Week 8 - The Act of Service

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Participating in the Divine Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:11
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Well, our current study participating in the Divine Life comes right from the verse in 2nd Peter 1:4, where says that God has given us his precious magnificent promises that we might become partakers in the divine nature. No shirt with you how how mind blowing up phrases that we might become partakers in the divine nature. And this is nothing less than what we are called to we are called to this with our life with our very being we are called not only to emulate Christ but to be transformed into the image of God son to be transformed into the very likeness of Christ. That is our purpose is to become like him as soon as we've been going through is been those things by which we do that sews things that God has given to us that we might participate in this Divine Life that we live. Now this being seated in the Heavenly places. Now those things that that form us The transform us into the image of God. Well this morning we're talking about service and this week that the title just popped in my head the act of service and we went to eat with the art of worship a couple weeks ago, but the active service and it just came to my mind and so I was like, what are you what are you talkin about? Brain? What is this active mean? When we talk about service we talk about things plural write the active service. So there should be more than one the acts of service you would think but no I realized as I have this conversation with my brain that is not just doing acts of service not just surveying but it is a singular Act of service. It is service itself the Springs forth from everything we've been talking about and we talked we started this transition last week with fasting how how prayer how meditating on God's word how I'll study His word on how worship. Close out into external access flows out into things that I would say things that we do but really close out into things that happened I so I have an idea of the act of service because it is it self service itself is an act of worship it is that outflowing that thing that flows out of us from our relationship with the Lord from from being with him in his word. This is what naturally happens and it is serviced. That is one of those things it in within the scope of we're talking about service is one of those things that helps form us. It helps form us into the image of God Son as it says in the end of Romans chapter 3. So service itself forms us into the image of God's son. And so while service is it is an act of worship. We can also like this with last week last week. We we talked about fasting but it was a lot more than just fasting fasting and courses of denial of the Flesh of something that which is good. You deny it for a time and one of the purposes especially with this idea of being formed in the image of Christ is this idea of purgation of purification of all of those lusts and desires that we still have cuz if you can set aside food for a while and we have no small attraction to food. We're going to go indulge today good thing the fasting one didn't fall on our potluck Sunday, right? But yet so fasting helps us learn how to control our appetites literally but also our spiritual appetites that which we lost four and I want to share this photo Robert Mulholland from last week about what purgation purification is. He says it is the process of bring our Behavior or attitudes and our desires into increasing harmony with our growing perception of what the Christ like life is all about super gation brings our Behavior attitudes and desires into harmony with Christ. And so we can also therefore see how service is can also flow out of this as serving others brings our Behavior attitudes and desires into formation with Christ and like we talked about them with this idea. What purgation in fasting is we talked about how it's it really is freedom fasting is freedom because you are shadow of your desire Your Lust for material things are things of this world that are in themselves right and good but often like we have said we have wronged them by loving them in the wrong measure. And so when we do that we begin to say no to self we have this freedom and now we pulled from this idea and this is going to float perfectly what we talked about today and you'll see why Galatians 5:1 it was for Freedom that Christ set us free. Therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery and then 13 / you were called to Freedom Brethren only do not your turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh but through love sir one another. So again back to this idea of an act of service because the mere Act of service is realizing it is is the result of living life in Christ, of course service manifest itself in a lot of different ways different ways for each one of us. We are all gifted with many different things. But also it's difference between each one of us. Some will be gifted at carpentry some not so much sun will be gifted it one thing or multiple things and and others are gift did another things which is why I love the passage this morning that James red is that we are all a part of the body we wear out you got to call the apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the Work of the ministry. We all have different gifts, but we're going to talk about all those different gifts for what it means to serve because to be a disciple of Christ to be like Christ is to serve as of this morning where to look at this Inn in three different ways, you know is in in the end of the few weeks. We looked at up for prayer and since you know to two weeks what it is and then we looked at a model for prayer. We did the same with worship what it is and then what it looks like. Well I got three for you today. What a coup and a how So did to be a disciple of Christ is to serve and serving as an act of worship and a result of living life in Christ will be the first thing we talked about and it is that a result of living life in Christ. That is a lifestyle of Love displayed by taking up that same calling an example given to us by the Lord as it was going to break this down as we go. So to begin with service is an act of worship in the results of living life in Christ what turn of me to Philippians chapter 2 and we are going to have a lot of different passages today. I'll put a lot of money on the board doing all these jot them down and read them later, but we'll be spending some time with Philippians chapter 2 today beginning in first 12 and go backwards a little bit later on. Philippians chapter 2 verses 12 through 15. I'll probably stop at 13 and go to 1415 after we'll see so then my beloved just as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more my absence work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God. Who is it working you both to Will and to do for his good pleasure. Yeah. I did work out your salvation now, that's It if you that might cause you some problems if you're thinking it says work for this doesn't say work for your salvation. Alright, we of course we do not earn salvation by any means Palm Lakes this clear the very nature of Grace and what it is makes this clear. You cannot earn something that is a free gift. So Paul is not saying here work for your salvation. He says work out your salvation. No question. We have another term for this in our culture. We maybe just don't think it would come to scripture but we we talked about working out, right? That's what he says. So what does it mean to workout exercise he saying exercise your salvation that which you have work it out. And so we see that this part of participating in Divine Life this service. Is the Divine Life working itself out of you and think that at that it's maybe idea of a minister. You know, it's it it's a grand position. It's a it's a great title or Deacon to be a deacon. That's that's a glorious title to be a minister of a pastor or a deacon but to be a minister literally means to be a servant we will use the word Deacon as an office, but it comes from Acts chapter 6 where they of the Apostles appointed or had them appoint people to minister to the table to serve the needs of the community and they're they're not called deacons specifically, but the phrase to serve tables is the good for dieting where we get Deacon. So to be a deacon this great glorious title this position with a church is to be a servant it is to serve others. So to be a minister is also its to be a surface. So is there a difference then between serving? And being a servant, is there a difference between serving and being a servant? Well, I think there is but I think when when you talk about serving you want to serve I'm going to do this you're kind of in charge when you're serious. Like I'm in charge of what I want to do where I'm going to serve who I'm going to serve and how I'm going to serve it is, you know the apps that you do but to be a servant is to give up the right of being in charge, but it could because it's no longer about something you do and you choose to do but it becomes nature. It's to be it's a being were to be a servant is who you are and so this act of worship in as a result of living life in Christ transforms you into the image of Christ who was a servant Richard Foster here in this is one of the books that I'm Consulting. I brought up a few times celebration of discipline. Tell straight disappointed servings not just something yet. Not just a list of things to do Foster says this service is not just a list of things that we do though in it. We discover things to do. It is not a code of ethics but a way of living To do specific acts of service is not the same thing as living in the discipline of service just as there is more to the game of basketball than the rule book. There's more to service. This specific acts of service is one thing to act like a servant but is quite another to be a servant as in all the disciplines it is possible to master the mechanics of service without experiencing the discipline of two things. You can do here. You have a choice you can you can serve and do it's good. It is like I said It is formational we and we do this as a result of what God has done for us. So do yes do acts of service but really look at this discipline as a way of transforming you into being a servant it transforms your very nature because you can do acts of service still be grumbling about it. You do acts of service is still complaining about it. But when you are a servant It comes naturally and back and that's a good question. You can ask yourself it is whether you whether you're in that place yet of I am I truly a servant or not. Is it somebody treats you like a servant? How do you respond to know? I had how do you respond to somebody treats you like a servant? And so this is something no doubt it at many points throughout our life throughout our week throughout our day. We have to constantly be doing these readjustments of being formed into the image of Christ. That's something we do but it is who we are and it is it's often thankless. People don't often notice what you give up people don't often notice your acts of service. But we like we talked about Wednesday night in regard to fasting like we talked about a few weeks ago in regards to prayer. There's your picture pass before you Matthew chapter 6 verse one talks about the things you do. He says beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them. Otherwise, you have no reward with your father who is in heaven verse 3, he says when you give to the poor do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that you're getting will be in secret and your father who sees what is in secret will reward you and then vs. 6 When you pray go into your inner room and your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you 17 and 18 when you fast anoint your head wash your face smiley people don't know because you're not doing it for them and your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. So whatever we do should be a little bit of a thankless task people should you should not be doing it to be seen by men. And whatever you do Colossians, 3:23, whatever you do do your work heartily as for the Lord. So now we're talkin me and like we talked about on Wednesday. Now, we're talking about audience. Who is it exactly that you're doing these things for whatever you do do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of The Inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve And so now we start moving into this the second point the sort of the who of it if service is an act of worship. It is a result of living life in Christ and it is a lifestyle and we've been talking about moving in this direction is a lifestyle of Love display displayed. So, who are you be talkin about to whom our audience and not just to be seen by whom it's now we can talk about who are we serving will get your pins ready get that led sharpened because I have a few for you John 12:26. If every if anyone gives me he must follow me and where I am there. My servant will be also if anyone serves me the father father will honor him. So we got it we see our service is first for God other there's a phrase a few years ago associated with worship music that I play or I work for an audience of one we serve. For an audience of one and we serve God primarily Romans 12:1. I heard you Brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. He was twelve 28 therefore since we received a kingdom which cannot be shaken. Let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God and acceptable service with reverence and awe and Joshua 22 for the R5. You can write that down and read the whole thing. But the very end he says walk in all his ways and keep his Commandments and hold fast to him and serve him with all your heart. And with all your soul soar Services first directed to God that we talked about before when our relationship with God cuz he we are as CS Lewis would put it we we are bent we are disordered we talked about this last week with the the lusts and the passions that we have. Our love is disordered and we are we are been since we're taking ourselves out of Orthodoxy right praise, but when we are restored a relationship with God when we have that first when we are rightly ordered to him this allows our other relationships to be rightly ordered as well, but it must start with God we first have a relationship with God restored but then it naturally flows out to relationships with others. And so then that leaves us into the other who who do we serve Romans 12:10 through 3 says be devoted to one another in brotherly love give preference to one another in honor not lagging behind and diligence fervent in spirit serving the lord and persevering and tribulation devoted to prayer contributing to the needs of the Saints practicing Hospitality. You see this serving the lord turns naturally. It's a serving others considering others who love him to serving others that are filled with his presence you if you're going to serve the Lord you're going to serve your brother and sister in whom the Lord resides Galatians 5:13 as we read earlier for you were called to Freedom only do not turn your freedom to an opportunity for the flesh but through love serve one. Another for the whole law is fulfilled in one word in the state and you shall love your neighbor as yourself and we're going to come back to that idea of love and how love is linked with this in a moment but efficient 6 7 through 8 with good will render service as to the Lord and not two men knowing that whatever good thing each one. Does this he will receive back from the Lord. What is a slave or free? And then finally Mark chapter 9 34 through 35. This is after the Mount of transfiguration. Jesus come down from the mountain. He's told them a couple times. I'm going to die. I will rise again, but they're going to kill me but his disciples didn't get it these bunch of goobers. What should give hope to all of us that if those knuckleheads can serve god with such great power and then surely there's hope for us but they came to compare numbers 33. I'll start there when he was in the house and he began to question them saying what were you discussing on the way, but they kept silent from the way they had discussed with one other which of them was the greatest. Sitting down he called the 12 to them and he called the 12 and said to them if anyone wishes to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all. So there's your question on who we are to serve We Begin by serving the lord that natural outpouring of our faith and our response to his goodness fusions chapter for our response to his goodness. But we're not to serve only him because it turns into Service as others as we see committed many times in scripture and it's not just service of Christians either a fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is must become the servant of all the sinner the leper Jesus would show us the messy and one of the very first things that came out of my mouth when I started here three and a half years ago, cuz we we we started in the Book of Mark and we started looking at Jesus ministry as a model for our own and what was one of the first things we saw we saw him Reach Out And Touch the the most destitute the most Outcast the leper the matter not received a touch by anyone in years because of his leprosy Jesus laid his hand on him. Jesus reaching into that man's world and transforming him guys. That's who we are called to we want to be like Jesus. We are called with him. And so let me get my point what I said at that time when the first things out of my mouth was Ministry is messy. Guys, we you know some of your past, you know your failures, you know that you were a mess Ministry to us was Messi. I took a lot of work to get you guys as pretty as you are now. Ministry was Messi for those minister to us. How many people have walked along us in our lives through our messes helping us get clean helping clean us up. So now it's our turn. It's our turn to help others and guess what Ministry is still messy cuz we're a bunch of messes. We're just a bunch of 2 year old kids running around the chocolate chip on are facing in dirty hands and we need cleaning up. We're just a bunch of tall 2 year olds. That's all we are is Ministry is messy and so when we reach out to those to the hurting to the oppressed the downtrodden guess what their lives are going to be a mess. recalled to what Jesus did so the answer who all and so by taking up the calling.

Ministering to all we see that is a lifestyle of Love displayed. And so we take that up. The same calling and that same example given to us by the Lord. All of this is service an act of worship and a result of living life in Christ. That is a lifestyle of Love displayed by taking up that same calling an example given to us by the Lord. Is it kind of Dipping back into two kind of transitioning from that to this? We make it a way of life. How do you do this is kind of RR, how how do you do this? By making it a Lifestyle by by everyday every hour every minute in all the little things making it a lifestyle of service and looking at that example or the best examples of how we can live life as Christ Philippians chapter 2. So as to 13 or 15 earlier where to go back to the beginning of Philippians 2 now where he says do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of Mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. Do not merely look out for your own personal interest but also for the interests of others And so we talked about the who and when you look at the who how do you do it? You view them sit them as more important than yourself this phrase that I'm trying to get out of my kids Minds that's been placed there since they were born me first. That's what life's about right. That's how babies live you think you you think been laying when she was this big You you think it is midnight one 2 in the morning. She's like well gosh, you know Mom and Dad kind of had a really rough day. I think I'm just hungry right now. I think I'm just going to suck it up and wait out the evening and I'll get some breakfast in the morning. What did I do? She yelled at us repeatedly, give me milk course not until recently but back then she said give me milk and and we got up by we I mean my wife intended to this crying infant that was screaming at the top of her lungs me first. She didn't care about us really care what we could receive her she can receive from us. And we live that way, you know what it takes to rid us of that attitude. We still like babies again were two year olds walking around yelling me first, and we can walk through our life that way saini first and that turns this world into an ugly ugly Place me first, but here do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of Mind regard one another as more important than yourself we transform and my boys know this we transform me first into others first. I'm still still working on it with a couple of my boys still working on it with me. Others first, so do not merely look at your own personal interest, but also the interest of others and in that context with that idea comes first flight had this attitude in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus who although he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped we held onto but he emptied himself taking the form of a bondservant and being made in the likeness of men. He modeled it for us and that's why I can go back to slide. This is why he is that example we take up that same calling and we have that example given to us by the Lord. He is our example guess I could go forward now, there's two phrases. I want to give you hear big words and when one's own five letters, but it's a Greek were so this idea of emptied himself or 7. He emptied himself as the word kenosis a big deal Optical term for what cries the The Log House of God God himself what he did and emptying himself to become man kenosis until hold on to that one. But then also we see there. He took the form of a bondservant and being made in the likeness of men at the Incarnation in carne. He took on flesh. So this empty of himself is kenosis an Incarnation. I want you to hold on to these cuz it's going to be important. So, how do we do this by making it a way of life placing others first? What will I said? We do it and all the little things hold open a door for somebody. Wait for somebody give them let them get to the counter first. I did this once and it does not to brag but just as an example, I once drove around an entire block to get to my destination. So I didn't inconvenience a guy who's crossing the street. I didn't want to know how so I don't want him to think of it. I was waiting on him some days. I'm going to go straight Emma drive around guys. It's things like that that we can do to please others needs before our own others. First Bonhoeffer is book life together, which were we're going to move here shortly. I think probably next week into the spiritual life the discipline of community. And so we're going to be drawing on this book a lot life together Bonhoeffer and he says the first service that one owes to others. So the first service the one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them. So here's another way these little things listening. It's the first service the one I was in the others in the fellowship can system listening to them just as love to God begins listening to his word. So the beginning of love for the Brethren is learning to listen to them. So this idea listening that and he says here it's the beginning of love now. Why? Why would listening break this down a bit? Why wouldn't listening to somebody patiently for long-time, whatever why would listening to someone be the beginning of love? Because it is a gift of yourself. We talk about love love being that the very definition of Heart of Love is the self gift the gift of yourself to others. That is the Heart of Love is giving yourself up for giving yourself up to others. So it's the beginning of blood because of the gift of self to the other and it emulates Christ listening emulates Christ as you empty yourself you lay yourself aside, you don't you don't consider your great knowledge and intellect or something something to be grasped. Okay, you don't consider that state something to be grasped. But you lay aside yourself your desire to speak your desire to be her. So that's that kenosis that emptying of yourself. And so and so you are you lay yourself aside you empty yourself of your own ideas your own presuppositions to listen to them and when you do that, You doing you're entering into their world? That is Incarnation see the active listening the service of lips listening is love and that you are giving up of yourself. You're emptying yourself and you're entering into their world. That's why Bond offer says listening is the beginning of Love cuz it's the gift of self and often a very real and often thankless sacrifice. It's just as we spoke of at the beginning with the purification this idea of purgation being a denial of self. Service is a denial of self that's taking up that same calling this an example its denying yourself. And so there's a very closely linked them between fasting and and this and and service and you see this this down Isaiah Chapter 58 the great chapter on fasting but in there you see that kind of gets on Israel a bit because they're fasting he says him but they're still driving hard their workers there there fasting but they're just like throwing ashes on themselves you like. Would you even call this an acceptable day you your fasting we are still driving hard all of your workers. You're still afflicting the poor. This is the type of fast that I choose from end of humble and self for him and I hope you know what I'll just read it because Isaiah puts in a lot or God. Holy spirit thruth is a C+ in a lot better words than I can. Is this is this not the fast which I choose to loosen the bonds of wickedness to undo the bands of the Yoke to let the oppressed Go free in to break every yoke is it not to divide your bread with the hungry to bring the homeless poor into your house to see the naked to cover him and not to hide yourself from your own flesh. service isn't it in here linked with fasting because it is denial itself is placing others first. And so now we really beginning to get into that third point of example, there's one more that I want to give you do want to turn with me here probably won't read everything there bill John 13 1 through 17. He says towards the end for I give you an example. So John chapter 13

starting the first one so they set the stage before the Feast of the Passover in this is right before the crucifixion before the Feast of the Passover. Jesus knowing that is our head come and then he would depart out of this world to the father having loved his own who run the world. He loved them to the end verse for it says he got up from supper late aside his garments and taking a towel. He girded himself verse by Vinny pour the water into basins and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded and you know from your past years experience in the church that this was the station for the servants. It was the servants and the lowest servant on the totem pole to be washing the feet of people just think about this. They wore sandals back then right. I mean you didn't have enough shoes like this and you're walking out there in the dusty rose, especially Jesus and his disciples. The dusty roads and highways and byways and and what else walked on the roads but horses and cows and donkeys who they don't have restrooms. They have no couth and they just they just do their stuff right on the roads are so you're walking on the road in this dust in this Grime this muck and you get to a house and somebody washes your feet. Not exactly a real elevated position. Would that be would it hi cir n t i go wash all the manure off of our friends feats. No, that's what Jesus did so maybe with that picture you can see it isn't just like churches or something. You'll group Bible studies. Whatever might choose to do foot washing services is cheating in a two-count. First of all, we wear shoes and socks are feet or not too bad unless you know your feet stink in your shoe. But you know, but even if we're having a foot Washing Service, we don't allow her feet to sting you cuz you know, all right truth time the foot Washing Service today. I would put on fresh socks. I would put on good shoes before I don't want you smelling my stinky feet. So even then I would come in and I would bring you my feet in their best condition and we would have this is wonderful time of Wachee watching each other's already clean feet not so with Jesus. He he didn't expect this he washed their feet and so didn't get the whole thing a Peter saying no and Jesus says yeah, dude. If you don't you're not coming, you know part have a part of my kingdom and and Peters like well and so versed well when he had wash their feet and taking his garments reclined at the table again, he said to them. Do you know, do you know what I've done for you here? You call me teacher and Lord and you're right for so I am if I then the Lord and the teacher washed your feet. You also ought to wash one another's feet for I gave you an example that you should do as I did to you. So truly truly I say to you a slave is not greater than his master nor is the one who sent the one who is sent greater than the one who sent him if you know these things you are blessed if you do them. So Jesus the example this radical denial of self and preference for the other elevating others above himself. And so when we can begin to do this in our daily life, we become like Christ in the kenosis in the emptying of ourselves the preferring of the other in the Incarnation alack where we enter into their world and often times will enter into their world and will die there. Continual living a life of service continual acts of service are a hundred thousand little deaths. a hundred little thousand deaths to self but it is dying to self that make us rise in Christ. It is dying to self constantly that make us more and more into the image of Christ. So service that is why this is a spiritual discipline. This is why this is part of are participating in the divine nature because serving others and making it more than just an acts acts of service and making it a lifestyle and act of service constantly transforms you It changes you a hundred thousand little deaths. animals with a lot of the disciplines this goes against everything. We've been taught fasting as a big one. You deny yourself. Why should I not have this Big Mac? Why should I not, you know and like I sang to you on Wednesday night Sheryl Crow If It Makes You Happy It can't be that bad. But she's wrong and we go adopt that attitude that comes in from the world. This goes against everything in the world says one last week to deny self and to this week to positively act for the good of others and Elevate them above ourselves. It is the very opposite of self-promotion that we see in the world. We see the disciples, right? They were all about this this promotion is who will be greatest. But again, Mark 9:35, he called the 12 instead of them if anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all And then he said let me show you how let me give you an example. So he became a servant humbled himself emptied himself entered into our world and became obedient to death even death on a cross entered into our world and died there as a sacrifice of love. We can do this every day, isn't it amazing that we've been called into his kenotic Incarnation allow self at self GIF self-sacrifice of worship and praise for the good of others. Do you not realize how amazing service really is now? Just talk about your service. You put through this book you like? Okay, a spiritual discipline Simplicity solid to conserve. Is he a great service service transforms you and so quickly as we end.

You noticed today that I talked lasts about practical things. I never mention Nursery. You want it you want formation. You want Messi Ministry go in there. You'll see the ministry. It was a mess up here and give you ways to serve I didn't tell you of all the needs of the church the things that you could do because it's less about that and it's more about cultivating an attitude of the heart. It's less about doing then it is about being formation of that formation of the heart and the life into Christ and see that's what I'm concerned with you guys doing over to talk about giving but you know, I'd never do if I was going to talk about giving was going to be here because it's a it's an active. It's a service etcetera, but I didn't talk about that and talk about any of that. What I need to talk about is your heart is your being these things naturally flow out. So guys if we can do this if we can get our hearts under control surrender to God living for him and living for others and I don't have to tell you to serve the block party or teaching Sunday school or teacher Bible study or go to the nursery or come bang hammers with Chuck. Because it's what we do and that will flow from this everything else will flow from this. So this morning this is today this week do business with God in your heart is this is why I leave it up to you. I've given you all that stuff and do business with God in your heart and let him lead you into various acts of service stimming from you adopting that true and lifelong commitment to an act of service to being rather than doing to being a servant rather than just doing service. That's bright. Florida again. We thank you for your tremendous calling.

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