Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Security guard passing passenger a note that said, “You ugly.”
What would possess you to do such a thing?
Obviously fired.
Question we should ask when we read the story of Ananias and Sapphira.
God at work so powerfully, why would they do something so foolish?
What would possess you to sin against the God who loves you and saved you from your sin?
This is probably the most offensive story in the Book of Acts.
When we read this story, instead of being offended by what Ananias and Sapphira did, we’re offended by what God did.
This story makes us uncomfortable.
But, this story is a story of uncomfortable grace.
We all need some uncomfortable grace.
We need the reminder that God is absolutely holy, righteous, just, and pure.
We also need the reminder that there are tremendous consequences for our sins.
We need the reminder that in God’s grace, He wants to grow us in Christlikeness so that while we may not be sinless in this life, we will grow to sin less.
This story a warning against open rebellion against God as well as a gracious reminder of the kind of church God wants us to be.
Examine the story and then three lessons about the uncomfortable grace in this passage of Scripture.
summary much like .
Early believers voluntarily living a communal, generous life.
Gospel taking hold hold of their hearts, and as Gospel gripped their hearts, they were loosening their grip on their stuff.
Note vs. 36 - Barnabas.
“Son of Encouragement.”
How I want to be known.
6xs in Acts - He lays down his stuff and picks people up.
Here, Luke wants us to see Barnabas’ generosity.
He sold a field and gave all the proceeds to the disciples.
5:1.. But… You know the story isn’t going to go well when you see the conjunction.
Ananias stand in stark contrast to Barnabas.
Similarities to Barnabas: they’re new believers, caught up in the excitement of the new church, land owners, sold land and gave proceeds to church.
But, a big difference.
A problem deep in the heart of Ananias and Sapphira only visible to God.
They wanted to be a part of the Christian community, but they also wanted autonomy from the Christian community.
They wanted to be in charge of their lives.
They wanted to call the shots.
So Ananias lies.
He sold a piece of property and brought the proceeds to feet of disciples just like Barnabas.
Imagine people looking on as he brought the proceeds.
He seemed so generous, but truth, he was greedy.
Holy Spirit gave Peter glimpse into Ananias’ heart.
Note contrast.
Filled with Spirit vs. filled with Satan.
(Think Judas; ) Spirit leads us to speak truth.
Satan leads us to lie and deceive.
But, lie simply not to people but to the Spirit Himself.
Peter: “Why did you lie?
The property and proceeds were yours.
No one required you to give it all to the church.
You could have kept a portion of proceeds for yourself, yet you chose to lie.
You have not lied to us, you lied to God.”
Immediately, Ananias died.
Young men carried out his body.
(How would you like that job?) Fear came upon the people.
Three hours later, Sapphira walks in.
She has no clue what has happened.
Maybe she came looking for her husband.
After all, he hadn’t come home.
Peter: “How much did you sell the land for?”
She lied too.
Peter: “How is it that you test the Spirit of the Lord?”
Not a good thing to test the Lord.
(, ) Exactly what Ananias and Sapphira do - test the grace of God - provoking Him to judgment.
Instead of following leadership of Spirit, Sapphira followed her husband into the sin of greed and deceit.
And immediately, she died just as her husband.
How could God do such a thing?
On flip side, how could Ananias and Sapphira?
How could they test God?
We should be far more offended by sin than by a perfect God who deals with sin justly according to His will.
God protecting the early church from Satan’s inside attacks.
He was not going to allow the enemy to have victory over His church!
You might be able to hide from people but you cannot hide from God.
Ananias and Sapphira vs. Barnabas - a deliberate contrast.
BUT, in they eyes of everyone, they looked exactly the same.
Both looked godly, generous, and concerned about the Kingdom.
However, on the inside, Ananias and Sapphira completely different than Barnabas.
They were hiding some of the same sins we hide:
Praise-seekers - Wanted to be seen as generous people.
Wanted the attention of people.
Are you a praise-seeker or a praise giver?
Always concerned about what others think?
Always long to hear people speak well of you?
Root problem: You make people big and you make God small.
You fear man more than you fear God.
People are not awesome, God is.
(College student calling me fit.
Immediate big head!
I love praise!)
I can’t stop thinking about what I want out of life.
Taker not a giver.
Hallmark of greed: I will grasp on to whatever I can even if the rest of my life is falling apart.
Your security is not in God but stuff.
Reality: You can fake it with people.
You can write big checks to the church and still have a heart of greed.
You can present yourself as generous and humble but still long for the praise of people.
You can put on a good act for us, but not for God.
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