Does the Master Know You?

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Saying you know somebody but you don't really know them (facebook friends, etc) could use facebook friend KJ52 as illustration 
Could also add eating and drinking in the presence of a celebrity at restaurant. saying I know that person. but you dont!
Why do we do that?
We want status.
The question by the person in the text is basically asking the same thing.
Read v. 23
Luke 13:23 ESV
And someone said to him, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them,
At the heart of that question is: Am I good? Am I saved? -- What is my Status... status as saved.
Go into problem v 24-27 (read text)
Luke 13:24–27 ESV
“Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then he will answer you, ‘I do not know where you come from.’ Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.’ But he will say, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you come from. Depart from me, all you workers of evil!’
We were in your presence, you taught in our streets: We know you!
It’s like saying, “Hey, we are friends on facebook, we have eaten in your presence at the restaurant.”
Master responds: “I do not know you or where you come from”
Transition: It’s not just about who you know (like in business) but it is about who knows you!

The Problem: I Don’t Know You

The Door will one day shut.
The Master (Jesus) will return and shut the door
Grace will cease to exist and there will be separation
Heaven and Hell
Jesus is saying it is much more than just a historical knowledge of Him.
More than just being in His presence on Sunday morning or at His Holy Supper
It is more than hearing His teachings… His miracles
It is a relationship where He knows you on a deep level and you know Him in a personal way.
Salvation is through a narrow door
Jesus is the narrow door to the house (eternity)
Jesus is the only way to Salvation
He Says:
John 14:6 ESV
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
No one enters the narrow door except through me!
The narrow door is the difficult path that leads to salvation -
Living a life that is in Christ, in a deep relational way is not always easy.
It is difficult for us as we are sinners by nature, enticed and tempted away from the door/Jesus living in this corrupted world.
Transition: That is why Jesus says: STRIVE to enter the narrow door… STRIVE

We Strive to have Relationship with Jesus

This Striving comes from the arena of Sports
Giving best to win the contest
It means: to struggle, wrestle, agonize, fight
We strive, struggle, wrestle, fight towards the door — through the temptations, eticements, our own sinful pitfalls
We strive for that personal relationship with the Master —
So that when the door closes — we know Christ in a deep relational way — and He knows us and where we come from!
Sports illustration: being on sidlines never getting into game (overlooked by the coach/lost in background) — fighting to be in the game (to be known)
sidelines = no interaction / in the game striving = interaction/relationship
This striving isn’t a works based striving — it isn’t to gain enough good points that you earn your way through or win your way through
Not a striving for first place status on Jesus’ friend list
It is striving with the acknowledgement of you cannot do anything for your salvation… - the door of salvation is too narrow for that.
It is knowing you are in last place and Christ is the only one who can make you first
When we acknowlege that — when we know our status apart from Christ — that is when we strive for that relationship with Him
That deep personal relationship where you are united to Him and want to spend an enormous amount of time with Him!
Transition: And here is the Good News, the reassuring news: The Master DOES KNOWS YOU and LOVES YOU DEEPLY!

The Answer: The Master KNOWS You!

The Door isn’t closed yet, God’s grace is still being poured out to you through Christ!
$ Jesus Christ, The Master, Knows You!
The Master of the heavenly house knows you in a deep way
He loves you!
He forgives you of your Sin!
He picks you up from despair
The Master created you… He sees You… Despite your unrighteousness apart from Christ, He STILL Loves you. He forgives you and makes you righteous in Him.
He welcomes to you His table — both here and now through His Word and His Sacrament, and also in the future, on the last day, when He returns.
And because of all this in Christ, we strive. Strive on the narrow path to the door, we strive in our relationship with Jesus, focused on His status as Master and not ours.
We battle, endure, and wrestle, all the way to the end — When He returns and says, “I know you, come in, come in.”

Land the Plane

Jesus (the Master) knows you
It is a wonderful precious thing to be known and loved by the Master, Jesus
$ I’m reminded of the song: Jesus loves me this I know
which is absolutely true and amazing
$ But what if we also sang it this way: Jesus knows me this I love!
When we sing these both from the inner depths of our being we strive towards that deep personal relationship with Him — rejoicing in the union with the Master who’s status is above all names and opens the door to salvation for you.
Before Christ we are last — sinners in need of salvation — it is only Jesus and will ever be only Jesus (the Master) who can save us
By His grace you are saved, it is His gracious knowing that the door is opened for you — bringing you from last to first!
Strive in your relationship with the Master and Rejoice in the fact that the Master — Jesus Christ — who knows you — offers you not only a relationship, but the narrow door to eternity.
$ Our status is Jesus Christ, this I love!
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