Abundant Life
Sermon Tone Analysis
8 For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, 9 and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written,
“Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles,
and sing to your name.”
10 And again it is said,
“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people.”
11 And again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles,
and let all the peoples extol him.”
12 And again Isaiah says,
“The root of Jesse will come,
even he who arises to rule the Gentiles;
in him will the Gentiles hope.”
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Rick Blount
Sometime ago I read about two villages in the Allegheny Mountains. One of the villages was given its water supply by a modest little stream that trickled through the village. In the summertime when the droughts came the stream was reduced to a very small flow and the people barely had enough water to get by. The other village, on the other hand, had in the middle of the village a natural fountain. That fountain was just constantly filled and overflowing and so regardless of whether there was dryness or not that village always had an abundant supply of water. Two villages, one had water, but the other had water full and overflowing.
In Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” You see there the same picture. “I am come that they might have life (water) and that they might have it more abundantly (water full and overflowing). Every born-again child of God has life. says “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So, every Christian has life. But the Bible says it is possible for a Christian not only to have life, but to have a life that is a full and overflowing life. I want to talk about that particular kind of life today. That’s really what the Scripture is talking about in these verses. The verses we are going to study this morning really bring us to the climax of everything the Apostle Paul has been discussing in the book of Romans. He begins in by giving us the theme of his letter. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believes.” He starts of f telling us about the mess we are in — we are all sinners. He tells us what God has done to get us out of the mess — He sent His Son, Jesus to die on the cross that we might have life. Then he tells us how it is possible for us to live a life of victory and abundance in the power of the Holy Spirit.
So in verses 8-13 you have a two-fold ministry which makes it possible for us life on the one hand and then life full and overflowing on the other hand.
I. The Ministry of the SAVIOIJR FOR US.
Verses 8-12 tell us what Jesus Christ did for us when He came into the world and when He died on the cross. Verse 8 says that Jesus is a minister of the circumcision. The word, circumcision, is a rather technical phrase that simply refers to the Jewish people. Verse 8 says that Christ came as a minister to the Jewish people. Then you will notice in verse 9 that he says that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy. In the Bible there are really only two groups of people given to us. There are the circumcision — the Jewish people. Then there is the Gentiles that represents all the other peoples of the world. When Jesus came into the world He came to fulfill God’s promises to the Jews and also God’s prophecies concerning the Gentiles all the nations of the world. Verse 8 — “...Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.” That simply means that when Jesus was born and came into the world, He made sure - He personally established all the many prophecies God had made to the Jewish people about the coming of the Savior in the world.
If you are familiar with any of the cultures of the peoples of the world, you will discover that all cultures of all people everywhere have stories about a god who will die and make it possible for people to have life. Have you ever wondered why it is that all of the cultures of the world have stories like that? It is because God has put into the consciousness of all the peoples of the world that there needs to be some death that will make possible forgiveness of sins and life for those who will receive the benefits of that death. Out of all of the peoples of the world, God chose one particular people. God chose one special people — the Jewish people and to them specifically He made promises about the coming of the Savior into the world. That explains a lot of things you read when you study the life of Jesus. One time a woman came to Jesus and she was not of the Jewish race. She came to Jesus wanting to receive healing for her daughter. Jesus made a rather stunning statement. Jesus said I am not sent save to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. On the surface of that it sounded quite blunt but Jesus was trying to get across that He had come into this world specifically to fulfill the promises of God to the Jewish people. That’s why in it says “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. When Jesus came He fulfilled all of these prophecies that God had made to the Jewish people about the coming of their Savior into the world.
I don’t know who counts these kinds of things and I’ve not verified it but I have read that there are 333 promises in the Old Testament made concerning the first coming of Jesus into this world. Think for a moment. What are the probabilities that all 333 of these promises would be fulfilled in one man -- Jesus Christ.
I have a book written by a man named Peter Stoner who was a mathematician. Mathematicians do these kinds of things. He studied the probabilities of the prophecies of the Bible being fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Instead of taking the 333 he said let’s just take 8 of the promises concerning Jesus. Let’s take His virgin birth. His sinless life. His death on the cross. He picked out 8 of those prophecies. He said what are the mathematical probabilities of all of these 8 prophecies being fulfilled in one person -- the Lord Jesus Christ. When he got through with his calculations he said that mathematical probabilities of all those 8 prophecies being fulfilled in that one person — Jesus — were one in ten raised to the 28th power. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t really mean a whole lot to me. When I get my fingers counted and take my socks of f and count my toes that’s about as far in mathematics I can get. I do know that a trillion is one with 12 zeros after it. I think that’s right. But he said the probability of all these being fulfilled in one person is one in ten raised to the 28th power. That’s ten with 28 zeros after it. I don’t understand that. Let me give you an example that will get us a little closer to it.
Let’s just suppose that you took this many silver dollars. You could take that many silver dollars - one in ten raised to the 28th power - and put them on the state of Texas. If you did that, I am told there would be two feet deep of silver coins all over the entire state of Texas. Then out of all of those silver coins, put a mark on one of those coins. Then, blindfold a man, get some bulldozers all over the state of Texas and move those silver
coins around and then say to the blind man — pick out the coin that has the mark on it. His chances of picking out the marked silver coin would be one in ten raised to the 28th power. Yet this verse of Scripture says when Jesus Christ came into the world, He came to confirm everyone of the promises that God made concerning His coming. Isn’t that marvelous! Isn’t that wonderful!
In the Bible says “To Him (Jesus) give all the prophets witness that through faith in his name, whosoever believeth in Him might have remission of sin.” That’s why Jesus came. His ministry for us. To die on the cross for His own people - the Jews. The Bible says, unfortunately, in “He came into His own and His own received Him not.”
He came also to fulfill the prophecies of the Gentiles. That’s why in verse 9 the Apostle Paul says “that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy.” The Living Bible paraphrases that statement: He came also that the Gentiles might be saved. Then in verse 9-12 he gives four Old Testament prophecies. They are taken from the Psalms, Deuteronomy and Isaiah. The Law, the psalms and the prophets. Every major portion of the Old Testament Scriptures has clear predictions that the Savior had come into the world not only to die for the Jewish people but to die for the sins of the whole world. Jesus Christ died that it might be possible for the Whole world to be saved. In six hours of time, Jesus Christ bore an infinite burden of guilt. All of the sins of the world in those hours were laid on Jesus Christ. When Jesus suffered as no one has ever suffered in this world before or since — in that time all of our sins, all of the sins of everyone in the world were laid on Jesus Christ. When we by faith trust Christ, when we by faith invite Jesus into our hearts the Bible says we are saved, we are forgiven of our sins and we receive the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. That’s why he says in the last part of verse 12 - “In him shall the Gentiles trust.” In Him shall the Gentiles hope. When you put your trust in Jesus you are resting all of your hope for the future on the person of Jesus Christ. All of your tomorrows you give to Jesus. That’s why the Bible says in - “He that hath the son hath life, he that hath not the son of God hath not life.”
Do you have life this morning? Do you have eternal life? Have you personally invited Jesus Christ into your heart and life? If you do not know Jesus Christ you are not living, you are merely existing. You do not begin to live until you get new life from Jesus Christ. Nicodemus came to Jesus one night. He was a religious man. He was a man who knew the Scriptures. Yet, Jesus looked at that religious man and said to Him, “Ye must be born again.” Jesus was saying not that you are born the second time physically you also have to be born spiritually. You get your physical life because of a physical birth. So in order to have spiritual life you have to experience a spiritual birth. Wouldn’t you like to be born again? Wouldn’t you like to know that your old life and its sin and its failure has been buried under the blood of Christ and that you have a brand new life in Jesus Christ? That’s why Jesus said in , “1 am come that they might have life...” That’s the ministry of Jesus Christ for us.
II. The Ministry of the Spirit IN Us. Verse 13 - “...that they might have it more abundantly.” That they might have it full and
overflowing. God never intended for people who come to know Christ as their Savior to just merely get by. God never intended that you just merely have life like a trickling stream. God wants you to have life like a full and overflowing fountain. God wants your life to be like rivers of water. So, verse 13 is really kind of like a great fountain of water bursting forth. What a verse it is! “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound (overflow) in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Isn’t that a great verse of Scripture there? This shows us the second ministry in these verses. The first ministry is the ministry of the Savior for us. That’s life. Now He talks about the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us - that is life abundant. That is life full and overflowing. I covet for everyone of you, I desire for everyone of you in this building that you will experience not only life - salvation - but you will experience abundant life - the life of overflowing - that’s made possible in the person of the Holy Spirit.
When you come to Christ as your Savior the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in your heart. That’s exactly what the Bible says. God Himself, in the person of the Holy Spirit, comes to dwell in your heart. The Holy Spirit makes real IN us what Jesus did FOR us at the cross of Calvary. So, let’s look at this ministry of the Holy Spirit in us in these verses. It’s the overflowing life - the life that’s full to overflowing.
He begins in verse 13 - “Now the God of hope fill you...” Isn’t that a marvelous title for God? Several titles for God in the Bible. Several right here in Romans. Verse 5 — “Now the God of patience and consolation.” “The God of endurance and encouragement.” God is a God who is always patient with us. Aren’t you glad God is patient with you? Isn’t it wonderful to know that we have a great God in heaven, our Father, who encourages our heart? Do you ever get down in the dumps? Feeling kind of blue? Get a little case of the mullygrubs? I have good news for you. You can come to the God who is the God of consolation and He will encourage your heart.
He tells us in verse 13 that God is the God of hope. This world is desperately looking for hope. This world is desperately looking for a life that has some meaning and a life that has a future to it. Here is the source of the full and overflowing life. God has a monopoly on it.
There are some things you can only get from God. You can only get comfort, ultimately, from God. You can only get hope, ultimately, from God. You can’t go down to the neighborhood store and ask for 3 yards of hope. You can’t go to the hardware store and ask for 2 gallon buckets of hope. God is the God of hope. If you want hope you have to come to God. There is no hope apart from God. There is no abundant, overflowing life apart from the God of hope who can fill you to overflowing with the things we are going to discuss. God is an expert on life. If you want to know about life you have to come to God.
I read some time ago about the great golfer Arnold Palmer. He was speaking at a banquet for blind golfers. After the banquet was over one of the men in the Blind Golfers Association came to him and said, “Arnie, we’ll make you a proposition. We’ll ask you to play our best golfer and if you beat him we’ll give $10,000 to the charity of your
choice.” They tell me that blind golfers play by hitting the ball toward a ringing bell. Palmer said, “You know I can beat any of your golfers.” They said, “Ok, get our best blind golfer and you play him and if you beat him we’ll give $10,000 to your favorite charity.” Palmer said, “Ok, when are we going to play?” They said, “We’ll play at 10:00 p.m.” Folks, you can’t beat a man at his own game. God is an expert in the game of life. It is God who gave us life; it is God who gives us eternal life and if we want the full and abundant life you have to come to God to get it. “The God of hope fill you.”
Not only the source of this overflowing life, but look at the scope of it. Notice the three words right in the middle of the verse. “Joy, peace, hope.” He says, “the God of hope fill you to overflowing with all joy and peace and hope.” As I studied those words this week I got to thinking, these are the very things people are looking for today. They are spending a fortune and traveling all over the world and they are trying everything there is to try, they are doing everything there is to do. It’s all because they are looking for these three things - joy, peace and hope. Yet, the Bible says if you want joy and peace and hope you can get all three of them from the Lord.
Everybody wants to be happy. I don’t know of anybody who says my goal in life is to be as miserable as I possibly can. I don’t know of anybody who says I hope I live the life of misery, never have any joy, never have any happiness. That’s why people are walking out on their families. Folks are saying, “I don’t have any joy in my family. I think I’ll find it somewhere else.” The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You’ll never find joy being disobedient to the teachings of God’s Word. The Bible says you have all joy from the God of hope, in believing in the power of the Holy Spirit. He is saying if you want to be happy you can get happiness from the Lord. Happiness is not found in pleasures. A lot of people think if you just have enough pleasure you’ll be happy. Go enough places, do enough things, you can be happy. But you don’t find ultimate joy in pleasures. The Bible talks about the pleasures of sin for a season. Then, there’s that bitter aftertaste of sin. There is that residual guilt in human heart. You don’t find joy in pleasure.
Other people think, “I’ll find joy in pleasant circumstances. If I can just get my circumstances right, get a comfortable home, get a good car, get money in the bank, get my circumstances pleasant.” Yet when you study the Bible you will find out that these early Christians were just filled to overflowing with joy and yet they were experiencing persecution, uncertainties concerning their own personal affairs, yet in the midst of it all they experienced an abundant, overflowing joy. Listen to what Jesus said the night before He died on the cross in , “These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full.” Isn’t that something? Jesus talked about His joy the night before the cross. Just ahead was the kiss of the traitor and hiss of the whip and the bloody path of the cross and yet in spite of those unpleasant circumstances Jesus was talking about His joy. I’m talking about having a hallelujah chorus in your heart regardless of what’s going on outside of your life. There are folks here today who know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve had the sad experience of losing loved ones. You’ve had the bad circumstances of financial reversals and yet through the midst of all of those difficult circumstances you have experienced a joy in
your heart that was beyond human comprehension. The Bible says you can have the joy of the Lord in abundance in your life.
I love the book of Philippians. That’s one of my favorite little books. About 18 or 19 times in four chapters Paul talks about joy. You say, it’s easy for Paul to talk about joy. He’s laid up at an oriental Hilton, swinging in a hammock with pretty girls fanning him with palm leaves, drinking a cool tropical drink. He doesn’t have to pay bills like I do. He doesn’t have to battle this Jacksonville traffic like I do and go over these bridges like I do. He doesn’t have it as tough as we have it. Friend, could I remind you of the fact that when Paul wrote the book of Philippians he was incarcerated in a Roman prison, not knowing what day would be his last day on this earth. Yet, in the midst of it all he said,
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.” I’m talking about joy you can have regardless of your circumstances.
That second word, peace. People want peace, don’t they? People are looking anywhere and everywhere trying to find peace. I’m talking about that inner tranquility, that calmness of spirit. I’m talking about that depth of the soul that gives people a sense of inner calm. It says the God of all hope can fill you to overflowing with His peace. You don’t get peace in pills. You get peace in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said again the night before His crucifixion — “The same night the Lord Jesus in says these words, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” What would people give for peace today? They are locking for it in pills, looking for it in the bottom of a bottle, they are looking for peace in some other worldly experience. But if you want peace you get peace from the God of peace. That’s the full and overflowing life.
Notice the third word, hope. The word doesn’t just mean wishing something will come out good. There’s more to the word hope than just a strong wish. Hope means a confidence in the future. God can fill your life full and to overflowing with confidence about the future. If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior today your future is in real good shape. But if you are not a Christian, if you do not know Christ as your personal Savior, whatever the future holds for you is bad. You say, “I may be a millionaire.” That’s bad because you think your money can buy your way into heaven. That’s bad. You say, “I may get married.” That’s bad because if you don’t know Jesus as your Savior you may marry a girl who doesn’t know the Lord and both of you will be lost and you’ll bring children into the world who do not know the Lord. Whatever the future may hold, it’s bad if you are lost. You say, “I’ll die one of these days.” That’s real bad if you don’t know Christ as your Savior the Bible says you are without hope without God in the world and you have to go out into eternity and answer to God why you rejected His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have news for you if you know Christ as Savior. Everything is going to turn out good. He’s going to fill you to overflowing with hope for the future. You have it made in the
future. I was sitting here and nearly jumped of f the platform Wednesday night in our study in I Corinthians. We got to that 3rd chapter of I Corinthians and hit this statement in verse 21 where Paul makes this amazing statement: “All things are yours.” Everything is yours, that is if you are saved. Then he starts naming some things that are yours. “Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas (that is the preachers, they are all yours), The world is yours. Your sky is looking real good today. This world is yours. You see all the beautiful trees. Your trees are growing well today. This world is yours. “Life is yours.” “Death is yours.” Death for a child of God is not a thing in the world but a shuttlebus that carries you from this world to a better world. Death is yours. “Whether things present or things to come.” Whatever comes in the future, it’s all yours. Bring it on. Whatever it is it’s going to turn out for your good. That’s a Labor Day blessing, isn’t it! That’s marvelous! Wonderful! to know that whatever the future holds, it’s ours. We have hope in Jesus.
The source of the full and overflowing life is the God of hope. The scope of it is joy and peace and hope. The secret of it is “in believing in the power of the Holy Spirit.” God the Father promises this abundant life. God the Son the Lord Jesus purchased this abundant life. But God the Holy Spirit in your heart provides this abundant life. Right there in your heart the Holy Spirit can make possible everything necessary for your life to be full and overflowing. Here’s the switch that turns it all on. It’s that little phrase, In believing. He is saying that it is by faith that we appropriate everything God has made available for us in the person of the Holy Spirit to live the full and overflowing life. You say, I knew I was going to have a snag, now I’ve hit it. Here’s my big problem. I just can’t believe. I just don’t have enough faith. Yes, you can believe. You can believe that God can give you this joy and this peace and hope. You already have faith. says “God has dealt to every person a measure of faith.” You live by faith everyday. Every day of your life you have enough to get through one day.
Have you ever thought what it would be to try to live one day without faith? Think about it. Let’s imagine one day with faith. You wake up that morning in a fever of fear. It’s time to get up, but you are afraid to put your feet on the floor because you are afraid the boards are rotten and you may go straight in. So you cautiously get up and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, but you are afraid to brush your teeth. You’re afraid that the water is polluted. Then you go downstairs, you are hungry, it’s time to eat breakfast. But you can’t eat. Who knows but what your wife has put arsenic in your coffee. You are living a day with out faith. You go on out to the car and you are getting to get in the car to go to work and you can’t get in the car. The worker who assembled that car may not have put the steering wheel in correctly and it may wreck on me. So you have to walk all the way downtown to work. About midmorning you come into work. You walk in the building where you work. It’s a day without faith. You walk over to the elevator and can’t get on it. Better not ride that elevator. They may not have put that thing together good. You can’t depend on it. So you climb the stairs to the 10th floor where you work. You are suspicious of everybody in the office. Someone says let’s see what’s on television. No you can’t believe television. Did you read what was in the paper? Can’t believe what’s in the paper. Turn on the radio. No, you can’t believe that either. A day without faith. Lunch time comes. How would you like to share a ham sandwich? No,
afraid to eat it - might have poison in it. You are living a day with out faith. You walk home, get home and your wife has marvelous meal prepared and laid out on the table. Can’t eat that. I’m suspicious of her. I don’t even really know if these are my children or not. You go to bed totally exhausted because you have tried to live a day without faith.
In the Bible says, “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of Cod is greater.” God says if you will invite my Son, Jesus Christ into your heart and life I’ll give you eternal life, life full and abundantly overflowing. The journey of the book of Romans is the journey you can take this morning. The Lord Jesus Christ can take you out of the swamps of shame where there is misery and turmoil and fear and bring you into the fountains of His fullness where there is joy and peace and hope.
Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?