Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Getting people to grow past you
other’s Christianity cannot be live or die with you
What is Paul’s example so that they were not relying on him
Defined- vs 12 That ye would walk worthy of God- God is who they walk with and God defines their worth
who hath called you- they are sensitive and answering to God’s calling and familiar with God’s voice
Not in vain-vs 1
How he created an environment for others to walk with God
Always a tendency in all of us; to love the people God gives us
but we do not Lord over them
and if God calls them to go we are okay to see them go
the will of God for the Christian in thessalonica is not always the will of God for Paul’s life
Does not mean one of us are wrong; we are not all called to pass out tracts
illustr- passing out tracts roe
PARENTS- OT did right all the days of the priest
TEACHERS- Masters Club, Sunday School, Nursery
Anyone who is working with people
Guided to Go Beyond (vs 12)
Not in vain- Gained a brother
Our entrance in unto you
That it was not in vain
Made an impact, changed lives, started a church, gained brothers
I) He was Bold in the face of Opposition (vs 1-2)
“Bold in our God”
Bold in the face of opposition
Cowardice is contagious but so is courage
grew with the adversity and challenge
Overcame negative experiences
Did not allow how others treated them to determine their obedience to God
Slander, much contention (vs 15) persecuted us, forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved.
Paul has just been whipped and imprisoned for his work in Phillipi
How does he respond to a city that desired him to depart ()?
How does he respond to a city that desired him to depart ()?
He finally makes it to the house of Lydia...
Paul what are you going to do; your wounds are still healing from those stripes from the Philippians magistrates whips, those Jews took you by force and convinced the Greeks to whip you and imprison you, saying you were anti government and anti-Rome
Well you know I think there is an opportunity at Thessalonica; there is a synagogue of the Jews there.
He says Let’s go to Thessalonica; theres a synagogue of the Jews there (Acts 17:1)
and comforted the brethren and departs
He grows in his boldness for Jesus Christ
Then went to Berea!
Paul’s ministry lasted not more than a month before persecution drove him out of Thessalonica
Whenever God is doing a work, Satan will oppose.
It should not be surprising that persecution broke out in Thessalonica when Paul preached the Gospel, for the Gospel made some big inroads into the community and resulted in a group of strong believers—all of which greatly hurt Satan’s kingdom.
“Ye also have suffered” ()
records some of the suffering of the persecution.
The saints were treated cruelly physically “assaulted … drew [dragged]”—,) and depleted monetarily (“taken security”—).
But note the response
Overcome Negative Experiences
Do not allow a bad experience to dictate obedience
Elevate God’s Word over my pain and suffering
I wonder; when set backs come
I wonder; when set backs come
when we get flak for the service and gospel of Jesus Christ
is that our response?
Paul here Did not allow how others treated him to determine his obedience to God
Me; Angry at God
The temptation is too much GOd
You were the one that allowed that too happen; how could you
Divorce- Not going to church
Corruption- Pastor Potts and Mrs Potts and Son
keep the wounds clean
mom- bitterness making the poison for someone else and drinking it
Betrayal- aaron sundstrom, Bob Murphy- betrayed by church members
Good: Pastor Bez- had to overcome some harsh experiences
Well you know I think there is an opportunity at Thessalonica; there is a synagogue of the Jews there.
Roe Dudley
Sandra Mejia; lost her mother, lost her brother, lost her dad, her husband divorced her
Boldness is not always loud, sometimes it is quite and serves the Lord unashamed
Mom- how she raised my brother and I
Young lady had something horrible happen to her on a mission trip to mexico
God used her to see many children come to Christ and she has a family of her own and serves children ministry
Young man visited our church from Pakistan- going to RN School; he was jailed for his faith; he said he never considered that hard persecution
Ram Olanday- Pastor Demichelle
II) Be transparent without an Agenda (vs 3-6)
“Nor in guile”
bullying/guilt tripping
twist their will
Analytical Bible Expositor: Galatians–.
His Ministry Was Proper ()
The use of flattery is common.
Sometimes people say they are simply complimenting but it is more than complimenting, it is flattery, for it involves exaggeration.
Flattery softens up people to make them victims.
Flattery causes people to drop their guard and become vulnerable to evil.
The use of flattery reveals a defective character.
First, the condemnation of flattery.
“Neither at any time used we flattering words.”
Paul condemned the use of flattery by refusing to stoop to using it to promote the work of the Gospel.
Second, the cognizance about flattery.
“As ye know.”
The Thessalonians could give testimony to the truthfulness of Paul’s statement here.
They could verify his claim because they knew his actions.
“not as pleasing men, but God”
Genuine in motivation
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9