Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Home search —> Looking into building —> Reading tons of builder reviews —> Learning how important it is to have the right foundation
>>> What’s true for our homes is true for our lives as well.
What you build your life on matters—and it makes all the difference.
Scratch Sheet
It’s the difference between those who, despite the storms and disappointments of life, are able to press on and endure, and those who become immobilized/stuck whenever life throws them more than they can handle.
You’ve seen this.
Someone goes through a trying/difficult time and still exhibits joy and peace.
Another goes through something similar and their world comes to a screeching halt.
>>> What you build your life on matters and it begins by choosing the right foundation.
Choosing the Right Foundation
We discover here two kinds of people:
Those who build their house on solid rock — They obey, listen to the Word of God, apply it to their lives...
And those who build their house on the sand — They ignore, do things their own way, throw out the instruction manual
One is called wise, the other foolish…
Here’s the great news—You get to pick!
You are wise ()
You won’t collapse ()
Context of Sermon on the Mount
Those who are: poor, mourn, humble, hunger and thirst for justice, merciful, hearts are pure, work for peace, persecuted for doing right
Jesus is getting ready to present a radically different message than the people are accustomed to.
He’s warning them ahead of time—this isn’t going to be easy.
If you’re built on the wrong foundation, you’re never going to make it.
When the winds of culture and society assail you, you won’t have the fortitude to stand strong.
Try building your life on: your career, your spouse, your success, your family/kids
The winds of culture are ever changing.
The bar is ever moving.
What looks like success today, can be considered failure tomorrow.
Jesus later in Matthew describes another foundation:
Problems, persecution, worries of life, lure of wealth
Listen, you can pick out the best of the best to build your home.
Granite, quartz, and marble countertops.
Stone tubs and infinity pools.
Built-in cabinetry.
Geothermal heating and cooling systems.
Top of the line theater and entertainment setup.
All the smart home devices your heart can handle.
All of it means nothing if it’s built on the wrong foundation.
Dig deep and lay a solid foundation ()
Listens and follows Christ’s teaching
Not just hearers, but doers ()
1. Know It
All Scripture is useful…
We spend so much time trying to get God’s Word to line up with our life and what we believe.
Paul says, “You’ve got it backwards.”
We’ve got to allow God to change the we think—only then will we know His good, please, and perfect will for our life.
2. Grow It
God’s Word should nourish our lives.
It should grow, and be living and active.
It’s influence should spread until every area of our lives are impacted.
We’ve got to allow the Word of God to grow in our hearts
You are what you eat...
You are what you eat...
Our faith isn’t so much about what we know, it’s about WHO we know
We ought to know Jesus as well as a forgiven sinner can
It isn’t enough to simply know about Christ.
To know His commands and what He expects of His followers.
We must know Christ Himself.
It’s the difference between religion and relationship.
Religion - Here’s a list.
Go do it.
— Maybe you’ve experienced that before.
Relationship - Take my yoke upon you.
Learn from me.
Find rest for your souls.
I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.
Take heart, I’ve overcome the world.
It’s not always going to be easy, but I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
How have you been approaching God?
man does not live on bread alone
You want to be full?
You want to be satisfied?
Let my Word, my teaching, my love, my peace, my joy, my patience, my goodness, my faithfulness… grow in your life.
nurishes the soul
3. Show It
You’ve got to walk this out.
So much of following Christ is doing the next right thing.
Faith without works is dead...
>>> Did you catch what James said?
He said, if you do what the Word commands and don’t forget what you heard, you will be blessed.
That’s the result of building your life on the rock—God’s blessing and favor in your life.
If you want to stand firm, than you’ve got to build your life on the Rock that won’t move.
He’s a sure foundation.
The Rock on which you can stand and the only One worth building your life upon.
Fullness of joy can be yours — pleasures forevermore.
Don’t get stuck… There’s just too many rules.
Get out of here.
That’s weak.
It’s not even accurate.
Clickbait, fake news.
Better or worse: Didn’t commit adultery, Honored father/mother, Didn’t lie/cheat/steal, Forgave instead of bitterness.
Jesus didn’t come to rob you of life—He came that you might have life to the full!
Is yours… wisdom, peace, fruit of the spirit, help in your trial, forgiveness, healing, etc...
Every promise is yes and amen
You can be sure of it, because the Rock won’t move.
He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Alpha/Omega, beginning/end.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9