· This caused shame and embarrassment along with fear.
· Denial of his Shortcoming as it relates to his Spiritual understanding
· Peter wasn’t as clear on the Lords Purpose as he led on or believed
· There was both a lack of understanding and an offense because of the Lord Jesus
· Peter is rebuked in the Garden for his brash behavior
As believers we can get offended when the Lord reveals that some of our work that we did in his name were not as spiritual as we may have thought
This is heightened when its displayed in public or where others can see
Its possible that Peter began to sulk and fell dishonored, after all I have done in your name, he may have thought, no one else even stepped up. Forget it, I won’t do anything else.
Matt reveals that Peter started following Jesus afar off once he was arrested.
Our inability to see the way of suffering for the Gospel as the Glorious way of the Lord can facilitate a spiritual blindness and denial