09082019 The Life That Glorifies God PT3 1 Peter 4:7-11
Hey, man, say man. So we're here in 1st Peter chapter 4 with Peter's teaching us again how to live a life of glorifying God which is where we hit today's title of the life. We don't tell me the wartime meditate in marinade and chew on and hang out in 1st Peter the more I'm convinced him about the main reason I called each of us being let's go to the First Peter chapter 4 verse 7. Let's begin there and this is what it says. Which is the end of all things is near and self-control so that you can pray above all love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins to one another without grumbling each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others safely and ministering God's grace and its various forms.
He should do it as one Speaking if anyone serve he should do it with the string. Provide. So that in all things. God may be phrase through Jesus Christ to him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen Grace in this past heater gives us a list of very important director and then at the end.
Call Courtney's directors may be arranged if I am standing here this morning holding up the checks right here and I'm declaring to you and to the world this morning. This is the old is existence this right here to glorify God to worship Him the salon to glorify God in to fully enjoy him forever here to glorify God Denise to excuse him for who and what he is and I also need to turn around after you've experienced and show him what he is. Another way to say it is that to worship of the Tiger in means to know him and to make him know that's what it means. You got to know him and he said then make me know and God wants us to to have intimate an accurate knowledge of him accurate knowledge of him. That's what shoes are sexy.
A man should respect the dating scene what to do when you get a friend to go with me and we always see the same thing when it comes to the guys. Best way for him and that's what he said to do that and then he wants to do it through all of us as well. So this again is the main point of this passage this morning.
While living on Earth is in all things to glorify God through Jesus Christ. That's the dog now because this is the main point then we have no other choice, but but to ask
supposed to be glorified through Christ Jesus
Peter to give us this teaching Christians of his bag we're going through it was brought on by Family about using them for people. Can you give your license and now you don't do the things that they do people tend to do The goody two shoes all they say now they can't hang with us.
To stop living a Godly life. This is submissive prizes them. It scares people also needed to be fixed up those who we used to run with any conviction to the point that they respond to the new you with vicious verbal attack.
She'll stay behind your back. Premier Protein family. They said you know what's going on. That's the way it is.
42 dispatch
you said they're going to have to answer to God who is Reza still living in England with its? Okay, its okay or is teaching her as you deal with the pain of life. He said he's going to take care if they don't repent and turn to him as well.
We have nothing to fear. We going to be made alive because God got this y'all. That's what he's teaching. What you need to be most concerned about is what you're saying is you're so good at all things. God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to reach the goal of God.
Change his name is chicken in the last best players right now has a turret things are ready for Christ to return at any moment in history as we know it about the verbal abuse of your family and friend. Do you know what time it is?
Open should be driven by their you're driving motivation to see God's glory in Jesus Christ and describe each and every day to focus on a lifestyle of intimately experiencing hymns for showing him everything. We think everything went search everything we do is cry. I'm telling you it's not going to happen unless you intentionally do it, but that's only because that's the first director that he did the Second Step In A Life to glorify God in bazzi mine. Commanded by God to think clearly and seriously doubt you will be what and get your head into the right mindset. Another word for big clearomizers think clearly by your feelings in your fantasy team stay in touch with reality and reality.
Recommended to bring everyday into a lineman with God's reality this morning. When was the first thing you do when God bring you back to Consciousness and sleep? The first day I want to challenge you. The first thing to do is the same Lord now, let me bring my mind in alignment with your reality because that's what you're stepping into. Okay, Lord, you're making it clear the end of all things is near now Lord, help me to think clearly and think seriously this back to allow yourself to be mentally or emotionally drunk or intoxicated or impaired driving under the influence. He said hey, you shouldn't be thinking under the employee. That's what he's teaching up command to be fully Alert in your spanking so that you can see straight so that you can walk straight without wobbling like a drunk person in Paradise in Arizona.
What's a flight to think clearly? Why did he say do it solo debut effectively is what he says. Steelers versus
Therefore what is your power?
serious-minded tap into God's creative power in your life in chapter 1 verse 13 Peter said get your mind right so that you can stick your whole on the go review. You can't even set your phone.
On the grocery near my crotch is revealed. We got to have that in our life. That's what keeps us going. That's what motivates a chapter 532 we're going to see this pertains to get your mind. Right so that you can resist and stand against the devil who's looking to kill you. In other words. You cannot resist the devil. You cannot stand if you're not thinking clearly Peter chapter 4 verse 7. Peter says get your mind right so that you can do what?
Everyday, our lives have been flooded by weapons of mass destruction.
Is coming from in a minute and do you know why? He's distracting us together?
Call listen to secular music and everything. Everything is me and what's happening in sports. And what's happening in the future world. Distractions and especially to keep us from fraying affected.
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There's no way for us to Jesus Christ all things through Jesus Christ. We must have a really experienced with him in a galloping and nurturing relationship.
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What are natural to we're not doing? There is no way that our relationship with God. I can Thrive without constant communication with the Lord to glorify him. We must be in constant communication with him and that comes through to Grace this morning. I got to tell you this. We got to get back to the five basic essential elements of prayer and we passed a master them.
Same time. I'm going to remind you this morning. I really like to get one right now, but I don't know anybody on the spot this morning. Alex Morgan basic elements of the time a person approach God In Prayer in their mindset in our culture in our community. What is the first thing we came to do when we go before God in prayer and ask him.
What's the time what they doing? They just asking God for something for them to ask you something. Let me give you the five bases in the order of it is very important. Okay, so to always remember these fireplace mantel remember just remember one word. Remember the word five basic elements of prayer is the first basic element of prayer. Anybody know is what there you go. That's the one you got me sick.
And then he rewards those who believe that we all believe that he rewards those who earnestly seek him because you believed that are closely related are almost twins, but not quite is living trust in God right now is a living trust in the promises of God that God will do what he said he's going to do we got to have both of them operate sure that stretches from to God and it comes when we hear the word of God In The Whispers by George Michael song. Okay, Charlie Wilson II basic element of prayer. Anyone know what it is.
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Iration guitar on exhaust ourselves directly on the glory of God. That's what it does. We do. We express our first home or at least seven deadly sin to worship. This is so important to wear baseball pants about what is it? Compressor Yellow Lotus praise God. It is naturally then transition from a shift to confession Beauty in the Warriors of God remind me to call Angela C.
Gymnast in a prayer. When did Josh Allen. Thanksgiving with what is the best way to vote ourselves to prayer and watchfulness and thankfully she just kind of bread is there action in that he was too quiet.
Will not be seen from Earth.
spinal elements of the basic of Prayer of Supplication
Galway but then it's into contact with our relationship with God. But I request even make sense to see what I mean is that we were relating to God if a focus on his glory unworthiness which leaves us to confession and overflowing with Thanksgiving then we can properly bring our requests to God then we can do that asking God to supply our needs and it in the needs of others as well first make a note of John children's lives.
What is a check this is the confidence we have in approaching God we ask according to his will he hears up and if we know that he hears us whatever we know that we have what we have to do. What's the chief keyword to hear according to his will as well if you're not approaching him in prayer during him. It's not meant to your right with him country western.
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God knows what we need. We need a lien constant prayers really good news in the morning.
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These are the five basic elements of people say we must think clearly and seriously in order to have the mindset to continually pray better relationship with God will win all things to glorify him personally concerned about Jesus Christ return my gosh, You're not thinking clearly and seriously, and if you're not praying to God
press right here cuz I like to get some great above all love each other d
What's the word teachers of the end of all things near and when the end of all things, which we're at that place now bring strippers. zwilling Creek horror Frozen What happens when it comes to relationship? I wish you many times. is going it's just the Bible teaches us. It's in 2nd Timothy 3:1 just make a note of it it teaches I said in the last days there were even more crucial.
Love has to be the controlling factor in relationships before giving the command to love. What does it say right above that? In other words. This means above in this situation with sends threatening to blow up the community of Grace are in a believer.
How we speak and how we handle them and how we respond to it?
And in we going to judge MO. Who sings Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians 13 4 through 13 not a feeling that comes upon you to be patient in time. It's a decision not to be rude or subsequent easily angered. It's his decision with choosing not to record a record.
This is a season to Rejoice with the truth. Wow. Look at that place. Hallelujah. You don't always protect. Always truck to always hope things are always persevered. That's what love is all about. This means that love is about choosing to seek the highest good the best what's beneficial for another time to you're not flushing?
Josiah love each other What did he say? No because a different is what he said, you know what deeply here mean?
You mean?
Stretched to the Limit by the demands that are made on it to be real with.
Check out Colossians chapter 3 verse 12.
16 lug to another is when someone in the church has heard of or wrong.
You you really don't know what to say.
Yoko Ono job in the world they stab you in the back or something like that, okay.
But you kind of expect what's the word? Somebody stab you in the back cuz you know, if we don't expect that to happen here, but hurts happen within the church because love can be stretched should be stretched thin means being willing to forgive is what it means to be present in the life of each of us here in the church.
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The fellowship that loves deeply is a fellowship where many small expenses and even some large one and forgiving and even God. Text me if there was no such thing. Ain't no such thing happened to the temperature is held together Nutcracker section, but I love a man and it's cool. So cool right here. What is the special delivery time from out of state in the motives of people would love is not that every action has a question.
My job, I don't know why they got a Monday. Where was a misunderstanding in consulate where love is also the golden is to an all things glorify God through Christ Jesus.
Yes, they stepped on your toes. Music. What's the command? Coming right behind the command to love deeply what has to happen if we're going to live alive to glorify.
Play I know you are but what is it say in the end when I was but I promise to radical Hospitality. That's what it's called The Radical hospitality mean the hospitality overflow. One moment since we have already been called To Love. The highest good to one another even before our own. We too also called the offer hospitality. What is hospitality is love and affection for strangers? Love and affection for strength and love and affection for strength for people outside of our immediate family or closed circle is about welcoming people, especially other believers, especially the family of God who live outside of our space and we are inviting them and welcoming them into our state.
In Matthew chapter 25 verse 35 our lord Jesus said when we welcome fellow Believers into our home, it's like welcoming him into our home. That's what he said. Look again at the we're looking at right now Peter. We are told we're not told to just extend Hospitality. We're told we got to have the right attitude for hospitality and never to offer. It is about extending without complaining about the inconvenience without complaining about how much work it takes to extend his hospitality.
Stuck like it broke the others without even talking negatively about it to others after they are gone. We will show the smile.
Let's be real. Let's be honest show up at the most inopportune time.
even people who you like Can overstay their welcome as a matter of fact there is too much of you and he will hate you.
so difficult to hospitality is a from God's to offer love and affection and Ministry to others especially Believers truth, even when the warm fuzzy feelings are not there and even when relationships are spring brakes remember motivating goals are all the rappers what sold at it. Maybe what horrified through Jesus Christ and biting other believers into our homes with joy and cheer brightness and Beauty in Worthing and Suits on display 2 3 4 Alien job ostracize number one in society in the world to be a blessing.
It should be a place of Refuge. You should be a place.
With that in mind the extended Hospitality then when it's a slice of it and a reflection of God.
Remember, we're still talking about the law.
Next directory to glorify God is to do what?
Convert 10 for this next director everybody. Let's read it out loud. What does it say that God may be glorified through Christ Jesus.
Just like Hospitality in the demonstration in overflow. So serving one another.
Peter said what did he say?
Every child of God this includes every Born Again blood watch Spirit sealed.
Look at the past. What is every believer call to do?
That's what you saying.
Right now we should do that tonight.
If the guys giving am I using it to Sir David has received the spiritual gift from God for using the light to return every one of you have mercy spiritual gift from God. For you in the library.
This means that we are loving each other deeply it will find expression in the use of our spiritual gifts. Don't have more have more than one advancement Nation. So promote benefit each one of you here have been uniquely in Supernatural enable by God to minister to others within the body of Christ.
So who are you Ministry?
Yes. Charisma, which literally means a gift of Grace? Great. This means that God has great.
I need the responsibility to share with other believers.
What administrator when it's very important?
do better you got to pull over you you you you you you you you you.
What you doing is administering.
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Listening what drug is given to you as an individual? Giving it to you to benefit the body of a horse. This means that you are an agent of God.
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I'm trying to find out.
Use the gifted.
Asia on the benefits of a disgrace to other God did not give you his grace for only your personal and private Glory. He did not give it to you for that. God has lavished his brakes on his gift of Grace on each one of us for the benefit of the whole body. I want you to check out verse 11 and if anyone serve what should he do?
Summer summer in all of y'all got jipped bless. The body is not just limited to singing to Portrait to Robin and the other forms of communication is well communication that can come through our actions.
Mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini.
Every last one of them to take me to speaking gifts.
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What is the final directive? Directions to 2211 golden given in let's get together. Come on, Greg.
The ultimate aim of Baltimore is in a bathtub.
Jesus Christ
And when you're with your family.
indoor activities Peter speaking of inside outside. We got to think clearly and think seriously so that we can pray why so many things may be glorified.
Hospitality temp service in Jesus Christ
I believe this one when we stand before God, I think this is going to be the root Richie glorify me in all things.
Is this is how we asked a question at the beginning of our time together this morning? So that in all things through Christ Jesus and we learn what do we have? First thing we got to do is keep your head clear, but love each other deeply this is what keeps the unity of the bottom and then he says what let that deep love Racine and triple Hospitality to one another and then he says use the gifts of Grace God is giving each one of you to benefit of that's how you do it. Italians live a life that glorifies God when this happened been all things may be built on open. Open your eyes and hearts and minds and show you the greatness of its purpose was so wonderful to Peter Peter brake shops in Morristown TN forever and ever amen there. Is this year? This is one of the hottest music in the thank you. Jesus go right here. But thank you for giving us a thank you for giving us an ultimate. Who is here?
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Go ahead and do the right thing.
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Thank God for our son.
first chapter
Change me.
Show me to be born again to a living never be destroyed. Just remind myself that he just telling me not telling me in 1st Peter once he's cheating me for lying here. Thank you for telling me.
But you know what happening in my life introspect me from check.
Love you guys.
If not, I will quit. Pakistan the word
Sounds Stadium.
sing to the Lord God or you
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How do I add or cast adoration comes when we know him when we've experienced him and his word received how great he is how beautiful we see that we see how worthy he has one thing. I want to encourage you guys to do grow in your Adoration of this regular season.
sing to the Lord I seen through this is telling me how much
So far, thank you for your word now means alot to transform a real man in Jesus name we pray. Amen someone here who is hurting and in need of prayer again prayer is not just for physical illness. You may be struggling mentally emotionally. You just made me some things in your life may be suffering going on right now in your life and you having a hard time really seen things like the Lord sees him and we want to encourage you right now.