noted and Paul affirmed that Priscilla and Aquila were fellow:
Workers - 18:1-5
Corinth - Paul found them there - already believers - no doubt part of an existing congregation
Strategic Location
Commercial center in Greece on an isthmus - connecting two larger land masses - Pelopponesian Peninsula & the rest of Greece - separating two bodies of water - cc Panama, NB & NS
Because it was a 200-mile sail around the peninsula, some ships were put on rollers and pulled across the 4-mile bridge of land.
In A.D. 67 Nero began work on a canal, but one was not completed until 1893.
Transitional moving population
Temple of Aphrodite - 1000 temple priestesses - ritual prostitutes
Jewish believers forced from Rome - 18:1-2
Edict of Claudius - Emperor of Rome - AD 41-54 - referred to
That decree is mentioned by Roman historian Suetonius, who wrote, “As the Jews were indulging in constant riots at the instigation of Chrestus, [Claudius] banished them from Rome” (Life of Claudius 25.4, cited in F. F. Bruce, The Book of the Acts, The New International Commentary on the New Testament [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971], 368).
Since Chrestus differs in only one letter from Christus (Latin for “Christ”), it is commonly assumed that Suetonius refers to disturbances in the Jewish community sparked by the preaching of Christ.
Writing seventy years after the fact, he wrongly assumed Chrestus (Christ) to have been in Rome instigating the riots.
Probably part of initial group of believers that formed the church in Rome.
Not listed among converts in Corinth
Potentially discouraging for Priscilla & Aquila.
Also for Paul - thrown in prison in Philippi - - After reasonable success in Thessalonica - 17:4 - forced to flee to Berea - 17:10 - where many believed - but Paul had to flee again because of those who agitated and stirred up the crowds - 17:13-14 - arrived alone in Athens - 17:15 - some believed, some mocked him - 17:32 - would seem that mockers outnumbered believers.
In his Epistle referred to how fragile he felt - cc ; Acts 16:22-24
1 Thess
In Corinth found Priscilla & Aquila - Paul would have looked for tentmakers and the temple - a place to preach the Gospel.
Were it not for them, Paul would have been alone - 17:16; 18:5
Therefore a Christian community there.
Tent makers - 18:3
Aquila from Pontus - Asia minor - south shore of Black Sea
Tent maker can also refer to leather worker - some tents made out of leather
Paul lived and worked with them - 18:3
Enabled Paul’s reasoning and testifying - 18:4-5
Every Sabbath in the synagogue
Jews and Greeks - Greeks proselytes to Judaism - while main faith connects are as much ethnicity and birth, some Greeks had embraced Judaism - faith and way of life including Sabbath worship in the synagogue.
Reasoning and persuading - preached plus some give and take questions and answers all focused on Jesus Christ and the Gospel.
Persuading - encouraged belief - that Jesus Christ was Israel’s Lord and Messiah, the Saviour from sin and hell.
Paul was not talking hypothetical theories.
He had embraced Judaism 110% came the conclusion knowing Jesus was all that was worth holding onto.
Phil 3:
Behind the scenes support for Paul’s 1.5 years of ministry in Corinth - 18:5-12
Occupied with the Word - versus - pressed in the Spirit - KJV - all Greeks texts logos
Testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus
Justus - worshipper of God - home next to the synagogue not a believer but open - term used of Lydia - 16:14
Crispus ruler of the synagogue believed
Unrest - 18:12
Paul afraid - The Lord said in a vision -
1.5 years teaching the word of God - longest stay in any city except Ephesus - 3 years - - Rome - 2 yrs - 28:30
Reasoners/Instructors - 18:18-19; 24-28
Continued to enable Paul - 18:18-19
Traveled with Paul (sailing to Syria) from Cenchrae - east side of isthmus/Corinth on west side.
Speaks of a stable congregation with adequate leadership.
Phebe - servant - deacon of the church in Cenchrae - Rom 16:1
Paul’s Nazarite vow - pledge of separation and devotion to God - , ; ; ; Jn the Baptist - .
In Paul’s day, rather than be a vow for life, it was for a specific period and the hair was cut when not in Jerusalem, the removed hair was to taken to the temple in Jerusalem - some say within 30 days.
Paul’s vow seems to be gratitude for God’s help during the turmoil in Corinth.
Sailed with Paul to Ephesus - left by Paul there - get settled and business.
Paul to synagogue - reasoned with the Jews.
Preached to the Jews first.
It seems that when he took that approach, the Gentiles also welcomed him, but not visa versa.
Paul declined the invitation to stay longer - sailed from Ephesus - Caesarea - Antioch - Galatia & Phrygia
Went up & greeted the church - suggests Jerusalem - down to Antioch - beginning of 3rd miss’y journey
Continued by instructing Apollos - 18:24-28
While Apollos is understandably the focal point, mainly it seems because of his fervency and boldness in teaching, the fact of the matter was that while he was sincere, his theological training was not complete.
Apollos from Corinth - wished to cross to Achaia - Acts 18:27
Ministry strengths:
Competent in the Scriptures - competent - used only here - along with eloquence enabled him to refute the Jews.
Had been instructed in the way of the Lord.
Did not understand the basics of Jesus - death, burial, resurrection & Holy Spirit
What God expected His people to observe.
This term was used re Abraham, all of Israel, Samuel’s prayer for Israel - , David’s song of deliverance - ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; , ; Hos 14:9
2 Sam
Rejected by most.
Taught accurately things of Jesus - the Messiah to come - though he knew only the baptism of John - repent and be baptised the kingdom of God is at hand.
What Apollos taught, he taught accurately, but he did not teach all that aught to teach - not teaching baptism in the name of Jesus - Holy Spirit had not come on those whom he taught - 9:1-10
Taught the way of the Lord - 18:25 - versus the Way - 19:9 .
Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos the way of God more accurately and APOLLOS ACCEPTED THEIR TEACHING.
THIS TELLS US MUCH ABOUT THESE THREE - Grace and truth with a 3 way commitment to the Word and best complete fully accurate theology.
Ministry of Apollos became even more effective - 18:27-28
Risk takers/givers - :
Risked their necks for Paul’s life - 16:4
Risked stability when approached Apollos
Hosted the church in Rome & Corinth - 16:5 - cc
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9