Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Scripture Reading & Prayer
There’s no shortage of darkness in our world.
It bombards us every single day when we hear the news of hatred, violence, petty partisans picking one another apart like buzzards on a dead carcass.
It’s dark…it’s black…pitch black.
Worse still, the experts on every side of an issue believe they are the ones carrying the light.
But it’s an illusion…part of Satan’s deception.
Even the church, sadly, can get sidetracked with all of the rhetoric, political correctness, and self-righteousness, so much so that we lose sight of who we are and what we are called to be and do in this world.
It’s true, Bible-believing people do not believe there are more than 2 genders…God only made 2. We don’t believe a homosexual lifestyle is ok, because it is very clear in the Bible that it is not at all God’s plan for His creation.
We know from the Bible that people living together outside of marriage have circumvented God’s design and are on shaky ground.
There are many other moral and spiritual issues I could point to as being contradictory to God’s word.
Do I think pointing out all these things to the world will change their minds about how they live?
No, because people cannot be changed unless their heart is changed.
Without the light of Christ, the world stumbles in darkness, mistaking lies for truth, down as up, wrong as right.
What is needed is a bright light to bring the truth into focus.
Where does that light come from?
Christ chooses you to bring His light to hearts lost in this dark world
Interrogatory: If Christ chooses us to bring light to His world…we ought to point that light where all can see rather than hide it away.
Hidden Light is no light at all
Transitional: One indispensable way to bring light to a dark world is to simply speak the word of truth…the Good News…let it be part of our normal vocabulary through the day.
Big Idea Christ chooses you, His followers, to bring His light to hearts lost in this dark world
Words that shatter darkness
Witnesses shatter the darkness
Witnesses — they testify in a court setting - Jesus was setting the stage for them to be the messengers of His Kingdom…empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Witness — martyr — sometimes the person willing to speak out ends up losing everything … but they are will because the message is non-negotiable.
When we openly and joyfully acknowledge who Jesus is, our witness of the truth blows a hole in the darkness…the roaches scatter!
When we openly and joyfully acknowledge who Jesus is, our witness of the truth blows a hole in the darkness…the roaches scatter!
Witnesses shatter the darkness
They give a first hand account of what they know to be true
In it says that they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…even in the face of martyrdom
Teachers shatter the darkness
Teachers shatter the darkness
Teachers make and keep disciples that boldy speak the name of Jesus through their own personal testimony
Mt. 5:
A disciple is a follower of Christ — an open vessel…ready to be filled with the life-giving truth of God’s word
A disciple is an open vessel…ready to be filled with the life-giving truth of God’s word
Are you a witness for Christ?
Do you testify about what you know first hand?
Do you desire to teach others and help them follow Jesus too?
Transitional: Words are a must…but if they are not accompanied by a lifestyle that reflects those words, then your heart is out of sync with the heart of God
Works that spotlight the heart
Works, in our conversation today, are not necessarily specific things like feeding the hungry, volunteering, or other visible acts that people might call good works (those are all important)
What we do is vital when we have the mind of Christ
Works that spotlight the heart
What about...
These two passages force us to think...
…that they may see your good deeds and glorify the father
…if you practice your good works to be seen…no reward in heaven
Here’s what I know…
Motivation matters — the condition of the heart matters — our surrender to Jesus, every part of who we are from the inside out matters
What is the catalyst behind your good works?
To be seen by men or to pursue what moves the heart of God?
What we do is vital because of what we are up against
What we do is vital because of what we are up against
Romans 1:
What we do…how we live our lives, is of extreme importance to the Kingdom of God
Not so we can look spiritual
But so people can see the legimate image of Christ in our lives, as we live this life with a humbe, real desire to please Him
Challenge — What will you do, knowing that Christ chooses you to bring His light to hearts lost in this dark world?
People see how we live and hear what we say
People see how we live and hear what we say
They judge us —
Do they see a sincere person truly living to honor Christ, imperfect as we are?
Christ chooses you to bring His light to hearts lost in this dark world
Why do you suppose Jesus told the disciples to let their light so shine before men so that the Father may beglorified?
Pride, ego, selfishness,sin…the enemy is always looking for an opportunity.
We are called to let our light shine before men is to force us to depend upon the Lord to make it possible.
Another reason — that we might spur one another on to good works that glorify the father.
(Heb 10:24)
Make a committment today
Make a committment today
With God’s help, I will listen daily, through His Word and prayer.
I will learn to depend upon Him for the strenght to live in such a way that my works (everything I say and do) will give glory to Him and shine the light of Christ all around me.
With God’s help, I will take my eyes off myself because, in my own strenght, I am bound to fail.
Rather I will keep my eyes on Him and live for Him by His power working in me
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