Kerusso 8/17/2019

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6 through 13 but now he is obtained a more excellent Ministry in as much as he is also mediator of a better Covenant, which was established on better promises. For if that first Covenant had been faultless. The no place would have been sought for a second. Because finding fault with them. He says behold the days are coming says the Lord when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt because they did not continue in my Covenant and I disregarded them says the Lord for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my people. None of them shall teach his neighbor and none his brother saying know the Lord For All Shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their Lawless Deeds. I will remember no more. In that he says a New Covenant he has made the first obsolete. Now, what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Let's pray. Father God, I thank you for another opportunity to gather here with friends and family to worship you and to learn about you. I thank you for the privilege that it is to be here safely and to enjoy this time and I ask that as Pastor Chris comes up here and he speaks that you ultimately would speak through him and that you would open every mind and every heart that's in here open our eyes and are used to what you have for us to see through this message and through your words. We pray these things and believe in your son's name Jesus. Amen.

Once again, I want to thank Lori and in the choir for coming tonight on such short notice a little practice to sing and you guys sounded fantastic tonight. So thank you. Thank you for lifting up your voices and seeing from your heart has Vincent read the scripture to you. If you were with us last week, you'll recognize and it's the same text that we use last week as we continue part two of the same message title a new and better Covenant. And so if you were with us last week, you'll know that we kind of took a look at the old Covenant and the purpose and place of it. And as we read is Vincent read through our texts tonight, you'll notice that right in the middle of that is a reference to the book and Prophet Jeremiah where many years before Hebrews was written Jeremiah gave the promise. I'm as a prophet of God of a new and better Covenant that God would inaugurate through his son Jesus Christ. And so as we look at our texts not I get I want you to just kind of hone in on the last verse of chapter 8 verse 30 Where the writer of Hebrews says in speaking of a New Covenant he makes you being God makes the first one Obsolete and what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. And so we kind of talked about this last week and we won't spend a lot of time tonight. But remember the words of Jesus in Matthew's gospel and Matthew 5:17 where he said do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them and so when we look at the old Covenant when the writer of Hebrews goes through in and tells why Jesus is a greater Moses better than Moses greater than the Angels greater than the priesthood greater than the law. Jesus didn't come necessarily to nullify the law. He came to supersede it. He came to give something better and it's placed and so when we think about the priesthood of Aaron in the Medical priesthood we see that Christ is now the Fulfillment of all of the priesthood. He is our great high priest. We no longer need and Earthly intercessor. We have Christ seated at the right hand of the father interceding for us and by faith. He says it is people are a priesthood of Believers. And so you see that the New Covenant and I'll great something much greater and better than the old. We also think about the altars worth thousands upon thousands of animals were sacrificed in yet when God sent his son the Lamb of God to be that fine offering for sin that old system passed away for something much greater the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Whereas the blood of bulls and goats could never atone for sin. We think about the temple where the Jews every Saturday would come and gather for worship and which was the center of religious activity in Jerusalem and yet in 70 AD, it was destroyed by the Roman Empire and just as Jesus said not one stone. You left on top of another and so we see in the destruction of the temple that now the Holy Spirit dwells within his people. Our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and so we don't worship God strictly and buildings made by hands. He warship then we worship because of the indwelling of the spirit and every True Believer. That's why we can say we are the church Beyond The Four Walls of a building because we are the church the hands and feet of Christ to a lost and dying world that we carry the good news of Christ. We are ambassadors with a message in Corinthians. Paul writes be reconciled to God. We are ministers of reconciliation calling a lost world to know God through Jesus Christ and the law ultimately as we talked about last week points. Just someone better. It was our tutor our Schoolmaster the King James uses the law shows us God's holiness. It shows us our sinfulness, but it can't correct that issue and it points us to the one that can in the one who provided everything and that's Christ. And so tonight as We Gather it's a special occasion again, as I said, we partake of the supper I have that available each and every week here at K Russo, but from time to time, I want to honor it by having a special service set aside to not just preach on the reason why we do it but to call us as a community of Believers to have a time where we examine ourselves in the spirit examines us so that we can fully be in accord with what Christ would have us to be until I want to look tonight in Matthew's gospel at what Jesus laid out for his people for his disciples. And then for those who would follow as Believers in Christ showing Matthew 26, I want to read to you some verses as they had gathered together. How do you make shortly before the Lord would be betrayed? He says Matthew 26:26 now is they were eating Jesus Took bread and after blessing it broke it and gave it to his disciples and said take eat. This is my body. Now this text Sarah Begins by saying that they were eating what were they eating while they were eating the Passover meal and when we get into the Passover celebration if we studied Jewish culture, we would see that this is a elaborate celebrate or celebration that took place but the specific portion of the meal is what's known two juices this sadar. The Sedar is the meal it is the time where they reflect on what was going on and so as they eat this meal the Jews have a plate set out. It has six different things on the plate and they all represent something. Okay. Now obviously Jews don't believe it's Christ as the Messiah. So for them get their symbolism takes them back to the past. Run Egypt, we understand that but we also see in the symbolism of the Passover that it points to Christ as well. Even though the Jews have rejected him. It's amazing that even in the very Passover meal that they partaken we we as Believers see Christ and every one of those things until I I won't forsake of time going all the details of the seder meal, but there is a lamb bone. There is bitter herbs are there is a mixture of nuts and honey and wine which symbolized is for the Jews the mortar that they had to to make the bricks with so all of this meal is really symbolic to the Jews as they take Passover. And the reason I bring that up is because that's very important for us as New Testament Believers. When we look at what Christ is saying in the next few moments. I want you to understand the correct interpretation of this scripture and the erroneous interpretation that have many many have taken with this throughout the centuries it follows. So definitely want you to understand The symbolism in The Passover meal as Jesus goes into inaugurating His Last Supper meal the communion with his Believers. And so it says that as they were eating Jesus take some bread most likely the unleavened bread. That would have been with the Passover meal the matzah as they have Jews would call this unleavened bread. He would have taken some of that bread and broken it an entire loaf is what they would have a timetable and he breaks it tears off pieces and gives it to his disciples. But before he does that it says that he blessed it that we're blessing is where we getting our English word of eulogy. So if you've ever heard someone give a eulogy at a funeral that is the word that is used in the great texture for Jesus blessing and that word just means the highly praised and give Thanksgiving. So as Jesus blesses the bread we often say grace for our food and we sometimes just say Lord knows your body with this me or something along that line, but when Jesus blesses that he's giving praise and thanksgiving to whom the And it came from and so we should never forget when we bless our food to always be thankful to the one and give praise to the one for whom everything we have comes from and so he's blessing that he breaks it and he says take eat. This is my body. It's amazing that forwards could cause so much Discord in person. Then it could really be the dividing factor between the Protestant church and the Roman Church and even many of the reformers when they look at those forward. You have to remember that when Jesus spoke he spoke in Aramaic and so there was no conjunction so he didn't say this is my body. He just would have said this my body That is causes a lot of confusion for people when you say why could one little word cause so much confusion will let's drop down 2 verse 27 and 28 and then we'll come back and look at it all together some verse 27. He says he took a cup and when he had given, thanks so notice the difference. Is there between verse 26. He blessed the bread he gave thanks for the company says drink of it all of you. This is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many for the Forgiveness of sins. So again speaking in the Aramaic it would have been this my blood this my body but the confusion sets in with this is my body. This is my blood why Because the Catholic church and some others have interpreted that literally so when we look at the observance of the Lord's Supper in our church in obviously is going to look very different in a Catholic church or a Lutheran Church. For example, right or any High church for that matter because the Roman Catholics look at these three verses and build off of that the inauguration of the Catholic, Mass. They literally teaching believe that Jesus was saying this is my literal body and my literal blood that you will partake in each and every week as you take the mass. And so that Doctrine is what's called transubstantiation. It literally means that the elements the bud or that the wine and the bread become the literal blood and flesh of Christ now externally, when we look at those, obviously we see no change but the elements their makeup have been changed to the literal flesh and blood of Christ. That is the doctrine of the Catholic church. And I don't expect you to take my word for it. I'm going to read directly from their their Doctrine their doctrinal statement some of them. So here's what they say the Eucharist. So what in the world that big word? Well when you look at verse 27, you see it says he took a cup and when he gave thanks. That word gave thanks is one word in the Greek yukari stow. And that's where we get the word Eucharist from so when we see the mass it's all centered around the Eucharist of the giving of the bread. Okay. So this is a little catholic history for you, but I want you to understand and this is important cuz I want you to know what really is taking place tonight as we take the supper because you have to understand it's so vital importance for us and sometimes we just we just going to blow it off. We don't reverence it. We don't take it too serious and I think a lot of times we pull away from it somewhat because of the fall of the Roman Church. We want to be so distance from that wrong doctrine that we don't give it the reverence and respect and the honor that it should have and so the Catholic. Documents a the Eucharist is a sacrifice because it represents not represents. It represents. It's doing something over again. It literally makes Pro. The sacrifice of the Cross because it is it's Memorial and because it applies its fruit the sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist are one single offering the victim is one in the same the same now offers through the ministry of priests who said offered himself on the cross only the manner of the offering is different. I don't expect you to understand all this. I just want to read it to you. And if you have the Bible app, I reference this on that Bible app under the notes section so you can go back and study this for yourself. If you'd like your I can give you copies of this and since in this Divine sacrifice, which is celebrated in the mass the same cries to offer himself once in a bloody Manor on the altar of the Cross is contained and it's offered in a nun bloody Manner and listen to this. This sacrifice is truly propitiatory. Now you like whoa. Oh man. That's just a big word and I have no idea what you're saying there. I'll explain that statement from the catechism of the Catholic Church, which is an official document that they used and and hold to give you another one. This is from the Council of Trent if anyone says that the sacrifice of the mass is only a sacrifice of praise in a Thanksgiving or that it is a bear commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the cross, but not a propitiatory sacrifice or that it profits him only who receives it and that it ought not to be offered for the living and the dead for sins pains satisfactions and other necessities. Let him be anathema. Let him be accursed. That's the strongest language that you can just about use let him be damned is really what that saying. Okay, one more as sacrifice. The Eucharist is offered and reparation for the sins of the living and the dead. Now you might not understand everything I read to you. But basically what we're saying what the Catholic church is singing those statements is there when you take the mass there is power to forgive sin in your life through taking the sacrament. There is a propitiation that big word just means to take away God's Wrath. You know where God's Wrath was taken away on the cross when when Bryce lay down his life on the cross and God the Father turned his back as Jesus said my God my God, why has Thou forsaken me and God he became sin. The Bible says who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. He was our sin offering on the cross. He took the wrath of God. He took the Judgment of God in our place. It's not through the observance of the supper that God's Wrath is appeased. It was through the death of his son on the cross and the final sacrifice for sin is the Lamb of God laid down his life that God's rap was removed. It also said in those readings that I gave to you that the Eucharist is offered and reparation for the sins of the living and the dead. Once you die, my friend, it's too late. There is no second chance. There is no Purgatory there is no there is no reincarnation. You have one opportunity Solomon many many hundreds of years before he said as the tree falls there. It's a lie, if you'd I lost you stay lost if you'd I saved you stay saved and that is the truth of scripture. So based on what the Catholic belief is. Let me give you some more versus real quick to back up why that teaching is heretical and why it is unbiblical Hebrews chapter 7 verses 26 and 27 says they're poor it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest who is the high Priestly speaking of Jesus. It was fitting that we should have such a high priest. Holy innocent unstained separated from Sinners and exalted above the heavens. That's no earthly priest and a man. That's only Jesus. He has listened to this. He has no need like those high priest to offer sacrifices daily. We don't need to recruit if I jesus every Sunday in the mass he died once for sins, but when Christ had offered for all-time a single sacrifice for sins. He sat down at the right hand of God. He doesn't need to be re crucified weekly monthly yearly ever the death that he paid on the cross with sufficient for all time Hebrews 10 verses 10 through 12, and by that when we have been Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all and every priest and Staley out of service, so we're looking back at the Old Testament idea or the Old Camden idea every priest ants daily at a service offering repeatedly the same sacrifices which can never take away sins, but When Christ had offered for all-time a single sacrifice for sins. He sat down at the right hand of God. It's clear from the teachings of the scriptures that Jesus sacrifice on the cross was the only necessary means for senators to be reconciled to God. We don't need to do anything extra. It's not Jesus plus anyting, it's Jesus Alone by faith alone by grace alone to the glory of God Alone. That was the Cry of the reformation and we may not agree with everything that they believed what we certainly believe with that and so is Jesus present in the elements as we partake this do we need his communion to have propitiation for sin Romans 3 23 through 25 Listen to this we know 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That's a death sentence. That's a death sentence if that was the only if that's where Romans 3 ended we're in trouble because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That's what the law says. That is the indictment on every one of us. And if it stopped there we were hopelessly dead in our trespasses and sins, but it doesn't stop there. Praise God. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are Justified declared Not Guilty by his grace something we can earn don't deserve as a gift through the Redemption. He purchased us that is in Christ. Jesus listen to this whom God put forward as a propitiation removes the Wrath that we deserve it because of our sin Why by his blood how do we get that if you're here tonight in your loss and you say man, I understand that I'm lost. I understand that. I'm headed to hell. I understand that. I can't save myself. I want to know more about this Jesus. I want Jesus to come into my life and save me do I have to join the church. Do I have to get baptized? Do I have to read the scriptures about the pray and sing in the choir? What do I need to do? Here? Is your answer to be received by faith not by grace. Are you saved through faith? It's the gift of God. Not of Works lest any man should boast. If you're lost tonight. It's as simple as turning from your sins in my face looking to the one that died in your place. That is the gospel. That is the good news that Jesus Christ died for Sinners. And then he rose again on the third day and forever declares victory over sin death hell and the grave and you can have that my faith. This was to show God's righteousness because in his Divine forbearance, he passed over former sins. What a wonderful truth. So we come back to the supper then tonight. What are we doing? If we're not taking this to receive Grace to receive forgiveness to receive propitiation for our sins, if we're not taking this so God is more pleased with us and he loves us a lot more than the folks that didn't come to church tonight or watching television and said what in the world are we doing here? What is taking place as we take this supper? Why won't you to see in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 what the Apostle Paul says that he received from the Lord himself. He says this for I received from The Lord of this is 1st Corinthians, 11 verses 23 through 25, or I received from the Lord the same message that I'm now delivering to you. So he got this this isn't Paul's opinion not his teaching. This is from the Lord and he's giving it to them and threw the inspired scripture to us that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread. So this is going to reference right back to Matthew in the other gospels that we met earlier bread and when he gave thanks, he broke and said this is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me in the same way. He took the cup after supper sang. This is the cup of the New Covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me the word remembrance there simply means to bring to mind to recall to the Mind exactly why I told you to understand the symbolism of the Passover because he's speaking to a Jewish audience in the upper room and they would have immediately understood the connection of the symbolism of the Passover meal. They would have known what was going on. When I ate the Passover that it pointed them back to all of the illustrations of The Exodus of the Passover sacrifice of the lamb in the blood on the doorpost and all of the removal of the unlit of the leaven that symbolize send all of that was symbolic in Jesus is pointing into the fact that when we take this supper, we are calling to remember and what was about to take place. On the hill of Calvary that is what he's teaching them through this illustration so much so that we are southern Baptists have adopted in our our about rental statement the Baptist faith and message of 2,000. This is what it says compare this to what the Catholic doctrine that I read too early was this is our doctrinal statement on the Lord's Supper The Lord's Supper is a symbolic Act of obedience whereby members of the church Born-again Believers that are part of the body of Christ through partaking of the bread in the fruit of the vine memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate his second coming. We are memorializing what Jesus did for us and looking forward to that blessed. Hope or We Gather with him and his kingdom to forever be with him as we take of the marriage supper of the Lamb together. That is the twofold meaning that we celebrate here tonight. Why do we believe that? Why would we say that we are right and the Catholic teaching is wrong. Why was I hope you seen in the scriptures already? But if you haven't let me give you another that I think really sums it up back in John's gospel and John chapter 6 now again, this is this is before the Last Supper. This is obviously early on in Jesus ministry. Now it what we've read tonight is at the close of his ministry, but you will still see the reference to what Jesus is speaking of as he had fed. 1 + many more women and children the day before he crossed over the Sea of Galilee the next day here comes this big mob trying to find him. Why because they want some more free food. They weren't interested in following Jesus and knowing more about his teaching they wanted to head right? And so they come to him and he starts to try to teach them. He's not interested in just continually feeding them. He wants them to know the savior. He wants them to know him intimately. And so that should be our goal as well not to just feed people physically, but to tell them about Jesus who can feed them spiritually and save their soul and so they come to him and he has his long discourse with them and they begin to get a little aggravated with him as his teaching gets more and more difficult. They start to kind of get fired up a little bit and so in John 6 53 and 54. It really comes to Ed. Jesus says they're so Jesus said to them truly truly I say to you unless you eat the Flesh of the son of man and drink his blood. You have no life and you whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks. My blood has eternal life. And I will raise him up on the last day if you take that literally which they and their first mind began to as they thought about that. It caused obviously an uproar obviously, right? And again the Catholic Church taking that that teaching literally has developed an entire Doctrine. But if we just read down another 19% Jesus gives them the answer in verse 63 of that same passage. It is the spirit who gives life over and over the scriptures teach that we can't save ourselves communion can't save us baptism can't save us church membership can't save you it's the spirit that causes you to be born again when by faith you trust Christ the spirit gives life was it only says the flesh is no help at all. I hear he summarized everything is taught them including the versus. I just read the words that I spoken to you are Spirit their spiritual spiritual meaning they're not literal their spiritual and they are alive. Other places Jesus said I am the door. I am the vine. We don't take and literal are doing he wasn't a literal Vine. He didn't become a literal door figuratively. He was the door. He was the vine. His father is the vinedresser. We are the branches. It's all symbolic. It's spiritual language, right? He spoke in Parables. He taught with with allusions in illustrations. So what are we doing in the Lord's supper? If we're not taking this stuff to get Grayson to be saved and perpetuation and it's just them Amor on we remember remembering what Jesus did how can we apply this tonight? How can we how can we as We Gather from here on out as Believers understand what we're doing here tonight in a deeper more meaningful way and treasure this in our hearts and give it reverence Give the Lord reverence and truly allow him to bring us into his presence in a deeper way. I pray that that is what happens here tonight in a moment as we take this is were drawn into the presence of Christ in a deep way as we reflect. Just what he's done for us always saying about the cross brother Mark and we we we we wear the cross and necklaces and we have a lot of teachings on the cross, but we've lost I believe some of the for the cross what it meant what it means to know that the Son of God would die for me. I should never become commonplace. We should never ever look at that and say no big deal. It was because of what he did that we have hope. So what are we looking at tonight? Why do we do this? Number one? We remember the sacrifice. This is my body. As we take that bread we think about the body that was given for us on the cross that was pierced for our transgressions that was spit upon that had a crown of thorns placed on his head that willingly lay down his life. I love what Peter says in 1st Peter 3:18 for Christ also suffered One Source ins the righteous for the unrighteous that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh. But Made Alive are brought to life in the spirit. What else happens when we take the supper? We remember sacrifice number to we remember the Covenant as we take the cup we reflect on the Covenant the New Covenant in my blood just as Jesus said a better sacrifice and unconditional Covenant the new the old Covenant was based on Kind of a cooperation right do this and I'll do this do this and I'll do that. The New Covenant is unconditional. I've done this for you walk in faith. Walk in faith. Number three, we proclaim a message. We proclaim a message to each and every one of us in here as Believers and we proclaim a message to the world. It's watching us. Paul says in 1st Corinthians 11:26 for is often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes, you know, one of the amazing things about the Church of Jesus Christ Believers of all places and all times is this and you've heard people say this before the ground is level at the foot of the cross, isn't it? It doesn't matter who you are your social status or economical status. We all need Jesus. And when we come together is God's people in local churches and observe his supper. We all come to the same table. There's not segregation in my we don't have a black table and white table when I'm a rich table and pour table. We don't have a young people in old people table. We have one table because we remember the sacrifice of Christ that took place for all of us regardless of who you are where you've been and we show the world that we are unified in mind body and spirit as we take and remember what Jesus did for us. We're proclaiming the gospel that can reconcile centers of all different backgrounds to become Servants of Jesus Christ. And finally, we wait expectantly. We wait expectantly Matthew. 26:29. Jesus said I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day. When I drink it new with you, my father's Kingdom. Amen.

As we take this tonight not only do we look back. We look ahead we celebrating hope because what we're doing is remembering what Jesus did for us to promise us a better future and give us eternal life. So as we get ready to give the invitation, I'm going to ask Lori to come Lori if you just come and play Softly. Why is there so much reverence and seriousness involved with this? Why should we never take? Even when we do this weekly in the table is set up. Why should we not just rush up there and take it flippantly without any thought because it's a serious matter so much so that listen to what the Apostle Paul writes about in 1st Corinthians, 11, 27 to 29. Whoever therefore eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the blood in the body and the blood of the Lord listen to what he says let a person examine himself then so eat the bread and drink of the cup for if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ you are eating and drinking God's judgment upon yourself. Now here's the thing. None of us are worthy. So don't come in tonight. So well, I'll just never take it cuz I'm never worthy. You're worthy because of what Jesus did for you. Remember if you were here Thursday night, we talked about our standing and our walk we walk with the Lord and there's two different things going on there. If you're saved your saved only because of Jesus but if you straight off the path tonight before you come and take the supper before we serve it to you when I get things right with God my get saved again, but confess and repent so that your heart is clear in your walk is right. And if you're lost tonight, you don't have any part of this you're outside of the church and outside of the body of Christ, but you have to stay there. You can come tonight by faith and receive Jesus. Oh, he died two thousand years ago, but the blood that he shed 2000 years ago is still just as practical and relevant tonight that bottle still wash you clean if you'll receive it by faith. So many many hundreds of years ago a guy by the name of William Cowper. He was really good friends of John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace hero to old song called Welcome to the table. I want to read the words of this song and then we're going to pray and give the invitation want you to listen to words of this song that he wrote. This is the Feast of heavenly wine and God invites to suck the joys the juices of the Living Vine were pressed to fill the cup o bless the Savior you to eat with royal dainties fed not having a Fords a costly or treat for Jesus is the bread the vile the Lost he calls to them you trembling Souls appear the righteous in their own esteem have no acceptance here approach you poor nor dare refuse the banquet spread for you dear savior. This is welcome news that I may venture to If guilt and sin afford a plea and may obtain a place surely the Lord will welcome me and I will see his face when Sprite and Lord God we thank you for dying on that cross for laying down your life for your body to be bruised for our iniquities in your blood to be shed for our sins. So God as we get this invitation, we pray that you will search your hearts through the Holy Spirit and we will come and confess our sins and get right with you tonight so that we can walk with you or Joyce with you be a witness for you make a difference in this life for you until you call us home and God if there's someone here tonight that hears my voice and it's heard your word and doesn't know you Lord. I pray that you help them by faith to step out and just confession receive you that their life would be changed that their eternity would be settled and then God they can take the supper tonight is a brand new believer in Christ. What a wonderful wonderful night that would Lord have your way in this service. Now, I pray that you will honor and bless and all things in Jesus name. Amen as we stand and as we sing will you come? Just as I am Delaware, which one just as I am.

You need to come tonight as long as I place the altars open. You come.

You need to come. Ashley place

God speaking to you. I didn't search your heart and examine you.

That's why we do this. That's why we give the invitation if the holy spirit is speaking to you. This is your time. This is your opportunity. Do you know Jesus? Are you right with him tonight? Are you right with your brothers and sisters in this room or outside of this room? Are you carrying around hating unforgiveness and bitterness got to lay that down? You can't worship God and hate your neighbor. Got to get things right in your heart and your life.

What's your need tonight?

You can hide it from us. No matter what. We think you need to have that talk with Christ.

Just as I am, will you come?

No Lamb of God I come.

Laura let's hang out first first together. And if no one comes will close when your folks time to pray at the altar here. I think most of you probably know this we have the words up on the screen. Let's sing that song Together P to come you come. blow me

If you would just take your seats for the night and will begin the serving of the supper tonight. I want to read to you.

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