Jesus: The Author and Source of our Salvation

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Jesus: The Author and Source of our Salvation  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  50:53
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Morning. I'm glad you're all here with us. We are going to be in Hebrews chapter 2 today. I'm going to ask to get all forgive me, if you wind up sitting down a little bit to preach. I don't know. What's happening. What's going on when I ask y'all to pray for me. I am in pain. I don't know how else to describe it this pain in my left leg starting at my hips and going all the way to my ankle. And so I've been to the doctor they've given me some stuff. They're treating it. It didn't work in yet. So I'm going to go back y'all would just be praying about that. Paul had a thorn in his side and he prayed three times and it be removed if I'm done after three times praying for this I'll deal with it, but I'm not prayed up three times yet. So I don't know that I pray the way Paul did either I'm sure he took weeks at a time and was doing that sort of thing. So let's go ahead and take a look at the word.

Hebrews chapter starts verse 1 therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard last week drift drift away from it for since the message to Claire By Angels proved to be reliable on every transgression or Disobedience received a just retribution. I'll shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation. It was declared at first by the Lord and it was a tested to buy those who would hurt by those who heard while God bore Witness by signs and wonders and various Miracles and my gifts of the holy spirit distributed according to his will It was not the angels of God subjected the world to come of which we are speaking. It has been testified somewhere. What is man that you are mindful of him or the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the Angels you have crowned him with Glory and Honor putting everything in subjection under his feet. Now. I'm putting everything in subjection to him. He left nothing outside his control at present. We do not yet see everything in subjection to him, but we see him through for a little while was made lower than the Angels namely Jesus crowned with Glory and Honor because of the suffering of death. So that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone. Where is fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist and bringing many sons to Glory should be made the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering for He Who sanctifies and those who are Sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers sing. I will tell you of your name. I will tell if your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation. I will sing your praise and again, I will put my trust in him and again behold I and the children. God has given me. Since therefore the children share in Flesh and Blood, he himself likewise for took of the same things and through death. He might and through death. He might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil. And deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery for surely. It is not the angels that he helps but he helps The Offspring of Abraham therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might become a merciful faithful high priest in the service of God make propitiation for the sins of the people because he himself it suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being with me. Father we thank you so much for your word. We thank you for seeing in this that the Jesus is supreme and Superior father. I pray that as we continue on our study of the book of Hebrews that you would just speak to our hearts who teach us to apply the words here to our lives and that we would be doers of the word not just hearers only that we would be encouraged to hold steadfast our faith in Jesus Christ because we see him as who he really is here. Father asks, you just put me aside that you would speak in spite of me you'd speak in spite of the pain that I'm suffering right now that you would just be clear in the minds and hearts of all that are here to listen and able to speak clearly to us through that and it's in Jesus name. I pray amen. Last week, we looked Hebrews chapter 1 and in Hebrews chapter one. We saw that Jesus is supreme and Superior this weekend. As I said, I would prefer to the the author hear of Hebrews as the preacher or the author a little bit because it it really does feel like I'm reading through a sermon manuscript and still hear the preacher of the book of Hebrews continues with that fought fought in And Cemetery terms and in those $3. This is a thought unit chapters one and two are kind of one bought unit, but it's a lot to take in. Like I probably could have spent three weeks and Hebrews 1 alone. Y'all are glad I didn't but I'm telling you that you could have probably done that and into is just as rich and meaty and thick with theology is Hebrews chapter one, but here he's going to flush out that the author he was going to flush out more and more to show us not just why Jesus is supreme and Superior, but what that means and God's great plan and so we're looking at that and he starts off this section with therefore. And therefore has are some of the most powerful words that we see in the New Testament their fours in scripture mean go back to what was just stated. They really really close attention to it because an application is about to happen. And that's what this is here here. The application is to pay close attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ into not waver from it and verses 1 and 2 here. He's saying that so that we already know it's reliable now the special chunk is a complicated sentence. Write 4 cents the message declared By Angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or Disobedience received just retribution how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? That is one sentence. That is a complicated one sentence phrase here. And there's a lot happening in it. So the message that's delivered here by the angels that they're referring to as the law of Moses and there's a lot of belief that when Moses gave the law on Exodus and then he read it again to the people in Deuteronomy in and we see the law given that every time an angel appeared as an angel is affirming God's law in the Old Testament. And so that's where they get this idea that the message that the Angels gave us as Gods all the law that he gave to Moses that the people of Israel live by God's law is reliable. And that's that's what's being taught here that God's law is reliable to us so we can trust it. Every transgression or Disobedience received just retribution is the next chunk. This is the summary statement of the law of Moses. The people does your when they broke the law what happened? Did I ever said I mean we were just reading in Deuteronomy where where we're starting off in Deuteronomy chapter one or the people of Israel had to wait 40 Years be able to even think about getting ready to go into the promised land. But why do they have to wait forty years because God killed a generation. Why did Godzilla generation they send they were disobedient cuz I'm getting rid of this generation. The next generation will get to enter that was a just retribution for the send. Those people had our God has a Justin. Holy God and His laws is perfect in good and if we sin against it, we turn death Paul teaches that an enrollment. and so here is that just Retribution for that right? This is this is every sin deserves punishment disobey and I obey in Liv and we even see that in the book of Deuteronomy is our time sitting up this morning in and small group that Moses eventually says you need to choose. Choose the law of God and live. Don't use the law of God and you will die, Moses says that to the peoples are getting ready to enter into the promised land because he's already knowing they're going to flub it up there not going to make it through their going out. They're going to have problems. He already sees that but the author of Hebrews is using that idea here, but that carries on Disobey and I or Band live. What it what is what's going on? Then the next auction house. Shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation now, this is where the preacher in Hebrews is Rooster and a nail down some of his argument member chapter one. We looked at that that was all about Jesus being Supreme as a router and Superior to all the angels in remember the chapter one was was about all that that that means the law of Moses being declared By Angels. Is less than the message brought To Us by Jesus. Receiver that the that happened that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is still going to be superior and Supreme Over the law of Moses. But yet the law of Moses at a just retribution for it and I just retribution for breaking while Moses was still death. So so the the author here is and I'll let you know now, I think about this if the law of Moses is lesser and the retribution that God is asking for you when you break it is deaf. How much worse is it going to be for you if you ignore Jesus?

That's that's a rhetorical question. He's asking. How much worse is it going to be for you? If you ignore Jesus you've heard the gospel message. You know who Jesus says he's he's preaching out to this congregation, you know this until you don't you neglected think about that law, you know, this law right? We're making kind of an assumption from the way that they are the preacher here is preaching a sermon that that this congregation were Jewish converts second generation that they had initially seen or I witnessed Jesus it in his miracles. They had initially eyewitness the apostles working, but they got the message through those That second hand kind of, like us we haven't witnessed it but we we've come to know through faith. They came through through faith, and they knew the law. And you know how heavy the law Wade?

If you ignore Jesus, how much heavier is that going to wait on you?

That's big.

But if it's that message of the law demand retribution and how much more will God demand from those who have shunned or even scoffed the message of Jesus Christ his son remember that hits his son blah Moses was just given to Moses a man. This is God the son second person of the Triune God.

When we are asked to pay attention to the message we have heard less we drift away from it. We're being called to be steadfast in the true gospel Jesus Christ there. There's a caution against abandoning the gospel and falling under the Judgment of a righteous God here. We we don't we don't think about this a whole lot. We we don't stop to think what does it mean to fall away from the gospel? Right? We're Baptist. We believe in once saved always saved. Well sort of we believe in the perseverance of the Saints meaning good when I have the Holy Spirit in me when I am fully called and I am called of God and I am his Chosen and and part of who he is and part of that family. There's nothing is going to tear me away from it. Right. I'm I'm not going to be yanked out of the hands of a holy Mighty God. The folks there's people in every congregation and every Church who have heard the gospel message.

Think they know the right things if said the right stuff have even gotten wet in the tank behind me. And are still going to hell.

Because I haven't really surrender their lives of Jesus Christ. They don't live the full extent of the Gospel. They haven't surrendered that over to the gospel is good news. It's the news that even though we have all sinned and sin has earned us death. God still loves us and wishes to see a saved from our own sinful and rebellious ways. That's the gospel. That's the good news. The good news is only good news when it takes the place of bad news.

Write good news is only good news in our lives when it takes the place of bad news. The bad news is it that we are sinners and we deserve death and condemnation.

The good news is that Jesus made a way out for us. There's a way out of that for us and us through Jesus when we turn our lives him when we surrendered his Supremacy. We surrender his superiority. We repent meaning we turn our backs the sinful manner a sinful way. We don't seek out sin. We avoid it. We don't we don't draw a line in the sand and then put her clothes on it.

We draw Line in the Sand we walk the opposite direction. Is repentance in our lives and we ask for that precipitous forgiveness of our sent. Jesus is quick to do so. That is good news. That is the message of our great salvation that that's what we're seeing here. As we continue on we see that that this is the great salvation. He says in inverse three absolutely escape and neglect the great salvation goodness. So our great salvation was first declared by the Lord, and then it was a tested to buy Witnesses. Again, this is another clue that the author of preacher here and the original audience made out of an eyewitness to the events of Jesus's life. But what they heard came from reliable sources who did the apostles? There are eyewitness accounts are important Church. This is this is a tough one in modern society. And you got to hold firm to this. We do not believe myths. We do not believe Legends. about Jesus Christ We Believe truth

We Believe credible eyewitness accounts of who Jesus Christ was and what Jesus Christ did while he was here on this Earth What he was God incarnate mad at God in flesh. We know what we believe because there are eyewitness accounts We Believe those hold from to that. These are not miss these are not Legends. This is the truth of God.

the author here also talks about the message was declared through signs wonders and miracles of this is important and Be aware that signs wonders and miracles are not. That different from one another are synonyms, right? They they mean almost the same thing assign a Wonder in America. There's not like a hard fast line between what's a sign? What's a wonder? Is that a hard fast line between what's a sign of Watts a miracle there all these manifestations that God created for the purpose of revealing himself to us notice that that's the important thing miracles. Do not happen for miracle sake. When we look at Miracles within scripture, that's not what they're there for. They they are not stand-alone message. Look a miracle happened, right? It should point us to God you should point us to his Redemption and his salvation to us. That's what miracles happen Miracles confirm and affirm God's Redemptive message. They are a sign post that the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ. The son of God is true and believable there a miraculous thing that points us that direction. Supernatural and unnerving to us a little bit but they should point us that way the same message of the great salvation was also declared by gifts of the holy spirit again, this this confirms the truthfulness of the gospel and its superiority over the law spiritual not gifts are not just something we have for ourselves. Every spiritual gift you have eventually should be an evangelism tool. Because that is a sign from the spirit that your life is different now than it was before then when you came to his knowledge of Jesus Christ you surrendered yourself to the lordship of him. You are now new a new being a new person a new creation in Jesus Christ Our God And those gifts that the holy spirit gives you that embed you that live in you are a sign of the work he's doing in your life. Every one of them is an eventual evangelism to of mouth. Some folks are in dude with evangelism as a gift. I'm a little jealous. Sometimes those guys somebody who preaches great friend of mine named Josh who lives in preaches up in and worse off the dude is an evangelism Firestorm everywhere we go he is Proclaiming the gospel Jesus Christ two people are poor waitress one night at the Mexican restaurant. She didn't know what hit her bless her heart. She got smacked with Jesus by Josh and it was not a bad thing. She was receptive. She was great. We still have conversations. I'm not taking that table to Pratt's anymore. She's not doing that to us, but the dude is on fire for that. That's how the spirit isn't in gifted him. Right, but eventually all of our gifts are for evangelism. They're not for us to hold onto they're not they're not for us to just for ourselves. They're not personal and private. Your spiritual gifts are public.

They are for the church and they are for the family of God. They aren't our gifts given by the spirit of God to testify that Jesus Christ is Lord of our life. They Proclaim Jesus as the resurrected savior. They show everyone that the gospel Jesus Christ is superior to the law of Moses and certainly more Superior to any law of the land. And that's important for us.

We start looking into verses 5 through 9. The author of preacher here is reasserting Jesus's Supremacy and superiority over the angels and he's also asking us to think theologically as we read through scripture what I'm supposed to think theologically as I read through scripture re scriptures not just a bunch of stories or story's a point us in Jesus Christ there. There's there's richness in all of them that we need to be taking way. He wants us to see that as he's looking at verse 5 year for was not the to the angels that God subject of the world to come of which were speaking. He's going to talk to see logically about this but that he wants us to see that all of scripture from Genesis 1 to the very end it is is this story of God's Redemptive plan for a wayward creation. And to see that Jesus is the climax of the story. Your mind is a god did not give dominion over the Earth. But instead it was given to man through Adam. Right, we're top of the food chain is US everything else kind of submits to who we are good bad or otherwise, our sinful nature is corrupted the Earth. horribly But it is US humankind mankind that has dominion over the Earth. God gave that to us through Adam Adamson and it corrupted that and so we have a corrupted dominion over the Earth.

And this is as the preachers preaching here. He's starting to quote from from Psalm 8 4 through 6 verses 6 through 8 or this almost direct quote of of this song where David is pondering God giving mankind dominion over the Earth. Why in the world would you have done that? Are we that we should have dominion over anything God? Sinful or corrupt? Why would you do that?

The preachers is is linking the idea of Jesus. This is kind of a deeper theological on a concept here. He's linking the idea of Jesus as the second or last Adam. Right. So this is not an uncommon concept throughout the New Testament all kind of Rights about this a little bit that this idea that Jesus is the new Adam. Adam was made in the image of God. He was the first man of creation. But he failed in the image of God. Right through Adam sin and death entered into the world. Now. Jesus is the first man of the new creation. Still the image of God remember last week we talked about he's not just the image of God. He is the exact essence of God. He is God as son he and God are one. same essence He doesn't fail and being the image of God he is. So as Jesus is the first man of the new creation was beautiful about him. Is it through him salvation and eternal life come to the world? That's kind of what picture here is being painted of of who Jesus is in this little section of Hebrews chapter 2 the author also links the lines of this song to the promise that God gave David that the Messiah would come from his lineage more. Jesus is of the House of David and in all that so this is this is that Eternal Kingdom promises. Well, I mean from this little Passage, Inverse 8 shows us that there's tension. Right now in the world is there's tension between Jesus who is ascended. Right? Jesus is currently in heaven awaiting the time to come back and reclaim his bride and and it take over in into really establishing in consummate his kingdom here on Earth.

Is waiting there's tension because of that and that Jesus who will return there's there. Is this waiting time tension. We already know that Jesus is in control.

But yet send still abounds.

This is an already not yet situation. Jesus is already King. But his kingdom is not yet fully come. This is where there should be some rest assured and then be hopeful moments for us as Believers in Christ that we can rest assured that in the sovereignty of Christ. Did all of this is going to work out. It's okay, and then we can have some hope in his return and his kingdom coming to consummation in fulfillment. Jesus has fulfilled every aspect of the Old Testament and it's already has he his eternal Heavenly Throne already there. It's just waiting.

When we read parts of scripture like this reminds us how impatient we are his people I want Jesus to be here yesterday. I'm not going to lie.

But it's not their verse 9 is to keep looking on reminds us of Jesus's Duality button both fully man and fully God while he was here on Earth. He appeared to be lower than the angels. But he wasn't he still had dominion over them even right? He is God the son the second person of the Trinity and it reminds us that the deaf the Jesus suffered was also so that we may live when I look at that. He's crowned with Glory and Honor because of the suffering of death so that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone.

die a physical death So that's a fact unless Jesus. I'm looking to East I don't see anything. Unless Jesus were to come back. Now. We're going to die a physical death of entry into unless we are so fortunate that he returns before our time of doing that. But it's not a spiritual death. If you have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior like it is not a spiritual death.

The sad thing is we all have eternal life those who know Christ and those who don't. But those who don't know Christ son eternal life that feels like spiritual death because they're in hell is still eternal life is just eternal life in hell. Those who have price is eternal life in heaven with God in this so that I can use it as a scare tactic to evangelize. I've been in those camp meetings. I've been at those those those things are they try to scare you out of out of hell. I don't want anybody scared out of hell. I want people loved into Christ's right. I want people to know the truth. That's why I'm saying what I'm saying?

Do we need to be thinking about that as we read through scripture to the all of this was done so that we don't have to taste that spiritual death. Jesus died for our sake Verses 10 through 13 wheat we see. Jesus is our source of Salvation. This is still showing Jesus's premise and superiority over the Angels. He's just going to keep hammering this thing and because at this time. The Jewish people had a real high thought of angels higher than it should have been. again, sounds kind of similar to our situation people think higher of angels them biblically they should

It shows us God's role in Salvation as well. So the creator of the universe is also the author and Giver of our salvation. The line bringing many sons to glory is a great summary of The Gospel message of Jesus Christ. But that's what he wants to do. He wants to bring us into Glory Usher us into the kingdom adopt us as joint heirs and Sons with him. Jesus came to seal our adoptions as children of God. I've been just in my own Facebook time scroll and I have several friends who have adopted children and we got received excellent wonderful news from a dear friend of ours that was in our wedding just this week that she's finally 7 years. She's been fostering this one little boy 7 years and the judge is going to stamp it sealed and done within the next month. Hours for ever never be taken away another friend of mine from college. You took pictures of his kids on their Gotcha Day. They planted a family tree in their backyard on their goddamn beautiful poplar tree out in her backyard 8 years later the trees 27 feet tall and the kids are standing under and it's creating shade and beautiful image of this adoption that to us. We're sealed in that adoption that way and it can't be given up. The fact that he calls us sons and ladies this is important to you too, but he calls all of us Sons is important here. Remember the time that this was being written. This was being preached women did not receive an inheritance.

If a man and a woman only have one child and that one child was a daughter. She did not receive the inheritance. her son could or her husband could but she couldn't.

When Jesus says you're all Sons ladies you're included in this. And for a first-century worshipper, that was a big deal. Is remember women had a special place? They had to stop in the temple of worship in Jerusalem. And you don't even want to know what they were thought of his women or what women were thought of as in Roman and Greek worship. These are people that had Temple prostitutes.

There's Liberation here ladies in Jesus Christ. The son that's important and end in all this he's equating son so that we can all have this inheritance of God the father and this wind keeps going on. He says made perfect through suffering.

This is not mean that Jesus had to become perfect or we already know that Jesus was perfect. It refers to Jesus as perfect submission to the will of the father. even through his most difficult circumstances I think about just how graciously willing on our behalf. Jesus was to submit to the father. But there's God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit. They're all in heaven. It is a beautiful sinless place in heaven. I got your son. It is time for you to now descend so that you may even be incarnate amongst my people and our people. Give that up. the live amongst the refuse

if your hunger sadness loneliness

give that up to do that then we think about just the other suffering I think about rrr sermon series. We did back around Easter about the whole passion week until hear Jesus walks in on Palm Sunday is elevated High by Tuesday to ready to kill him.

What an emotional train wreck that would have made for me and you? But he endured it. Submitted to the will of the father even if that night and get simony is his blood pressure is so high as he knows what's coming to him. He knows what's happening. He's praying out and his blood vessels capillaries. It is skin level start to break and he sweats little drops of blood is he's praying

bad if you can take this cup do it. But I don't see any other way, but your will not mine and I'll go to the cross.

perfect submission obedience to the point of a brutal horrific death because of Jesus's perfect obedience. He is the source of our salvation.

He's the source verses 11 through 13 how to explain the line bringing many sons to glory to us in chatan verse 10. So both the one who sanctifies at is Jesus and those who are Sanctified that is us the Believers come from the same source. That is God the Father. Believers are the children of God and that is why Jesus is not ashamed to call us Brothers.

Verse 12 quote Psalm 22:22 a 10 verse 13 quotes Isaiah 8:17 through 18 These Old Testament scripture references remind us at the law and the prophets all of these things in the Old Testament are always pointing us to Jesus Christ.

Verses 14 and 18 show us how Christ brings Sinners into sonship with the Creator. verse 14 specifically reminds us that Jesus understands our problems in Temptations because he became like us and was tempted just like us. Look at this since therefore the children share in Flesh and Blood. He himself likewise partook of the same things that through death. He might destroy the one who has power of death. That is the devil. 15 to the same sentence. It's another big long one and deliver all those who fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

Did all of that. To defeat the two great enemies of mankind. death and the devil

death is this harsh reality? We don't like talking about it. We don't like thinking about it. I mean to the point we even use euphemisms to describe it they passed away. Well, they're no longer with us. He's gone dear, right? I was thinking this was coming through this. I'm four years out from from Mom and Dad's accident this week less last weekend. And so I'm as it's gets fresh. It's that kind of time. Which I avoid social media because my memory feed his stuff. I don't want to read about and so I'm just thinking about this whole concept of death, and I remember Riding in the back of that squad car with the chaplain and the police officer to tell my brother at his place of work why it happened and I remember thinking to myself and all the counseling classes that I had taken. You can't sugarcoat bad messages. So I remember to look at my brother in the eye and he's scared to death. I'm scared to death uniform rooftop there. There's the chaplain and if you guys don't know Chaplin Russ Cochran, he kind of looks like a piece of biker. So he looks like a biker and so I thought this guy looks like a Vice Cop he's got on like a torn t-shirt and ripped jeans and a medallion badge on that. I don't know what's going on. So he's standing there long hair down to his shoulders and my brothers pain like lewd. Here's the situation mom and dad were in an accident this morning moms in critical condition. She's at Bloomington Hospital. We need to get down there so we can make sure that she's life lined up to Methodist. Dad did not survive. The accident. Dad is dead. Those are the words I had to use. Dad is dead. And you think about that? That's that's that's a lot tougher than telling. The kids are goldfish has gone there goldfish is past with your goldfish is dead. We had to flush Goldie or or the cat or the dog. This is my dab. But this is the reality of it. And it's a harsh harsh reality. One out of water Americans will die within their own lifetime. We need to think about that statistic. You'll get it in a minute. All right, if we're honest with ourselves, we have to come to with the grips that if the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not true in our lives if the gospel Jesus Christ is not true in our lives.

Then death is the scariest thing will ever face.

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true in our lives death is just a doorway to the next adventure. Get that right understand that the second enemy. Here's the devil. Now. We don't want to give the devil more credit than he's do he's not lurking around every corner, right? He's not causing each of us to act on our own sins. He's not doing that. We also need to be careful to not make too little of the devil, right? The devil is opposed to God altogether. He's opposed God's being he's opposed to God's character. He's opposed to God's purposes and he's opposed to God's glory. Right. He is a liar and he loves to pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And he loves to prevent the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached. We've got to be cautious of that that idea goes back. Really the first one. Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard lest we drift away from it. Books went when we don't proclaim the gospel bully. Truly honestly the people It's a perversion of the gospel and the devil went a little bit.

I said a little bit cuz he didn't win at the end. He thinks he does cocky guy, but he doesn't.

Be cautious of that. Price has given us victory over both of these enemies as we read verses 14 and 15. We see that Jesus has destroyed the devil.

Jesus is a toneman bar sin eliminate Satan's power of accusation in our lives and loves to accuse you of being guilty. He loves to accuse me of being guilty and I need to go back to wait a second. I have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. I have been made clean. I don't appear guilty before my holy God anymore because when he looks at me, he sees his son in the blood of his son. That's what he seeing. He's not seeing my guilt and stain anymore in one cleaned up and I still need to live a repentant life or I'm seeking constantly to turn my back to any nusenda might arise in my life. Any desire that is not of God. I got to turn my back to it, but he's still there.

The power of Satan accusations are gone if he hold firm to the gospel message. We know that Satan still prowling around but I like how a dr. Mower in our commentary consider he prowls around but he prowls around with a limp.

He is most powerful weapon his accusations of guilt. Will not stick to God's people if they're truly truly in him.

We're 16 takes us back to Jesus being superior to the angels all of chapter 1 and chapter 2 of this kind of one thought unit is using all of this to show us who Christ is and he's going to come back and verses and chapters 9 and 10 in really really unload the good stuff. This is just not even the good of it says good stuff and it's not that the cream of the crop in the book of Hebrews yet. We're getting their rights over 16 takes us back to Jesus being superior to the angels. It reminds us that it's not the angels that Jesus helps, but it's Abraham's offsprings are aided by Christ.

Was Abraham's offspring?

Believers you and I are were Abraham's offspring right Father. Abraham had many sons are part of that showing again that the Redemptive story of Jesus is woven throughout all of scripture. Jesus is working to save God's people for all of scripture. Verses 17 and 18 is a kind of wrap up. This chapter are theologically rich. like this is Does that last bite at the bottom of the Pint ice cream that you weren't supposed to eat that you saved that had the best Chunk in it? This is 17 and that's what this trunk is 17 and 18 or that little nugget at the bottom of the pine ice cream. They're so theologically rich verse 17 research that Jesus had to become a man to do the work God the Father called him to do he became a man to serve as our great high priest interceding before God on our behalf now to get this a kind of have to understand The importance in the idea of what a priest in the Old Testament. I fully understand. Jesus is our great high priest here. So the priests in the Old Testament all came from the Aaron and they were all descended from Aaron Moses brother and they had a special role where they went on behalf of the people of Israel to God. The people of Israel could not go directly to God. They went to the priest the priest then went to God and that was the role the people of Israel couldn't take an offering and sacrifice themselves. They took it to the priest the priest than sacrifice to offering and the offering then went to God. It's so that was that kind of concept. Jesus is acting as a priest on our behalf. He's he's in between us and not the father. We'll talk about this idea of atonement. This is a physiological ear itch term.

So atonement is paying. For your sin sounds pretty simple, right? So in this idea of the Old Testament Hebrew, priest the day of atonement was one day a year where one priest would go into the temple and make sacrifices on behalf of all of Israel who actually even go into the holy of holies to meet with God in the temple face to face.

It would do that on behalf of all the people but here's the thing the day of atonement happened. How often Every year, right? And how often did people always have to be given sacrifices for their sins all the time. So it wasn't really satisfying.

God's righteousness the cleanse of segnette it was paying for the sin. But it hadn't satisfied the bill so to speak.

So they would do this. For him to be able to make the sacrifice of Jesus made. He had to become a man. Go on our behalf that that perfect, but he also had to be. Perfect to atonement is paying for our sins, but then he uses this word propitiation. Mercy there's a $4 word if you ever wanted one, right propitiation. Propitiation is the satisfaction of God's judgement. Remember the atonement didn't necessarily satisfy God's judgment. They had to do their day of atonement every year. They still had to sacrifice and give it to The Descent offerings all the time when they would go to Jerusalem for Passover when they go to Jerusalem for the Temple of boobs when they would all of these things are making the sacrifices and in doing this.

God's judgment was not satisfied through sacrifice.

It was Jesus not only our sins paid for and a toned. God's judgment is also satisfied against. God's judgement against this is also satisfy propitiation allows God to be both just as well as the justifier in our lives. Without this God cannot declare Sinners righteous, but he does through Jesus Christ. If Jesus were our propitiation that would happen propitiation is Central to how the gospel works the atoning work. The price is done is so important again the author he was going to bring it back up in chapters 9 and 10 and that's going to be another big meaty chunk. But the other part about verses 17 and 18 is is inverse 18 or because he himself has suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Reminds us to look back at The Temptations and sufferings of Christ to be encouraged right that he understands and he has been there. He is able and reliable to help because he has been tempted and suffered as well. it's it's amazing when I read through this chunk of scripture between Hebrews 1 and 2. We see Jesus proven to be superior to Angels. But we also see this beautiful picture of the gospel and Grayson hotworx in our lives the gospels the solution to Life's most looming problems. death and the devil but it's also the solution to our simplest day-to-day trials and temptations. Jesus sympathizes with us because he has been one of us. God fully man. I don't fully get it, but it's the truth. And we can approach him with confidence and faith knowing he understands that. Wrap this one up and I said this is meat and thick and Rich and in as I think about the call to action hear. What is it? What how do I how do I take this?

And say Here's your call Action. all actions this look who Jesus is. surrender to him If you not fully Serenity not fully said I'm I'm I'm done with me. I want all of you. Now. Is your chance?

Surrendered over to him. Maybe maybe look at this the same. Wow, there's a lot here. I need to dig deeper great books in the back that are part of this read through study yourself. Maybe you're saying I see that there is this this idea of community here in in in this idea of redemption through all of us until we're all working for the same goal keeping each other firm in the faith of Jesus Christ. Maybe I need to be a full member of part of this body to do that.

We want to do that with you, too. You call to action today is simply to take what has been been given to you and do business with God. Why does it what is he saying to you today through this work? He's saying that Jesus Supreme Jesus Superior is the author. a creator of your salvation without him you will never defeat death and you will never overcome the devil.

Choose Jesus today.

Father I thank you. so much for this word for seeing Christ is who he is this.

Is gracious loving God Son? The second person of the Trinity said I'll give it up I'll suffer. I'll drink Death so that they may not have to drink the full cup of death.

Father I also understand their sufferings and their Temptations in their trials. So that I can be a reliable source for them to go to.

Fathers were here. Let us let us surrender our hearts to that. what is your All on your grace and thank you for that. Father for those who are we're wondering why does it mean to become that follower speak to their hearts today? Courage them to surrender it all.

spell the word that we're going to have our a pantry tonight and some of us are tired and some of us are hurting. You've given us this ministry that we might. Show this Jesus that we saw today the people in our community who need to see him. As we're here tonight ministering to those folks those people you've already prep. You've already planned to be here. Let us be. the image of this Jesus one we can trust and know who's been there and can sympathize to the hurting people in our community.

In Jesus name I pray amen.

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