5-RF LJ 02 Reference Materials - Charts

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CHARTS and PICTURES Charts ABOUT JESUS HIS BIRTH Herod dies 5 BC 4 BC David + ........ Solomon H IS AN CESTRY 1 AD Bathsheba Nathan 500 yrs. Jehoiachin 7 sons d 1 BC ............ 6-7 BC Herod in Jerusalem + s Shealtiel 500 yrs. Jacob Joseph H IS LIFE The 2 natures of Jesus Jesus had a human body, human soul, human spirit & human nature. He was a real person with one body. Inside His body He had 2 natures, a human nature and a divine nature. They were never fused or intermingled; they were always separate. Each was complete: perfect deity and perfect humanity. ........ Matt. ........ Zerubbabel s s Luke Heli Mary 2 NATURES OF JESUS HUMANITY DEITY Experienced time Born 1 place at 1 time Learned Limited Needs, aspirations Tired Hungry Thirsty Suffered Tempted Prayed Asked questions Wept at tomb Died Lived in eternal present From eternity Omnipresent Omniscient Omnipotent Complete I will give you rest I am Bread of Life Come to Me & drink Healed Could not be tempted Answered prayer Knew their answers Raised the dead Life eternal Jesus could only respond from one nature at a time, either from His humanity or from His deity. While here on earth, He chose to operate most of the time from only His human nature. He could operate from His deity nature to protect His life (until the time of the cross), to work a miracle of creation, or to know a person’s thoughts or life to effectively present Himself as the Messiah. Charts 2 NATURES OF JESUS HUMANITY HIS LIFE continued DEITY On the cross, because Jesus was making payment for us as humans, It was His humanity that made the payment. It was His humanity that was separated from the Father. It was His humanity that died and was resurrected. Deity cannot be separated from anything or anyone. Deity cannot die. But His deity was necessary to give infinite or unlimited value to the payment. If He were only humanity, His payment would have been only for one other person. It was His deity that gave infinite or unlimited value to His payment so that it was sufficient for all people for all time. HIS PAYMENT MY ACCOUNT SHEET Good deeds Disobedience Jesus experienced spiritual death He was separated from the Father, so if I accept His payment, I never have to be. menorah It has been finished. Paid in full. Day 3 9 hours 2 Sun. am 4 Re sur rec tio n es pm 7 Bu yS pic st High Sabbath Re pm 9 !- 3 Cr uc ifix ion De at Bur h i al l Tria Me a l pm am 11 - 3 Sat. su nd ow n Day 2 24 hours su nd ow n Day 1 1 hour Fri - Passover Preparation Day for Sabbath ! Sed er ki l l ed Thur Preparation Day ! for meal mb s Events in Jewish time La HIS DEAT H su nd ow n Payment owed: Separation from God This is good news – the Gospel This is why Jesus came. Charts HIS LOCATION AFTER DEATH In Paradise (Heb) Sheol/Hades (Gk) bad bad Paradise Abraham’s bosom Hell/Gehenna souls of unbelievers confinement for evil angels can be released Rev 9, 20 Tartarus - permanent confinement for evil angels (Rabbinic name) GULF Abyss - temporary good good Souls/spirits of Old Testament believers until the Ascencion Their sins were only covered, so they could not enter God’s presence before Jesus' payment It was possible to see & talk across the gulf, but not to be with them TWO MAJOR ERAS s' se o M aw L P te en co st P O. T. Jewish Era ia us o r a N. T. Church Era Old Testament Jewish Era - From the time God gave the law to Moses until Pentecost, Jews could only be forgiven by animal sacrifice. Their sin was only covered. Some sin could not be forgiven (blasphemy, adultery, worshipping other gods, etc.). There was only the death penalty. The Holy Spirit was only on or over them for ministry. If there was disobedience, the Holy Spirit left them. These things were true even during the time of the Gospels. The Church had not yet been formed. The Jews could only believe in Jesus as Deity & Messiah. When believers died during this time period, their souls and spirits went to Paradise, which was the good side of Hades. New Testament Church Era - From Pentecost (formation of the Church, the Body of Christ) to the Parousia (Rapture), many things changed. Forgiveness of sin is only thru the payment of Jesus. All sin can be forgiven and it is taken away. The Holy Spirit lives inside of believers permanently. Jews must believe in Jesus as Deity, Messiah and Savior. Gentiles must believe in Jesus as Deity and Savior. When believers die during the New Testament Church era, their bodies are put in the grave (or cremated). Their souls and spirits go to Paradise which is now in God’s presence in Heaven. 3 Pictures HEROD’S TEMPLE Herod's Temple - floor plan Storage/ Meeting Rooms Men’s Court Most Holy Veil Place Offering Box Priest’s Court Altar Holy Place Stairs Priest’s Rooms Storage/Meeting Rooms Treasury Lavar Beautiful Gate Court of the Women Ramp scale in feet 0 50 100 150 Where the Rabbis taught 4
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