Dead Bones That Live
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Dead Bones That Live
has been preached by a number of preachers (pulpiteers)
In fact, you don’t even have to be a preacher / God to VBS
And you will be familiar with …
(Dem bones, dem bones, them dry bones / repeat)
(Oh hear the word of the Lord)
The toe bone connected to the heel bone,
Heel bone connected to the foot bone / (Left me out there by myself)
But we grew up hearing those songs
Preachers preached it for years / Climaxed the sermon the same way
(Connecting the bones together / Good voice & know anatomy – Job)
And for years we sang and talked about it
But we really didn’t know what meant
And in the absence of information / People became creative with text
We miss the revelation of the text
And we end up with a cute story / That means nothing to us
(Appreciate) – Ezekiel is a prophet
When he talks about (dry bones in the valley)
God has taken him up (Spirit) / To see a vision
And the vision is not so that we might have (songs or sermons)
But that Israel may have a revelation (understanding)
Of the prophetic value that God was going to place in their lives
When Ezekiel speaks about the dry bones (in the valley)
He’s trying to get them to understand / They will go through a period
Where they will be completely scattered (dismembered / fragmented)
That as a nation / The kingdom will be divided
(Southern Kingdom – Judah (taken into exile by Babylon)
(Northern – Israel (taken into captivity by Assyria)
But God promises them ()
(God) – I will not leave your life in a scattered state
(God) – Not that you won’t go through scattering circumstances
(God) – But, I will not leave you in a scattered state
(God) – But I will bring back together (those things in your life)
(God) – That were fragmented and out of place
This OT prophecy / Which is about the nation of Israel
Is God’s promise / That I will not leave you scattered as a nation
(God keeps His promises)
It’s good to know (God will not leave your life in a scattered state)
Because if you don’t understand that / You will run into some problems
(Jesus) – Talks about the danger of being scattered / divided
(Reference) – (Cast of demons by Beelzebul)
Anytime something is fragmented / It loses its power to stand
That is also true with life
Life will break you down (fragment you) / Find yourself scattered
And now you’re vulnerable to the enemy / Because you’re scattered
Concept: Before I go deeper into this concept
Appreciate / As a NT Believer / Most of our strength is predicated
On our unity
If we lose our unity / We divide our members / Lose our strength
And we can’t operate in the power that we really have
Point: God has fixed your faith / A great deal of your power
When you are positively and spiritually connected with another believer
Because, One Thing the enemy (nacash) hates
Positive & Spiritual agreement with believers
And “he” will do everything he can
To prevent you from having agreement
Observation: He doesn’t so much fight your ability to connect with God
But he does fight your ability to connect with each other
Because the Power of God / Truly Releases
When God sees us connecting (positively & spiritually) with one another
Point: Imagine what would happen (If you really believed this Word)
(Walk in / Finding other spiritual believers)
(Believers) – (Let’s come into agreement)
(I’m being attacked) / (my job, finances, marriage) / Break stronghold
Imagine What would happen to Cancer…
Point: If we stopped worrying about…
(she thinks she’s cute / he thinks he’s something)
If we ever got beyond these (petty, divisions that divide us)
That stops us from being connected / Truly came together (spiritually)
Reference: (Pentecost) – (Disciples in one-place & one accord)
(Suddenly) / Came a noise from heaven
(God was waiting on them / Get in one-place & one-accord)
Powerful Things Begin To Happen
Point: Whether you’re (Singing a Song / Hearing a Sermon)
Whenever you come into agreement about / The Power of God
Falls on that agreement
Point: You can preach (good & powerful) message
But if you preach it to a house / That doesn’t come into agreement on it
It doesn’t release the power that it could / Not connected to the Word
But if they ever get connected with that Truth / The Power of God
Is released in a supernatural way
Point: The same is true with our Singing…
Something is supposed to happen when we get together
1st – My soul needs to be fed / So I can get direction for the week
So I can fight off the enemy
2nd – I need to be in an environment / With other believers
Who are positively & spiritually driven by God
So we can rebuke the powers of the enemy / Break the strongholds…
Point: Yes, I can rebuke the enemy / By myself
Even though I’m bad by myself / I’m always better when I have backup
From other focused believers
Point: Your strength is in your connections / In the skeleton structure
The strength is in the connections
Point: But you can’t gain connections / Talking in code
(I want you to pray about something / But I not telling you what it is)
(I want you to pray God will do the thing I’m thinking / Not telling you)
(Jackson) – I can’t really pray effectively
(Jackson) – I don’t know if I agree with whatever this thing is/not
Power of Prayer comes through Connection
Explain Prophecy
When you start talking about bones (structure)
The structure of the body / Determined by the bones
What permits us to stand upright / Not just muscles (bones)
Point: Muscles is like your anointing / Bones is structure
Your anointing can’t do what it’s supposed to do
Unless you have the structure to handle it
Thought: You need some structure in your life
Point: Structure is a weapon against the enemy
(Enemy functions in disorder / confusion / chaos)
(Everybody doing what is right in their own eyes)
The enemy uses the lack of structure to destroy potential
Point: It will destroy a community / Not outside sources
The lack of unity will destroy a community
The word community is centered on the word unity
Point: The enemy is terrified over unity
He will fight you with (pettiness, insecurity, pride, anger…)
(he say/she say / they say / I heard/ you thought when we came…)
Anything he can do to / Break the bones down from connections
The enemy will try to do it
Observation: In this prophecy (Not just a person that dismembered)
(This not just a group of people) / This was an army
Once… (Connected, United, Fighting Vessel)
They had been attacked to the point / Died on the battlefield
Been dismembered / Lost all hope of the victory
Attacks Will Do That…
Point: If Attacks become strong enough / Attacks will separate
(Couples – overcome disease – Divorce)
(Family member – addiction – Divorce)
(Family (working together) – Nothing to fight / Dismembered)
Question: What is That?
The attack took so much out of you
That you no longer have the connections that you need
To bring it back together
Point: So God Told Ezekiel (Go Down to the valley and look)
3 Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?” “O Sovereign Lord,” I replied, “you alone know the answer to that.”
Observation: People meet you in (Context of your Crisis)
They think you “are” where you “are”
They don’t know where you’re going / What God is about to do in life
Because when God looks at you / He sees what you are going to be
He sees what He’s going to do in your life…
(People) – You met me in crisis (trouble) / Wait until I come out of this
(People) – Yes, my structure is scattered / But when God gets done
(People) – There’s going to be some rattling / Bones coming together
(People) – In my life
3 Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?” “O Sovereign Lord,” I replied, “you alone know the answer to that.”
Question: Have you ever had a situation so long (Just accepted it)
(Maybe this is the way it is / Maybe I’m not supposed to get better)
(Maybe I’m not supposed to be loved / get married / have a life)
(Maybe my children will never get it together)
Point: And you just accept it
That is settling for being scattered and dismembered
But God Keeps His Promises
God knows how to snatch the bones in your life
And bring them back together…
Observation: (Ezekiel)
(When I was led to the bones that covered the valley floor)
(They were scattered across the ground / Very dry)
(I didn’t know if things could get better)
(But I prophesied as I was commanded)
Point: Let me say something to the “Quiet” people
Who go through stuff with your mouth closed
If you don’t speak to it / It won’t change
You have to open your mouth / Speak to those bones…
4 Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! 6 I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’ ”
7 So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. 8 Then as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them.
9 Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.’ ”
10 So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet—a great army.
In / The Word was the source of bringing scattered bones
Together / Putting the pieces back together / Bones with right bones
It was the Word / That brought it all back together again
And when it all came together again…
The Spirit of God (ruach) / Resuscitated
What the Word Connected
(Bible) – The army of the Lord / Got their second wind
When the Word of God / Brings structure to a scattered life
And the Spirit of God / Breathes into you and Revives you
That’s God giving you / Your second wind
Point: Life may have hit hard / Knocked the wind out of you
But the Spirit of God / Has breathed into you
Giving you your second wind
Thought: Some of you are feeling fragmented / scattered
God is picking up the pieces
(People) – Pickup the pieces (3xs)
(Jackson) – It’s all coming together…
(Jackson) – Listen to the rattling / It’s coming together (3xs)
Concept: God has chosen you / Bring structure to scattered pieces
What God chooses, He cleanses
What God cleanses, He molds.
What God molds, He fills
What God fills, He uses.
Point: He wants to blow breath into you / He wants to give you 2nd wind
Listen to the rattling / It’s coming together (3xs)
Climb over whomever you need to / And come let God give (2nd wind)
Climb over every (excuse, distraction) / Come get your 2nd wind
Can’t nobody put you back together again / Like the Lord
Come to Him right now/Listen to the rattling / It’s coming together (3xs)