Dedication of Children

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Dedication of Children: Preface

The Broadman Minister’s Manual Dedication of Children

Dedication of Children

This service is actually a promise of parents to offer their child (usually in its infancy) to God, and to dedicate themselves to the rearing of the child for the glory of God. It should be understood that this act of dedication is not a sacrament; it does not impart salvation to the child. Ceremonial acts, such as baptism, the laying on of hands, and so forth, are not appropriate in this service. It is a recognition that the life of the child is a gift from God and an acknowledgment that its life rightfully belongs to God. The dedication of children is taught in the Bible. As a baby, Jesus was dedicated by his parents (Luke 2:22–35). This act of worship has been called the “presentation of the child” (v. 22) and “the blessing of the child” (v. 34), as in Jesus’ blessing of the children (Mark 10:16).

The dedication of a child may be performed by the parents at the hospital and/or later in the home. They may invite the pastor to participate. Also, the act of dedication is often part of a Sunday morning worship service, perhaps on Children’s Day as a part of Christian Home Week, when parents are invited to bring their babies and small children who have not previously been presented to God. The following suggestions may be adapted for these various occasions. At the appropriate time in a regular worship service, perhaps after the call to worship, opening hymn, and invocation, this order may be followed.


MINISTER: It is the privilege of the church to encourage and assist parents in the proper training and development of their children. Therefore, it is appropriate for home and church to unite in this service of dedication for parents and child [children]. The act of dedication is in keeping with the teaching of God’s Word. An example is the dedication of Jesus by his parents.

In this service of dedication we are first to give thanks to God for the creation and birth of this child [these children]. In the second place, we are to make a solemn promise as parents and as a church that, relying on the grace of God and working together as home and church, we will endeavor to provide guidance for this child [these children] in instruction, discipline, salvation experience, and growth in the Lord. In the third place, we are to pray for God’s blessings upon this child [these children], in the presence of his Spirit, remembering how the Lord Jesus Christ took little children and blessed them.


Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise [Deut. 6:4–7, RSV].

The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments [Psalm 103:17–18, RSV].

And he took a child, and put him in the midst of them; and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me” [Mark 9:36–37, RSV].

Other suitable passages are 1 Samuel 1:24 to 2:1; Psalm 127:1, 3; Matthew 18:5, 10, 14; Mark 10:13–16; Luke 2:25–40; 9:46–48; 18:15–17; Ephesians 6:1–4; Colossians 3:20–21.


MINISTER: We acknowledge Mr. and Mrs._____, who present their son [daughter] before God and this company of the church.

(If there is more than one set of parents, the names of all parents and their children should be called.)


MINISTER TO THE PARENTS: In presenting your child to the Lord, do you promise in dependence upon God’s grace and upon the partnership of the church, to teach him the truths of the Christian faith, to set a Christian example before him, to bring him up in the instruction and discipline of the Lord, and to encourage him to accept Christ as his Saviour under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?


MINISTER TO THE CONGREGATION: Do you, as members of the church, promise to join these parents in the teaching and training of this child that he may be led in due time to trust Christ as Saviour and to confess him in baptism and church membership? If you accept this responsibility, will you indicate it by standing? (The congregation will stand).


This is a prayer of thanksgiving for the child [children], a promise to God to be responsible for him [them], and a petition to God for his blessings in leadership in the lives of parents and child [children]. The parents will take the children to the nursery and return to the service. The worship service will proceed according to the regular order. It may be desirable to have a special sermon to fit the occasion.

Dedication of Children
This service is actually a promise of parents to offer their child (usually in its infancy) to God, and to dedicate themselves to the rearing of the child for the glory of God. It should be understood that this act of dedication is not a sacrament; it does not impart salvation to the child. Ceremonial acts, such as baptism, the laying on of hands, and so forth, are not appropriate in this service. It is a recognition that the life of the child is a gift from God and an acknowledgment that its life rightfully belongs to God. The dedication of children is taught in the Bible. As a baby, Jesus was dedicated by his parents (). This act of worship has been called the “presentation of the child” (v. 22) and “the blessing of the child” (v. 34), as in Jesus’ blessing of the children ().
The dedication of a child may be performed by the parents at the hospital and/or later in the home. They may invite the pastor to participate. Also, the act of dedication is often part of a Sunday morning worship service, perhaps on Children’s Day as a part of Christian Home Week, when parents are invited to bring their babies and small children who have not previously been presented to God. The following suggestions may be adapted for these various occasions. At the appropriate time in a regular worship service, perhaps after the call to worship, opening hymn, and invocation, this order may be followed.

Introductory Statement

Minister: It is the privilege of the church to encourage and assist parents in the proper training and development of their children. Therefore, it is appropriate for home and church to unite in this service of dedication for parents and child [children]. The act of dedication is in keeping with the teaching of God’s Word. An example is the dedication of Jesus by his parents.
In this service of dedication we are first to give thanks to God for the creation and birth of this child [these children]. In the second place, we are to make a solemn promise as parents and as a church that, relying on the grace of God and working together as home and church, we will endeavor to provide guidance for this child [these children] in instruction, discipline, salvation experience, and growth in the Lord. In the third place, we are to pray for God’s blessings upon this child [these children], in the presence of his Spirit, remembering how the Lord Jesus Christ took little children and blessed them.

The Reading of the Scriptures

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise [, RSV].
The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments [, RSV].
And he took a child, and put him in the midst of them; and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me” [, RSV].
Other suitable passages are to 2:1; , ; , , ; ; ; ; ; ; .


Minister: We acknowledge Branden. and Diana Agee, who present their son [daughter] before God and this company of the church.
(If there is more than one set of parents, the names of all parents and their children should be called.)

The Commitment

Minister to the Parents: In presenting your child to the Lord, do you promise in dependence upon God’s grace and upon the partnership of the church, to teach him the truths of the Christian faith, to set a Christian example before him, to bring him up in the instruction and discipline of the Lord, and to encourage him to accept Christ as his Saviour under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Parents: We do.
Minister to the Congregation: Do you, as members of the church, promise to join these parents in the teaching and training of this child that he may be led in due time to trust Christ as Saviour and to confess him in baptism and church membership? If you accept this responsibility, will you indicate it by standing? (The congregation will stand).

Prayer of Dedication

This is a prayer of thanksgiving for the child [children], a promise to God to be responsible for him [them], and a petition to God for his blessings in leadership in the lives of parents and child [children]. The parents will take the children to the nursery and return to the service. The worship service will proceed according to the regular order. It may be desirable to have a special sermon to fit the occasion.[1]
[1] Segler, Franklin M. The Broadman Minister’s Manual. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1969. Print.
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