Sunday, July 21st, 2019 - AM - Shining Disciples Worth Their Salt (Matt. 5:13-16)
Listening to the thermos is outside of equality. Listen to the Brimfield Baptist Church Pastor bringing the Sunday morning message work is salt. Matthew chapter number 5 you found your place there. We've been studying. The other The Sermon on the Mount we spent some week really digging into the Beatitudes in the introduction that he is gay. And as we pick up I would like to read the Beatitudes along with where we're studying today. Read Matthew chapter number 5 the Bible record and save the multitude. He that is Jesus went up into a mountain. When he was that his disciples came up to him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying. What are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven? Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted? Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth for they shall be filled. Propane Murphy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Is there a kingdom of heaven when men shall revile you and persecute you can be glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted. They the prophet which were before you. You are the salt of the earth. What is the phone has lost its savor?
You're the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candle and give it to lie on the older in the house 3 verse 16 out loud with me if you would let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Heavenly father I come before you and I pray that these words would accomplish what you would have them to do in our hearts in life. Your word has a message we could just read what gate is said here take it to heart and know that we've met with you and me personally would resonate within our hearts in life that we would yearn and desire to be all the pieces would have it to be as we follow him. But I pray that those are here today would be candles that would go out from here. Maybe there's things that have been going on in their life that has them that lied, or they they covered it over. Maybe there's things in their life that they're not being a favor like they should and they're both in whatever might need to take. What I asked for your Divine great in your help. And your people would go from here with a friend. Whatever dude seal to say, I want my life to shine even greater effusion. And if that's done War I may never know until I get to Eternity what all happens from this message. So or I commit that to your teaching that you would do what I cannot and you would take your word where I cannot go and that it would linger and it would resonate many men have free Court in the community of Broomfield in the place where we live and operate board. I just asked for you to help me hide me behind the cross and may Jesus is worth take for a minute and we lift up and magnify his name together in Jesus name. I pray amen. What was very valuable commodity in the ancient world still valuable today, but even growing up in the South and a little bit of value.
Do you think that nature if you don't have a situation with my cousin has me blocked pretty traumatic for me to go in there because they were off.
And that's where the expression he's not worth his salt come from.
I had a message that I didn't.
Think about this I just for a moment in in one book. I was reading examples on purpose. This is a great resource. By the way, if you don't have it and you're in you're interested in Ministry of happiness for yourself.
Microscope. There may be many Christian Living unseen and unknown submit. Although the microscopic Eyes Of God, it's earned their living form, but how very small they are being are the light of the world. That really kind of sexy poem. Well for what I'd like to dress with Jesus's words today. These words are we read together? He said let your light so shine. That is aspiration about microscopic animals that we can see with a microscope and Crissy beef jerky to God's eye, but he's the only one that really see their like, that's the challenge, isn't it? 1951 French place for skeptic Albert Camus he said in part I quote. What the world expects of Christians is that they speak against evil in such a way. Not the slightest doubt about what I need 10 exist in the heart of the simplest man the world Listen to the world to speak clearly and to pay up personally. That was in 1951. I think he's on to something. He's an atheist philosophers.
Who says that's what the world today? Are we doing that as Christians? Are we speaking up clearly? I think that fits exactly what you were saying that because I had to read the Beatitudes. How are you going to be fault line? If you don't get anything else from this morning take some time this week go through 12 horn Spirit, Myrtle Beach.
which one of the Examine my life. Which one of these is causing me to not be seasoning goes around me like I should.
Maybe just perhaps if you'll get seriously got in your profile. Inquieta, just might come outside with his holy spirit to say maybe we should focus on this.
Hey, Nate would be persecuted for righteousness sake. It's really used to climax. That is Win verses 13 through 16 really are seen in the persecution for righteousness takes until you've been living all the others already other word. Can you God? Can God see that you truly are poor in spirit? nobody else
can godspeed You mourning over sin the way that you really could you definitely before him?
When you're there and you're ready for the grace of God come in and give you that Supernatural power that you need to fulfill the will of God in your life. If you can't do it in your own strength by turning over in the morning, we continue down the list and Matthew chapter number 550 introspective. Blessed are the meek. What area have I?
Lay it down.
Methodist South Dakota and the Starcatchers Battlefield up there in the place where the phrase bury the hatchet came from. Literally bury the hatchet right there in Indian North American custom. I should say it. us and the tribes that were at it until it's time to.
There's greater. Thanks that we need to spend our time fighting for their bigger battle and just dying on the hill for our own reputation. Let God. Do you know if your suffering from the Lord the Lord keys for in spirit?
Because the world can't even Define righteousness. It's so confused about my flight. Everybody has their own idea of God has found out what is righteous and holy. And we as followers of him read his book and that's when we discern righteousness. What do we learn for that it was Hunger for that? He's got to be up under me for that. Then I do but the first number 7 it starts to work out. What are these things manifesting themselves in your merciful? Did you understand the merchants you've gotten from God so you're willing to exercise that for somebody else around you that needs Mercy. real facts that is a true fact. What does pure in heart and why you're doing what you're doing? Nothing will destroy a Christian testimony faster than somebody who's doing it for the wrong reasons. The New Testament is full of James tells Believers across-the-board to be of one mind and not be double-minded and to be able to walk with god with one mine or anything else going for your attention. Then maybe has one that place in your heart.
It's pretty, even for Christian to give it okay.
Is there anything in your life where you can't be that Peacemaker? Dimension peacemakers win any Emmys on either side? Right because nobody's going to like you on either side because then we can be called the children of God someday, even when the world might not understand we are going to be a peacemaker. We're going to drive around. And then broke the 10th and 12th. When you're trying to be a peacemaker in the world doesn't understand and whoever else is on the other side doesn't understand you can expect versus temperature to 12. persecuted for righteousness sake persecuted for righteousness of trouble that's exactly where you need to be.
paint this be like
skip all of that and just get right to the Evan Park.
You're here and you're still breathing. God has a purpose for you. And if you're going to send me directions home.
And what else is in chapter 14 that Jesus said if we're going to follow him and follow him. That's why we cannot we cannot be cannot be a disciple of Christ. What do they are persecuted for righteousness sake of the Kingdom of Heaven? That's them on Mancow revital U. They're going to mock you. how to make fun of you with their words to going to the bower you they're going to revive your being
Nobody should ever have to worry about that today. No, and thank God we have beef protect ourselves, but
All around this world cookies with bacon persecution respectfully and some of the darker areas the 10/40 window is still dark.
Things are happening in China at a rapid rate. Arctic environment country God's people are being molested. They're being Milan. And they're going to folks we will have no qualms about breaking the 9th commandment.
It's for his sake when you're in that played in person.
old black people
eat all you are salt don't lose your saver. Remember or he asked me to pray for him that he would be full speech at the office Pete.
What is prone to go on autopilot? I would guess and say you know, what if I just kept my mouth shut right now.
He said pray for me that came the day when the Apostle Paul stood before the government of today.
And no time got people to be furnished if you don't have a missionary prayer with and if you're not praying for for preachers of God's word in particular those that are out there on the front line. I would encourage you they need to work on that trailer and get serious about going to God for them that they wouldn't close their mouths when the time comes that they would speak as they often times where I think
Am I going to bulldoze the darkness? Until all the pastors are safe around this country pray that they would be present.
Private person would show up and be a boy.
but if we're following Jesus
if I come in your classroom.
Plans changing gears things don't go right when you open your mouth and say you're going to stand on God's word. You can't believe everything you read on the internet right now.
very beautiful one of them was Again, maybe this isn't the case. What was what was reported as not being allowed to be set there to make sure that clear what was reported.
I hope it's not I pray that that's not verified me. If you'll be a disciple that's worth your salt and printed do will let your lifetime. This is something you must do to do this morning. He told you to do in fact, this is the imperative that sphere your life to put your light under a bushel. Leonardo Daniel Fernandez Bronx We will give an account for that and and hang your head. Online articles about personal responsibility between Believers and non-believers between disciples and those who don't follow these there is a different.
Christian artists
Viper number 13, gr. Number 14 GR Hey football position Ali. This is what the Lord has done for you to be different.
What with that distinction Army? Don't let me get money with everything else that they're let me stand out as different.
We have to see our Christmas stockings really has two parts. So when you think about skull it's largely negative, right and you got to have the negative and positive. So the negative aspects holding back production preserving birdie. Salta salta y on the other hand has more positive. If you take scholten poured out on your table is not going to start jumping around and in a moving a drink because of how God created why we see it because
Why does the lake and light switches Darkness XD don't even know all there is to know about life. I still haven't found that out yet. This is what God is like the first thing that you're the Sun the moon and so all of these are illustrations Roundup in creation. How do you reflect price to others? And I swear lamps. Talks about the candles and things in birth number 15 needs a man like a candle and put it under a bushel. But on a Google take me to get his life in the house if you need some some Bible background research here, so I'm not I'm not going against that but I was able to find the lamp and in the days of Christ. The candle that there would be a little Bowl right to get this picked him up and be folded out of a week before oil in there and the and you like it with the candle. And so Campbell's good. We have a chance thank perfect with our candles would be verified and all of that stuff by the Jerusalem archaeological people in all of that cook in Jerusalem, and I could have brought it because if you put it on a stand in the light goes forward when you think about the churches of Revelation lamps and you have the seven lampstands, do you have any thing on top of each one of those 10 the whale has not produced The Light? Please tell me you understand that cuz if you don't then you're going to message you might wind up in the morning. I don't know.
I want to be kind or money printed. This is not the one you have to put the oil in the lamp. You have to have a quick in the lamp. The Winnipeg is simply a vessel. The candle is merely a vessel.
What oil is the holy spirit when you're full of the Holy Spirit? Then the Light of Christ inside and call the fire department for crying out loud. This is just ludicrous. It wouldn't do that. We wouldn't put it under a bushel and maybe you can know people today. You have a hard time because you wouldn't put that in with his to help others.
Images simple concept art they need to be reminded of them where have I not been helping others to see and Dark World. Who's my wife? Where is my skull losing its savor?
Going to be attitude. Because that is what's going to hinder and Bamford. Very simply Jesus said it's the Cycles are the salt of the earth and the 13th, but great in effect. great in effect
What's the text stand? Okay. What does first mean what Jesus meant it when he said it? In this context Jesus said this kind of salt is in danger of losing a saber. Now, if you do some background research, you'll find out that sodium chloride to never stop being sodium chloride, right scientifically, we understand that but
Would come from areas to like the dead see that you have talked to you last 15 years and then is the first to evaporate off right at the first of all you're good for nothing.
I Think Jesus said what he meant and meant what he said if you're a disciple that could hinder you tease me others around you could you not your fault in a metaphorical sense to not lose your ability to season other drowsy. There's a real danger are taking the appropriate step in your life to make sure you are living the Beatitudes. Striving to be like him. Leaning on his work. If it ain't okay to occur then the first consequence is that you're good for nothing.
I didn't say that work for work. You are good for nothing at
don't take that to be Truly Nolen. Take that to be reprimanded.
then what good are you doing? Eagle Bank Heavener how to message you preached on what good are you eating in there pretty packages? I need the garden vehicle tags.
Oh, you got to empty it out and do the dirty old ground beef.
We Christians he said can you come through Clan it that we lose contact with the very world where men tan clothes nowadays. We have our own school. Christian School. We have our own way back to the fifties and sixties when he was preaching and then forget that we are the world and a light is needed in a dark place in the world.
From an eating indicating Humane and so dainty and prestigious that we wouldn't touch a Dying World Series after the world's been disinfected disinfected go out only when it goes against the grain only the love of Christ in love with old can overcome our natural distaste for unpleasant situation on the other hand, are not only in the world. But of it so mixed with line instead of their fault in the world. The world is spoiling them. It's always one of the other to change the figure. We are inside of a McLaren says Peter a hammer or an Android.
one of the other
Lucas aberle coming sipping the word cast out. I remember getting cut off from sing. And they were very the greasepaint post on the xxxtentacian. So it would have meant sample. That's what Jesus said. There was an incident that said to occurred in the toilet where the official Church exists in only the state Secretary for church Affairs was a medical doctor as well drilling taxes. Would that be wonderful to have more people like that and some of these places and 70s country Presley's people? interrogating
Penny Paws
Huston Smith
What fault believer testimony kid season 6 What call Emily Kurtz testimony should clarify? Set timer for four and go look that up. What's called a Believers testimony should never lose its savor. I need to maintain that and like all the Believers testimony. I like this one.
1st Peter chapter 2 verse 12. Fl are we creating first?
According to the acceptable rapper time up here thinking about Cole's light and will be out of Meet the sky if you were to vacuum of water. So if we got one ton of water and we're going to get from the Pacific Ocean you're going to wind up with approximately 79 pounds of tall and 81 pounds of salt from the Dead Sea.
Youfit almost 500 hours at all in one ton of dead sea water. I can text but I don't have it on but it almost felt it when you touch me song.
these statistics demonstrate bodies of water very Greatwood in the degree of the Salton Sea
What's the thought I had maybe I can buy stuff but I can't now because of poultry supposed to my brain. I figured about Mormonism.
I just got to compare that with the practice, Christianity.
Bible project
we are called we don't get more or less of the holy spirit week is over. That determines how much safer we have perhaps where the salt of the earth leave here today. And you get along with the attitude. Like I asked you earlier. I'm going to take it serious pain. So you're going to sit down sometime in your life anymore. What is my salt content? How old am I for you? How much of my life is going for check your pulse constant. Are you the kind of person that others like to be around is your conversation pure view pizza from there you characterized by God's goodness. Why do you consider there's a whole world of wasps people around us that need the Living Water that fly to you. And we can throw them as they listen to us. Sap ra as they watch up. What do they see? What do they hear? The fastest way to fly that lead them to the doctor on the good news of Jesus Christ died with varying Residence Inn in according to Or is it just another conversation like a here everywhere else in the world?
Will take a shower. If you set your mind up on your phone, will you bring the second patient? I'm just make a commitment to yourself in the Lord. Nobody else after this morning. I'm going to set aside some time. In fact Lord when I come and pray during the presentation. I'm going to put it on my calendar right now. I'm going to calendar this so that I don't miss it this week because it's vitally important and I will sit down with the Beatitudes and I'm going to go through them one by one prayerfully, but I'm not running when I can and I can have time. I'm going to sit down and I'm going to listen to you and I'm going to ask you for this is what I want your career to be. I'm going to ask you Lord to show me where my salt content me to the greater. Show me where my life begins to shine further for Jesus.
You like the more week and I guarantee it to guide you with somebody that you need.