9/01/2019 A Labor of Love
another greater fun piece of scripture this morning comes from Hebrews chapter 13 verses 1 through 16.
Let mutual love continue do not neglect to show Hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those who are in prison is though you are in prison with them those who are being tortured is so you yourselves are being tortured. Let marriage be held in Honor by all and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled for God will judge fornicators and adulterers. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have for he has said I will never leave you or forsake you so we can say with confidence. The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me. Remember your leaders those who spoke the word of God to you consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings for it as well for the heart to be strengthened by Grace not by regulations about food, which have not benefited those who observe them. We have an altar from which those who officiate in the tenant have no right to eat for the body of bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp there for Jesus also suffered Outside The City Gate in order to sanctify the People by his own blood. Let us then go to him outside the camp and bear the abuse. He injured for here. We have no lasting City, but we are looking for the city that is to come through him. Then let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God that is the fruit of lips that confess his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Thank you, sir.
Lord in the meditations of our hearts in the words of my lips be pleasing in your sight. our Rock and Our Redeemer amen
I'm going to warn you this morning. I'm probably going to metal. It's not often that I feel a prophetic word, but we're going to see how this goes. the scripture it essentially comes down to what I've got listed is 11 principles. Mutual love of each other like family.
Open up your home to guests. Remember the imprisoned tortured and neglected. honor your marriage Do not love money, but be content with what you have. Remember your leaders in faith. Examine their life test what they have taught you. Do not be list misled by strange teachings. Be strengthened by grace. Beer Jesus's shame.
Do good. and Cher what do you have?
When I would have covered those and you probably all do them just perfectly that can be the sermon right? Anybody here any struggle there anybody feel a little bit of convicted?
This morning. We're going to talk about a sacrifice that pleases God. The scripture this morning admonishes us to live by the sets of principles these principals make little sense in the world around us. They actually run counter to what this world tells us is important and even proper when we live by this way. We may appear nonsensical and even misguided but by God's grace we are guided to a world and a life that is not of our own creation.
The world in which we live is seeks to divide and denigrate everyone who does not share in our culture Essick politic or social world view. We are encouraged to store up and save for our own future to spend on our own selves doing the extent that oozes abundance. We purchased in order to make ourselves feel good. Do you remember what was encouraged after 9/11? What were we all supposed to do?
flying American buy American. Yes shop shop and Shop.
We were encouraged to shop our economy depended on it and it does.
and it does Wii shop more than most of the Civilized world when we don't know what to do when we are bored we shop
When we have a free day or want to play hooky we shop. Take a moment and examine the last year in your own life. When you had free days, did any of you go to Fairview Heights champagne, Indianapolis, St. Louis or even Chicago to shop.
As if shopping can somehow still our loneliness sadness or isolation as if what we purchased has somehow increased our value to God. We invest in ourselves as if our souls is the only investment that is available.
In the scripture God calls us to invest in people and in relationships with the same intentionality that we invest our money and in ourselves. When we are invested in the others, it is pleasing to Christ. But we also receive something as a result. Our lives are deeper and more meaningful when we sacrifice for others benefit. We are often tempted to think of sacrifice in the extremes the person that sacrifices their life and protection of another the sacrifice that is made when leaving a job in order to follow a spouse's career the sacrifice of an organ donor in order that another person may live. These sacrifices are extreme. And the reality of our daily life our sacrifices are more boring common and even mundane the daily sacrifice of putting others before yourself. Simple everyday sacrifices don't learn any Earthly Metals honors or accolades, but they are ingrained in our memory when we think of loved ones who have made sacrifices for us. some of these include parents who went hungry while we ate
waking up early and allowing your spouse to get a little more sleep. caring for friends and family in everyday needs and in life transitions these include showing kindness at your job giving alms to the poor offering and encouraging word to the stranger stopping to help a stranded traveler and supporting local Ministries and outreaches. These sacrifices show a life that is less self-centered and more Spirit lead. This weekend. We take time to celebrate Labor Day. Labor Day exists in part because the church eventually acknowledge the suffering of others. Through overworked unsafe working conditions.
We have not lost our common call to suffer with and speak for those imprisoned tortured and neglected. Even when it makes us uncomfortable.
There are many real ways that we can be present with the imprisoned that may not directly be with them inside a prison. If you recall last week, I shared that I'm a Chatty Cathy on an airplane. When I was on the way back from Phoenix sir, and I ended up in separate rows and I was seated next to a gentleman. Who works in the prison industry for a commissary company?
His company provides electronic accounts for the imprisoned for the prisoners families to purchase food and supplies for their loved one. This streamlines the process and ensures that the rules of the prison are maintained in the families can guarantee that their loved ones get what they have ordered. I asked him if any churches had partnered with his company to provide assistance as well.
He stated that a couple had ensured that it would be possible through the technology to even choose a prison that is close to a local congregation in to select those who had not received anything from others.
This is a real world big way that a church can serve the least of these. Which God has directly called us to do.
There are also local ways that we can sacrifice for Christ. We can assist with backpack Ministries. There are children that are only getting two meals a day the reality of our shared suffering with the underserved. Is that our entire Community is impacted. by the least and the Lost
but this is not the only way that we can help others in our community.
We can seek to love others in our community. We are called to love others in our community like they are family. We hear this word family. As if everyone in the entire family is holding hands and singing Kumbaya. I did never heard a family argument. Or realize that some people can bring passive aggressive to the extreme.
When Christ calls us to love each other like a family it's not a shallow definition of family, but what it meant to be community in the early church. Sometimes it's that faith is the only thing that unites us together, but it is the strongest bond that we have.
And so while we are like a family we are called to invite others into our family as well that includes the least and the lost and Jesus includes them by name.
What Christ has witnessed us doing? And wants us to do again everyday. Is to provide a sacrifice of praise and a labor of love?