notes for video (Hebrews)
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Take the time to invite you out to SFA this coming Sunday morning.
services start at 10:30
You will be blessed and so will your kids.
I want to give a little encouragement and small preview of the message for this Sunday morning.
Book of Hebrews…
5:12 tells us that written to a group of believers/church that were long established… should be more mature.
10:32-34 written to a group of believers that had faced some troubles.. trials… even persecution.
So knowing that… makes the way this letter opens even more soothing and powerful.
verse 2- prophet
verse 3- priest
verse 3- king
Jesus… our prophet, priest, and our king.
Doesn’t stop there… verse 2… son of God, through which all things were created, verse 3 exact representation of God’s Glory, his powerful Word sustains all things.
Prophet, Priest, King, God, All powerful, Creator, Greatest Authority.
But then in chapter 2…
verse 9
Savior… my hero....
verse 11.... not ashamed to call me family
So what’s going on here is this…
group of believers… facing trials, persectuions, troubles… stamina very well may be being tested.
Faith… being tested.
author of this letter is saying don’t forget who you serve.
Jesus… Savior, Hero, Family… He is your prophet, priest, King, all powerful creator, authority, he is God! In other words, he is everything that we could ever need.
love the word that starts out chapter 3....
Therefore… “for that reason”
verse 1… fix your eyes, thoughts, upon Jesus.
Ask this question? How big is Jesus to you?
If we don’t know, recognize, understand how BIG JESUS is.... then our eyes will never fix on him in the midst of Trials… our thoughts won’t fix on him in the midst of confusion, anxiety, worry.
My challenge is this… ask yourself… how big is your Jesus???? He’s my hero....
We love you and we hope to see you here at Sheridan First Assembly this Sunday morning at 10:30. Have a great Friday and a great weekend.