THE CHRISTIAN AND THE DEMONIC: Why So Much Disagreement and Misunderstanding?
Memorial Drive
SPIRITUAL WARFARE: The Christian and the Demonic
Various Texts
• Spiritual Warfare Is About Our Battle on Three Fronts
Ephesians 6:12 Rulers, powers, world forces of darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness
Ephesians 2:2-3a Three “fronts” in our spiritual battle: World, flesh, and devil
• Godly and Scholarly Men and Women Disagree
• A Lack of Clear Instruction
Lack of theological training in this area has followed pastors into their pulpits
Some make EVERY problem a DEMONIC problem
We tend to gravitate toward either negligible concern or absurd over-reaction.
• A Misunderstanding Over Biblical Terminology
Matthew 8:16 and Mathew 8:28 - “demon-POSSESSED”
Problem: “possession” implies ownership
Problem: The Greek word we often translate “possession” does NOT include the
idea of “ownership” but rather speaks of “being vexed, oppressed, or
harassed by a demon
Joint-OWNERSHIP of a believer by the Holy Spirit AND a wicked spirit is an impossibility!
• Holding to a Two-Tiered View of Demonic-Influence
“Possession” (Inside/Indwelling – Non-Christian Only –
Able to exercise control at will)
Demonic Influence
“Oppression” (Attack from outside – Christian –
Able only to influence via “fiery arrows”)
Where does this “two-tier” approach take us?
Carolyn’s Story …
Available Options Within the Two-Tier Understanding of the Demonic …
• Tell her that she’s not really saved therefore …
◦ She needs to hear and respond to the gospel message and be “saved”
• Tell her that the problem isn’t demonic in nature and therefore that …
◦ She simply needs to be more “faithful” in the Christian disciplines (Read your Bible more, or more sincerely. Pray more, or more sincerely (i.e. “Try harder!”)
◦ That her “problem” must be medical and her only hope is through medical care with a physician
◦ That her “problem” might be psychological, and since pastoral and “Christian” counseling has been of no help, she needs to seek professional help with another counselor or psychologist
◦ That, in truth, the “problem” is “in her head”
Satan’s first desire … Keep UNBELIEVERS blinded to the gospel – 2 Cor. 4:4
Satan’s second desire … Steal, kill, and destroy - John 10:10
A “spiritual attack” continuum … Examples
“fiery arrows”/ temptation ------- “sifting like wheat” -------- harassing spirit -------- ???
Ephesians 6:16 Luke 22:31 2 Cor. 12:7
• Scripture Simply Doesn’t Definitively Answer the Question
I believe that the conclusion that “the Christian can’t really have a serious problem
with the demonic” comes from how we view IMPLICATIONS we DRAW
from Scripture rather than any DECLARATION of Scripture to the contrary.
I John 4:4 Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world … Implication?
I Jn 5:18 (Christ) keeps him and the evil one does not touch him … Implication?
• A Faulty (and Perhaps Unbiblical) Syllogism
Premise 1: Every Christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Premise 2: The Holy Spirit wouldn’t/couldn’t indwell an individual where a demonic spirit
is either in residence or is exercising significant influence.
Conclusion: A Christian can’t be INDWELT by a wicked spirit or SIGNIFICANTLY
under the influence of a demonic spirit.
So where do we go from here?
What are we going to do when we come into a situation where one that we sincerely believe is a born-again Christian and yet, we see significant indicators that their problem is demonic?
DOES Scripture give us SOME help?
Next Week: What Does Scripture Say?