Ruth Chapter 1
Sermon Tone Analysis
What to preach on?
Today we’re starting a study of the book of Ruth (one of my favorite stories in the bible….God’s redemption and glimmer of hope. Named our little girl Ana Ruth.
Recipe for a Beautiful love story…mixed with tragedy, despair, loss, romance, loyalty, and hope.
A story within a much greater story. A tale of God’s redemption.
God is bringing people from despair to delight.
And we found ourselves in the middle of the story.
Today we’re only going to read chapter 1. Save the rest for a later date.
Read a little. Pause.
Background of Ruth.
1 of 2 books named after a woman.
Only book named after a non-jew.
Ruth Chapter 1 verse 1A
During the time of the judges
Genesis– We see the establishment of God’s chosen people through Abraham (Patriarchs) Isaac, Jacob, Joseph.
Exodus-Deuteronomy-We see God’s people delivered from Egypt and wandering through the desert.
Joshua- God’s people face multiple enemies in order to conquer the promise land.
Brings us to the time of the judges.
A time where there was No king…. The people of Israel would rebel against God….God would send affliction to the people to wake them up.
Then they would cry out to God and He being rich in Mercy would send them a judge to defeat the enemies and restore His people.
This happened over and over again throughout the book of judges.
…this sums up the book of Judges.
In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes
So this story of Ruth takes place during a desolate time in Israel’s history.
Vs 1b- 2 a severe famine came upon the land….in Bethlehem (house of bread)
There’s no bread in the house of bread..
A famine….no food, no resources…you and your kids are starving….
Thankfully we have never experienced this…. We might be really hungry..especially with lunch time rolling around.. but we’re far from starving..
So Elimelch has a decision to make….
Elimelech (my God is King) àWrite this in your bible
Turns his back on God (backslides) leaves God’s promise land looking for a better situation.
I cant take it anymore and takes matters into his own hands.
Takes his wife (Naomi) and two children Mahlon & Killion with him to Moab….
So not only does Elimelech not trust His God, he takes his family to sin city. A place of evil.
Moabà In ….after Sodom & Gomarroh
Lot becomes drunk and commits sexuality immorality.
Two sons are born out of an incestual encounter.
One being named Moab….The father of the Moabites..
Then we see the opposition with Israel and the people of Moab.
The story of King Balak and he became afraid of the Israelites so he tried to curse them through Balaam. It backfired.
But he found a way to destroy them from the inside.
He sent Moabite women to entice the men into sexual immorality.
In result, a plague from God strikes Israel and 24,000 die.
If that wasn’t recent enough….Moab (under King Eglon) ruled over Israel for 18 years during the time of the judges. Until left-handed Ehud defeated him.
Back to the story….Elimelech brings his family to the desolate land full of immorality and false gods.
They settle there. Move in. gets jobs.. permanent situation until something better comes along..
Vs 3.. We see Elimelech dies….dont know how/why..
Naomi is left with 2 sons…
VS 4…
Well they being raised in a pagan culture….marry women (Moabites)
Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, because they will turn your sons away from Me to worship other gods. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and He will swiftly destroy you.
Elimelech trying to provide for his family must have not taught his children the ways of the Lord…
Then in an instance VS 5…the two sons die…no one know how/ the same time?
But what we do know is that Naomi was left alone, she lost everything in a 10 year span…lost her husband…her boys…her security, providers, and ultimately her hope…..
Not only is Naomi without her family…she has two daughters-in-law that are childless…No one to carry on her husband/sons name…
Tragedy in Israel….her name will be lost/forgotten.
Vs. 6-7
Now Naomi prepares with her DIL to travel back to Bethlehem..
There’s been a revival of God’s people and food as been restored…
Notice this….we are about to see the 1st dialogue in this story…
The author has set the scene perfectly..
10 years…3 deaths..terrrible tragedy…no one has said a word.
Vs 8-9..these women have been through a lot together. The Moabite women left their families. And Naomi is all they have right now.
Why would Naomi try to talk them out of going? Kinda rude.
But she knew they would find another husband, a family, live happily everafter.
Vs 10..They plead with Naomi…we want to go with you..
Vs 11-13. Naomi builds a big argument to justify what she means…
Background: Deut God set up a way for widows to be taken care of and the dead sons name to be carried on. The brother of the deceased son would marry and take care of the widow.
But in this case, there is no brother to care for them..
Naomi argues that even if she were to marry tonight and have a child..would you wait until he is grown? Of course not..
I have nothing to give you except a life of bitterness and hopelessness.
If you stick with me the Lord will be against you because his fist has been raised against me.
The argument was very convincing…
VS 14-15….Orpah was convinced that she should go back. They said theyre goodbyes….
Naomi—“look here you need to go to..”
Ruth clung tightly (Genesis2:24) A man clings to his wife
Held on not letting go..
Ruth paused….and showed her devotion/commitment to Naomi
Those are some strong words…
Vs 16-17…One of the most beautiful passages in all the bible.
Hear this at weddings between bride/groom. You never hear this given from the bride/groom to the in-laws.
Vs 18.Oh the silence…Naomi realized in that moment the loyalty/devotion of this Moabite woman… she was different..
Vs 19…the two conitinue towards a new beginning…to Bethlehem.
But as the enter into Bethlehem….the town was going crazy…
Want you to put yourself in naomi’s shoes…
This is place where you turned your back on God.
Went to a pagan land and now youre coming back…
Not only is it hard to come back (“I Told ya”)
But now you come back defeated without a husband, sons, and the only thing you have in a Moabite daughter-in-law.
Is that Naomi?
Vs 20…the woman/town get an ear full.
Don’t call me Naomi…Call me Mara…
Write next to Naomi (pleasant)
Call me bitter because the ALMIGHTY has made life very bitter for me.
I went away full, but the Lord has brought me home empty.
Now put yourself in Ruth’s shoes.
You know as your coming into the city.
People are looking at you..
Undoubted prejudice against you.
There’s a Moabite in camp..
Oh the rumors/stories that are already being spread.
Last time Moabite women came into our camp….these women seduced our men and God’s judgment came on us.
Ruth knew the risk but now its become reality…
Now picture yourself…standing next to Naomi..and a small group
“I left here full, but I came back empty with nothing.”
As you hear those words, you are reminded that you’re less than NOTHING!
Vs 22.The young Moabite woman (as if we needed reminding)
They arrived in Bethelehem at the beginning of the barley harvest…
God is so good. There is hope….
In closing….I want us to look at the characters in this story…
In other words, God gives us the whole truth about biblical characters, their sin, their failures, their victories and good deeds, and we are to learn from their example, what to do and what not to do. In fact, this is one of the ways God teaches us what we need to know in order to make good choices as believers. We can learn the easy way by knowing and obeying God’s Word, we can learn the hard way by suffering the consequences of our mistakes, or we can learn by watching others and “taking heed” from their experiences.
He was backslider…a prodigal son that didn’t return…
He left the fellowship of God’s people because he wasn’t getting fed…How many times do we hear this in churches today? We don’t get fed in church so we go looking and end up away from God…
Imagine for a moment…when Ellmelech stands in front of God….and God says….where’s those boys I entrusted to you? You believed (“my god is King”) why didn’t you teach your boys my way??
What a sad story…. Elimelech was doing what most of us do…trying to give our children a better life, education, job, college, experience, sports, retirement….all while forsaking what he should have done….teaching his kids about God.
She wanted to let go…. But it she couldn’t
Things of this world…..were too attractive. She wasn’t willing to give up a worldly future….
Maybe that’s you…Maybe you wont to let go of the world but its too hard…. Sometimes we want a better life here on earth instead of eternity with God. (rope illustration)
Ruth….She was committed/devoted….
Did not let her past define her..
She didn’t look back because she saw the prize up ahead..
Do you have that type of devotion? To God?
She too was a backslide but because of God’s mercy had an opportunity to come back home..
But Naomi had lost everything….
She was bitter…and maybe some of you are too.
She lost so much…I couldn’t imagine…
But God is sovereign (He is supreme authority and all things are under His control)
He is not caught off guard.
In His soverign design, God ordains sorrowful tragedy to set the stage for suprising triumph..
God is working even when we don’t see it.
God is doing a marvelous thing even when we cant see it..
Look back at your life and see where God has brought you..
Isn’t it Good? Great?
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
You might ask the question…Is God near??
When death strikes
When you get the news of cancer
Despair sinks in
Amidst loneliness
Amidst barrenness
In our grief
In our shame?
Its not meaningless…it has a purpose
Little does Naomi know that the answer (spoiler) to her problems is standing next to her….
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.