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The Gospel of Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  24:30
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Play a Peter up to come and give us the time.

Good morning, everyone. Is this microphone working? Yes, you can hear me loud and clear. That's good that he's one of the best known characters in The Bible. In fact, he's probably one of the best-known characters in world literature, even if you've never opened the Bible and this despite the fact that we never know his name. Only need to say all three words and I guess most people will know who you're talking about the Prodigal Son story that Jesus told.

Korean guy left home with his share of the family fortune on wine women and song ended up in a pigsty went back home and his father welcomed in and gave a huge party.

Not many people know that he had an older brother. Which must have been very annoying for the elder brother? It's bad enough having a famous brother. The phone wasn't Infamous brother and fancy giving his name to the parable. But in fact there were two brothers in the story that Jesus told one of us trade and one who stayed character in the story. Is neither of them the main character in the story? Is the father of the two boys which is why I have called it.

Optimum the screen slide should say sorry at least I should say the parable of the prodigal father the parable of the prodigal father isn't a misprint. But if you want to know why I've chosen that title you have to stay with us until later in this truck. So Festival, what we want to do is read the original story in the Bible. See if you have one of these Bible say it. All right, or you go on the device whatever but in the Bible page 104 9 I need to Luke chapter 15 through 20 page 104 9 this is the third account of the life of Jesus in the New Testament part of the Bible written by dr. Cool Luke, we can do chapter 15. That's the big bold letters only halfway through at verse 11. We're going to read through 2 verse 32 and Rachel is going to read for us and I'm going to operate this thing and help Direct.

Jesus continued there was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father. They're getting my share of the estate. So he divided his property between them not long after that the younger son got together. All he had settled for a distant country and their school ended his wealth and wild living After he had spent everything there was a severe famine in that whole country and he began to being neat. So he went and hired himself lights to a citizen of that country who sent him to his field to feed Sphynx. He long to fill his stomach with the Poets of the pigs were teasing, but no one gave him anything. When he came to his senses, he said how many of my father's hired servants have food to spare and here am I starving to death? I will set so you can go back to my father and say to him there. I have sinned against heaven and against you I am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants. So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him. He run to his son threw his arms ruined him and kissed him. The father son said to him father. I have sinned against heaven and against you I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants quick bring the best robe and put it on him put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet bring the fountains calf in Skillet. Let's have a feast and celebrate for this son of mine was dead and is alive again he was lost and its find so they began to celebrate. Meanwhile, the Elder son was in the field when he came there the house he heard music and dancing seiko's one of the servants and asked him what was going on. Your brother is come your night and your father has killed the fatted calf because he hasn't back safe and signs. The elder brother became angry and refused to go in so his father went so I completed with him, but he answered his father. Look all these years. I've been slaving for you and have never disobeyed your orders yet. You never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home. You kill the f****** calf for him. my son the father said you are always with me and everything I have is yours, but we have to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again he was lost and it's find

Check out the Bible in French of you in this story. Jesus introduces us to the three main characters Jesus continue. That was a man who had to send. So let's start is a narrative does with the first of the Suns only could call the rebellious son. If you were here last week or read the previous section of this chapter, you will know that these there is three stories linked by a common theme. The lost sheep the Lost coin and the lost son. And while maybe the ship is lost because of foolishness. the coin lost because of carelessness this son is lost because of willfulness. He chooses to get lost. It's a deliberate decision on his part the youngest son set with father father. Give me my share of the estate now in The Lord of Moses which govern the people of Israel that was strict laws about inheriting your family estate. The oldest son in any family got the line share what was called the double portion. The other said was divided among the remaining Sons so to send The younger one just gets one-third of the property the value of the Family Estate but not until his father died. So by making this request is saying virtual. It was Father's very offensively. I wish you were dead.

So demanding is Cher wishing his father with that let alone the difficulty in disruption of having to sell off part of the family property in order to give him his share of The Inheritance father. He doesn't disown him you just lock him in his room until he comes to his senses is simply can cuz we read so he divided his property between them. So why did they can get someone to do this? Well Freedom you wanted to be liberated from the shackles of home life of Parental restraint. He wanted to live life and already had to offer life in glorious Technicolor instead of monotonous monochrome. and so fortunate hunt Leaving now the single possession behind he set up down the road to a distant country with never a glance back. Such is life.

Sometimes literally or was spiritually within each one of us. There is a desire to break free a rebellious Spirit which drives to go around God's gifts the things he gives us, but we don't want him telling us what to do. Let me see the book in the Old Testament Book of Proverbs wise sayings Cummins. But the slide missing sorry what happened, She should be screened Haven. Don't worry about it. There is a way that seems right. To a man but in the end it leads to death note that this young man believed it when he said that he told the Billboards on the road said life and for a chime it appeared. He was right. He live life in the fast lane. fast women pause living. Campbells broccoli

But not forever. His results was even those of a wealthy man and not Limitless, especially when they responded with such Reckless abandon invested in the word squandered is the word used for winnowing way. So you throw it up into the air and it falls to the ground when this boy threw up all his possessions into the Earth were plenty of people around to catch the folding shekels. but soon as soon as any of anticipated his plastic card is spewed out of the cash point and a flashing light indicates insufficient funds and then unfortunately, For this young man if I'm going straight to Hell country has severe famine and the young man we read began to be in need and so is everyone else belts the Titan just what is pissed rings and the boards in the job Centre vacant and empty except for one that reads swineherd required food and lodging provided the lodging in the pigsty the food is too pigswill, but desperation starvation and no respecter of persons all his Newfound friends of swarmed around him, like bees around the honey pot and nowhere to be found that resets. It's hopes like his clothes in, Texas. rock bottom What object humiliation for a rich Jewish boy to be Associated keeping company with unclean pegs now? You could be setting out on the road to this phone country. You may have grown up in a Christian home with Christian environment. You can't wait to bury free from the restrictions of home and parents. You don't believe it would when I say it will end in a pigsty or maybe other person is already arrived in the f****** train you having a great time. Life is truly fantastic and freedom from all those restraints and regulations is so liberating. You don't believe it either, but maybe that's the one here today was having second thoughts burning the candle at both ends means it becomes very short in the middle things that were once full feeling now need twice the effort and investment to get half the satisfaction. And there is some of his Maybe Who I Really in the pigsty.

It may not be outwardly apparent. You may not be reduced to sleeping on the streets though. Some of you may even have all the material possessions of this life, but you're still empty still hungry a nobody has anything to offer which will satisfy the aching longing within your spirit, but it's at this point in the story how the lowest point of hope we can just be seeing the story is my no longer befuddled by wine and intoxicating Pleasures the bright lights of the city begins to think what he says to himself in verse 18 when he came to his senses. You said how many of my father's servants have food to spare here. I'm starving to death. I know what I'll do, I'll checked out and go back to my father and say to him father. I've sinned against heaven and against you I'm no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants. The Bible as the word which describes what happened to this young man. It's the word repentance repentance literally means a change of mind. A change of mind leads to a change in Direction begins to change his mind about home and family about his prospects.

And the key bus is this 20 so he got up and went to his father. What we return to the details later when we can see the love of the father, but simply wonderful a note hear the Wayward Son rebellious son is fully reconciled to his father was a hard shift but is a lift sent the father lights on this tremendous celebration assess bring the fountain carflex Kelly. Let's have a feast and celebrate for this son of mine was dead and is alive again he was lost and found so they began to celebrate how ironical the sun have left him because you want to have a good time and took back home having a party in the family home, but the story doesn't end that for that reason of the Sun not the rebellious person, but the one we could call the resentful son. Wendy Anderson returned the eldest son was out working in the fields away from the family Homestead. Imagine in the early evening returns home and hears the sound of music the drumming and dancing about practice a special party for him. So you close one of the boys over and says what's going on and he tells him your brother has become your father is killed fighting cuff because he has him back safe and sound but rather than being pleased that his younger brother is home the Elder Brothers incensed. He's angry. He is very angry. He's irate. No doubt. He's angry with his brother for the Treaty of coming home having blown the family fortune. And offended the family honor bit behind it what you noticed there was a much deeper anger and resentment not against his brother but against his father and this is Reading in the response to the father father goes out that's the oldest son standing outside refusing to join in the party. The father goes out to him and noticed what the eldest son says. He answered his father. Look all these years. I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders that you never gave me a faulty even with a goat, but when did son of yours responded your property with prostitutes come so you kill the fat girl for him to contrast between the words he speaks in those reefs brother when the youngest son returned home. He said father I have sinned. When the eldest and speak she doesn't even use the word father. He simply says look all these years. I've been slaving for you. He doesn't use the word father because he sees himself not as the Sun but it's a slave you see the youngest son a chafed against the restraints recovering home. He's shown in open Rebellion. The family was clear. You didn't want to be a sin anymore. But notice the eldest son stayed at home living as a son yet with a slave mentality, but now with the welcome give them to his brother his pent-up resentment explosion open Manga free father's broken all the rules by Throwing a big face for you Angus and you deserve nothing why I'm fat. He's not being given anything if there were a trade Union the national Farmers Union would have taken his case to court. But he isn't an employer.

This is father. He's not a slave but as soon as the father gentle reminds him and also that the one equals this son of yours, it's actually also this brother of yours. My son. The father said you're always with me everything I have is yours, but we had to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found no weather in many people in our world who would like the younger brother. Open rebellious against God and His lowest to run many out wood. Outwardly good living religious people would like the elder brother. In fact, this is a context it from sees parallels. If you go back to the beginning of the Bible in print view chapter 15 this one it says now the tax collectors and sinners World gathering around to hear it but the Pharisees and teachers a little the religious people. They must have this man welcome centers and dates with them the Pharisees and teachers in love with a religious people. Today's a good living people. Who did the absolute best to keep God's laws. They would never be seen dead in the far country and they would never associate with anyone or never been there. They label them as soon as well. They were cooled the righteous the good people and he see what their religion is based on the premise of reward and Punishment. God punishes those who do wrong he rewards those who do right. It was a slave mentality and buy it. God told them. So if the Jesus really was God's chosen Messiah if you really came from God then it would have nothing to do with prostitutes and tax collectors instead. He would make someone with frog like them. But in fact Jesus did the opposite why even went to parties they organized on his behalf with singing and dancing and food and what kind of religion was it but such people will welcome such pain after begins with him standing outside refusing to join in the face muttering is a Greek. Would one of those was an onomatopoeic word. That sounds like it is this word gone Goods up the standing outside muttering and complaints which shows in the heart of God is a heart of left towards returning paper restored people. So what's the route to that problem the route that problem is the one fact I fail to understand the true character of God that he is the prodigal father. She's a word prodigal has two meanings. Is used negatively of something valuable which is wasted recklessly wasteful or extravagant but it has a second remaining profusely lavishly abundant and this wonderful terrible teachers in fundamental fact about God and his love. Denny's extravagant his extravagant prodigal Levi shown to both since he's shown to the rebellious Son by giving him what he has for allowing him to leave but it shown that he welcomes home Rebels and runways we read even while the sun is a long way off. The father is looking down the road for the returning for the father looks down for attending prodigal. I need the swimming wonderful, but you never did in the Middle East especially if you're an older person of honor and respect the for the garrage karkenny runs down the road to greet this boy. You see we can let the protocol expecting Mitchell expecting the worst expecting it best to be a Slave. But we welcome home with Amazing Grace as Sons and Daughters of the Living God God. The father has given all the symbols of sonship the Signet ring of authority the best robe of Distinction the send Elizabeth Stone Road in the bare feet of his lights and Heaven throws a party. Whenever a lots to know to Kim's home, there is rejoicing Jesus just before the angels in heaven over one person. Do repent to change direction through headphone more than 99 people think they don't need to. Yeah, the farthest shows is protocol. If not only to the rebellious turn but also to the recent person who is the eldest son is been so offended his father deeply in that culture. He should have gone into the face Brittany States and sorted it out with his father later now, he's close public Shame by refusing to join in. And that's what the youngest should we read the father runs to once and he goes out to greet the other son and he understood plays with him to come and join the celebration. She said we have to celebrate. You see the father's extravagant Predator live is shown to the rebellious son as well as the resentful sent to the righteous is what is the self-righteous? You see the great tragedy. This story is its left open-ended did the eldest and ever join the party the story didn't tell us did the Pharisees and teach the lord of the join the party. No. They refused steadfastly. And eventually kill the one. Who told the story see this is a parable of a father and two sons but behind it till the big story is about a father. There's a third option in the biggest Story the third son. He's the one who's telling the story. It was written by John. The follower of Jesus says, this is how God showed his love Among Us. He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love. Not that we loved God, but that he left us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins to pay the price. We could never pay the entrance fee to belong to God's family. So I simply asked you this morning as myself again. Are we aware today? Have we experience God's prodigal live? The love of God the Father by which he calls you his son and his daughter.

See what great love the father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. So I leave you three questions. We're going to think about them in more depth this evening if you come along at 5 for Pat some questions on a bit three questions. Are you lost or found? Are you a Slave? Orson are you grumbling? Are you reach icing? Let's pray together.

Gracious father. We thank you that you are the living prodigal father. You you show your Predator live to each one of us here this morning. Some of us know what it means to be a rebel phone from you and to be restored to your family. Some of us have never visited the far Country Square vet. We tried to please you by the things we do to and your favor and failed miserably and you show your great left to his your grace. That doesn't depend on Merit. But it's simply love you Stone. Those who seek you. So today we rejoice in the gland because of who you are and what you've done for us. You know each one of us here, whatever.

Position is before you we just pray that you might show your lifters today, and we might be aware of it and we might rejoice and be glad and what you've done for us and we pray in Jesus name. I'm at. Kayla Brianna

So thank you all for listening. I carefully to Peter's concrete.

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