Genesis 46:1-5 // Run with Endurance
Sermon Tone Analysis
Joseph is alive.
Joseph is alive.
Leaving the promised land.
Leaving the promised land.
Before we do this I want to remind you of a couple of things.
I want to remind you of who I am…
I am God,
I am God,
This statement is HUGE, it is totally stand alone.
God is claiming all the qualities of being God.
He is bringing His authority, power, sovereignty, grace, love, patience, wisdom etc. … into the story when He makes His amazing self-proclamation.
When Lucy asks if Aslan was safe, Mr. Beaver quickly replies, “Who said anything about, safe. “course he isn’t safe, but he is good…”
Some would have us liken God to some unthreatening docile form that we find approachable.
Isaiah had a dream where he saw God and was left face down with the conclusion “I am ruined…”
When we face huge obstacles in life
We might forget who we are dealign with
We might forget who has or back.
“The God of your father.”
“The God of your father.”
God didn’t just show up in your life one day, He has always been there.
When Melissa and I were in Montana we went spend 3 hrs. on horseback moving these cattle. Part of the way through we were in this huge pasture. You could look across and could see slopes, high places, some places with sage brush, some open and clear, there were streams ect. Then you look up and you see the massive mountain range that fill the entire canopy of the horizon. Even though you know it miles away, you fell as if you can reach out and run your hand across it. (beautiful)
That is what our life is like. You can see every kind of beauty, every kind of challenge, in the field of your life. But if you take the time, you can look across the field of your life and you will see God.
That was God’s message for Jacob. “I am the God of your father.”
I have been there, before you were even there.”
Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you a great nation.
Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you a great nation.
Insight into why God was reminding Israel who He was.
Something had caused Israel anxiety about leaving the promised land and heading to Egypt.
Gen 26:2 - God told Isaac not to Go to Egypt during the famine of his day.
Gen 15:13 – God warns Abraham of impending slavery and renews His promise in spite of it.
Then God gives some important details about His promise.
I myself will go with you…
Not…I will be checking in on you.
Not….I will keep tabs on you.
I MYSELF will go down with you.”
I will bring you up again…
God will still carry out His original promise.
Doesn’t give explanation or details, just that He will do it.
I am so tempted to ask the how questions!!!
“God, if I do this how will you care fore me?”
What do you mean IF?!!!
Peter “Where else should we go?”
Joseph will close your eyes.
The son whom you love and though was long dead.
We serve a God who endures.
That’s what I love about these stories
Seeing how NOTHING will stop God from doing exactly what He says He is going to do.
I wish I had that kind of promise from God.
I wish I had that kind of promise from God.
I would be able to face ANYTHING if I had that kind of promise from God.
God DID make you a promise.
I want to tell you about the promise God DID make.
I want to tell you how God came to us in the form of man names Jesus.
I want to tell you how, before Jesus left to go back to heaven, he promised to send a comforter (the Holy Spirit) and that is how God is personally with us always!!!!
And as we walk through this uncertainty of life, God has promised to deliver us out of here as well!!!!
Run with Endurance
Run with Endurance
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
run with endurance.
Run the race that is set before us.
Our trial will be different but our promise is the same.
Our trials will come at different seasons of life.
Look to Jesus.