A Brand New Teen
Sermon Tone Analysis
Illustration: Something that is Fresh is alway more desirable then something that is stale.
Obviously in terms of fresh and stale we may think of bread or food.
What about our spiritual life? Can we become stale in our relationship to God? Will that be evident on the inside as well as the outside.
I really like the makeover shows. The transition from beginning to end has always amazed me especially with what some designers have to work with. The transformation is amazing and the reveal is amazing as well. If the transformation and reveal will work more than a day the person has to spend a lot of time and effort.
I remember a book on our coffee table that my dad had brought. Dress for success. Different jobs have different uniforms that inform you of what they do. Police officers, Nurses, lawyers, even a Pastor. We judge quite a deal by what people wear. This isn’t being judgmental this is being discerning.
Have you like me ever gone into Walmart with a blue shirt? Or Target with a red shirt. You were probably asked for help.
Paul is her telling the believers to PUT ON CHRIST.
We must dress for success!
The Stance of the New Man v. 9-10
The Stance of the New Man v. 9-10
A. Complete Spiritual Transaction.
1. What has been lost is indicated by the phrase here put off which means “to lose a state” or “be undressed”
2. What is being undressed in this passage is the old prior self. The prior self had a way of looking or doing things called “deeds” or meaning purposeful activity.
3. The person has had a complete change of spiritual wardrobe because of Christ. “put on” means to be clothed. To be given a new set of clothing.
Do you remember wearing an outfit that changed you. Ever put on a spider man costume. I once wore a Spiderman shirt to a party and I became know as Spiderman. Do I like Spiderman? Yes! Could I do what Spiderman does? No! Why were they calling me Spiderman? The Shirt! It was easier than my name I guess.
At AWANA sparks we have the children that complete their flight 3:16 get a card and a vest that they will wear every week for the next three years. I make a big deal about it. They are becoming part of something great and they will be asked to wear it each week. They go to AWANA every week but they belong to SPARKS.
4. We have been completely changed. Why do people still sin if we are completely changed because they believe it is a conflict between two. The Conflict is over when Paul said in
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
II Cor.
We don’t have two natures up in the air kind of a half baked salvation. MacAurthur New Testament Commentary say “We are either in Adam or in Christ.” There is not middle ground. The distance between the two is no man’s land. Romans 5:12-21
You are a born in Christ and have an obstetrician but now you need a spiritual pediatrician. We need to grow in the grace and knowledge of God.
2. We are to adorned Christ in our life.
B. Complete Spiritual Transformation
So why do people still sin dundunda… The Flesh the new living in the old.
We default to what is comfortable and often that means going back to what we once NEW. Change the inside therefore change the outside.
1. Transformed in our “knowledge” it is a growing process with the old self by the flesh still putting the carrot of your own selfish desire in front of you. It is a recognition of truth.
For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
2. Transformed in our “image” means similar in appearance, character or nature between person or things. eikon is were we get the word Icon. The image bearer is to represent the one who created him.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
II. The Sharing of the New Man vs. 11
A. The Destruction of division
1.The list here is quite opposite and divisive and it goes down hill from the beginning to the end.
Josephus, a Jewish historian and apologist said of the Scythians, “they had much pleasure in killing men and differed little from brute beasts.”
(Ag. Ap. 2.38 §269 LCL).
2. Racism is not something new in our culture and world today. It is a very dangerous device used by Satan to divided the body of Christ. We must always work to break down racial barriers with Christ. All equal at the foot of the cross.
B. Demolishing the Division
1.Christ is the key. That is what will make a difference in a persons life. That is what will heal old wounds.
Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
Ephesians 1:21
2. Enabled the Jew and the Gentile the Greek and the barbarian to fellowship together. Isn’t that the one thing that brings us here at Grace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I should not look at the skin as a barrier to sharing the Gospel. It’s just shades of color. Melanin is produced within the skin cells called melaocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans.
What is adding to the division is lack of communication and letting others communicate for us through social media. We need to have dialogues between races not pundints speaking for us.
But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
III. The Steps of the New Man vs. 12-13
A. Walk in your selection.
What a comfort that I am not holding on to God, but that God is holding on to me.
I didn’t go looking for God, but that God came looking for me in His mercy and grace. How can we sit so passively in our faith.
And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Dead things can’t live for themselves because they are DEAD. God has given us a wonderful gift of faith in salvation to be applied to his Son in salvation.
I didn’t choose God … God chose me because he love me … “beloved”- To be loved.
Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
One of the wonderful mysteries of salvation.
The Concurrence of God’s having a hold on me and me having a hold on him.
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
So I don’t have to share the gospel? It’s all of God. Don’t be obtuse. God used us as trophies of his Grace to show people of what he can do with a life.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
B. Walk in Compassion “Bowels of mercies”
1.The bowels signified all of the individual instead of just one organ or another. Hebraism that refers to all of the inward parts of the body.
I was listening to a song coming back from the Nursing home this Wednesday. Steve Camp and the idea was don’t tell them Jesus loves them till your ready to love them too. heartfelt compassion. We usually don’t go to that level because of the risk. This is a dangerous person because they love as Jesus did fiercely.
C. Walk in Kindness
1. The quality of being warmed hearted. Some Biblical examples of this.
2. The Lord asking us to come because my yoke is easy, and My load is light.
3. The kindness was revealed in the story of the Good Samaritan
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
D. Walk in Humility
1.The remedy for the relationship going south. it put others before self.
2. The reality is that it is not fake like the spiritual elite back then. All talk not outward living.
E. Walk in Gentleness
1.The word meekness may be confused with weakness but it is confidence in self to put other above yourself, because of Christ.
With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
F. Walk in Patience or Longsuffering
1.Patience while enduring pain.
2.A new rain coat mirrors this persons ability for the insults of other and their negative attitude just seem to never affect them. They hang around people with spiritual rotten colds but never catch it.
G. Walk with Endurance or Perseverance
1.”If I can take it I can make it.” captured pow in World War II.
2. Jacob Deshazer captured POW in World War II Pacific. Prisoner of the Japanese. Went back at the conclusion of the war to tell others about Christ. He forebeared his captors.
3. Jacob forgave his captors making his love so much more powerful.
4. This is the model of Jesus for believers
5. We need to forgive others so we can move forward.
IV. The Superiority of the New Man
IV. The Superiority of the New Man
IV. The Superiority of the New Man
A. The Pancho of Love
1.Love is going to cover it all. That is the heart of how we can accomplish the list before. To try and live this out without love would just be legalism.
Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
2. Love is what holds it all together.
B. The Practice of Love.
1. Love bonds us together stronger connected.
2. Love helps bring us to maturity with Christ and others.
Are you further today then you were yesterday, month, year. Real question. Why or why not.
VI. The Significance of the New Man.
Next Week we will talk about the significance of the new man.