5.10.41 9.8.2019 1 Peter 2.18-25 For This? Yes, for This!
1 Peter the Grind • Sermon • Submitted
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Entice: We are called to serve gladly, those who treat us badly. In 21c for most of us that is a small class. In our text today Peter addresses those whose place in life was that of house slaves. Roman slavery was different than the system of slavery called the Peculiar Institution of the Antebellum south. Roman slavery was social, economic, and class-driven. It was not racist. There was no way to look at the clothing, skin color, or external features of an individual and know whether or not they were a slave. Slaves could be educated. They might be prostitutes or professors, un-skilled laborers or highly trained leaders. They kept the master's kids and the master's books. It was not the racially motivated, paternalistic, mess we had here. But it was bad.
Entice: We are called to serve gladly, those who treat us badly. In 21c for most of us that is a small class. In our text today Peter addresses those whose place in life was that of
house slaves. Roman slavery was different than the system of slavery called the Peculiar Institution of the Antebellum south. Roman slavery was social, economic, and class-driven.
It was not racist. There was no way to look at the clothing, skin color, or external features of an individual and know whether or not they were a slave. Slaves could be educated.
Engage: Though we do not experience directly the circumstances of a house-slave almost all of us have had the corollary of a boss, supervisor, superintendent, officer, instructor, or leader who was bad.
They might be prostitutes or professors, un-skilled laborers or highly trained leaders. They kept the master's kids and the master's books. It was not the racially motivated,
paternalistic, mess we had here. But it was bad.
Engage: Though we do not experience directly the circumstances of a house-slave almost all of us have had the corollary of a boss, supervisor, superintendent, officer, instructor,
Bad tempered,
or leader who was bad. Bad tempered, ill suited to the position or maybe just mean. These words speak to those of us who have to follow Jesus when under the thumb of
ill suited to the position,
someone whose exercise of authority is tyrannical. Thankfully we are also called to submit to those who take their stewardship seriously and understand that with all authority
dumb as a rock,
comes obligation. The heart of this passage is the understanding that we are not called to access the ability of the boss but to submit regardless.
or maybe just mean.
These words speak to those of us who have to follow Jesus when under the thumb of someone whose exercise of authority is tyrannical. Thankfully we are also called to submit to those who take their stewardship seriously and understand that with all authority comes obligation. The heart of this passage is the understanding that we are not called to determine the ability of the boss but to submit regardless.
18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.
19 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.
20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.
21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.
22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
Expand: You and Jesus have a relationship which governs all others. We cannot fully follow Him if we insist on the right to only obey those commands we find easy. I've had bosses to whom submission was painful. Whose values and lifestyle I did not share. These words are addressed to me not them and the obligation to obey is mine.
Expand: You and Jesus have a relationship which governs all others. We cannot fully follow Him if we insist on the right to only obey those commands we find easy. I've had bosses to whom submission was painful. Whose values and lifestyle I did not share. These words are addressed to me not them and the obligation to obey is mine.
bosses to whom submission was painful. Whose values and lifestyle I did not share. These words are addressed to me not them and the obligation to obey is mine.
Excite: We have to get over our selves! We are called to do something that is unnatural, something that we will not want to do for the purpose of extending the example of Christ in the world. The purpose of our submission is redemptive and connective. Because it is difficult; twice in this passage Peter tells us that it is a "grace" from God. Something which He commands, enables, and empowers.
Excite: We have to get over our selves! We are called to do something that is unnatural, something that we will not want to do for the purpose of extending the example of Christ in
the world. The purpose of our submission is redemptive and connective. Because it is difficult; twice in this passage Peter tells us that it is a "grace" from God. Something which He
commands, enables, and empowers.
We are called to follow a Savior who surrendered His rights-willingly suffering for our salvation.
We are called to follow a Savior who surrendered His rights-willingly suffering for our salvation.
Explore: We are called to follow a Savior who gave up His rights-willingly suffering for our salvation.
Explain: Peter provides several reminders of this redemptive process to give us guidance.
Body of Sermon:
1 The Focus of Redeemed Behavior. 18-20
1 The Focus of Redeemed Behavior. 18-20
1 The Focus of Redeemed Behavior. 18-20
1.1 Personal not circumstantial submission. 18
1.1 Personal not circumstantial submission. 18
1.2 True “mindfulness” in hardship 19.
1.2 True “mindfulness” in hardship 19.
True mindfulness is not introspective “peace of mind” but putting the mind of God first when demeaned, demoted, ridiculed, marginalized, and maligned.
1.3 Grace in the sight of God. 20
1.3 Grace in the sight of God. 20
2 The Fulcrum of Redeemed Behavior. 21
2 The Fulcrum of Redeemed Behavior. 21
2.1 He has called us.
2.1 He has called us.
2.2 He has led us.
2.2 He has led us.
3 The Footsteps of Redeemed Behavior. 22-25
3 The Footsteps of Redeemed Behavior. 22-25
Peter expands upon the idea of the “foot prints of Jesus”. He provides some specific examples of what being led by Jesus…boots on the ground following in His footsteps looks like.
3.1 An example of controlled response. 22-23
3.1 An example of controlled response. 22-23
He did not sin...
He did not sin...
He did not lie...
He did not lie...
He did not revile...
He did not revile...
He did not threaten..
He did not threaten..
He Trusted the righteous Judge
He Trusted the righteous Judge
3.2 An example of channeled sacrifice. 24-25
3.2 An example of channeled sacrifice. 24-25
His sacrifice allows us to die to sin and live to Righteousness.
His sacrifice allows us to die to sin and live to Righteousness.
His sacrifice allows us to die to sin and live to Righteousness.
His sacrifice brings us Salvation.
His sacrifice brings us Salvation.
His sacrifice enables our Return.
His sacrifice enables our Return.
His sacrifice enables our Return.
Shut Down:
Even when we focus on Jesus it is difficult to follow. That is why God provides the fulcrum which makes this holy lever work. Our call comes from one who has been there and done that in a situation and to an extent which is far beyond our acts of submission to bad bosses in bad circumstances.
done that in a situation and to an extent which is far beyond our acts of submission to bad bosses in bad circumstances.
Redemption is personal but not individual nor selfish. We are redeemed to model that very life of submission and sacrifice that we learn from Jesus. When we learn that lesson well, when we submit willingly in difficult circumstances God uses our submitted will to not only deal with us graciously but as a way of bringing grace into the lives of other.
well, when we submit willingly in difficult circumstances God uses our submitted will to not only deal with us graciously but as a way of bringing grace into the lives of other.
The invitation is to follow Him. To follow the way of the cross. To follow Him willingly and redemptively. Not as a martyr, not just to obtain our own crown of life but to disclose the way of Christ to those who surround us-even those who might abuse us. He died for us willingly to enable us to follow Him gladly.
way of Christ to those who surround us-even those who might abuse us. He died for us willingly to enable us to follow Him gladly.