Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Israel Folau
In the news this week you’ve probably heard of the controversy surrounding the very very good Rugby player Israel Folau.
He posted something on Instagram
Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters
He posted this picture with the caption
“Those that are living in Sin will end up in Hell unless you repent.
Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him.”
And quoted from Galatians 5:19-21 - where Paul lists a series of serious sins like the ones listed in the photo.
What was the result of this Instagram post?
Many of you will know, but in case you’re not following the story this post has caused great outrage.
Rugby Australia and Rugby NSW are now both saying they intend to sack him.
His team the Warratahs aren’t letting him train.
Israel Folau is facing serious consequences for simply saying what the bible says.
Palm Sunday
Today we find ourselves one week before Easter.
This Sunday is one that the church has for many years referred to as Palm Sunday.
When we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem one week before he was killed.
Jesus was fulfilling the OT prophecy about himself when he rode this donkey into Jerusalem.
In entering Jerusalem on the donkey, with the people shouting Hosanna, Jesus makes a statement.
He is the promised king.
He is, as Peter says in our reading from
“God’s Messiah”
What does that declaration mean?
Jesus is the King.
The promised saviour.
God’s anointed one.
We remember Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem because he is our King and this week especially in the church calendar, but in fact every week, we know that he is our King who loved us so much he died for us, who loved us so much he beat death for us by rising again and in response to his kingly love he demands our loyalty and love of him.
And in our reading today we see that our King equips us for mission, empowers us to serve and enables us to see who he really is.
Equiped for Mission (Luke 9:1-9)
Jesus sends the 12 disciples out on mission and gives them all the power and authority they need to drive out demons and heal the sick.
He also promises that they will be provided for and commands them not to take any extras and simply go about proclaiming the good news to all.
Notice the response people have to the disciples as they head out on mission
Not welcomed:
It is the same today.
The good news of King Jesus who came into the world to save sinners will be accepted by some with joy, and rejected by others with scorn.
People will have a negative reaction to you because you bear the name of Christ.
But it is by his name and his name alone that you and I are saved.
So the King equips us for mission...
Empowered to Serve (Luke 9:10-17)
Next we have the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.
It seems v10, they’ve been on mission and now they’re trying to have a bit of a break, but people are so interested in Jesus that crowds gather.
As it gets late in the day the disciples notice a problem, lots of people, not lots of food (v12).
So they go to Jesus.
Hey can you send them away so they can get food.
But how does Jesus respond?
You give them something to eat.
They think it’s not possible.
But Jesus uses what little they have and enables the disciples to meet the needs of the crowd.
In this story, we see our King involving us in his mission and empowering his followers to serve others.
It is a master class in leadership.
It is also just one of many examples in scripture of how God uses His people to bring blessing to others.
So our King equips us for mission
He empowers us to serve
Enabled to See (Luke 9:18-20)
Our reading concludes with Jesus and his disciples finally getting that alone time they were seeking when they were interrupted by 5,000 hungry souls.
Jesus asks them, v18
“Who do the crowds say I am?”
They give the crowds answers
But Jesus wants to know what they think
And Peter answers
God’s messiah.
It is a declarative faith statement.
It is a statement made possible because Jesus has been teaching Peter, been equipping and empowering Peter and has enabled Peter to see the truth of who Jesus really is.
Who do you think Jesus is?
Nice guy?
CS Lewis
Lord, Lunatic or Liar
And if he is Lord… then
Would you be willing to be sacked for Jesus?
If I could offer one piece of constructive feedback for Folau on his Instagram post it would be that it’s too exclusive.
For the real scandal of the Christian faith is that not only are the
Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters
Going to hell.
So are the good mums and dads, the nice grandmas, the scientists who cure cancer, the priests and nuns,
the good men of society… all of us.
Hell awaits us all.
And there is only one way out.
By allowing King Jesus to rescue us.
And by continuing each day to ask our king to equip us for mission, empower us to serve and enable us to see just how wonderful he is.
If Jesus is the King as we remembering him to be on Palm Sunday.
If Jesus really did die and rise again and has beaten death.
Are you willing to cop whatever this world might throw at you in order to stay loyal to your king?
May there be more men and women like Israel Folau who chose to stay loyal to our King, then seek the folly of fame our fortune.
Do you love Jesus?
He loves you and wants you to follow him and submit yourself to his rule.
Jesus is King - Hallejulah.
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