A Big Lesson From A Little Child
Sermon in a Sentence: We need to learn the big lesson Jesus Christ teaches us from the little child.
Illus. Remembering- "Jesus Loves the Little Children"
Illus. Doctor Does Treat Just Symtoms
I. We Must Receive Christ Like a Little Child (v. 1-4)
A. The Necessity of a Childlike Conversion (Psa. 58.3;Jn. 3.3,5,7)
Illus.- Walking in the Wrong Direction
Illus.- Just Like His Father/Mother
B. The Characteristic of a Childlike Conversion
"humblest" (v. 4)
A childlike humble dependency upon God. (Eph. 2.8,9;Tit. 3.5)
Illus.- Child Leaping Into His Father's Arms
Illus.- Tieing a Child's Shoe
II. We Must Receive a Little Child Like Christ (v. 5)
Illus.- Not Counting the Children
"receive"- "accept, welcome"
Illus.- KId's Bible Camp/Awana Flag
Children are the most easily influenced for evil or good.
A. A Stern Warning (v. 6-10)
Illus. Child Abuse at the Coast
Illus. Severo Martinez