2019-09-08-LIVE OAKS - Parable of Preparation
All right. Well, let's turn to the word this morning. We are in Matthew 25 Matthew 24 leads us to Matthew 25. Now, we don't we don't have time to spend in in all of chapter 24 and all the chapter 25. So let me just summarize a bit of chapter 24 in chapter 24, the disciples come to Jesus and the disciples are saying and asking Jesus Master teacher you keep talking in terms of your returning. You keep talking in terms of the Kingdom being at hand and that the the End of the Age. Could you fill us in a little bit? When is this going to happen? Exactly? Cuz what I've heard so far is a little bit crazy. So could you just fill us in so-so chapter 24 is 46 vs of basically Jesus saying this only the father knows it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Don't let anyone to Seaview. You'll know when it's me, like basically we won't ever have to wonder or ass. Cheese's I think that seems like you by Bee Gees. Jesus it's not going to be a? There's not going to be any, you know, like the ambiguity about it when he returns will know it and so we who are the ones anticipating his return we are to wait with excitement. We're to wait if in in great faith, we are to Faithfully weight and excited. And we are to be ready for his returning. So Jesus has a warning and encouragement admonishment for for us to wait happy. I tell my kids all the time. They don't I'm not sure if they still don't believe me or I need to turn it into a puppet show or something. Not sure but I tell them the definition of patience is to wait happy. Judah especially my 4 year old is really struggling with this idea is right. Yeah, but I want it now, but you can't have it now you have to wait. I don't want to text patience means to wait happy. So Jesus in helping us understand our call to wait expectedly to to wait and great faith and into wait with great patience. He moves into chapter 25 and it tells two different Parables, which I'm really should be taught together. So that's what we're going to do this morning. We're going to spend all of our time this morning and two barrels parable of the ten virgins and parable of the talents. Now as almost like a pre Parable to Jesus's Parable, let me tell you something about my daughter Nora. Okay, she's my beautiful blond and for their birthdays for all of my children's birthdays is what they received from me is like some special time with me. Okay, we need to go and get to do something special just the two of us. All right, so is 6 kids like it a lot of exclusive time isn't you know in great abundance? So that's their gift is to have this special time. We got special time and I'm a bit behind. I think I'm up for for kids birthdays worth behind now and Nora is the next in line for the special times. She's very excited about it. We're going to go to Celebration Station and she knows that we're going to go to Celebration Station to check it out. She doesn't know what Celebration Station is. All right. She has asked me that like what's they're like what what's it going to be? Like what's going to be like when special time habits and so I described it and go go-karts. Great. Cool. What are those miniature golf sweet? What's big golf before? I mean, I don't even know what big golf is what is miniature golf, you know video games some prices. I know what prices are and now I'm interested so she doesn't really know what it is, and she doesn't know when it's coming but for a while there that was the topic of conversation. Every opportunity was a I'm really excited about special time when is special time? So I had to have a little sit-down with her and I just said, okay. So special time is going to happen. First of all know that it is going to happen. I'm not going to forget Dad is not going to forget about special things going to happen. a couple things need to happen first in order for special time to happen. I have to have what's called some spare time. I don't have a lot of that right now and I need a little something called some money. So when Daddy has a little bit of money a little bit special a little bit of free time. That's what's going to happen. But then I go I tell you what Nora to remove some fear or some worry or anxiety potatoes the night before I will tell you. I will tell you that it's happening the night before so you'll know that's a pre Parable to Jesus's parable. Game parable of the ten virgins before we have to giggle every time I you know, the word virgin is mentioned in the scriptures your virgin means a young unmarried woman k a gal a young gal. Okay's is a parable of the ten young gals. That's better.
Young Gals, I wrote it in my Bible, okay. First one Matthew 25 1 through 13 year, then the kingdom of heaven will be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise for when the foolish took their lamps. They took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps as the bridegroom was delayed. They all became drowsy and slept but at midnight there was a cry here is the bridegroom come out to meet him then all those virgins Rose and trimmed their lamps that they let them and the foolish said to the wise. Hey, so could you give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out with of course, they're going out. You didn't bring any oil I said that they didn't Justin K course are going out first 9, but the wise answered saying since there will not be enough for you and for us go rather to the dealers and buy for your And while they were going to buy which also shows their foolishness because it's the middle of the night. It's going to like a little you know, like a joke. Like how many how many foolish virgins does it take to screw in a lightbulb out of their not clearly. They have their their their torches. Don't go all the way to the top there. There's a Yep show in the middle that you're going to buy oil, which is an impossible task. They can't buy for themselves. Thank you.
It's not living water, but it takes clothes. needed then all those virgins Rose trimmed their lamps and foolish to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out but the wise answered saying since there will not be enough for us and for you go rather to the dealers by for yourselves. And while they were going to buy the bridegroom crank came and those who are ready went in with him to the marriage feast and the door was shut afterward. The other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us, but he answered truly I say to you. I do not know you watch their for For you know, neither the day nor the hour now, this is a parable in which we do not take every single little detail and parse it out as like this very complex analogy. Don't overthink it. Okay, if there are commentaries on their exhaustive and exhausting talk about what the what the Wicks represent what the time you draw about. This is the bottom line. Jesus is just telling a story about this wedding that's going to take place and you don't know exactly when so be ready. Now. This has some deep roots in in in Jewish wedding tradition. Mk8 a Jewish wedding.
A Jewish wedding had three parts to it three distinct parts and in this is pretty cool. Okay, there's an engagement. There's the betrothal and then there is that the feast and the consummation book the good stuff. All right, so here's engagement to hear some details for you. The engagement is arranged by the father of the groom. The groom took the father makes the arrangement the groom goes to the household of the intended and he makes the proposal I propose marriage K and he pays the bride price. If the bride agrees if the intended agrees to the engagement, they drink wine. And that seals the engagement they are now betrothed. Okay. Now the betrothal. Is is about a year it can last a year sometimes even longer. Now what happens during the betrothal is that the groom would go back to his father's house and would prepare the wedding chamber would literally would build the room. For he and his bride now the bride doesn't know when the groom is going to come back and claim her so she has to be ready her and the rest of her wedding party. They have to be ready. They have to be vigilant because the groom was going to come at night. They were going to come in a parade blowing trumpets. That the groom has returned now is the hour and the bride would have to be ready and then she would go immediately with a veiled face and she would go with the groom and they would parade all the way to the place where the groom has prepared. They would have a private wedding ceremony. And then for 7 days they would celebrate in consummate their new wedding in the place that he had prepared and then she and she would emerge from the wedding chamber her now with unveiled face and they would party for a week for 7 days. They would then feast and Festival this new wedding. So the parable is immediately contextual to them than me the understand what's happening that this is a bride expecting the groom now part of the bride's party. They were just fake. They weren't ready. They weren't prepared. It improves that they didn't care. It proves that they weren't ready to to celebrate and feast because had they really wanted it. They would have been prepared. So Jesus said if you want to be a part of this wedding, you have to be prepared. I am coming not. This sounds familiar. Why will if you turn to John 14, you see this beautiful passage may be today in a new light. Maybe you hear it a different way for the first time this morning. Jesus says and John 14 verse 1 let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and we'll take you to myself that where I am. You may be also
Businesses betrothal language that this is this is Jesus saying I am the groom you are the bride be ready because I'm going to come and claim you and you have to be ready to parade back with me. Because we are going to live together.
So this Parable? Oh my goodness. Let's not overthink it let's just kind of revelin it like this is amazing. Like he's he's coming he is returning to claim us and we are to be ready and we're going to wait with patience. We're going to wait with faith. We're going to wait and cited. Now after I told Nora, you know what darling I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to have any anxiety know this the night before special time is going to happen. I'm going to tell you you know what her response to me was. Okay, Daddy, that's great. But whenever you tell me, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep that night. I don't know what I'm going to do with my kids grow up and stop preaching my sermons for me. But that's how we wait. Can't sleep like he's coming. We don't know exactly when but I'll tell you what we're closer now than we were when I began the sermon. And now we're closer and now we're closer. We have to be more ready now than we were when I first started this sentence. He is coming. So let's be prepared. How do we wait to waiting for us? It sounds I don't we don't like it because waiting like
it feels like we're doing nothing. Okay, and so for like eight types are all the guy Crossing items off a list that's you know detestable because it's like you're not accomplishing anything, right? We can't just sit around and wait right front for us more, you know fleshly folk with with with with lower aspirations. We just don't like waiting cuz what we want we want it now. I'm waiting is like waiting. It's just we're not getting it yet. That's how is why we're waiting cuz we haven't gotten it yet. So we're just sitting waiting doing nothing waiting because it's coming and we're going to wait waiting is not idle like he's not calling us to to wait idly. Kate and the read that the way he explains how we are to wait he flows right into the next Parable write these things are meant to be together. Just check it out in verse 14 Matthew 25, so he finishes the parable of the of the 10 Young gals waiting for the wedding. Okay, and in 25 36 wait there for you. Do not know neither the day or the hour for it will be like a man going on a journey. So he just jumps right into that terrible. So Matthew 25:14 through 23 were going to be here for it will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted to them his property to one he gave 5 talents a talent is like 20 years wage. Did this is like this is what that's a hundred that's like a century of a working man's wage. It's a lot. Okay, so he gave it five talents. He gave the one he get $5 to another to two talents to another one to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who received the five talents went at once and traded with them and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more but he who received the one Talent went and dug in the ground and hit his master's money. Now after a long time, the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who and who received the five talents came forward bringing five talents more saying Master you delivered to me five talents here. I have made five talents more. His master said to him well done good and faithful servant. You have been Faithful over a little I will set you over much enter into the joy of your master. And he also who had the two talents came forward saying Master you delivered to me to talents here. I have made you two talents more is Master said to him well done good and faithful servant. You have been Faithful over a little I will set you overmuch enter into the joy of your master. So these servants waiting for their turn their Master. They're not waiting idly by what they have chosen to do. I mean even without direction from the master what they've chosen to do is not just wait idly, but they go okay. My master gave me five. You don't want me to do with what he's giving me a minute. I'm going to invest I'm going to work hard at seeing that he's easy to return when he comes back. He's going to get what he deserves. I am going to multiply what he's given me and and place it in front of him as an offering. That's what I'm going to do. I noticed the one who is getting five you makes five one is given to make stew and they're both said well done good and faithful servant. The master didn't say you're only bringing me for talents. You know, my brother man over here brought me 1010 is more than two. What's your problem slacker know whatever you've been whatever they have whatever they were given they multiplied for the glory of the master. Okay, we're not waiting. So, how do we wait? How do we not idly wait for Jesus to come back? But they have your pretty expression like the Frozen chosen, you know, like well, I'm in I'm good Jesus when he got to come back cuz you know, I know I got my ticket punched. I know that I'm going to spend eternity with him. So I'm fine. I don't know what do whatever you want to with everyone else, but I know that I'm good. Come on Jesus coming back already. How are we to wait not idly, but but waiting with face in excitement in with diligence in Matthew 20:28. And if it's not complicated, you've heard it before and Matthew 28, Jesus makes it very clear. 24 beginning in 18 all authority and Heaven on Earth has been given to me go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold I Am With You Always to the End of the Age. So this is how we wait with eager faithful Vigilant expectation We Make Disciples.
We Make Disciples, we baptize them and teach them it's not complicated. All we're saying is that we take what we've been given we invest it we multiply it so that Jesus she's a return so that Jesus receives what he is owed we use what we have been given to multiply that which The Giver is owed. And what is Christ owed? the glory of every knee and every mouth The glory of every knee bow and every mouth confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Jesus is due Glory. Glory Glory X the multiplication of the multiplication of disciples the glory of a people conquered not buy a sword by the grace of Christ.
We have lice. It was poured in a so we take that life and we saw it. We multiply it for the glory of Jesus and 1732. There were two young Moravian men. The Moravian Church is the denomination in which I was raised at oldest Protestant denomination on the planet 10 in 1732. There were two German young men 20 years old. The woman's name is Nick Nick Sherman Richmond. I don't know how I can speak German. And they got a heart for slaves in the West Indies in the in the Caribbean.
They wanted them to know the gospel. But there's a problem at that time that the slave owners had outlawed the presence of missionaries and ministers and Priests. They weren't welcome one British slave owner was said no preacher. No clergyman will ever stay on this island if he Shipwrecked will keep him in a separate house until he's ready to leave but he's never going to talk to any of us about God I'm through with all that nonsense. So these two young German men with a heart broken for the Lost Souls of those African slaves captured and taken and enslaved in the West Indies. He says we've got to do something they couldn't afford passage. So they chose to sell themselves into slavery. And leaving on a ship family. They're practically begging them to stay. Why are you leaving and as the ship departs de to Claire May the lamb receive the reward of his suffering. They had a layover in Denmark. And when they were in Denmark, they were said that they were told you can't sell yourself into slavery your white. Are you kidding me? Alright fine. We're not slaves were Carpenters. I like all Carpenters. We continue then your Carpenters. They got backing by the Danish Queen and they went and they preached that they were they weren't they preached. They're joined by others in 13,000 people came to Christ because of their Ministry then that same young man Richmond when he was traveling across the Atlantic one day in 1735 a great storm got stirred up. Everyone was freaking out but nitchman and the other mehrabian's sat on the deck of the ship singing and praising God in the midst of the storm. And one other young man was on the ship with the name of John Wesley, and he was so stirred by the faith of that Moravian those groups of Ravens that she came to Christ and dedicated his life to Ministry and he founded the Methodist Church when nitschmann them was in the mainland of the United States. He's settled a town called Bethlehem, Pennsylvania where I was born. They traveled from Bethlehem and they settled a community in North Carolina called bethabara. And then from bethabara several other congregations were playing and one of them was Friedberg Moravian Church in 1773 and 111 years after the founding. My dad went and was the pastor at Friedberg Moravian Church. And that's where the seeds of my faith for planted. And that's where I grew as a disciple of Christ. how y because two men back in 1732 said the lamb is worthy to receive the reward of his suffering.
I will wait for his return not idly. the life of selflessness and sacrifice enjoy laying my life down as though it had no value. I don't count. My life is having any value but the lamb and his bloody he is worthy. I belong to him.
Look at the consequences. of this wicked servants in action Look what happens to him when the master returns back in Matthew 25. We pick up inverse. 24 of Matthew 25
He also who would receive the one Talent came forward saying master. I knew you to be a hard man reaping where you did not sow and Gathering where you scattered no seed so I was afraid and I went and hid your talent in the ground gear you have what is yours? But his master answered him you Wicked and slothful servant you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered seed then you walk to have invested my money with the bankers and it might coming I should have received. What was my own with interest? so take the talent from him and give it to him who has the 10 talents for to everyone who has more will be given. And he will have an abundance but from the one who has not even what he has will be taken away and cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness in that place. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Couple very important things to point out first here.
What this is revealing about the the heart of the servant who just buried the one talent in the ground. Okay, he's not being punished a rebuke because you know, he wasn't able to do good enough. You just like that just like that the five foolish virgins who took no oil with their lamps in and was ill-prepared for the coming of the groom are not being punished because they didn't store enough oil. They're being kept out of the feast because they didn't really want the groom to return. They didn't care their inaction proves it this wicked servant who just buried the talent it gets even worse than you think. But what is happening here? It is. His heart is being rebuked not just his actions that the master was an angry because he wanted a bigger return on his investment in like a waste of my time and money. Did the wicked servant is being rebuked because his actions reveal his heart all of our actions. Just reveal our hearts. I ultimately we are judged by what comes from our hearts. So in in my in my never-ending quest to fix my van in the front driveway of my house. I am so refreshed when something terrible happens and I cut my hand or the or the ratchet slips off the thing in a bangs that deal in and I in and I and I and I and I and I and I speak as though I didn't spend a career in the Navy if you know what I'm saying. When when I went when I don't express the end and I and I just go out but that hurt from this is so encouraging of apparently I didn't have really violent terrible word stored up in my heart. This is wicked servant is being judged for what was in his heart? And what was in his heart is worse than you think. This is the wicked servants response to the master K. He takes his opportunity to to like smokescreen his own Rebellion his own callousness carelessness his own lack of faith his own disdain for the master. He's smokescreens it by insulting the master. To his face what he says and then what the master repeats this is not Jesus somehow saying that Jesus does these terrible things follow along here for a second take the smoke screening his own failure and distain and disregard for the master by besmirching the character of the master. He says here master. I find this been verse 24 master. I knew you to be a hard man reaping what you did not sow in gathering where you scattered no seed he goes. Okay, look listen, listen master. I know that you're really kind of kind of a vicious vile dude, that steals other people's crops were you didn't even plan a seed and because you're such a vicious unjust guy, I was afraid for my life, you know, so I bury what you gave me stick to keep it safe is what I did. That's what I did.
So the Masters response here and it's just part of Jesus's Brilliance here. He goes to his as he goes.
Matt's Ranch and verse 26. Okay, you Wicked and slothful servant. You knew otherwise, you you you find me to be you figured you're claiming that I Reaper have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed yet. This is the choice that you make it's like you think I'm a vicious unjust Thug that cheats and Steals and your plan was to cheat and steal from me. That's your brilliant plan.
How did you think this was going to turn out what the actions of the faithless servant reveals it is that he wanted to keep it for himself because he didn't actually believe the master was returning. He's caught he's caught red-handed trying to steal for himself. We talked about this in the in the parable of the treasure found in the field people would bury things to keep them safe like that. Was there a version of putting it in a safe to keep for themselves? She's trying to steal from the master cuz he doesn't actually believe the master is returning because what's the greater context year the returning of Jesus the returning of the bridegroom the returning of the master this servant didn't think the master was returning. He did he was caught red-handed and and and and hit in his defense is yeah, but you're a terrible liar.
That's what I like. That's what that's what facelessness says to Jesus. Yeah, I don't really think I believe you but you're definitely not coming back. Justice is definitely not going to be done. We're all just in this for ourselves. So I'm going to take what's mine. And I have no regard and no fear for your returning.
First Choice in your investing my money with the bankers at my coming. I should have at least received. What was my own with interest to take the talent from him give it to him who has ten talents for to everyone who has more will be given and he will have an abundance but from the one who has not even what he has will be taken away. This should ring familiar because of John 10:10. The thief comes to steal kill and destroy. What was the Wicked servant trying to do. steal from the master So who is the wicked servants real master? He who steals and kills and destroys Jesus the good Master comes that you might have life and have it abundantly.
We now have the life that Christ has given us and upon his return we get it abundantly. Abundant Life is what's coming when the bridegroom returns to claim his bride Abundant Life. It's what's coming when the master returns. to balance the scales So we take that life that has been bought with blood.
Just think about it what that means is the blood that's running through. Our veins is the blood of Christ.
Don't invite the the band backup. We're going to we're going to close with one song. But but let me let me take you to this really quickly. We we take the life that Christ has given us and we invested in the lives of others. We invested in the multiplication of the Kingdom. We invest it to the glory of God in in March 8th. We read this. Mark 8 starting in verse 34
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me for whoever would save his life will lose it. Whoever whoever would would would take his life in buried in the ground to keep it safe. Whoever would take his life. Steal it from me. Right? But whoever loses his life for my sake whoever gives his life away. Whoever invests his life. For my sake and the gospels will save it for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul.
The blood coursing through our veins belongs to Jesus. We belong to Jesus you Christian you belong to Jesus. You are not your own you were bought with a price.
He want us.
He gave us life itself.
We are show the world. So that life into the world show the world the worth and value of Jesus show the world that he is worthy to receive the reward of his suffering. Hallelujah for the cross play with me
Hallelujah for you, Jesus Hallelujah for your cross for you one Jesus you one. You defeated death and Hell itself and you poured that life into us. If only we would bow or need to you and then with great patience with great excitement. Oh wait, you're returning with a lamp filled with oil ready to celebrate. ready to party ready to join that amazing procession.
Does celebrating your goodness to celebrate that the price that you paid to buy us to begin with?
And may you return?
Having seen your Good gospel spread throughout the world every nation tongue tribe every people. Thank you, Jesus in your name. We pray. Amen.
You guys can stand with us one last time here.