The Life & Work of Christ: His Early Galilean Ministry - The Authority to Forgive Sins!
The Life & Work of Christ • Sermon • Submitted
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Last week you all walked with Jesus into his hometown synagogue in Nazareth which he customarily attended when he grew up and he was handed the scroll of Isaiah. Something important to note is that they routinely read and taught from all the scrolls throughout the year, and the synagogue ruler selected the passage. Thus it is divinely timed that Jesus would read that passage. GOD is awesome! As we follow Jesus everywhere he goes, we shouldn’t miss the responses that he experiences from people. After Jesus said he fulfilled that scripture, he is met with violent rejection from his hometown synagogue congregation. The basis for their rejection is they felt they knew him and his family, in other words he was a local boy. They have a strong disbelief of his claims, and threaten to throw him off of a cliff. This is a lesson for all who stand for Jesus and his teachings, that we will be rejected by some. Because of the strong unbelief and rejection from his own hometown, Jesus parts ways with them and moves to Capernaum. Capernaum becomes the central hub for his ministry in Galilee. He casts out demons from many, people are amazed, and his popularity grows. He then heals Peter’s mother-in-law from a severe fever. He invites Peter, Andrew, John, and James away from their fishing business to follow him closer to learn how to fish for men. Then Jesus begins a ministry tour throughout Eastern Galilee.
The Effort of Faith
One day he was carrying out his mission of teaching in a house, and Luke is careful to record that some Pharisees and Scribes (or teachers of the law) were sitting in the audience. This is no doubt because the news about him had spread around Galilee and Judea. And surely, those religious elites had to come hear and see what everyone had been talking about. Although they were elites and would become his ultimate enemies, their presence is important for this day of Jesus’ ministry which we’ll see shortly. Then Luke is also careful to state that power of the Lord was with him to heal, which connects with the Isaiah scripture Jesus said was fulfilled when he was in Nazareth. As Jesus is teaching, there are 4 men outside carrying a paralyzed man on a pallet and trying to place him in front of Jesus. They were indeed all friends and had great care for one another, and especially for their paralyzed friend. Hearing about Jesus, they would’ve met together in faith and hope that if on this day we can just get you to Jesus, he will have compassion on you and heal your paralysis. They arrived at the front door, and there’s a large crown in the way. They looked all around the crowd to figure out a way to squeeze through but they had no success. Finally they look up and see that there’s access through the roof, and cleverly take him up to let him down through the roof.
Application: Anyone know what it’s like to be paralyzed? Paralysis is a state of immobility, being unable to move some or all parts of something. In a lot of cases, it also includes sensory loss, not being able to feel in the paralyzed area. Although this man has it in his body, paralysis can be experienced in more than just the body. I’m talking about mental paralysis, emotional paralysis, and energy/motivation paralysis. Whether self-inflicted or accidental, damage has occurred that prevents function and feeling. My nerves can’t take that! I no longer have the energy or motivation! And let me tell you, life’s circumstances can bring us paralysis. But thank GOD there are some who care enough, to lift me up and carry me when I’m damaged. Selflessness enough to collaborate and coordinate for the benefit of someone who’s damaged. Not only that, are we willing to risk damaging less important things to remedy a greater damage, because we have that much Faith in Christ. Spiritual over material, eternal over temporal ().
The Effect of Their Faith
Pharisaic Argument
Divine Proof
Notice that Jesus’ response to the things taking place reveal what most intrigued or fascinated him. Faith! That’s what was important to him in his ministry. Notice too it says “seeing”, which demonstrates that faith can’t only be a mental and verbal expression, but action! And notice too, it’s “their” faith that he sees. Jesus gives him the remedy for the greatest damage to humanity, he exempts him from all divine consequences for his transgressions of GOD’s righteousness.
Application: Know that when you place your trust in Jesus, one of the greatest effects on your life is forgiveness. It is when GOD clears you of all guilt. It is the main aim of Jesus for humanity, if they would only believe in him
Now I’m not sure who’s house this was, but there are a lot of things happening that could draw attention away from the most important matters. First, whoever the house belongs to has just witnessed 4 strangers tear a hole in his roof; that would’ve upset a lot of people. But then the Pharisees and Scribes who were present had a different issue. Their issue was with Jesus’ statement of forgiveness, so they begin to question and debate in their minds whether Jesus had the authority to release someone from guilty consequences. Their conclusion was that Jesus was violating the power and majesty of GOD. The basis or argument for such a conclusion was that only GOD had the ability to take change one’s state of guiltiness. Their argument was right, but their conclusion was wrong. It is because they fully misunderstood who Jesus was/is.
The stage is growing for his opposers, and that main stage was they misunderstood him to be blasphemous toward GOD. It is interesting that Jesus mentions forgiveness in the first place, because he could’ve just healed the man. But Jesus knew his audience and he knew this would get a rise out of the Pharisees. Furthermore, they haven’t expressed anything, they were thinking these things. Jesus knew their thoughts. So he first revealed that he knew. Then he tests them by asking what’s easier? Which presents the least difficulty? Jesus was confronting their misunderstanding of who he was. According to their logic that only GOD could forgive sins and that he’s blaspheming, it would’ve been difficult to prove the forgiveness because that divine act can’t be seen! It is also difficult for a mere human to heal someone paralyzed, nonetheless if done it can be seen! This is challenging! The only way to resolve this dilemma for the Pharisaic mind would be to prove what could be seen. Jesus wants them to know what authority he has on earth - authority being actions that couldn’t be hindered, the right and power to effect something, the deciding power!! So he tells the man get up and go home, and the man did so praising GOD on the way.
Application: There is so much praise from this occasion. First off, Jesus has the right and the power to forgive sins! Thus if Jesus decides that I’m forgiven, there’s no one that can hinder his decision! But sometimes we get like the Pharisees, not believing that guilt can be removed unless GOD speaks it from the clouds, or unless certain people forgive us or confirm it so. But this healing of the paralytic was intended to be proof that Jesus has the power and there are no hindrances. Praise GOD for faith in Christ Jesus!
When others saw this, they were shocked out of their minds. They began to fully recognize the character of GOD and give him praise. Their hearts were also filled with a very deep respect for GOD, and said we ain’t never seen nothing like this before.
Application: Some of us should have a testimony of the power and authority of Jesus! Knowing that we’ve been paralyzed in our hearts, minds, energy, faith, etc. And Jesus has lifted us up from our paralysis. But most importantly, if Jesus says that we’re forgiven when we place our full faith in him, we should become just like these people having high praise and respect for GOD, knowing that there’s nobody like Jesus! The fact that he has taken away the guilty verdict! The fact that he has overruled every objection of satan and his servants! The fact that he has taken me out of darkness! The fact that he has renewed my spirit from it’s senseless paralysis! Praise his mighty name!
Do you need to know this morning that you are no longer guilty? Do you need to be assured that the sentence of death has been removed? Do you want to live with respect, joy, and praise in the Lord? Place your faith in Christ today! Remember, Jesus could see their faith! Let him see your faith by repenting, confessing him as Lord and the Son of GOD, and being baptized for the remission of sins!