The Mission of God

The Mission of Fishkill Baptist Church  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  29:43
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"The Mission of Fishkill Baptist" #1 Sept 8, 2019 GWB "The Mission of God" - Genesis 3:9; 12:1-3; John 3:16-17 - The story of the Bible begins with creation. God made the world; it was perfect, pristine. God created man in his own image, with unique dignity. But Adam and Eve misused their freedom and rebelled. They distrusted God, believed Satan's lie, and fell into sin. As the narrative in Genesis continues, we see God's heart: "The LORD God called to the man, 'Where are you?"' (Gen. 3:9). God was seeking the errant offenders. He has been seeking sinners ever since. He seeks us to this day. The story of the Bible is the story of God on mission, seeking the lost. I. God sent his servants Genesis 12:1-3 1. God called Abram out of idolatry in Ur to salvation through faith. a. God's purpose was not only Abram's salvation—but the salvation of the world. God would bring forth a nation, Abraham's descendants, "and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you" (v. 3). God's heart was set on bringing blessing to the whole world. b. The people of Israel, saved from bondage, were to be a beacon for the world, calling people to faith in the LORD (Deut. 4:5-8). But Israel, in its long history, repeatedly turned to idols and ultimately failed. 2. Throughout the Old Testament, God sends his servants repeatedly to bring his blessing to the nations—to call them to repentance and faith. a. The LORD sent Joseph to Egypt. Though his brothers sold him into slavery, Joseph knew it was really God who sent him sent to Egypt to save multitudes from famine (Gen. 45:5; 50:20). b. God sent his prophets. Surrounding peoples who believed were saved— like Naaman the Syrian, healed by Elijah. c. The prophets called Israel to repentance—but also surrounding nations as well. Isaiah and Jeremiah addressed messages to foreign peoples. Ezekiel and Daniel ministered in Babylon. Jonah was sent to Nineveh—in spite of himself! Many were converted to faith in the LORD. 3. But ultimately Israel failed its mission to bring God's truth to the world. II. God sent his Son; God sent his Spirit John 3:16-17; 15:26-27 1. This did not defeat God's plan—he sent his Son to bring salvation. a. Where Israel failed, Jesus succeeded. Where they rebelled, he obeyed. b. Jesus was the good shepherd, on the search: "The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10). c. Jesus lived a perfect life. Then the good shepherd offered his life on the cross, paying the penalty of sin, and defeated death itself in his resurrection. God has sent his Son—to save the world (John 3:17). God's victory has come! His kingdom has arrived! 2. This is the Missio Dei—the mission of God. God is a sending, saving compassionate God. The Father sent the Son, and the Father and Son sent the Spirit (John 14: 16; 15:26; Acts 2:33). Now God sends his church into the world. Ill. God sends us—we are on mission John 20:21 l. As the Son was sent, he sends us (John 20:21). We show the Lord we love him by our obedience (John 14:15). His command is: "I am sending you." 2. The mission of the church to partner with God in his search for the lost, begun in Eden, continuing right through history to this day. a. God is at work, extending the kingdom of his Son, Jesus Christ. He calls people to reconciliation through trust in Jesus. b. In Eden God called to rebels, "Where are you?" I think his call was not angry, or loud, or like thunder. I think it was more like a parent seeking his child—an invitation that mixed concern, urgency and love into one: "Where are you?" c. God continues to call. We hear his voice in Jesus' words: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, and you will find rest." (Matt. 11). 3. God's call to others now comes through us, his church. God is at work in Fishkill; our work to partner with God in his mission. a. Our purpose is to win people to Christ, to build them to maturity, and equip them for ministry. We are to be a training center and a sending center. God calls us all to know the gospel, and to testify—to be witnesses for Christ. Every church member is a witness. b. What a privilege this is! God could use dreams, or send angels. God could write messages in the sky—instead he sends us. He wants to embody his love, and voice his message through us! Responding to God 1. God is seeking the lost through us. We honor God by making and growing fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We are here to reach out to those in our neighborhoods, in the schools, to the fearful, the lonely, the forgotten. We are here for them. They need the Lord. 2. Pray about this mission—our mission to the world. Pray about your part in it. Make a list of friends who need the Lord, and begin to pray for them regularly. Pray that God would infuse us with his power, anoint us with his Spirit, and give us boldness for Christ. Pray that we together would obey Christ and join God in his mission.
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