Jesus is Supreme and Superior Over All

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Jesus is Supreme and Superior Over All  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:51
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I I don't know what it is, but I got chili so I'm going to grab my hoodie. I guess thankful. There's not a f preachers and hoodies Instagram account. I know there's a preacher's in sneakers Instagram account in case you're wondering mine cost 2995. So I'm not going to be on there any time soon. It's an interesting thing. They highlight some of these televangelist that will wear a $7,800 pair of sneakers in their sermons on that Instagram account. And so I bought mine on clearance. I'm safe though. We are in the book of Hebrews chapter 1 today, and I'm I don't know.

Actually use the term teacher nerd or geek I think today and enter this week in one of my classes for for Seminary and in talking about some of the things I'm doing that like there's some stuff that's going on here that just kind of brings out the the geeky nerdy guy in me. And this is one of those things that does that those who don't know me well know it doesn't take much that I'm I'm on that surface anyway, but I'm really excited to start the series in Hebrews. It is just this book that is just dripping with theological depth and it just makes some wonderful wonderful connections back to the Old Testament. It's an unusual book for the New Testament.

We don't know who the author is. There's there's no indication here that there's an author to this book, you know, we read Romans. He says I Paul am writing to you when we read Ephesians. I palm reading this. We read to the Timothy. I Paul am writing to you Timothy. We know who we know who the author is. We know who the audience is. What's the book of Hebrews? We don't really know either you don't know who the original author was. We don't know who the original audience was intended to be. We do know from reading the book of Hebrews that the author is very close to the original audience. He wishes to see them again soon and we can kind of glean from a close reading of this at the author knew many of the Apostles was close to Timothy, but he may not have actually been an eyewitness to Jesus and his ministries. This could have been literally a a first generation or 2nd generation and of Christian writing to the book of Hebrews here. And again, it's an odd letter that there's not really an introduction like we seen the other letters. It does have the the section at the end where you send greetings to people you love like other letters wooden scripture and it's going to lead some Scholars to think that maybe this was a sermon manuscript that this is a sermon turned into a letter and then sent back to circulate among the churches.

I kind of tend to lean that direction personally. I'm not a elevating myself to these other Scholars. I'm just said it feels like a sermon when I read it to me. And so you may hear me refer to the preacher instead of the author back and forth with the book of Hebrews the big big theme here in the book of Hebrews. Is it Christ is greater. greater than any Angel greater than any priest greater than any Old Testament law and because of this you and I the hearers and the readers are the hold firm in our faith and to encourage one another to do likewise for the book of Hebrews. And so that's just a little bit of what's going on with Hebrews. I'm going to do something a little different.

I'm going to preach chapter one, but I'm actually going to read chapters one and two because they're really kind of one point if you think of this is a sermon chapters one and two are one point in this sermon to these Hebrews that this is written to I promise you. I'm only going to preach chapter one today. I'm not going to you know, I know that there's places we got to be by noon cuz crock pots are going to boil over but we're going to we're going to get there. All right. So let's go ahead and start looking at Hebrews chapter 1 and will read through 1 and 2. Long ago at many times and in many ways God spoke to our fathers by the prophets. But in his last days, he has spoken to us by his son whom he appointed the air of All Things Groovy also created the world is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his power after making purification 470 sat down at the right hand of majesty Majesty on High having become such having become as much Superior to angels as the name. He has inherited is more. Excellent then there's 4 or 2 which of the Angels did God ever say you are my son today? I have begotten you or again. I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son. And again when he brings the firstborn to to the world, he says let all God's angels worship Him. Of the Angels he says he makes his angels winds and his ministers a flame of fire. But of the son. He says your throne o God is forever and ever the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God. Your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions. And you Lord laid the foundation of the Earth in the beginning and Heavens are the work of your hand. They will perish but you remain they will all wear out like a garment like a robe. You will roll them up like a garment. They will be changed. You are the same and your years will have no end. And to which of the angels has he ever said sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Are they not all ministering Spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard less. We drift away from it for since the message declared By Angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or obedience received a just retribution how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? it was declared at first by the Lord and it was a tested to buy a attested To Us by those who heard while God also bore Witness by signs and wonders and various Miracles and buy gifts of the holy spirit distributed according to his will It was not angels that God subjected the world to come of which we are speaking. It has been testified somewhere. What is man that you are mindful of him or the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little give me you made him for a little while lower than the angels and you have crowned him with glory and honor and putting everything in subjection under his feet. Now. I'm putting everything in subjection to him. He left nothing outside his control. At present we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. But we see him before a little while. I was made lower than the Angels namely Jesus crowned with Glory and Honor because of the suffering of death so that the by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone. It was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist in bringing many sons to Glory should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering or he who sanctifies and those who are Sanctified all have one source, that is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers saying I will tell you of your name to my I will tell if your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation. I will sing your praise and again, I will put my trust in him and again behold I and the children God has given me since there for the children share In the Flesh and Blood. He himself likewise partook of the same things. And through deaf he might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery for surely. It is not angels that he helps but he helps The Offspring of Abraham and therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the present in the service of God make propitiation for the sins of the people or because he had himself has suffered when tempted is able to help those who are being tempted. Let's pray. Father we thank you so much for this this word for the book of Hebrews. And we thank you that you communicate so much to us through this that you have given us your revelation of who you are. And who who Jesus Christ the son is through your word. Father I pray that you would just put me aside that you would speak in spite of me that that your message could be heard clearly today.

Follow me just I'm excited to jump into this and I want to handle it correctly and I pray Lord that. The holy spirit with tamper my enthusiasm to do the right thing here and to speak your words in your words alone. Listen, Jesus name I pray amen.

Some verses 1 through 3 here in the book of Hebrews. The preacher of this passage is is reminding us that God has been speaking to his people since creation. I think we sometimes forget that that that he has spoken to them in many different many ways many different times and now he's speaking to them through Jesus Christ. The son that the the second person of the Trinity and the author hear the this preacher has reminding us of that that that from the beginning God has been speaking to his people. First one reminds us that we can hear God's revelation to us from a long time ago. It's a reminder that the story of Jesus didn't begin in the New Testament. We have a horrible concept that we think that it begins with, you know, Gabriel coming to Mary and saying hey you're going to be carrying this baby and it's going to be God's kid and and it's no that's not when it started the story of Jesus started Way Beyond then Nnnn, that's what's important here that the preacher is reminding these people of this as we're reading it that the it started in the Old Testament the story of God saving his people through Jesus Christ begins at creation. That early this is a call for the New Testament Church to keep our Old Testament open all the time. We should be reading through the New Testament that it's it is good. We're going to be doing a study in Deuteronomy and seeing what the Mosaic law has to reveal to us about who Jesus Christ is in our lives.

There has been so much to learn about the salvific work of God through the Old Testament that God was the god of Salvation even then.

The book of Hebrews as we read it is this new testament guide to reading the Old Testament. It's going to teach us how we should be looking in reading and studying the Old Testament every read-through and preached through the book of Hebrews. First one is is important because the preacher emphasizes that God is a speaking God. We forget this week. We forget the God is a God who is a god of Revelation that he gives us reveals to us who he is who is character is who is nature is he does it today through the word right? But when he says long ago many times in many ways God spoke to our fathers. He's talking about the prophets. He's talking about Moses. He's talking about Abraham. He's talking about all these other folks that have spoken on behalf of God because God gave him a direct work. We have it written down. And we can use it. God is still speaking to us daily regularly through his word if we're digging into it and reading it everyday being they're part of that that he's a speaking God. The gospel the way here from Jesus Christ is not the first time that God has spoken to us and he continues to speak to us through the revelation of his word and scripture. I love what doctor mower doctor on mower president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Salisbury says wind scripture speaks God speaks. Church, that is true though in the scripture speaks. God is speaking to us and we need to be listening and paying attention to it. Inverse to were called to listen to God's revelation in the last days. Now. This is this is tricky last days my guns you just came out of Daniel chapter 12 today and small-group and last days or Daniel chapter 12, right? I mean, it's you open it up and Daniel all the sudden like I sees the Lamb's Book of Life in chapter 12 of Daniel and he's like, this is the last day of this is what's going to be in Daniel's anticipating this right? 700 + years or so later author preacher of Hebrews is talking about the last days. We're now two thousand years removed from that.

Last days. Yes all of them. When when the when the preacher hears talk about the last days? The eyes of all new testament writers the last days began with the ministry of Jesus and are going to continue until Jesus's return. We are in the last days folks understand that know that live that Proclaim Jesus Christ, like it's the last days cuz it is the first century preacher here believed he was in the last days and he ministered with that kind of emergency sharing the gospel sharing what he had the preachers reminding us at the whole Bible has a theme of promises being fulfilled by God from the very beginning to the very end of the climax ultimate promise fulfilled is Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate sacrifice that gave himself for us so that we could have that Fellowship close to God. That is the climax. That's the pennant the Pinnacle the top. And we need to be for climbing that like we're in the last days as well. He continues on and he's right in here and he uses this phrase through whom also he created the world. What should it just kind of go to Second back from here to John 1 1 through 3 right in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God all things were made through him. And without him was not anything made that was made. John 1 1 through 3 Jesus Christ the son of God the second person of the Trinity is not just the Fulfillment of the Old Testament. He's not just the peak of God saving work. He is the agent of all creation.

I called you like get my head wrapped around there so much right here and we haven't got out of verse 1 and 2 right? There's just so much here. He is the agent. Of of creation when Jesus says in Revelation 1:8, I am the Alpha and the Omega who is and who was and who is to come the almighty. He is speaking. Literally. This is not a figurative language here. This isn't some sort of thing. He literally was the beginning and he will literally be the end of time as we understand it Jesus form of the Earth in creation and he will reform the Earth at the new birth. He is literally it be set time as we know it at creation and he will end of time as we understand it at his return that is who are Jesus's and the Hebrews author here is reminding us of that. Play this is all showing us how Supreme Jesus is the supremacy of Christ. And we think of Supremacy we think of it as a bad thing. Right like, you know, I don't like a leader and you know, you would like that. That's not how we want to look at this but he is the supreme leader. But if it's not in an evil way, this is a benevolent dictatorship. I don't know how to find out the right way to say it either but but Jesus is the god who is supreme and that's important for us to understand and we see that again in verse 3 Is there a supremacy of Jesus Christ? He has the radiance of the glory of God the the the preacher says here and I just takes us back to Old Testament word that Shekinah Glory right that we seeing in Deuteronomy. When Moses saw the backside of God and shine and had to put a burlap sack over his head because the little bit of Glory that Moses got from God was too much for the people of Israel to stand to look upon Jesus is that is that kind of Glory that is spoken about in the Old Testament that the Hebrews preacher speaking here? And then the next time we see this idea of exact imprint some translations may say exact representation.

We see the true nature of Jesus Christ. He is God the son. This is where language fails us to describe. How amazing God is even in Hebrew or even in Greek the word Sun here doesn't do justice. I'm going to pick on Caleb just a second and I'll be alright without bud. I'll pick on you just a second haleb. Looks like his daddy a lot. That's a good thing. Right and I've noticed that he tries to be like his daddy a lot and that's a good thing to write but he's not exactly is Daddy. Is 50% of mom to write as a son he cannot be fully his dad. Yet Jesus is the son is fully his dad. He is the exact imprint and in this bike modern science. What's why cloning? No, it's not people that clone their pets and that's a weird thing. I'm going to go on that but people do clone pets. Did you know that only like one out of 10 pets cloned even looks like the pet you cloned? There's enough genetic weirdness going on in there that you if you wanted a tabby Kitty, but if somewhere along the line, there's a black and white kitty in that line. You may get a black and white kitty clown the genetics don't work out that way. You don't get an exact imprint. Jesus is the exact imprint of God. The Father are one in the same. Get that one in the same. He is God the son I said, it doesn't really do justice to the nature. Jesus divine son and human son are very very different. I use Caleb is an example those of you that knew my dad my dad and I look a lot alike. Better for worse. I don't know pray for Leah. All right. I am not my father though. All right. I'm only a close relation.

I'm not an exact representation. Jesus Christ is the exact same Divine Essence as God the Father. Anniversary it continues on that that Jesus is making purification for our sins. Oh my goodness of Jesus is serving as a priest. So here he is God author of the author of creation. Exact same as God the father and now he's actually serving on our behalf as a priest. And he's at the right hand of the Majesty on high. So so not only is he easy priest is also in a place of honor and Authority in heaven doing this. Jesus is above all powers in above all the cosmos. It's all his and he's in charge. from the beginning

I want you to think about this in just a second here. There's a lot that we have just talked about here in the first three verses of the book of Hebrews.

We see some very important doctrines that are taught in scripture. One is the doctrine of Revelation that God is a God who reveals himself to us. Who is the doctrine of creation that God is the god of creation and it's his too controlling his to do with and we see that Jesus is part of that creation that that he was an author and an agent of it. Not a created being. We see the doctrine of the Trinity right here in the Romans are in Hebrews 1 through 3 verses 1 through 3. Let me see Jesus and God the father being being tied together in the single Essence two of the three person God. We see that there is this relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament here? There is a thorough study of Christ or Christ all has your christology here that we can see who Jesus is being painted out. And then there's also the doctrine of atonement Jesus paying for our sins and making preparation for them on our behalf.

That's a chunk. That's a lot of stuff reverse of the scripture. In the first three books of this Earth reversed reversed versus this book here. We we also learned that Jesus is the son of God is the revelation of God. He was the Fulfillment of all the Old Testament Revelation is the heir of all things. He is an agent of creation. He's the radiance of God's glory. He's the expression of God's nature is the preserver of God's people and he's the mediator for God's people that's all here to

I'm going to say this church. As we preach and study through the book of Hebrews. It's going to get really thick theologically and that's good. Right that is really good. It's going to be fun. Alright implore of you. I'm going to beg you to read ahead study on your own dig deep into this letter this epistle or we could Chris and I could spend a year preaching from the book of Hebrews and never get it preached. I'll just be honest with you. It's not going to happen. But dig ahead. Go ahead. Look dig deep mine for yourself study. If you need resources, call me. I'm sure I've got a library full of stuff. I can help you with what we'll we'll get you settled do some digging on your own. This is going to be a meeting sermon series.

As we continue on with Verses 4 through 14. We we already see that verses 1 through 3 of set up the fact that the Jesus is supreme. now

sometimes we forget that Supremacy doesn't always equal superiority and that's kind of a weird thought to think about right? Somebody can be declared supreme, but there may be somebody who was actually under them that may be superior to them. Right? We've all been probably in situations. Where a particular boss. Was the supreme leader of the group so to speak but there were people underneath that boss who reported up that probably could have done the job better. I don't know. I'm not pointing fingers not naming names. I'm just saying we've all been in those situations, right? Not that way with Jesus. Jesus is the Supreme and he is the superior. There is no one who does what Jesus does the way Jesus can do it and that's what we're looking at here Verses 4 through 14. God the father has given Jesus the son a name greater than any other name and a throne to an eternal Kingdom. I'm all things are created by Jesus the son and through Jesus the son and for the worship and for the service of Jesus the son I think about that all things are created by Jesus the son and through Jesus the son or the warship and for the service of Jesus the son. That even applies to all of the Angels. As well as we see the preacher getting ready to dive into that too. So that's applying here now. We see this transition from establishing the supremacy of Jesus Christ to the superiority of Jesus Christ over than Angelic host and it seems kind of weird. Like if you were to just read Hebrews chapter 1 by itself alternate feel like it's a little odd. But there's a historical reason for this. So in between the Book of Malachi in the Book of Matthew, we call that the intertestamental. This is a. Of time in which Holy Spirit was not working actively amongst the people of Israel. There were lots of writings taking place, but they're not scripture. Understand that the Maccabees are great histories. They're not scripture The Other Things are Written in this time. It might be interesting stories, but they're not scripture the center Testament time. There's these things written but for whatever reason. There was an intense focus on Angels amongst a lot of the intertestamental writings.

Is V's writings? not scripture, but even we get our modern-day concept of guardian angels from

not scripture, but from these intertestamental writings. And so that's why they the preacher here in Hebrews is kind of talking about this these folks have been seeing some of that. We we got it. We got to reclaim what we know scripture lie about angels. And so that's what the author hear. The preacher Hebrews is doing he knew there was this Fascination among the audience and he wanted to make sure they understood Jesus is real relationship to the angels Jesus Is Not An Angel You're that he is not. Jesus is not a servant to any angel. Jesus is superior to Angels is inheritance is greater in his position as sun is greater than anything the Angels could ever hope to have. He's wanting to establish that for us and he doesn't do these these series of rhetorical questions. As God ever said this to them as God ever done this we see that going on and on again verses 5 and 6. He still establishing this. The Jesus is superior to Angels the author quotes a ton of the Old Testament hear it if you want to have a really fun again, the nerd Michonne have a really fun game and Hebrews go through and every time you seen Old Testament reference try to try to flag it. It's this out there. You'll have a lot of bookmarks. There's a ton of Old Testament quoted here in the book of Hebrews write what he does those brainy quote Psalm 23 Psalm 2:7 equipped 2nd Samuel 7:14. Any quotes Deuteronomy 32:43, here is his the Holy Spirit moving into the preacher of the of the book of Hebrews here speaks a mini says bring up something from each. One of the major chunks of writing songs is the writing 2nd Samuel the prophet Deuteronomy the law. If they see it all three places they can argue it. It's here in the word three times minimum.

Showing ass through all of that that Jesus is Superior in the song is through all of scripture. Jesus is superior. I asked these rhetorical questions to show us the father has never given Angels the status of sun the Deuteronomy 32:43 quote is at the end of the song of Moses Moses is proclaiming and singing and it's all about Heavenly Creatures bowing down to Yahweh God. I'm the preacher is now in the book of Hebrews identifying as Jesus Christ the son there one in the same.

Angels worship Christ Not Jesus worshiping angels. Angels declare the birth of Christ not Jesus declaring the ministry of the Angels. Angels are not called sons that title and honor only belong to the Messiah Jesus. That's what the author hears is is really showing us. He continues the same theme verses 7 through 12. For 7 remind us to angels are Servants of God. They they enjoy his present and they carry out his purposes and an interception for us because we think of angels. Sometimes we need time. We're going to get there believer if your believer just got you going to get there and it's going to be better for you than it is for the Angels. When you're in the presence of God, you're going to have something different to celebrate the knell ever have had is there of going to had salvation, but they've never experienced. I know that this is going to be better for us than it is for them.

He quotes here from Psalm 104 for is he's doing that and then in verses 8 through let me see this bigger contrast between Jesus and the angels versus 8 and 9 is using language from Psalm 45 vs 6 and 7 at the Angels meets around the Throne of God, but Jesus sits and resides on that Throne of God. The angels are all sent by God, but Jesus is the anointed one of God.

And again, he just keeps going on it and giving us words from the Psalms verses 10 and 12 are straight from Psalm 102:25 + 27 + in the Old Testament context you again. This song is about Yahweh. God Hebrews verses are equated to Jesus crisis. Look at him or you Lord laid the foundation of the Earth in the beginning and the heavens are the work of your hand. They will perish but you will remain that. They will wear out like a garment.

Verse 10 in particular takes us all the way back to verse to where we see Jesus as an agent of creation. Through whom also he created the world verse 2. TVC the Stark difference here between creation and creator in this versus 11 and 12 show us that the creation will perish and disappear. It is tempura last for only a Time. They will wear out like a garment. I think of that I think of my socks has a conversation at Lee and I have regular when I do laundry about my socks. There was always that one sock. It feels good until you see the whole or without Michael. And so my garments wear out Jesus is not like my sock. He's never going to wear out. He's always going to be there. It's going to be permanent and permanent and beyond our comprehension of permanent. Eternal is bigger than permanent in Jesus is eternal.

There's a stark difference between the creation and the Creator. Creation is temporal. The last only for a Time creation will fade away in Parachute creation will wear out God the son Jesus Christ. The second person to Trinity is eternal and Beyond permanent. Everything created is in constant change and in constant flux prone to the K and destruction Christ is permanent. He does not change. He has no end.

first 13 preacher here recite psalm, 110:1

He says sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Preachers asking this rhetorical question in in he's ending the section kind of like you started it to which of the angels has he ever said this who does God tell the age of a make urine not what he says. Psalm 110 is God is promising the Messiah complete the dominion over the world. Governments will bow down to him and his enemies will not stand that is not the case with angels. Only the case with the Messiah God and verse 14 continue this argument about Jesus being Supreme and superior to the Angels by reminding us of the state of the angels. Are they not all ministering Spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who inherit salvation?

They are sent to minister to us Church.

it you know it it's

they're dead God's beckon call because that's what they do there. They were created to be his servants his Messengers. They are not Superior. They are not Supreme. They don't have any these things now and this is a problem because American Christianity has become confused with who angels are and what they do.

I can blame Roma Downey but it started before then. I'm sure you know, I mean I could but it started before then right? Remember the angels are created beings. They are designed to be in the service of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The son. There's a fixed number of them as far as we understand through scripture, right?

Heaven has not gained another Angel when a loved one passes from this life into eternity.

That's a harsh truth. I know but here's what does happen. If that loved one knows Jesus Christ and had surrendered their life to him as Lord and Savior then they pass on from this life into eternity in heaven does gain another sing? That's true. But Heaven has not gained. Another angel angels are not cute and chubby naked babies with wings. Okay anytime we see an angel in scripture. There is trembling and fear.

I don't know. I I don't know. The only time I've ever trembled in fear of a baby is when I heard that grunt that I knew something that had to be changed.

But normally I don't I don't I don't have fear when I see a chubby naked baby. That's not how it is. It's not what an angel is either. They don't they're not the things we seeing Hallmark cards whenever people see angels in scripture. They fall down if your angels are a formidable foe if you are an enemy of God. Angels do have some very distinct powers and I have some some distinct privileges. But they are part of the throngs of worshippers that are going to include us the saints of God in the end only worship together.

They witness major Redemptive historical events, like the birth of Christ their agents of God's judgment like after the fall when God placed an angel at the border of Garden of Eden with a big flaming sword to protect it and they will go in the battle with price in the last day. They will execute his judgment on the world. Angels are sent from God to work for the good of the church. That's their job. Angels are created beings. They are not Divine. They may be Heavenly, but they are not Divine only God is divine.

So if you're reading Hebrew chapter one in your life, wow, that was a lot in the world. Am I going to take away from here? Take away. This Jesus Christ is the Glorious King who speaks? He spoke to us through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. Jesus is also the praiseworthy king who created the world. Jesus is supreme, and he also has superiority over all created things including the angels. And Jesus is supremacy and superiority means we should surrender Our Lives to him. What that means? Hebrews chapter one is setting us up for this as we keep going on and on and on Hebrews 1 is is about Jesus being above the created above. Even the heavenly host that were created. When we get into Keepers 3 it's going to be about him being better than Moses in the Old Testament law and it's going to be all about these things that Jesus is better than all of this. Books if Jesus isn't better than everything else in your life right now. Maybe today's the time you think about that. I got to make Jesus better in my life. I need to Just Surrender. He is supreme he is superior and it's time to just give it up to him. I have a time of a call to action today and invitation if you will lots of phrases we could use for it, but it's really time for you to do business with God on high. Whether that's at the altar kneeling and praying with her to your seat kneeling frame, whether it's saying I need to be engaged in an active member of this congregation weather is just finding somebody here in the flock and saying I need to pray with you. This is a matter of my heart. And God has led me to ask you to pray with me about it. This is your time. But know this.

without Jesus There's not a chance for you to be among that throng of heavenly host that worships him at the end. And if you are missing that in your life. You don't want to miss it long.

I'm not I'm not about big emotional, please I'm not that kind of guy but understand if the holy spirit is working in you now saying you need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Please be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Listen to his call.

Father in Heaven, I thank you again so much for this this word. I think you or how come we can see?

Since the beginning of time you've been working in our lives to save us. You knew that we were sinners. The Weaver Rebelle actively against you that we would turn our backs from anything. That was Goblin hoellein good.

We set up in the Old Testament sacrifice system to help us pay for that and in Pay they did and in the streets of Jerusalem red red with the blood of of sacrifices, but it wasn't enough.

You knew God the son Jesus Christ. The Messiah was enough. And you appointed a time for him to be here the agent of creation to minister to the souls and to proclaim the gospel of the good news of surrendering our lives in heaven and father you graciously gave him your one and only your begotten to be the sacrifice that paid it all for us.

All that that's unfathomable some days to understand how much love that takes in Jesus for you to you say not my will but yours be done and and take that punishment that I deserved. On my behalf.

But I can't help but to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I pray Lord that if there's someone here who who needs to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you that way and in just a I Surrender I give it over Jesus. I can't I can't not turn from your call anymore.

But that would happen if their hearts would be opened and they would they would just turn.

Father continued to speak to our hearts as we enter in and continue to go into the book of Hebrews.

What is Minister the urgency of who Jesus really is to our community is higher than the Angels is higher than the created things used Superior and he is supreme. In his love and his kingdom will never end. Give us the urgency to share that and the love to do it wisely. This in Jesus name I pray amen.

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