God Will Guide You

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Scripture: Psalm 32:8-11

Why do we need a guide in life?

  • We live in a complex and complicated world
  • We face all kinds of challenging situations and problems
  • We don’t know everything
  • We need help and sound advice
  • We need a good guide to assist us

Who will guide us?

God, our Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, the Almighty One who:

  • Knows all things: from beginning to the end
  • Keeps promises
  • Never makes mistakes
  • Is faithful

God's Promise

I will instruct you andteach you in the way you should go;

I will counsel you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8)

God's Personal Commitment

I will … – not delegate to an angel or anyone else

How will God guide you? What will He do?

1. He Will INSTRUCT You (v.8)

  • About Himself
    • His attributes and character (Who He is)
    • His ability and sovereignty (What He can do)
  • With wisdom and truth
  • With discernment to make the right choices

The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth (John 16:13)

He will help you distinguish between what is:

  • Right and wrong
  • Good and bad
  • True and false
  • Truth and error
  • Moral and immoral
  • Godly and ungodly
  • Flesh and Spirit
  • Natural and unnatural
  • Good and best

2. He Will TEACH You (v.8)

  • His Word
  • His Way
  • His Will

The Holy Spirit (the best teacher) will teach you all things (John 14:25)

Teach you what? “In the way you should go”

  • the right way
  • the way of obedience that leads to blessings and not regrets

Psa 37:23; Proverbs 3:5-6; 20:24; 12:15; 16:9

3. He Will WATCH OVER You (v.8)

  • He will watch over your coming and going
  • He will protect and shield you from the enemy’s schemes and attacks

4. He Will WARN you (vv.9-10a)

  • Don’t be stubborn, stiffed-necked and hard-headed
  • Don’t be proud, wicked and rebellious

The Fruit of Disobedience and Rebellion

"many woes and sorrows"

You will reap terrible and painful consequences.

5. He Will CHALLENGE You (vv.10b-12)

  • Trust in Him
  • Rejoice in Him
  • Sing to Him
  • Worship Him

The Fruit of Obedience and Submission

"God's unfailing love (lovingkindness) will surround you"

  • He will forgive you and show you mercy
  • You will have His peace, joy and blessings

How Long Will He Guide You?

  • Isa 58:11 - Always and Continually
  • Psa 48:14 - To the End
  • Matt 28:20b - To the very end of the age

Psalm 23 reminds us:

1 The Lord is our good and caring shepherd, He makes sure we lack nothing.

2 He makes us lie down in green pastures, He leads us beside quiet waters,

3 He refreshes our soul. He guides us along the right paths for his name’s sake.

4 Even though we walk through the darkest valley, We will fear no evil, for He is with us; His rod and His staff, they comfort us.

5 He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. He anoints our head with oil; our cup overflows.

6 Surely His goodness and love (mercy) will follow us all the days of our life, and We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

What Must We Do?

  • Stop Worrying – about every situation
  • Seek God and His counsel– for every situation
  • Trust God – in every situation

God's Message and Assurance: HE WILL GUIDE YOU

You don't have to live in fear and uncertainty.


Trust Him for your miracle and breakthrough.

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