Sunday Service- September 1, 2019
This week and it's a it's a game-changer. I don't know if you've ever heard Pete's Pizza. Do you know what I'm thinking about? That's a spoiler. Okay. I don't know if you've ever heard people say land came out for this one. She knows where it's coming. But you know this whole thing people say you got to watch what you eat you do, you know, you can't get a Double Quarter Pounder McDonald's, you know, it's not good for your heart things that things that people say, you know, whether they're true or not. Well, I've had this thing where I really like pizza I really do and I really came to this realization like you miss a meal. or whatever and for some reason you're really really rabbits and hungry and it's realize like I really found peace, I guess with this that like pizza is my favorite food and I never really wanted to say that before I don't know why I think it's because somewhere deep down I was shamed and then the feeling like, you know, that's not cheese that's cheese product. That's not pepperoni. That's like pork with who knows what chemicals in it, you know too much information like like, you know, David can increase is not necessarily good for you. That kind of thing is so don't eat frozen food because of this, you know that kind of thing, but I really I really discovered that this week and I was craving Aldi's made to order pizzas. You guys are going to talk about anybody. There's nobody in town you go in the Lander short if you want a car take a quarter, but if you never been there, it's cheaper than Walmart. Just so you know and really selling it for you. Go straight to the back. There's a fridge not the frozen ones. There. Are there find a pizza there good, you know, it's hard to mess it up certain things on it. But that's another sermon and I and you go back and you get this disease made to order pizza. They put together that morning and probably shipped from some Store Houston Yorker Harrisburg or somewhere you no longer another highway. It's easy to get to all the Aldi's from and you just pick it up. It's about this big. And you just go buy it. And so it's really easy. And you know, the thing is I really I really like all the pizza. Thank you.
Yeah, I feel like I'm one of those daytime talk shows. I haven't watched in years. I never should have just in case y'all didn't I'm skinny. Not really, okay.
But the thing is like you just go in you get the pizza. You go to the register. Text and you say hey, I'm on my way home. You need anything like I'll grab some milk turn on the oven cuz when I get back, it'll be 20 degrees until it's ready. It doesn't matter. You can throw it in 200 degrees. It says 100. It doesn't matter. You know, you just put it in there and you watch it. I don't trust the clock, especially in the oven we have right now. But anyway, so it's easy you walk in mind is quick the best pizza and Pizza Hut buffets are really good. Don't do it. Maybe once a year, but I realized I really look he's at Buffet 2 and so on. anyway, it doesn't matter but it should be easy because what happens and I hope you can hear me honey. This is what happens. Hey, babe. I'm grabbing a pizza going to grab some milk. Sure. Let me text you a couple things. 2 minutes later, I'm scrolling a list of my phone. I should not have to scroll. You. Don't even speak Spanish milk. Yeah milk. Okay, good tortellini. Awesome more pasta. I love it, you know and then all these other things that I'm sure important, but they do not help me get where I need to go which is home with my pizza in the oven. You know what? I mean? and I it does frustrate me when I get those texts. I know it's coming and I still can't help myself. Hey, do you need anything? Please? Don't tell me you know, but I'm like, I'm still going to ask her, you know, because I want to help but it should be that easy and I think we feel that way with prayer a lot of times. It's like, you know, I'm going to come and I'm going to pray and this is what I need and we come and we were coming to really mean it. When we really need something like I need and all the pizza. And what happens is we get in the store if you get in the prayer and you realize they're all these other things that we need. Before we can get the pizza. We want to get it. And one thing I want to talk about with Miracles and with healing this week, if something is is when we come in and we ask God for the miracle. There's a lot of things that we realize we had. We haven't taken stock of I go and I'm like, oh we need Spanish. Yeah, you know, I can't do zpizza. I should have some spinach. We should have some milk. We should have all kinds of carbs in my in protein and fat but like
It's one of those things. It's like what do we really do? I really need to pick up as soon as I do because I could have done it yesterday or we could have gone earlier this week in a lot of times. There are things in prayer that we come and we're not getting what we want in a time that we want and we discover that there are things that we haven't gotten the should be normal life. You get it? You know, it's good to have some veggies at home and not just green beans in the freezer. You know, it's good to have some spinach. I love having Spanish to him. I buy I buy more more greens than I need and more greens. Not eat. I have a if you know when I say, I want to get healthy I buy all the stuff and make a salad one day and then the other days I'm like well Do we have left in a piece of leftovers? Well, well really lay in cooks and that's what the amazing part is season. if you ever see your have to cook on a crunch and pull something out it is it'll be the best meal you've ever had her creativity under pressure is amazing and I'm not making that up and I'm not saying they're just cuz you can hear me. I love you, but it is really good and it's even better than all the pizza sometimes even though I think is my favorite. I'm just like I said, it's my favorite food. I'm not ashamed so anymore. Kobe coming to prayer and and then we realize we're not getting what we want and then we have often what we do historically as we have these should that we haven't done in order to get what we want. Right why you should have more faith. I should eat more spinach you should you know, go to go do this. Do you should do confess you should do this. Well, yeah, I should drink more water during the day, you know, I should drink less coffee and I I drink a whole lot less coffee. But the shoes are really helpful and I'm going to give her the term don't shoot on yourself, but you shouldn't should you know God doesn't should when he tells you these things and I want to go through James 5 teams 5 is amazing chapter. We know it cuz it talks about the prayer of faith. That's where most of it hurt you if you're sick go to the elders there and that's where we get these verses but the entire chapter is really full of of A patient's and what to do with prayer? And it's full of tension between rich people that are press then the people that are impoverished cuz they're pressed still like treating rich people like her special. There's a whole tensioner. There's a tension in this chapter between people that are doing the right thing and then the wrong thing is happening to them. People that are praying and they need healing but they aren't healed but yet in their church so many people are healed why it why am I got not getting my healing there's all these issues that they're dealing with and there's so many different prayer points directly here. What's interesting is so many of these points we read them as should.
But they're things that can be because they can already be in our fridge.
If that makes sense just like the spinach I should get spinach but really I would have to stop for if you want to get my pizza cuz already my fridge, you know, well, I'm not saying I'm the only sing some power when I pray and then I'm realizing it's because over here. I'm I'm opening up the faucet letting myself leaks in power because of some compromise or something else in my life. Really I shouldn't have to find that out when I'm praying for people cuz I already know. I should already have something healthy in my fridge. I should already have something against other shoulds. but they're available and it's more like what we have possible to us as a normal Christian you notice when you read through this all of these things or normal points for normal Christian.
and as we go through this He kind of comes to the place and use the example of Allied into hey, he's just like you.
And this is when he pray this is what happened. We'll get to that in a second.
James 5 verse 4 is the first time he brings up prayer you stalking to the affluent wealthy people. That are in their current culture, you know, they are able to just withhold wages. There's no there's no laws about this. There's no like, you know reporting and minimum wages and there's nobody to go too often when you don't get paid. You just don't get paid. And so he says listen can't you hear the cries of the laborers over the weight as you fraudulently held back from those who work for you the cries of justice for those who cheated of reach the ears of the Lord of armies. What do you saying there people that are oppressed and God's hearing their prayers. You need to be afraid cuz he's going to answer their prayers. Is the first place we see the move toward answer which is amazing because when it when I originally used to read this, I would only see the the last half of the chapter about prayer. It is said that the warning to the rich and then a prayer for the sick. I'm at on the headings. But really the whole thing is attention in their relationships and how you bring it to God.
Because we talked to the rich he gives him a solution. if you go down two verse 16
I'm reading of the passion translation today. I usually do a different translation, but the passion really captures what we're going to get it in just a minute so well and so it'll be a little different but in verse 16, it says confess and acknowledge how you've offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed. You know, if you've been holding back wages from people and oppressing them or knowingly not giving them what their do. Why don't you go and confess?
Why didn't you acknowledged it instead of saying well, sorry acknowledge it make it right.
And then they can pray for you. That you'll be fine.
You get it? He gave him a warning that he gave them away out. This wasn't a judgment prophecies. Just saying Hey, listen, there's a way things work. And does not like going to let you lower the silver people forever.
Is it at the first place we see?
That kind of prayer working. But there many different places that you talks about prayer here. And one of the things as we move into I want to mention first. Denver7 will actually will start real quick the first thing. This sometimes we need to do is confess.
And the reason why C we tend to say should you should confess that's fine. But what we take that as is like is like I have an option and it's going to be bad for me if I don't take the option. But this is him saying this is what you need to do. Now you should do this for them. He's like confess. Do you understand like the directness of what he saying? You should go make sure he's at confess. Bring it out. In the power of these versus is he's he's he's exposing someone because it's an obvious outward thing that they're doing, but the reality is many of us aren't getting prayers and we know that we're not right with the Lord in an area. God's not bringing someone to us to say how you need to do this or you need to but somewhere deep down if you spend some time with you as you take some time during the week and you listen to him and you make space enough for him to hear your own conscience. You will be able to confess.
this what I mean, it's like getting spinach just like, you know being in the word daily, you will have faith because faith comes by hearing listening to it to messages, you know, if you need to hear the podcast again, you know, something's really didn't go back and listen to the listen to it and let it came in his face will come into you and you will have the bandwidth in the ability to find where you need to confess and then you will have the boldness to confess because you have faith And what happens is up until that point you felt like I can't say it. There's Darkness you feel ashamed what will people think and then when you confess it and people say people don't see you when you differently they don't see you for your sin, but they're so glad you confess it. Why did I hold it in for years? Why did I do that? It doesn't make sense because when we are in a place where we're not making room for the Lord to speak to our conscience and bring us to the place where we can confess or bring us to the place where I can actually have a real relationship with you cuz I'm not hiding myself all the time off to manage my I don't have to come to Bob and manage myself all the time cuz I haven't told him how he hurt me 10 years ago. And so I've held this thing on have to manage myself every time I'm taking all my energy thinking about me.
Right. That's what we do. I do that.
I do for about 5 minutes in the car or in the Aldi. I didn't bring a box. You don't know how bad I got to all the stuff one by one in the car. You know how they roll or buy a bag and so But you know we have to deal with those things. We all have things that we've had to confess.
We've all had things that we've had to bring to him. And here we don't harp on the things that keep us from healing but the reality is sin when you let sickness in your spirit, it eventually gets into your body.
Weather that's criticism walking. Well that person. Well, you know, everything is and I'm not putting anybody that's so easy to do in our culture. That's it. It's a it's an epidemic in our culture with no bitterness is worse for you than AIDS. You know what? I mean? And so to this kind of stuff confessing and saying hey, you know what when you did this you actually wrong me instead of holding it in you free yourself, but you also free Lord to answer and I'm not being part of this but the Bible plainly says, for example, hey husband, don't be harsh with your wives why so God can answer your prayers? We wonder why God has answered prayer in the Bible lays it out as clear as can be. It is clear is actually God talks like there. It is clear is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord will be saved. It is clear that like hey, if you have an agenda and you asked everything selfishly, that's why you're not getting what you want and earlier in James. It says that plain as day.
And so not because you want it and it's not because it's a desire this wrong, but you because you will spend it on your desires. God's good, he's going to do good things for you will do better things new thing just like the woman who had her back here. She and asks, you didn't need to he just wanted to sometimes we just need to confess and we need to step back and get enough space with God whether we have to drive to the top of a mountain and get away from our family and her kids you or we have to like get on our face or put herself in a Janitor's Closet with no one else is at work or do something weird. Just you it's more important than anything else because we're surrounded by a culture that we we say everything is okay and if it gets normalize enough, we need to accept it and we're inundated with that everywhere that we look even in the most conservative media. They believe a lot of those things. And if we are feeding ourselves garbage and feeding ourselves, gossip or even Christian Outlets it always talking about what this Minister did we are actually feeding ourselves poison and our consciences can't see ourselves clearly.
And I'm not telling you this so you can look at other people about I'm telling this because we need to we need to deal with it and I'm coming to the place where like I try to to manage what I was because I know this isn't going to impact me. Well, that's not other people that's fine for but I just don't watch that. I don't and it's like If I try to manage it myself, I'm just it's not going to be helpful for me because I need to have enough space in my life where my conscience is clear and I'm able to think on that was pure for instance. I'm able to spend time on the word focusing on the positive instead of the things that will how how far how close to the edge have any cannot get How far can I get into the series before I get into trouble? You know what? I mean, you know every TV series. The first one is the nicest show, right if you like. This is great as awesome slowly it gets right. Anyway, I'm not going to I'm not trying to preach on that. I'm not you know judging anyone for that at the moment, you know, but like I'm just not but but confess the second thing is be patient. Be patient. Denver7 meanwhile brothers and sisters. We must be patient and filled with expectation as we wait for the appearing of the Lord. Patient and basically your faith and you have hope patience is important and he talks about this. He says think about the farmer who has patiently waited for the Earth's Harvest as it ripens because the early and latter rains So you also keep your hopes up high and be patient for the presence of the Lord is drawing closer. That's not just a second coming of Jesus. You notice he didn't mention the second coming. What has the peering of the word? What is the appearing of the Lord? What happens when you get a miracle who appeared? Who showed up? What happens when you get a breakthrough in your marriage and something that you didn't want to talk about anymore and nobody and you just didn't go there anymore and it was silently creating problems and all this and who shows who appears? The Lord is sometimes we we we give up on something, but we begin in place our trust and are hoping in the Lord and re patiently expectedly hope for the Lord to appear and that happens. And so patience is good and he says this.
Any tells you how bad how to be patient? And when you know that the Lord is for you and he know that he's real he's not Santa Claus. You're not waiting till Christmas. He's not but he's he made you he loves you and he's closer to you than your own blood and I mean if your family he's closer to you than your in your fingernails is closer to you than your emotions. He's he's inside and intertwined holding you together with his word and he knows every part of you intimately in a waiting on him is a waiting for something better than you knew could happen and when you have hope you begin to feel it and some of you know what I'm talking about because you maybe you had hoped for a healing for a day and then is gone. Are you you know, it's it's also the feeling words like if you live under a lot of trauma and pain a lot of times there's there's that unbelief that you always feel trying to hold you down. Sometimes hope heals like, oh the unbelief gone and I and I and I think God can do it, but those kind of things are the things that we want to hold onto and learn how to learn how to grasp instead of letting it whisper way.
To grasp like a seed like a farmer.
And I'm and in this context. He talks about it in the context of suffering is he says, you know, you know what will really encourage you. If you're suffering like a relational suffering in his persecution read the prophets. University says take the profits as your mentors. They have prophesied in the name of the Lord. It did nothing wrong and it brought them suffering is that they endured and there's sometimes a relational places where we're waiting on the Lord and we are okay and we've confessed every way we know the confessed and we've done all that we know to do. and for some reason we don't see the Breakthrough in Daniel Daniel didn't see the Breakthrough that he needed here to wait 20 days. Until the angel that he was waiting for got there. We don't always know why. You know us preachers like to tell you why but we don't always know why.
And you also use the example. This is my favorite part of the patience is this and you have heard of all that job went through and we can now see the Lord ultimately treated him with wonderful kindness revealing out tender-hearted. He really is. Wow. Well because Sometimes people say what about Joe? And I said, what about you if he got healed? Joblo, the healthy job as a picture of health and wealth and taking care of the poor. Taking care of everybody who needed his town. Someone shows up. You need food. He gave them food here and you are the most glorious food pantry could ever imagine. He had you just amazingly blessed and for a small season, he was sick and he lost everything but then he got back more. It's a job is not an example of why I should be sick for a long time. Joban example why I can be expected that God is going to come through in Life After Life after my healing will be healthier than before. If you read the book of Job seriously, if you read it, that's where it's actually about and I we've said this before but some scholars believe he was only probably sick for a few weeks. If you actually read the time, I'm I get sick. My friends come from different towns the hear everything they can saw me then they criticize me, you know, thanks. Alicia comes along God shows up in the Whirlwind. I pray they get heal. That's the storyline. And so it's not you know, if you have something to eat to learn from your sickness, then learn it repaired. There you go.
And that's what it's saying here.
And then he talks about how important it. Is that our word be true. And again we hear this is why I should be honest.
And I think what it gets down to it. We need to say what we mean and mean what we say if we think about being honest we try to manage ourselves again.
So much of our culture we are in a place.
Of selective listening is selective sharing.
Supposed to social media while I'm telling you the truth, but my family does not look like this except for two minutes out of the day when I'm taking a picture, you know.
Let your yes be yes you no be no the early Christians.
It just being steadfast. And it's just hey, if you ask me something I'm going to tell you what I mean, and if I am I'm not able to right now. I'm going to figure out how to come back and tell you what I mean. And in a lot of our relationship, I'm going to learn how to share something with you. So it doesn't bring you as much pain, but I'm also going to say it even if I don't like the emotions that come when I say it. Get it. Because really what it comes down to her often not honest not because you're trying to help someone cuz we're afraid of him.
I don't want this to happen for them to react like that when I say this.
That doesn't mean it doesn't mean we just we say well, I'm just to be sure you tell her. The difference between telling the truth in love and loving to tell the truth, you know me, so well we move on. All right.
and then he goes on this is the way we talk a lot about
where are you now? Are you worried for a Got a Blessing worship. Are you sick go to the elders? We talked we can talk more about that another time pray for the sick anointing with oil in the name of our Lord in the prayer of faith will heal the sick and the Lord will raise them up and they have committed sins. They will be forgiven and the third thing confessed. Be patient Trust. faith is kind of a crazy word for us. You know, we feel like it's a magical place in La La Land if I get to I get everything that I want, but it's really trust in the nature of God. Knowing who he is and that idea is held in faith. But this is what important catch the prayer of faith will heal the sick. Make well. the prayer of faith
Isn't what I prayed in faith.
We'll see what happens. You know, you prayed the prayer of faith and it has the results to Jesus at.
the prayer of faith has the same results as when we carried a lame, you know, the four guys carrying their lame friend to Jesus when they finally got them to Jesus. The man was healed that was not something that was up for negotiation when we have the prayer of faith in a Biblical level. It has the same results as Jesus.
Again, this is not a shirt. Okay, that was nice for now the spray in face, if you don't have you don't have it. It's okay to have to grow in something. It's okay. I mean hear the elders are people listen. These guys are serving with Peter.
This is a a book written to the church in Jerusalem after they had a Revival and everybody left and they're like, why are we a small Church? We're seeing Miracles but nothing's happened where smokers with the deal. They had all these different expectations about what God would do. And James rice and says hey you need wisdom. You don't need strategy. You don't need all this and then he talks to them about all these other things and so in the context you realize these Elders they knew. Mindy they were still in a place or when they pray that happen. It's kind of like not as any of you sick have any are you sick and you played yourself and you're not better go to the elders. and the prayer of faith
and there's a whole lot of Grace when were able to stay here Jesus. I don't have enough Faith right now. I recognize the prayer that I pray you didn't have your results and what I've been doing doesn't have results. I need you in my life. I need to trust you more. I want to trust you more but I need your help. That kind of humidity is actually set the stage for real face. That makes sense. Because when we can really acknowledge we can fast we're patient we come to a place where like hey who's really working this miracle?
Who's really showing up? Who am I patiently waiting for?
It's him. It's his hope his face all of these things. 417 Elijah actually right before that for Terminus power is released to the passionate heartfelt prayer of a Godly believer and
any in most Modern English translation said the prayer of a righteous man is powerful while it is still working. It is effective that language is the prayer of a righteous person is effective and affective is the same word as root word is miraculous the prayer of someone Who is righteous praying in faith as a same power as the gift of working of Miracles? Get it. When Stephen came in and turn the city upside down by Miracle someone coming a righteous person praying in faith will have the same results.
The gift of Miracles will work it instantly praying sometimes is more of a process and that's why we're talk about prayer today. And that's what Elijah is about to give us an example of Is Elijah? Raise the dead. Hey, if you do this, you'll be able to eat for the rest of the family. If you do this kid words, he here this instant like Jesus when he did something it was immediate is immediate results instant do this immediately went this instantly this instantly happened and it just it wasn't a question. He was a man of God which two that they meant like hey, If he prays for if he says it then it's good. The check is written. The money is in the bank.
What time the first time? I saw somebody get out of a wheelchair when I prayed for them which probably 2006 I was in a restaurant and it was right outside, New Jersey in Rockland County New York, and it was in the mall where a lot of people came from like New York City in New Jersey all these places. They come and eat go2movies shop a big Mall, Palisades Mall, and I'm I'm in there and this guy is in his wheelchair and is a pulled hip and the day before someone that I know of.
Know that day or the day before anyway my face of this is a new place. I've been pressing and start to see a lot of people have bones fuse really cool things and I see him
I just knew I had to pray for him. And so I prayed for him and get a pulled hip and these problems that didn't allow him to walk especially excruciating pain. I prayed for him and he stood up. No pain. I said would you wanna touch your toes? And he touched his toes and he said I can touch my toes before I got hurt. His wife was in he can do that before, you know, and he was able to do more after then he could before he got hurt with a simple prayer. Now this is what I want you to catch.
I was obviously waiting tables. I called my manager over and he was like, you know, it's like I just showed him what happened and he started sending people to me actually went and got sick. This is what I want you to catch I said, hey, do you need any preference ething else? I'm from the nice Evangelical charismatic and Pentecostal kind of swirled my friends, you know, I'm from an Evangelical world. And so I'm expecting them to say healing cuz someone just got killed. But he's a good Catholics from New Jersey. He said yeah pray for my wife. I wanted to be happy. What's the difference I think because I pray for healing and success. I pray for healing and I have success with his annoying. They think hey God hears him.
So therefore God hears him.
You're not thinking hey, there's a healing anointing here. That's moving to the healing round. Let's move into this. Let's get that breakthrough. Do they can't he prays and God hears him. What do we really want? You think about the thinking about the saying he's guys are just crazy got to do crazy Miracles crazy healings and it was relationship with got nutted in anointing. Not just a gift. Just thinking this God listen to this guy is pull out what we really want.
I'm like that is much better. I like that perspective cuz it's rooted a relationship with Jesus. Not just this guy. He's got something in his hands. You get it? And so that's Elijah when people came to Emma wasn't like. Well, you're the you're the man for healing or you're the man for prophecy like you're the man. If I need something from God. And so these kids here are actually with Elijah. There's working Americans there is healing but there's something greater and being able to know that when we when we are right with the Lord we can pray and he removes if we're persistent whether it's in the moment or does that make sense? Because when we're about to see when he prayed for rain, he wasn't using a gift of Miracles like he did when he raised the day he was using persistent prayer and partnership with God in prayer and what you need to know is you don't have to have a gift in order to move God. You don't have to see anybody healed through laying on of hands to pray and seeing them get up. You don't have to have any of that. I know people that see more healing through intercession in another state than they do laying hands on people.
Part of that, you know, that's just the way they are. I would rather have God hear my prayers and know that I'm walking with him and he's in love with me and I'm I'm I'm giving him pleasure then BB some guy that looks powerful. The key here is righteousness.
Walking righteously again we tend to talk about this is a performance thing, but there are things we need to do. And righteousness really is the fact that when you put your trust in Jesus for your salvation, you became the righteousness of God in Christ, Jesus. What does it mean? I don't know but you became the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you are in Christ and you were living in him as God's righteousness. You are one with the father you are united with him. You know, what if If I was sitting in the president's chair with his authority what I signed would become law. right I mean it would have to be more than with God. It's more than that. We don't have a great for King when the king spoke in the release of all you just couldn't turn stop the law cuz you can like remember Ester when the king sent out the decree is going to destroy the Jews and they said you got to change as he says what I can't change the decree. I already decreed it.
Therefore I should decree another decree. When you're sitting in God, so we don't understand what kingship is cuz we have democracy and democracy is amazing. I'm not putting it down. But to understand God and our Authority you have to think about Kings not congressman. praise God But when when you are in God and you decree a decree that God has decree and you're sending out something that will not be stopped. And when Elijah spring here when you're walking in righteousness and you aren't stepping out from the place of the love of God in order to do something to you kind of want in the moment or well, I know God loves me and I want to live with him, but I really feel like I was made this way instead of letting Henry make you You remake his will what we need to do is say hey, what is this say and let it change us and we walk in righteousness.
Elijah knew what God wanted to do with the rain they were about to read about briefly. Not just because he heard God would because he knew the law God's word said. Hey, if you do these things you want to bring
he knew it and he was the one guy that knew it. And he was one of many didn't compromise about it, but he could do something about it. And you were the person you something in your life. There's something in somebody's life that you care about that. You can do something about and this is how we're 17. Elijah was a man like us the nature like ours In that context he's not talking about our new nature in Christ. He's talking about the weaknesses of our flesh. Are physical flat or human frailties? Just like all of us. He was like all of us, but he prayed and received. This is why I'm using the passion translation. He prayed and receive Supernatural answers. When you walk in righteousness, we want God's answers more than our Solutions. Cuz you always have Solutions but God and God answered will do far more than our Solutions every time. God answers with a far more than our souls as we talked about this in the 21 days of prayer, but if I pray for if I want to go fix something, that's okay. If I want God to fix this issue and I pull up some tools to help with my marriage that's really good and that'll help. But if God pours out Grace for my transformation, that's even better.
If you have tools to fix something, that's great. But if God pours out Grace for transformation is better. That's the heart of the miraculous when God does something that transform the situation instead of fixing it.
Okay, so I lied to shut the heavens over the land to there would be no rain for three and a half years. That means not a drop.
And you know, there are guys the critics sitting going to the best places in the country that there might be a drop of rain just in case Elijah was wrong. You know, there was somebody doing that had a Blog up, you know, they're ready and he's afraid again and the skies opened up over the lands of the rain came again and produced The Harvest.
The Sounds again, this sounds really simple he went and he got his pizza for the land. when we read the axle versus in Kings
This is way more intense than we realize. There's been no rain. Did he has a confrontation with the prophets of Baal? There's a show down there. God can bring any fire their other thing that they went to other than Jesus couldn't do anything the other God the idea that they had couldn't do anything. Elijah goes around the country has them pour water over his sacrifice. I'm giving a really brief. I apologize. If you don't know the story but most of us have heard it and they pour water on what we had. They don't say is the land had been in route for 3 and after these guys had to search for water. He expended resources God's fire fell on that sacrifice and then bail see you later guys. They took care of it what happens now that this issue has been dealt with And the righteousness has been re-established in the land. He ran up onto the mountain and he prayed for rent. He told they have He reigns coming then he prayed like a fool to get it.
Because he was a man that could raise the dead. He was a guy who would say hey. You can have a baby ear and he wasn't just practicing. And it would happen it would just happen here till they have her to happen, but he has to go up and he has to come to a place even though he has power with the trust God and pressing himself. He goes up and he prays and he sent his servant up to the top of the so he's in the cleft and this side of this of this rock. I send a servant to go up which is quite a ways, you know, where the prophets prey didn't come in and say Jesus bless me today. Thank you for this food touchdown, you know, they didn't do that. They went in and they got in there and sometimes it was hours or days, you know, that's that they made the space to be clear enough to hear God, you know what I mean? And so the guy goes up and nothing there's there's a small Cloud that's not going to do much it. Just going to prove both both of his prophecies wrong. That's not enough. The guy comes on Elijah still praying. What's he doing? The prayer of a righteous man? He is standing in God and God is answering him simply because of his position with God. And you can stand with confidence no matter if you think you have nothing God won't do anything for you. Don't do this. God has made me the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He will answer your prayers if you standing what he's done. if you send a movable if you confess if your patient if you trust him when you trust in all these other things become natural, what do you know? He's good at becomes natural to confess. It becomes natural to be pasted. It becomes natural When you pray say I'm not seeing it. I'm going to keep praying because I know he's going to do it. I know he's going to do it and this is the real place of Faith. This is an interesting place for the prayer of faith to be put up against because he was praying a prayer faith. We didn't see the results of Faith right away. He was the guy that walked out they didn't get here the walked away and it was getting healed as he went in 3 days later was the healing was still coming. It was something for the prayer worth, but he had to work the prayer. And this is important for us because we're growing we need to know that we have mercy there's Grace for us to have to pray again.
What do you think? Well, one of my pet peeves is sometimes how long medical stuff takes no going and do medical stuff when you have an emergency or ER I might you know, if I just had I could take that time that we spend driving and doing all this belongs to God and pray. I think I could resolve this. It's frustrating. It's one of those things that they're really helps me become more patient. If it helps the Lord deal with this thing like I hate doing this and I was like, that's hatred. I should never have you I don't I hate going through these actions because I know this should be this way. I know it should be and sometimes when you have the prayer Faith, you hit all of those things you run into you get down there and you're praying and your servant comes back. It's just it's not there or it's small like God I shouldn't have to do this you promised you did this, but when your right is your in him and when you're in him, the promise is a right there. Everything is held in Christ. All the promises of wrapping in every gift of the spirit everything you need for your body your finances the restoration of your mind and your family is inside of you.
See you guys.
They tell me every Sunday if you walk out we're not offended, but it because this is so. Sure. not
the prayer of faith and righteousness
are so important.
And one thing I want to add because this church is a church of servants. The city people that serve and sometimes we confuse discipleship with serving right week. Sometimes you confuse a walk with Jesus for serving or fruit serving in a certain way. It's not the same thing. What this isn't the prayer of faith isn't a codependent relationship with a problem.
What I mean by that a prayer Faith doesn't mean I'm going to attach myself to the problem. And if it doesn't get and my well-being is based on whether God answers this or not. My well-being meaning the state of my heart is based on whether this person gets healed or not.
When you are in Christ, you attached yourself to him and his promises you disconnect.
from the disillusionment the disappointments And you Growing Hope? The Temptation this happens with Healing Ministry. This happens a lot of different people that have compassion they get too attached to an issue and instead they start to be the solution instead of God. But when we are connecting ourselves with faith, and we're saying God, I want you to hear them, but they're in your hands. But since you're in their hands, I can pray confidently. Not you can hear them there for I'm taking them in my hands and I'm going to hold them as close as possible until you heal them. Let's codependency on it. But if you come in and you say I give them to you and because they're in your hands I can get on my knees.
Have you ever seen someone like this Northern? He's they put something here and they they pray before it is it what's that called that it's a shrine, right? And so what happens if we leave if we keep somebody in our hands. Are we keep up someone's problem as our own to fix we create a shrine in an idol.
But if we release that to the Lord and we have him here. We are free to pray to God from him instead of the problem. You got it. This important thing because so many of us. I think I think so many people are actually you have faith to move mountains if not with your mouth with your prayers, but that changed.
Makes all the difference. And sometimes letting go of it is just the righteousness. We need for him to hear us.
Letting go of the problem. An idle is restored is just at the place we need to be for him to hear us.
naked at the end of the day when you trust God in his nature that's enough because all of these things become natural.
But until we're fully trusting him. These are all places if I haven't confessed something ice. Actually, I am realizing I don't I don't trust God in that area if I'm not being patient way. I realize it's not patient catheter. I prayed with face, but I don't see it right away. And now I don't believe wait I realized That just revealed and Believe In My Heart.
Or around me, you know, so all of these things are places. They're not showed their invitations. The invitations for us to learn to pray trust into trust God with all of our heart because every time one of these things come up we come up black. We have we can become more like Jesus. And for me, that's the most powerful thing because all kinds of Miracles can happen. But if Jesus isn't being revealed through it, it doesn't really matter.
If all we're doing is teaching you to follow signs are preparing you for somebody other than Jesus diseases in the signs
Can you read this one verse one more time?
Confessing acknowledge how you offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed for Tim and his power is released. Do the passionate heartfelt prayer of Godly believer.
When you let a fence go you have the ability to have a heartfelt prayer.
This is something the Lord's been dealing with me this week because I all like put the news aside for a while because I get in the weeds with it, you know. Or are you this big news about? You know. This happening with this Minister, you know, it's not that you're not going to hear less of it. It's never going to be new news. But what happened is when I start going there I actually start to hold on to their situation because I'm figuring it out. I'm trying to solve the problem. I'm getting offended that you you let that guy go back and do that. You know what I mean? Like when I when I when I watch the news when I see current events I get caught in it.
But my job isn't to be caught in that is to be cut into him. Or at least if I don't know that at least the word if I can.
audio Bible if you have nothing else, but like when we let go of offense when you're holding offense, we don't pray heartfelt prayers.
I don't play heartfelt prayers. What tremendous power is released through it? And I'm going to wrap up and you guys can jump on up butt.
What we want to do.
I'm not trying to get anybody in trouble.
But we do need to confess.
And if somebody bugs you and something is bugging you for years that they do. You need to go talk to them. My wife has taught me so much about this because if something rubs her and is it right to go talk to the person. I'm like, I can't believe you said things that way I literally I still am I But five minutes later, they come out of the conversation with a great relationship. Like if I would have known that 20 years ago, I would have been less Restoration in my life. But if I want to encourage you and we could go ahead and whenever you guys are ready, but let's just go ahead and stand let the Lord revealed to you some business you need to do. Because there is faith in this room.
Many of you seen God do amazing things. You'll see it again. But the things that are in the way you want to just show us. Is there someone we need to forgive is there someone we need to hey call up and say hey.
You been doing this in and we need to talk about it or I need to we need to not hang out for a while because I've asked you not to be this way and you're still this way, and I need to drop this line right now.
I need to move out of the situation whatever it is. Because God has Miracles waiting for all of us. and this church is vibrant with things God is doing in about to do Miracles will not decrease table increase and there are things he wants to do but what's more important is what he wants to do inside of you right now. It's what you going this song. I'm going to let you just ask the Lord yourself. Is there something or somebody need to let go of and some of you know it already? Let's go ahead and worship.