Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I. Introduction
a. Scripture: John 14:7-15
And as always, I’m going to ask you to stand with me, if you are able, as we read from God’s Holy, Perfect, Sufficient and inerrant Word.
Thank you, and you may be seated.
a. Feast of the Passover - In the upper room with the Disciples
He is there for the Last Supper with them - Just washed their feet
He has just predicted His betrayal...”Lord is it I???” All confused - Identified the betrayer with dipped morsel of bread…and it was Judas… - really this was a final a warning to Judas…Jesus washed His feet, shared the Word with Him and warned Him…Judas had time to change his mind...
Gives the betrayer permission: - “what you do, do quickly”
Jesus sensed that His disciples were troubled and wanted to encourage them…
Let’s them know that He is where there hope is found…and that HE is the only way.
e. Jesus is still there in the upper room…reclining and relaxing w/disciples…will spend a great deal of time there with them over the next couple of chapters, in order to teach them....this is a special is their very last meal together in this life....and that’s where we left off last time.
John 14:
Major Points
1. Get Out of Your Head
2. You Must KNOW Jesus; Not Just Know ABOUT Him
3. Prayer is a Privilege
Point #1: Get Out of Your Head
John 14:7-8
a. Philip seemed to have trouble with his eyes…back in Chapter 1 and verse 46 he said “Come and see!”.....he saw a big crowd in Chapter 6 and verse 7 and thought there was no way Jesus could feed them....and NOW He tells Jesus that if ONLY Jesus will let them SEE the Father, that will be enough for Him...
Sounds like he has eye trouble, doesn’t it?
But really, what Philip has is heart trouble…His heart isn’t right because He isn’t trusting God’s Word.
c. Jesus told the Disciples clearly: if you’ve seen HIM, you have seen God have seen the Father....
But Philip couldn’t get out of His own head....He was simply trying to hard and over thinking it....Jesus said “trust me”....and
He couldn’t figure it out....He was simply stuck in his own head.
In college, I had the opportunity to hear a lecture by Dr. Jim Lovell....for those of you who remember, Dr. Lovell was the commander of the Apollo 13 mission…At that lecture, he explained the disaster his crew encountered in outer space....While on their mission, there was an explosion on board.
Several major functions on the aircraft lost function, including their air supply.
The autopilot was also damaged…so Lovell had to bring the ship back in manually.
On the Apollo ships, there was a control for the aircraft to go up and down and a separate control to go right and left....and the window to see what was happening outside was not like the large windows that the space shuttles of today was less than a foot wide and a foot high....Jim looked out of the small window and operated one of the controls and one of the other astronauts, Fred Haise, operated the other control as Jim shouted instructions....two men steering together, but only one could see....if the aircraft came in too steep, it would come in at the wrong angle and burn up in the atmosphere....if it came in too shallow, it would bounce off of our atmosphere and go flying off into space....and if that happened, there was not enough fuel to turn around and try again......
What if Fred Haise had questioned everything Jim Lovell said to him as they were zipping back towards earth at 2,000 mph....when milliseconds count because you don’t even have seconds....Fred couldn’t be inside his head and question everything....He had to TRUST his commander and do as he was told.
Church: Philip wasn’t trusting Jesus....He loved Jesus and respected Him....He spent time with Him....but
He wouldn’t TRUST Him....Is there ANYTHING God can’t do? - Philip saw large crowd and said “we can’t feed all these people!”....REALLY?
Jesus couldn’t handle that?
Church: In our own lives....a lot of times we LOVE Jesus....we appreciate Him and what He did on the cross, but we don’t TRUST Him....
That’s why:
We worry…what good does it do to worry?
Drives up your blood pressure, shortens your life, and doesn’t do a thing to help your situation....98% of what we worry about never happens.
We worry and say things like “well I know God’s got it in His hands,” but we don’t really believe it because we continue right on worrying about it!
Give it that thing you’re worried about to God and leave it....quit dwelling on it....
You might say “well Vic that’s easier said than done”....yes it is if you try to handle that anxiety and even depression on your own
That’s why we need to pray....write this down: ”your prayers are only as powerful as you believe the One who hears them is.”
You cannot “give your worries” to God if you don’t pray to Him about them....
That’s why we need to turn to His Word....because in life, we don’t understand everything....Philip didn’t understand this oneness between Jesus and God....that Jesus is part of the Triune he dwelt on it and asked for proof....
When you don’t understand, you have to rely on HIM! Put your faith in HIM! Give HIM your worries....because Philip looked at a crowd and said “this is impossible” and Jesus said “watch this!”
Church: how many of you are glad that nothing is impossible with God, amen?
Get out of your head....if Jesus says it is so, it’s so, regardless of what the world tries to tell you.
Get out of your head, and trust the Lord, amen?
V. Point #2: You Must KNOW Jesus; Not Just Know ABOUT Him
John 14:9-12
a. Jesus is pressing the point “I and the Father are ONE”....what
He is saying is that there is a Trinity....the word isn’t in the Bible, but the doctrine and concept are taught clearly....God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit....and this is a difficult concept....but Jesus is just trying to get Philip to understand His Deity....that
He is MORE than just a man: That He is also coequal with God the Father and Holy Spirit....that
He IS God…and that if you know HIM, you know God...
Philip’s response shows just how little he understand about Jesus…and Jesus tells Him that he has spent all this time with Him, but he misses this fundamental truth....that Jesus is SO MUCH more than a man: He is GOD in flesh.
Philip spent three years at Jesus’ side but still missed this.
Jesus says: if you won’t believe my words (lack of trust), then believe my works!…
But then Jesus fully defines faith: He says those who are TRULY blessed are those who have learned to really trust me....Jesus says “if you can believe me based on my works, then latte da, good for you....but that requires no trust on your part....If you can trust based on my WORDS....THEN you have fully submitted yourself to God and you REALLY trust Me....”
e. See this is the difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Him....Philip knew Jesus in the flesh....spent time by His side....could probably quote Him....but
He didn’t truly understand who Jesus REALLY was....and His ignorance here showed that....He didn’t even believe it based on Jesus’ works…he couldn’t have possibly trusted Jesus to be that skeptical.
I need to take a moment here to apologize to my wife....because I SHOULD trust her all the time....but I can be a bit skeptical sometimes…A couple of weeks ago we were in Wal-Mart....and she saw a person there that lives over an hour away and, the best I could tell, had no reason whatsoever to be in Swainsboro, never saw the woman....but when we got to the car, Hannah told me that she saw her....and I didn’t believe her....I even confessed to her “babe, I’m not calling you a liar, I just think you may be mistaken....I would need to see her because her being there was so out of context and crazy in my mind....” Hannah got mad at me and said her word should’ve been enough for me....and I confessed that it just wasn’t, I would’ve needed to see the woman.
Now that was wrong....I should’ve believed her to start with....but fellas I made a mistake and should’ve let it go....but instead I stood my ground....which we all know is a fruitless endeavor....It wasn’t even that big a deal....I should’ve TRUSTED her, despite my lack of evidence.
So Hanner, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.
Church: Let me tell you WHY I’m sorry about that, because I KNOW my wife…and she has NEVER lied to me....not once....she is usually better at identifying people than I am....I had no reason to doubt her, no matter how unlikely the situation was.
I SHOULD have trusted my wife like that....and WE should trust God like that.
Because I KNOW my wife....we’ve been together for a decade and married for half of that time....that should be enough for me....but you know what?
I’ve known Jesus a lot longer than that....and if I can’t trust Him, maybe I don’t REALLY KNOW Him, you know?
The same Jesus that was the agent of creation....the same one who healed the lame and the blind....the same one who flipped the world upside down and saved my soul....the same Jesus that conquered death and was raised from the dead....WHY don’t we trust Him?
Because we know ALL about Him....but many of us don’t really know Him....If you don’t REALLY KNOW Jesus, it’s because you don’t do these four things:
Spend precious time in prayer with Him
Spend time in His Word
Spend time with His people
Spend time serving Him
- That’s what Heaven is going to be all about....serving and worshipping Jesus....if you don’t like serving him now I don’t know what you want to go to Heaven for…you wouldn’t enjoy Heaven....that’s all we’re going to do there, amen?
You better get used to serving Him now.
Church: it’s time we got to really KNOW Jesus and spent time with Him…
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