Yeargin Your Heart Determines your Direction
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Your Heart Determines Your Direction -
Your Heart Determines Your Direction -
God is looking for a man to set up
God is looking for someone to establish
His requirements are in the realms of the heart
Samuel, David, Mary and Jesus; found favor with God
Not a respecter of persons
For many are called, but few are chosen.
Two Servants
Eliakim- God is setting up
Type of Christ
Throne (vs 23)
The key of the house of David (vs 22)
Government (vs 21)
Manager of Hezekiah’s household
Shebna- Jehova draw near (Sehbanyahu)
Trust in chariots (vs 18)
Loss and demotion (vs 19)
What was the difference?
I) A Servant's Calling (vs 20)
I) A Servant's Calling (vs 20)
Eliakim desired to serve not to be served
Shebna desired to be serve not to serve
“What hast thou here.” (vs 16)
Is my motivation to serve or to be served?
Shebna desired to be served; vs 16
“An habitation for himself in a rock”
He had a tomb and house fit for a king
“I will call my servant”
Better to be a servant of God than a ruler to self
“The son of Hilkiah”
God honors humble service
He and his father are honored
It is honorable to be a servant of God
Shebnah has no lineage or honor bestowed by the prophet
Those that are diligent in doing the duty of a low sphere stand fairest for preferment in God’s books
That Eliakim should be put into Shebna’s place of lord-chamberlain of the household, lord-treasurer, and prime-minister of state
What is your motivation for service; as long as I am doing something I am okay; are you just filling a spot?
Anybody can teach a sunday school class for a couple months; the heart will come out and God knows; nursery,
Eliakim was not serving King Hezekiah he was God’s Servant; and through the prophet Isaiah God recognized that
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Obligated to do it
God is not unrighteous to forget our labor of love
At the end of the day “my servant” not serving Hezekiah I am serving God
What the Judgement Seat of Christ determines
Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.
Slothful Servants-
No one else to do it so I guess I will
Obligated to do it
I can’t serve Im too young, I cant serve Im too old, I cant serve Im millenial and I am too busy (needless to say I dont have a job)
Im just doing it because the pastor asked me
im just doing it because my wife asked me
Servants that think themselves kings; On the other extreme;
What you are replacing me? How dare you!
what i have to involve other people in my ministry i do not like! I quit
What he or she is going to be in charge? I feel the Spirit’s leading somewhere else
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Stump Sermon on a camping trip- First Sermon I ever preached
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
fasted, prayed, for weeks I studied and prayed
James Dalton- Became a Pastor and Pastored for two years; the Lord’s timing is the Lord’s blessing; example of humble service to Jesus Christ
I want to bring myself so low at the foot of the cross that God can do nothing but use me
Remember when you were so excited to serve the King by diapering that baby or standing at the door and greeting people
not emotionalism but I wonder have we lost one of our highest callings?
I like how the children take up our offering, I like how the teens help in our masters club kids ministry or back in the sound booth; you are never too young to serve Jesus Christ
II) A Father's Commitment (vs 21)
II) A Father's Commitment (vs 21)
Shebna was not committed to the people; “whom hast thou here” (vs 16)
Thought that the privileges of power and strength were for himself
Eliakim took the responsibility
God is willing to give his strengths to the man that will use them for him
Thy robe- spoke of his office; as in a judges robes; badge of honor
Thy girdle- spoke of the trust and wealth committed; it was on the girdle where the purse was carried and also where the sword would be attached- his strength; badge of power
Thy government
Great men are the ones that say no problem it was never mine in the first place; it’s not mine it is God’s! You can replace me;
Those that are called to places of trust and power should seek unto God for grace to enable them to do the duty of their places
He shall be a father
His heart is the same as God’s; he is a father to a son
A friend, a counselor
teach them with wisdom, rule them with love, and correct what is amiss with tenderness, to protect them and provide for them, and be solicitous about them as a man is for his own children and family
He is no hireling
Shebna was not committed to the people; “whom hast thou here” (vs 16)
There was no care or desire for those he was governing over
God is concerned with who we invest our talents into
Who am I investing in?
Pastor Bez- you need three relationships
God is concerned in our relationship to those around us
Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.
God is looking to commit his government and work to those who have the commitment of a father or mother to those God has around them.
Application: A good father understands he builds and guides the relationship, he takes ownership; they are his children and family
sad that people come to church and do not love the brethren befriend them, and invest in them
If you love the lord and love people it will take care of so much
It will be easy to leave; I have no friends there
What are the names of those in your ministry? ; I don’t know; who is in your sunday school class; I don’t know
who are you praying for in your church; no one
So foreign to the first church; they invested in one another
Also applies to the lost community; what if Ezra was sitting there ; wouldn’t I want someone to care for him and give him the gospel
this idea of come in
All my friends have passed away: I'm sure glad Bruce Day didn’t let that stop him from investing in a young man
I have had two strokes; I'm sure glad an old preacher did not let that stop him from teaching the bible and investing in a young man
No one is friendly at church; sometimes that is because your version of friendly is the world that parties and carries on
Paul had a special relationship with Timothy; his son in the faith
Good: Some of the greatest gifts Jesus Christ has given me were christian friends; brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers in Christ
Ernest Densen- He loved Huisache and the people at Huisache; he would ask me about visitors, about couples in the church and how they were doing
Will Santiago- How is so and so, what happened with this young man;
Dave Miller- first day I came; he didn’t know me from Adam; be part of our college and career group meeting, come on over
Pastor Bez- lonely; asking why; hear a knock at the door; hey I just cooked up some beans
Josh Cormican and Urijah go and pray with new convert Phillip
III) A Son's Commission (vs 22-24)
III) A Son's Commission (vs 22-24)
His Command (vs 22)
His Command (vs 22)
Authority and Responsibility- Power
Open and shut; he has control of who does and who does not have access
Greater sphere of influence
He became the mediator
Being over the house, and having the key delivered to him, as the seals are to the lord-keeper, he shall open and none shall shut, shut and none shall open.
He had access to the house of the precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices; and to the house of the armour and the treasures (ch. 39:2), and disposed of the stores there as he thought fit for the public service.
He put whom he pleased into the inferior offices and turned out whom he pleased.
Our Lord Jesus describes his own power as Mediator by an allusion to this (), that he has the key of David, wherewith he opens and no man shuts, he shuts and no man opens.
His power in the kingdom of heaven, and in the ordering of all the affairs of that kingdom, is absolute, irresistible, and uncontrollable.
We have access to prayer
We have access to the gospel
We have access to the Word
His Care (vs 23-24)
His Care (vs 23-24)
those under him would be benefitted as he gave the father the glory
His dependency was not his strength it was not his house, his chariot, it was the fact that he was the Father’s he was God’s servant, and that any all glory was to be given back to his father