Just a thought on how we can have an awakening
An individual or small group of God’s people becomes conscious of their sins and backslidden condition, and vows to forsake all that is displeasing to God.
An individual or small group of God’s people becomes conscious of their sins and backslidden condition, and vows to forsake all that is displeasing to God.
Awakenings are usually preceded by a time of spiritual depression, apathy and gross sin, in which a majority of nominal Christians are hardly different from the members of secular society, and the churches seem to be asleep.
Awakenings are usually preceded by a time of spiritual depression, apathy and gross sin, in which a majority of nominal Christians are hardly different from the members of secular society, and the churches seem to be asleep.
2. An individual or small group of God’s people becomes conscious of their sins and backslidden condition, and vows to forsake all that is displeasing to God.
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God.
Several key terms from vv. 1–3 are repeated in vv. 23–24 (see note on vv. 1–6). In response to God’s knowledge and power, the psalmist desires for God to examine him afresh (v. 23).
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God. I want to use the word “ALLOW” as an acrostic to help us tonight as we look to on how we, you, me...can get right with God. Look at the Psalm 139:23-24 with me...
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with allowing him to search me.
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God… by letting him know my heart
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God…by letting Him try me and know my thoughts
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God… by obeying Him.
If we cannot deceive God, escape God, or ignore God, is it not sensible to obey God?
If I truly want an awakening, I must get right with God....Fifth, I must...Walk with Him
When we submit to God’s work in our lives, we grant Him permission to do that which He has already purposed.