2019-08-18-LIVE OAKS - Parable of the lost Sons

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I can't be at Lucas just using that common language the common terminology nomenclature. Of the day but so when when when it's being red when this gospel account is being read in the reader hears Sinners are drawing near haha immediately drawers to mine who are drawing near to Jesus not the shiny and the fancy and the dignified with the Sinners write the the the detestable write the unlike the unloved the uncouth the unwashed that the sinners. Mysa Lucas using that language on purpose so we'll so we know especially the the readers of the time will know that the crowd is coming here and the tax collectors which is odd because you wanted to find that out Sinners and tax collectors Tax Collectors. They had a special place in Hell. Okay, because the tax collectors were Jewish Brothers. Who paid Rome for the right to collect taxes from their Kinsman now Rome was the oppressing occupying. Force that was like letting Israel be like a puppet show. Of what it was intended to be right in and allowed the religious leaders to lead allowed Kings. You can hear it at the time to be King Herod and that's right. You are a king Archie. That's what room was allowing them to do Douro pressing the Jewish people and so a tax collector with someone who paid for the position paid for the job of being able to soak their countrymen to send that money to Rome so that they can impress them more Tax Collectors worse than centers. Okay. So these are the people drawing your the crisis why we can't skip over this important. This is setting up the audience. These are the people coming right? These are the people drawing near to Christ 15-1. Now the tax collectors and sinners were Drawing Near to him verse 2 and the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled.

K that's the scene So who's coming to Christ not the pretty folk? Right, but the Sinners and the tax collectors. The most ignored look down upon ostracize and just downright evil. Of the people were the ones coming and drawing near to Christ. So what are the religious folk do with the Pharisees do they grumble? The Pharisees and scribes grumbled saying this man receives Sinners and eats with them. Dislike being tight. That's an argument that they're making like, they don't have to explain it any further. It's like self-explanatory like you're curious about Jesus. Let me tell you bout Jesus eats. in the presence Sinners tax collectors What else you need to know about this Jesus? He's done. Obviously. He's not the Messiah. Just look how he spends his time with look. Look look who who come near to him attractive Sinners find him attractive. Tax Collectors. Want to be near him?

It's the grumbling of the Pharisees in the scribes that prompts the stories that Jesus is about to tell. K everything is about everything is a is is a is a reaction to this sin verse 3, so he told him this Parable. I just imagined Jesus kind of clearing his throat kind of pushing up his sleeves a little bit and I can almost imagine like a little I'm saying though. Because I hit a little gleam like Listen to what? I'm about to do here.

Listen up. Imagine This verse for Luke 15:4 what man of you Having a hundred sheep. If he has lost one of them does not leave the 99 in the open country and go after the one that is lost until he finds it and when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his his friends and neighbors sang them Rejoice with me for I have found my sheep. That was lost. In my father's study. In-N-Out Mike my family my mom and my sister in and I unless we were too late which was a lot of Sundays. We live right across the street from the church and we would go into my dad's study and we would be there for prayer. The elders would come and pray over my dad and and they wanted us there to is the pastor's family and I remember what I looked at during the prayer as well. Was this picture of Jesus and yes, it was a ridiculous Caucasian blue-eyed Jesus. It was that's not what Jesus look like. But but let's look through that bit of silliness and the picture was this Shepherd. With this joyful expression on his face and a lamb wrapped around his shoulders and Shepherd Jesus holding this lamb around. The shoulders was one of my first images of who Jesus is One who rescues Lambs another portrait in his office the same ridiculous Caucasian Jesus, but this Jesus Shepherd was he was laying on his stomach reaching down over the cliff with the shepherd's staff. Hooking around that the naked this is lamb would falling off the cliff and was on her little outcropping with lifting it again with a joyful expression on his face. Jesus's what one of you it with a hundred sheep and one is lost and you go and you seek and you find a new bring it back and then you didn't need to tell your neighbors you tell your friend to tell anybody this was lost and now it's found.

Verse 7 of Luke 15 just so I tell you there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance now Jesus also, like what he's not making it feel logically definitive statement. He's not saying that the righteous people were like really righteous the scribes and the Pharisees saw themselves as righteous. So Jesus is going to Winking it then What are the grumbling about the grumbling about Sinners Drawing Near to Jesus? They're angry about this. It only gets right grumbling complain. Jesus sing. Look if you guys are righteous.

It's someone who's not draws near let me tell you something that I haven't really excited about the center is Drawing Near Your Righteous already. It is doesn't concern you don't don't worry about it. Why are you so bent out of shape? And then it goes an inverse 80.

Or what woman having 10 silver coins? If she loses one coin does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek a diligently until she finds it and when she's found it. She calls together her friends and neighbors sang Rejoice with me for I have found the coin that I had lost.

You guys love money, right?

I mean when you lose I mean a day's wage. I mean you don't stop until that coins found Ryan and when you do you know, what you find like a 20 in your pocket comedian once said that's that's day changing money. Right you find a Dollar. I'm cool. You find a 20. What am I going to do with my life now? Everything's different words change. Maybe that's just me. I'm sorry just revealed a little.

Bless his heart. 22 Changes Day didn't realize they were doing that bad.

She's like, come on you celebrate that right. I just lost folks John near to me. You already found don't worry about it. You're you're already found your fine. Just shall I tell you there is Joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents?

Sinners repenting brings joy to God Sinners repenting brings joy to God brings Joy To Heaven, even the angels rejoice Angels rejoicing in something they can't even participate in

Repentance is a is a gift given to us.

So no matter what other profundities we might be able to draw out of this passage. Just know that. Let God rejoices in Repentance.

got rejoices in people drawing near father rejoices in people being brought near to the Sun and that's what's happening. But yet the religious folks are grumbling. So Jesus and in this is is common in in Hebrew teaching. The Hebrew language doesn't even really have any punctuation. So you want to put in fastest on something that you to repeat it. Right. So here's joy in something being found your joining something being found and then he's going to tell another story about Joy from something being found. Okay, so we tells this story. verse 11 and he said

there's a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father father, give me a share of the property that is coming to me. and at this point the audience is probably gasping a little bit like

The story starts out pretty serious. Why is this the white? Why is it so serious? And why is that such a such a heavy thing? It's heavy because when do Sons receive their inheritance?

Father. You probably heard this passage preach before it's not do you got to wait till your dad's dead before you get it stuff? But yet here's a son who says you know what Dad I listen, I would I would I'd rather have your property than your presents. I'd rather you just kind of either could you just go ahead and die or maybe if that can't be worked out? Could you just give me what I'm going to get when you are dead? the father Hey. Father does exactly what the son says. The younger is his first 12 think the younger of them said to his father father. Give me a share of the property that is coming to me and he divided his property between them. Now if you know if we're following, you know, what kind of proper protocol cure he's the younger son. So he gets a third the older brother would get 2/3, but he takes that third of the property father does it and the son receives that that third of the property but it's it even it's even kind of worse than that. It's even kind of worse than Dad. I'd rather you be dead so I can have your stuff.

I rather have your stuff dad so I can cash it in. And this is crazy because especially in the Hebrew culture like your your land and your name and in your property like that. That was your well that was your security right on that land you grow crops on that land you raise animals and those animals have you no like baby animals that then have like baby animals. Did they have baby animals in in the in the crops grow? And you save some is seed and you sold the land again and you grow more crops. This is security its place. It's on its identity. And yet he says not only dad do I wish that you were dead? But you know, I want your stuff but I don't really want your stuff. What I really want is to be able to cash in the stuff so I can get the stuff that I really want. And I thank you for all the land and and and end title and and security and future that's been tagged. I'd rather just have the cash value.

I'd rather have your property than your presents because I can cash it in for fun or as you well, you aren't legal tender at brothels and casinos.

So not only does he spit in his father's face, but he spits in on the gifts that the father wanted to give to him. He liquidates it. He takes something that is a of a solid acid any any liquefies it he cashes it in.

He's he's taking what is Evergreen? He's taking what I mean give me from maybe I'm reading too much into this. But but he takes what is eternal and prominent any any turns it in to trade it in for something that's temporary and transient. It's the exact opposite of what we are gifted with its exact opposite of what were called till you can look at Paul's writings in in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 beginning in 50. I tell you this Brothers flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of God nordista perishable inherit the imperishable behold. I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised in perishable and we shall be changed for this perishable body must put on the imperishable in this Mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable and the Mortal puts on immortality then shall come to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in Victory. Oh death. Where is your Victory? Oh death. Where is your sting? the sun takes

The imperishable any trades it in for the perishable? That that's the Demonic deception of the Prosperity Gospel Witnesses hate you can trade in a forever relationship with a forever God and just cash in that relationship for trinkets that are open right now. Wouldn't you rather have the trinkets that are fun right now?

That's what the sun thought. I just I want this different life. You know, I mean Ariel said it look at this stuff, isn't it? Neat wouldn't you think my collections complete wouldn't you think? I'm a girl a girl who has everything. I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty. I've got whosits and whatsits Galore you want thingamabobs. I got 20, but who cares? I want more.

Last night I watched with with my son and my nephew Kong Skull Island. I mean people just things getting squashed Little Mermaid is not allowed in my house. Kong Skull Island questionable respond


I want this other life. This is other life away from the father and it's fleeting it. It's a moment as we'll see.

back in verse 13 of Luke 15 not many days later the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country and there he squandered his property in a reckless living.

One verse one thought gone, it's gone. And when he had spent everything a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in need so it went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country who sent him into his fields to feed pigs.

Anyways longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate and no one gave him anything.

The world promises and it never delivers. And what's hilarious and tragic and frustrating?

It is that that's the part that the Pharisees are going to have a problem with. Adipex And Jesus knows it. Jesus knows it took the real the real problem that the religious folks are going to have is that

unclean animals

It's a story turn dark Jesus. Now it just got real.

It's like it's like I told you a story about some unsub drug-addled. Starving womanizing rapist that has bad table manners and it's at that point. That we gasp to use the wrong Fork. Oh my goodness. Who is this animal?

God hates debauchery. That's the life that this young man pursued a life of debauchery as pleasure and God hates debauchery. Not because it's against the rules because it's against you.

It's against your life.

God hates debauchery not because it's against the rules because it rules against the life that he wants for you.

It'll enslave you son and slave you daughter.

So I hate it.

What happens next? Now I will anyhow could work destroyed go from here. but when he came to himself

when he came to himself and verse 17 moment of clear-eyed sobriety. right eyes to see ears to hear Just A Moment of clarity. He comes to himself and he said how many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread. I perish here with hunger.

an invention Jesus does something so I almost want to use the word devious, but I I don't want to like Imply that it somehow or eight Jesus it is he's a genius Storyteller. It really comes through in. This one is again, he knows his audience who who is his audience the grumbling religious folks. So at this point he he got like a poison pill like like the medicine wrapped and cheese for a dog to swallow and they didn't really just think you're like a old man. He's good to me today is giving me chest. I don't know why dogs would have a Southern accent in that regard would like I just

the Pharisees are going to take the bait here in the in the story. It's it's beautiful beautiful. What Jesus Does Verse 18. What? What is the what is the sun do now he hatches a plan a scheme to get himself out of this predicament. He sees that this is going to cost him his life. He sees this is going nowhere and it Dawns on me on my father's servants. This is what I'll do, I'll arise and I'll go to my father and I will say to him father. I have sinned against Heaven against you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. That's what I'll do is I will arise and go to my father and I'll say to him father. I have sinned against heaven and before you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son at treat me as one of your hired servants. Numbers 20 and he arose and came to his father. Can you just imagine he's keeps repeating this speech. He's repeating this plan. He he's repeating over and over and over his head. He's working it out. He's working down here. If I just this is what I could do. This is what I could do. I could I could come to him. Is hail Mary playing it? It might just work.

And he arose he came to his father. But while he was still a long way off his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants bring quickly the best rip. The father doesn't even let him finish his speech.

I mean the census laying out this plan right thing. So I know what we could do is and you could hire me. I mean you got it. You can be a lot of work around here to hire me and then you know, and I can be fed and out perfectly.

Ane rejoices In the presence of his son.

How Could the Father have seen him Coming a long way off. The father was waiting. for him to return looking for him to return.

Ran to him and embraced him before he even had a chance to finish his plan his scheme his proposal the father and racism. At this point the Pharisees are very confused because this is not the way they thought the story was going to end.

Because the the religious folks being about religion understand that proposal from the Sun. Oh, okay. Well, you know God is righteous, but he is also patient. This is a very reasonable just Arrangement that they could come to the sun could be made to be a servant of a bond slave. Of the fathering in essentially work off the debt. This is a good arrangement. Yeah, I would call this Justice and kindness. That's the way they thought it was going to go. But but but Jesus just any you just eat like like even just a severs that sought flow that they had in their minds just just record scratches the story right there.

And runs and him braces him.

And so that the young man the son he was not saved by plans or schemes or deeds. religion It was not saved by plans or schemes are Deeds, but the loving Embrace of a father waiting expectantly for the Rio for the arrival of a son.

That's where his salvation was found in the grace of the father. Not in his. It's not even if you're not in this plant not in his schemes. In his Arrangements not in his religion, but in the father's compassion. And and here's the the awesome deeper truth of this.

I am I wrote it down. So I'm going to read it. He did not leave as a son. The father greeted him as a son but that's odd because he didn't leave as a son. He left as an orphaned creature of patricide.

He essentially in his heart killed his own father. To leave with the liquidated property that was due him. He left as an orphan creature of patricide. You cannot be a son if you have no father and this creature was no son when he heart murdered his father and dust trailed away to a life robbing life of empty pleasure.

So what makes this creature a son? his return

for the father's embrace

yours in the beginning of the story how freely the father just goes along with this plan.

Wouldn't a loving father. Just beg his son. Please don't do this. I can tell you right now exactly how it's going to end. Please don't I don't allow it right. I don't allow it. I'm going to lock you in your room. I'll reverse the lock on the door.

father so free freely lets him go cuz of Father Knows and expects him to return What makes him a son? Was the Embrace of the father?

It gets even more amazing than this.

first 21 Son said to him father. I have sinned against heaven. And before you are no longer worthy to be called your son but a father said to his servants bring quickly the best robe put it on him. Her ring on his hand shoes on his feet bring the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son. What's Dad? Not a little Wayward not making bad choices not on a different path or a different Journey. He was dead. Wasn't going through a season of some bad choices. He was dead.

And he's alive again. He was lost and is found and they began to celebrate.

The Pharisees were expecting. the crossed arms of the father


I could have told you.

Let me guess you're back here cuz you're broke down need money now.


Want want you YouTube? Find a bunk in the servants quarters, and I guess I'll make sure that you're fed, but you got to work. I mean you got to work. It's a freeloading here you got to work but And put your stuff out. I was right you don't have any stuff cuz you lost it all well anyway.

That's what the religious leaders were expecting. They weren't expecting the father to throw a party. They weren't expecting this spinner.

To be covered in a robe and get a ring. Now the fatted calf killed for him and in a party in a banquet.

Religious leaders are in the story Jesus in his awesome Trixie beautiful devious greatness here. Put some religious leaders in the story verse 25 now his older son was in the field and as he came and true near to the house you heard music and dancing.


they called one of the servants ask him what these things meant. He said to him your brother. Your brother's come in your father is killed the fatted calf because he has received him back safe and sound.

But he was angry and he refused to go in his his father came out and in treated him, but he answered his father these many years. I've served you. I never disobeyed your command yet. You never gave me a young goat. Then I might celebrate with my friends. The one the son of yours came who is devoured your property with prostitutes. I might add. You killed the fatted calf for him.

Pharisees were expecting the Father the stand back with crossed arms. I think they are they're the ones standing back with crossed arms.

angry he used to come in. father answered

Sun First 31 you are always with me and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad. This your brother was dead and is alive. He was lost and now he's found and the older brother says but you never even gave me a goat.


I'm offering you a brother and you're mad about goat.

You would rather have a goat than a brother.

What did the younger son do? He'd rather have stuff than a father.

This story that we call the story of The Prodigal Son.

This is a story of of one who had it all and he squandered it. And another who had it all and he squandered it.

The Prodigal Sons yatone embraced his father

and was made a son.

The other one is called Sun. But wouldn't Embrace his father or his brother?

This is what's amazing. the younger is down more of a son than he ever would have been had he stayed. Some mother father in this room you have children.

and you desperately

I want them to come home.

Please father bring them home. I said it before I'll tell you again the most powerful prayer said over me. I was 16 at camp and my counselor says boys looking at all of us in the room boys every morning. I wake up before the sun rises. I pray for each of you by name and I pray that your life would be miserable if that's what it requires to know that you need Jesus.

pray that

Faithfully hopefully truly hopefully pray that father make them miserable make them as miserable as you have to if that's what it requires to bring them home and call them son and call them daughter. These are three stories that Jesus tells of rejoicing over what was lost being found.

my father planning on preaching this same passage years ago. And as he's in his study waiting for the elders to come in and pray over him and he's looking at his notes and a pair of lost coin and loss sheet Moss. Son spraying. Look at the pastor's looking his know. It's this woman comes to his study. And incest Tom. I think this is yours and handed him a gold watch chain the pocket watch chain my dad and mediately with tears. This gold watch chain had been lost. over 20 years How in the world was it found the watch Shane was given to him by my grandmother as a seminary graduation present and it was lost at some point and I broke my dad's heart. This woman moved into a house that my family lived in when I was like a baby years ago in Clemmons North Carolina this woman moved into this house and was Remodeling and remove the radiator from the wall found a gold watch chain and a Polaroid picture. On the back of the Polaroid it says little Sydney and Tommy.

and only

So she comes in she brings the chain to him what was lost was found my dad in preparation for preaching. This was about to tell the story of my uncle. Who's been diagnosed with terminal cancer? And it over 50 years old the same day. He found out about his cancer diagnosis received a call from a high school buddy says, I don't know why but the Lord prompted me to call you today Robin and tell you about Cheese's. So my dad was going to he was going to use in a weave in the story of my uncle's conversion after 30 years of prayer for this man.

I lost gold watch chain out of nowhere. I lost son coming home and called.

Did we Joy sing?

What was lost is going to be found praying? I'm going to close and prayer the band to come back out. I'm going to ask you to do something a little weird forgive me. If you don't want to do it don't have to do it. Everyone. Everyone has the the name in their in their heart. That that would be if you lost sunny at a loss daughter in your heart. If you feel prompted go to the window. Look out the window and pray. Like a father waiting for the sun to come look at the window and pray father. Bring them home draw them home. Use misery if you have to bring them home so we can rejoice. osprey

Josh Jesus. What's that's so much you just there's so much.

We got lost sheep. We got lost Sons.

It's lost things of Great Value and end. We we want them to be found. You are the Good Shepherd.

ghost of sheep pulling up off a cliff if you have to put them on your shoulders Jesus carry them all.

That there is celebration to be had. How long do we pray? When do we give up after after after 5 years 10 years 15? 30 longer

Opposite keep our eyes open. Help us to continue praying.

Bring home. Once lost mine was lost. We ask in the powerful Great Name of Jesus.

A standard singers be closed this morning.

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