Welcome Back Sunday

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Welcome to Missio Dei Humboldt Park
Welcome to Missio Dei Humboldt Park
Welcome to Missio Dei Humboldt Park
Welcome to Missio Dei Humboldt Park
First Sunday fully back from Sabbatical
This morning, what I want to do is share my sabbatical experience with you.
A Ministry Sabbatical
“A ministry sabbatical is a "spiritual renewal leave" it is a time of purposeful ceasing, resting and planned refreshment, with a focus on spiritual renewal.
Rooted biblical tradition of sabbath keeping.
3 practices of sabbath in the bible.
Having a day of sabbath rest for people every week. For the purpose of the renewal of the mind, body and soul
Having sabbath rest for the land every 7 years. For the purpose of enriching the soil.
Having a year of jubilee. For the purpose of celebration through debt forgiveness and abundant generosity.
This morning, what I want to do is share my sabbatical experience with you.
Thank you for the gift of this time
Thank leaders and guest leaders
“A ministry sabbatical is a "spiritual renewal leave" it is a time of purposeful ceasing, resting and planned refreshment, with a focus on spiritual renewal.
“A ministry sabbatical is a "spiritual renewal leave" it is a time of purposeful ceasing, resting and planned refreshment, with a focus on spiritual renewal.
A ministry sabbatical is rooted in the biblical tradition of sabbath keeping.
Rooted biblical tradition of sabbath keeping.
When good things, things of calling become work.
Love transforms work into rest.
Having a consistent time of rest for the purpose of the renewal.
“A ministry sabbatical is a "spiritual renewal leave" it is a time of purposeful ceasing, resting and planned refreshment, with a focus on spiritual renewal.
A rest that leads to renewal
Having a day of sabbath rest for people every week. For the purpose of the renewal of the mind, body and soul
The principle of the sabbath keeping also says that there is value and virtue in rest, in when we cease, are refreshed and renewed.
Rooted biblical tradition of sabbath keeping.
3 practices of sabbath in the bible.
Having a year of jubilee. For the purpose of celebration through debt forgiveness and abundant generosity.
Having a day of sabbath rest for people every week. For the purpose of the renewal of the mind, body and soul
Having sabbath rest for the land every 7 years. For the purpose of enriching the soil.
Having a year of jubilee. For the purpose of celebration through debt forgiveness and abundant generosity.
The principle of the sabbath is that there is value and virtue in work, in what we do and how we do it to the glory of God and the good of all creation.
The principle of the sabbath keeping also says that there is value and virtue in rest, in when we cease, are refreshed and renewed.
But I think what happens is that we put work in rest
But I think what happens is that we put work in rest
we seek the benefits of sabbath rest apart from the rhythms of sabbath rest.
When rest becomes work or form escape rather than true deep fulfillment.
We find very quickly that our times of rest don’t provide refreshment.
We find very quickly that our times of rest don’t provide refreshment.
I need a vacation from my vacation.
I love Fridays, I hate Mondays. The dread of Sunday evenings.
Another week of what we must do, rather than what we get to do.
Not all rest refreshes, not renews
True rest comes from abiding in Jesus
: Jesus talks about true rest and fulfillment
Abide in my love
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
Jesus says, abide in my love
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
abide in my love
In the Love of God
This type of rest brings joy.
Song of songs says
your love is more delightful than wine.
The love of God is like the finest wine.
It is complex, robust, smooth, intoxicating.
The love of God is like the finest wine.
Good wine goes unnoticed by most pallets.
Me $25 - $200
Good wine goes unnoticed by most pallets.
In the same way, Gods love goes unnoticed by most pallets.
Conditioned to consume the cheap stuff.
The almost things, The appetites of the flesh.
We are all given the love of God, without all the stuff.
Feast on my
The life love and joy of God.
This child like wonder
Some where along the way our Joy unaided by consumption traded for escape always aided by consumption.
Joy unaided by consumption traded for escape always aided by consumption.
That almost works.
It is hard to give up something that almost works. - Dr. Vincent Felitt
Dr. Vincent Felitt
It is hard to give up something that almost works.
When rest becomes work, or when rest doesn’t provide refreshment
I begin the sabbatical position to remove all the stuff, consumption, the escapism in order to feast on the love of God. To develop a greater pallet for the good stuff.
To reclaim joy
RELEASE: Participating in the Ministry of Trust
My hopeful goal is to cease from work, but more importantly to cease from the need to be approved by my production or accomplishments in ministry.
Aspen - Video
Aspen - Video
Felt very busy
How can I lead people into the quiet place beside the still waters if I am in perpetual motion?
Jewish custom for sabbath is to make all the preparations for the sabbath and welcome the sabbath in with lighting a candle that symbolizes creation, light and life.
Jewish custom for sabbath is to make all the preparations for the sabbath and welcome the sabbath in with lighting a candle that symbolizes creation, light and life.
By lazily abdicating the essential work of deciding and directing, establishing values and setting goals, other people do it for us; then we find ourselves frantically, at the last minute, trying to satisfy a half dozen different demands on our time, none of which is essential to our vocation, to stave off the disaster of disappointing someone.
Greater Trust
Jewish custom for sabbath is to make all the preparations for the sabbath and welcome the sabbath in with lighting a candle that symbolizes creation, light and life.
Jewish custom for sabbath is to make all the preparations for the sabbath and welcome the sabbath in with lighting a candle that symbolizes creation, light and life.
Jewish custom for sabbath is to make all the preparations for the sabbath and welcome the sabbath in with lighting a candle that symbolizes creation, light and life.
Renewed Confidence in My Identity in Jesus.
they pray and then rest.
Sleep signifies great trust and acknowledgment of the Lords protection and provision.
Trusting in the Lord, I got into the game
REDISCOVERY: Participating in the Ministry of Presence
To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love. - Tozer
My hopeful goal is to be open to discover what God desires to reveal to me and my family.
Literally, went to the mountain to encounter God
Approaching the mountain with a lot of nerves.
50% finish
W/ TWV - surrounded by incredible athletes.
Goal - survive
Abiding More Freely
Living More Simply
RE-CREATION: Participating in the Ministry of Purpose
My hopeful goal is to have encountered God, to see Him, to hear Him and know Him more intimately than before the Sabbatical. I long for the reordering and the creative word of God to reshape my life and ministry.
Greater Clarity
Deeper Passion
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