Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1 Thess :
The duty of a Pastor is to point people towards the Cross What Jesus has already finished for you.
It is also to point out the roads that lead towards desruction
But one of the roads we must face is that of being alsleep
revives us gives us energy helps to heal our bodies when they are weak.
But being asleep spiritually can lead one to Hell fast.
We like to think about the obvious that would find their way into destruction Murderers, thieves, really bad people right?
How about those that are luke warm, they seem not to either be for God but not directly oposing Him either
They are one foot in per say they attend church when they remember to set their alarms, when their football team is not playing, when their lives have time for it.
This is such a dangerous road.
John Bunyan wrote
“ I then saw in my dream that they went on until they came to a certain country, whose air naturally made one drowsy if he became a stranger into it.
Here the hopeful brother became very dull and heavy of sleep.
Then he said yo the christian, I do now begain to become sleepy i can barley hold open my eyes, Let us lie down together and take a nap.
The christian replied no By no means if we sleep we shall never wake again
The hopeful brother said sleep is sweet to us for we have worked hard we shall be refreshed if we take a nap
The christian said: Do you not remember that one of the shepherds told us beware of the enchanted ground?
He ment that we shall beware of sleeping therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober.”
There is no Doubt there are many today sleeping I fear this condition is of the majority of Churches in our Day
They are laying down in a state of Lukewarmness
There is no the activity the zeal we would wish to see among them, They may not be chased down and killed by the likeness of persecution But its worse than that they are laying down on their own in their state of lukewarmness
May God Grant His servants a way of arousing of igniting the Church from its sleep that it may have the zeal the passion The never failing Hope Love courage of God!
This morning I intend to show you what is meant by the state of sleep into which Christians sometimes fall
First what is the state of sleep a christian may fall?
Its not death, for we were made alive in Christ Jesus and therefore never die
This is the state if Insensibility
This is the man that seems to sleep through life never making a mark, The neighbors house is on fire he could care less, The country is at war no big deal he sleeps through it The wind is blowing the storm is raging thunder shakes his house but he could care less he is insensible to it all
The sweet music plays on the street, the most beautiful sunset is on the horizon, Yet he is asleep He is insensible
Have you been in the season of insensibility?
Have you wished you could feel , but all you could feel was pain because you could not feel?
You wish you would pray, its not that you don't but they don't seem genuine
AS for the songs you can sing them but your heart does not follow them.
You go to the House of God and you hear the sweet hymns blessed assurance Jesus is mine your heart feels nothing
While your body is there in the house of God your heart is not there
You came become like a formalist you feel that there is no savor in the preaching like there use to be
The hyms the prayers they are all the same to you
You have fallen into a state of Slumber!
At one time the thought of a man dammed would break your hear now it seems not to concern you
When a sinner was saved you once rejoiced now you feel no Joy
You have fallen asleep!
Is this your State?
If so May God Wake you from it!
Wake up!
Sleep is a state of inaction
No daily bread is earned by one who is asleep
This is the state of so many how many Christians are inactive?
Once is was their joy to teach Sunday school to sing praises to worship to be in fellow ship but now all that has been given up
Where are the Ministers who preach the Word of God Where are they
We have men that can amuse a audience for twenty minuets but is that preaching?
Where are the men who preach their hearts out and make it not a profession but a vocation
Beloved the Church Slumbers!
Its not only the pulpits of America that are asleep but the pews aswell
This church will stand out like a light house in the darkness of the ocean fro we preach the Gospel boldly We encourage and call the saints to service as instructed and We will be the example of Christ in our community!
Look to our neighboring churches across this community across this country
What will you see you will see men praying the same prayer that he has prayed for fifty years has it memorized by hear there is no thought or sincerity it it.
Then he leaves church and asks where was the spirit
Lord Wake up the Church Wake them UP! May your Spirit
raise them from their slumber Wake them up to your truths your promises to your love to your will Wake them up Lord!
2. Some considerations of waking sleeping Christians
As a child I went to First Baptist Dickinson We had a young pastor by the name of Pastor Poe one Sunday morning seemed to be winter could have been maybe time change and everyone looked sleepy i would asume He yelled
Fire Fire Fire When asked where the Fire was he said it was in Hell for all those sleepy Christians.
Now let me be clear I could get up here and awaken you by yelling Fire Fire Fire but that would be a false claim as for the true beliver the fire in Hell was never intended for.
There are better reasons that i should stir up Christians Ill share a few with you
1.First wake up for the Lord is Coming !
1 The 5:
Dont you believe that the Lord is Coming
If you do what are you doing to save the Lost in your Life?
Dont you believe the Man that quivered in pain on the Cross of Calvary is Coming back in Glory!
Would you wish to sleep the moment of His return?
If your master would to appear this morning would you be in a state of fear or excitment
While you know when a friend is coming over to your house that you straiten up making everything presentable?
How much more should the sinner saved by the Grace of Jesus be the moment of His return
If the president were to be coming to your house what preparation would you make knowing he was coming
But you know that Jesus is coming and what preparations are you making in your life
All the carnal Christians who will lie cheat and steal then pray after would you like Christ to return and find you Cheating?Will you sleep wile souls are being lost?
One should think If i had the means of leading one to Christ I would not sleep untill I led the last one.
All the carnal Christians who will lie cheat and steal then pray after would you like Christ to return and find you Cheating?Will you sleep wile souls are being lost?
One should think If i had the means of leading one to Christ I would not sleep untill I led the last one.!
Let me say this to the Sleeping Church while they sleep mens souls are being gathered in Hell Men are being Dammed Christ is being Dishonored.
Would you like to be asleep not doing the part Christ called upon your life when he returns apart of those that are dishonoring Him?
3. When is the Christian most liable to sleep?
He is most Liable when his temporal circumstances are all right
When your nest is feathered your pillow is fluffed you have had your steak
you are most liable to sleep.
Let me ask you when all was well in your life where was your focus that on the Kingdom or on gaining more?
When you had your greatest trials were you not more awake calling on God serving Him Trusting in Him to provide
Once he does Just like isreal we forget where our provisions came from and what We fall asleep
You will never find a christian when things were against him when He was in the face of His Giant that he got comfortable We fall asleep when we feel that we have achieved what goal we set in our minds spiritually
Brother - Sister let me give you some advice if you are here this morning thinking well maybe i have been asleep
Wake up For the Time of the Lord is at Hand Your time is Precious do not be caught off Guard Wake up!
Arise from the death to life See Christ Chase after His heart after Hi Love after His affirmation not that of the World.
Wake up!
The best way to stay awake the Bible says that we have fellowship with one another
Have Christian company talk about the Lord do it often Read His Word Live His Word Let it be a instruction manual for your life your marriage your parenting manual use it let it not be a dust collector Use the Word of God in your Life.
Live for God with a passion with Fire like this is the last day you must set your affairs in order He is coming soon Do not be caught off Guard.
When Christians Talk about the Lord together they will not sleep together
Do you have hope of Heaven?
The kind of Hope that will stand the test of Thus saith the Lord
What are you resting your hope on?
< .5
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