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This week we look at the Great Commission, church planting, and evangelism.

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Well this morning we are going to begin a 3 sermon series on church planting as you see a screen in front of you at 3 sermon reminder about what corporate faithfulness looks like. We believe that a faithful Church Endeavors to plant other churches. I'm going to talk about that today. And if you have been around Westland Alliance over the past year or so you would be well aware of that desire. We have to plant churches, but perhaps your new and so you're going to hear some things today that we believe are important for faithfulness in regards to being a church. Factor if you were here at this time last year, you would have heard a sermon on church planting if you were here in the spring you would have heard two messages to sermons from Guess Who our church Planters one. We would say locally in another Global. That was Darrell Dash and Zane Pratt respectively Enzo topical sermons are not our Norm here almost every September we spend some time on the topic that we think is important that we need to speak to And church planting is something we are pursuing. In fact this past week. The elders had to endure a 3-hour more than 3-hour meeting led by me. In fact, it was probably almost 4 hours sounds better for me to say more than three than almost four. a 4-Hour meeting let's call it and which are churches plans for local and Global church planting were discussed and we've moved Beyond just this general idea of church planting this General desire to plant churches to getting specific plans in place with that in mind and in the coming, Weeks and months. We we sharing those plans with you and some of the specific ideas we have in regards to that but we want this journey that we are on as a church to continue and this sermon series is part of preparing ourselves for this task that we believe God has called us to We Believe with God's help. We will be found faithful in this with that in mind. Let's open God's word first to Matthew. I have three little passages of scripture, which I will use as the foundation for my sermon this morning, which is on church planting and about evangelism will start in Matthew chapter 28 verses 16 through 20 vs. I'm sure many of you most of you are familiar with read last paragraph really in the gospel of Matthew Start over 60 now the 11 disciples went to Galilee to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them and when they saw him they worship him but some doubted and Jesus came and said to them all authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to me go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold I Am With You Always to the end of the age.

Flip over to the book of Acts chapter 13. We're going to read the first 4 verses of chapter 13 and then some of some of the last verses of chapter 14, which really at the beginning of end of a narrative in Acts 2 chapter 13 verses 1 through 4 know there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers Barnabas Simeon who is called Niger Lucius of Cyrene minion a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch and saw Well, they were worshiping the Lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. And then we'll finish this morning. Max 14 verses 21 through 23

when they had preached the gospel to that city the city being Derby and it made many disciples. They returned to lystra into Iconium and to Antioch strengthening The Souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith and saying that through many tribulations, we must enter the kingdom of God and when they had appointed Elders for them in every church with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord and whom they had believed me join with me in prayer. Father God we thank you for your word. Thank you in particular for the narrative that we received the gospels and through acts about the start of your church. Even as we heard with the kids this morning. a community of people will live with you eternally. Who are united by faith? And who pursue and Obey You by various means what a glorious thing. That is Father God is we consider What a church is and what church is do and what faithful looks like faithfulness looks like for us as a congregation. I pray your spirit. Would help us you have promised in your word that your word is a light and a lamp. Would you by your spirit illuminate the truth of your word today? Help us to see it in clarity.

And help us to see father God the connection to the gospel into your saving work into your saving son. That we might be motivated to be obedient in these things. Help me Father God by your spirit to communicate in a way that is accurate in a way that's helpful in a way that glorifies you praise in Jesus name. Amen. I'm so here's the idea this morning of this. Sermon this first sermon on church planting. Church planting is evangelism that results in new churches. Church planting is evangelism that results in new churches. Therefore as Disciples of Christ. We should evangelize. That's the idea. I'm going to try and convey this morning. Let me start with this first point church planting is an outcome of faithfulness to the Great Commission. Art ask you this morning. Do you desire to be faithful to the Great Commission? If you are believer I'm guessing you're going to say absolutely let me suggest you that church planting is an outcome of faithfulness to the Great Commission. But so what is faithfulness the Great Commission will have to look at it Go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Talked about the Great Commission before but I'll remind you this statement though. It has been taught this way before is not primarily about going. The primary directive of that statement is to make disciples. We are to make disciples by going and by baptizing and by teaching the emphasis is on making disciples. And so how are disciples made? What does that look like?

Initially disciples are made through the preaching of the Gospel. We looked at Luke chapter 24 verses 44 through 48. One of my my favorite section probably in the Book of Luke. We're not going to be there for another two years, but we'll get there eventually. This is the road to Emmaus where Jesus walks and then has a Bible study with some disciples who don't recognize and he says in verse 44 then he said to them. These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets in the Psalms must be fulfilled. I love this next verse then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and he said to them. The sad it is thus it is written that the the the Christ should suffer on the third day. And on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance for the Forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to All Nations beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. We have been called his disciples of Christ to be witnesses to his work of Salvation the work of Salvation that God the Father initiated by sending his son to work. That's how disciples are made by curing the gospel and repenting. As they hear of Christ's suffering in his resurrection from the dead. This leads them to repentance of their sins and forgiveness of their sins and reconciliation with the father. This is how disciples are made a disciple is made when one who has heard the gospel turns to Christ through repentance and faith. In which they find the Forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God. They're the father that we need to understand certainly that conversion isn't the end of disciple-making but it is the beginning. Conversion isn't the end of the disciple making we don't stop when someone comes to Faith. It's not the end but it is the beginning and so making disciples as more than just seeing conversions, but it is not less than that. I told disciple is May 1st. Stop. These disciples are to be baptized that are to be taught to obey all that Christ taught. And soul faithfulness to the Great Commission requires the making of disciples. This is what we should anticipate as we as a church or being faithful to what God has commanded us to do.

So what then is the outcome of faithfulness to the Great Commission? What's what can we expect if we're being faithful to the Great Commission if we are making disciples by going and baptizing and teaching. What should we expect? Well faithfulness, the Great Commission anticipates disciples being made in the biblical outcome. We should expect from disciples being made is that churches are formed that churches are planted that churches are created. So the faithful making of disciples leads to this outcome of planting churches. This is the biblical Paradigm. Perhaps you've never thought about it when I give you two examples. Let me give you two examples that demonstrate why we Define church planting the way we do I've already give you the definition church planting is evangelism the results of new churches. Let me give you two examples. First of all, I've already read to you about Paul when he went to lystra and Iconium when he came from Antioch. We read verses one through four that there were prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch. And they were worshiping the Lord in the spirit said you know what I want you to take two of them Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them and they fasted and they prayed and they send this this is amazing to me. There was a church that was willing to send out. Arguably the best Theologian and missionary that ever lived. They didn't send out their scraps. They send out their best. You can have someone so God, you can have someone so Holy Spirit, but we're going to keep all he's staying right here. We need them in our church know they sent him out. So Paul and Barnabas were sent out and they went to a bunch of different places. But the ones we were looking at here in Acts 13 and 14 were lystra and Iconium and Derby. And we read in verses 21 through 23 again when they had preached the gospel, so that's what they were doing. They were participating in the Great Commission. They were going out and evangelize and they were sharing the gospel. They were proclaiming the gospel and after they've done it in the city called Derby and made many disciples. So they're being faithful to the Great Commission. They are making disciples. In fact, they're making many disciples. It says they returned to lystra and Iconium and to Antioch. So these are places. They've already been to these are places they have gone to and they have preached the gospel and they have made disciples in So it'll be nice to the Great Commission. They leave the church in Antioch. The holy spirit sets them apart the church confirms this praise for them in fasting and says go go do what the spirit has called you to do and they go to these places and they preach the gospel they evangelize and they see disciples made.

And then they return to the places they'd already been Last Unicorn even to Antioch and it says strengthening The Souls of the disciples encouraging the big can continue in the faith and saying that through many tribulations. We must enter the kingdom of God and then it says in verse 23 and then or story and when they had appointed Elders for them and every church with prayer and fasting they committed unto the Lord who they are believe. Wait a minute here. Where did these churches come from?

All of a sudden they're appointing Elders in churches in cities that they had been in when they visited those cities they were no disciples, but they preach the gospel disciples were made and they continued on that journey and when they return the appointed Elders to the churches, that's the pattern. That's a Biblical Paradigm. The gospel is preached. Disciples are made and churches are formed by those disciples. Let me give you a second one talk again about Paul and thessalonica. We read in Acts 17 verses 1 through 4. No one had passed through and syphilis and they came to thessalonica arrive if that's the one I kept all the one down by the church at Antioch. The one who went to preach the gospel in to make disciples comes to thessalonica where there was a synagogue of the Jews and Paul went in as was his custom it on three Sabbath days. He reasoned with them from the scriptures. What was he reasoning? What was he saying? What was he doing explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer in the rise from the dead and saying this Jesus whom I Proclaim to you is the Christ. He was preaching the gospel to them. This is what Paul does he goes in at esalen night he goes to Synagogue the reasons with the Jew and his reasoning is preaching the gospel to them trying to convince them that Jesus is the Christ some of them were persuaded. Enjoy Paul and Silas as did a great many of the developed Greeks and not a few of the leading women. So we see there that again he is seeing success as he's being faithful to the Great Commission. He is seeing disciples made. He goes He preaches the gospel and buy a work of God people are converted and become disciples.

Then we open up Paul's letter to the Thessalonians 1st Thessalonians 1 through 7. It begins to the Church of the Thessalonians. Wait a minute where this church come from.

Paul went preach the gospel to his disciples made and then he's writing a letter to a church. That's the biblical pattern churches were formed. We see you in verses two through 532 through 7. Paul says we give thanks to God always for you constantly mentioning you in our prayers remember before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ God that you became Disciples of Christ. Ferino Brothers loved by God that he has chosen you because our gospel came to you not only in word but also in power in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction, he says we preach the gospel to you the Holy Spirit participated that in such a way that you became fully convinced. You became disciples.

So this is the pattern that we see this is the nor but evangelism people Church sends out people to share. The Gospel Conference are made in churches are planted. We see this road scripture giving you two examples church planting is the biblical pattern that arises when Jesus's disciples are faithful to the Great Commission. This is what corporate faithfulness looks like. This is what faith churches do. We Endeavor to be a faithful church. So we're going to pursue this now. That could be a. Right there. No other explanation needed. We don't have to consider anything else. We see in God's word a pattern of faithfulness. We see what it looks like.

This is solved we're going to do it because we want to be faithful. What is we as leadership have pursued this and investigated? It's wonderful to see how God participates when when his people are faithful. Let me share just one of you again again, no more explanation. No more rationale is needed. We see it in Scripture. We obey but but listen to this. Is reading recently about the benefits to a church that plants another church now, we're not doing this because it's going to benefit us in this way. We're doing this because we have to be faithful we're doing it because this is a Biblical pattern but isn't God wonderful that when a church decides to sacrifice of themselves and to be faithful to the Great Commission and to do what God called churches to do that He blesses them to the main objections to church planting from the sponsoring churches point of view are that it will cost too much and it will hurt a tendon too much. It's going to cost us something financially and it's going to cost us something personalized because we're going to send our people it cost the church in Antioch something to send Paul and Barnabas. Koster's I'm glad it's a big problem listserv. It was reading in regards to the benefits that come to the church to plant another church are incredible it a survey looked at 65 churches that actually sponsored a church plant. Do you say only 65 that's many knots are whole District. They say that's not a huge number to talk about the dye essentially is our whole District every Church in our district. Imagine them planting a church. Here's two things. They found in regards to all of the questions about the monetary benefits or the the monetary difficulties at doing something with this. They realize that designated gives increased by 77% in a church that plants another church and tie to just general offering to go to the general fund of the church increase by 48% She God blesses not doing it for that reason, but it's amazing to see God blessed and then they looked at attendance and they looked at 15 or so seven variables that don't will just people you memberships and attendance and baptisms and all sorts of things and they found that in the church that planted another church. Attendance increased by over 20% for five years after the church plant to the church. It's amazing that God steps in and blessed that way and I understand that's not a guarantee and that's not going to happen every time. We have a faithful God. Do I think we'll move in and support churches that are being faithful to the Great Commission through church planting.

No, one of the significant what we looked at so far as one of the significant outcomes, we should expect and desire and plan for in the Endeavor to achieve in light of the Great Commission. Is this planting of churches? But we need to understand we can't Overlook. Let's not jump to the church planting. Without first considering this idea this Foundation of evangelism. That is clearly a requirement of faithful disciples in regards to the Great Commission church planting is a wonderful thing. It doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Went to my second point is this faithfulness to the Great Commission? It'll in Brackets which will lead to planting churches faithfulness to the Great Commission requires corporate individual evangelism. faithfulness to the Great Commission requires corporate individual evangelism

Dutch rapper our minds are on Evangeline. We did a sermon series last year on Evangeline. Let's wrap our minds around it for a minute here evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade evangelism requires words and using those words to teach people. Using words to teach people. The gospel is the method of evangelism that we see in the Bible.

So what's up? It's it's trying to teach something. What is it trying to teach his trying to teach the gospel the gospel the Glorious news of who Jesus is what Jesus did is the content and the substance of the teaching. It's a message from God a message from God about salvation through Jesus Christ.

And then all those sermons are so far away, but let me remind you that. A full orbit gospel at minimum answer for questions. First of all will answer who is God?

Secondly, it will answer. Why do we need saving?

Thirdly, it will answer. How did God save us?

And for that I asked the question. What is your response to this? That's a full or teaching of the Gospel? Who is God? Why do we need saving? How did God save us and what is our response to this? Blase definition explains evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim. It has a name or it has an end in mind. Because what it's dealing with is so massively massively important. What is the aim of evangelism it is to persuade people to become followers of Jesus Christ evangelism is a teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade you may be here this morning and you are not a believer. You have come but you recognize you have never entrusted your life to Christ. You have never availed yourself of his work on the cross for the Forgiveness of sins and Reconciliation to the father. You maybe even understood this morning as the kids were on the steps that even though you're in a building called The Church. But you're not really part of the church because you haven't been United by faith to other believers in Jesus Christ. Well, let me tell you. Our aim as a church towards you is to persuade you. That what we believe and teach about the gospel is true. We aim to do that. We don't just aim to be nice to you. I hope we are nice to you. We don't just aim to meet your knees. I hope we can meet needs that you have we actually want to persuade you that in this matter. Based on Who We Are. What am what God has said in this matter we are right.

What are we right about? We're right about the fact that God is the creator of this world and he created mankind. He created each one of you with the intent that you would be in fellowship with him and that you would worship Him. We want to persuade you of that. We want to persuade you that because of sin that is all of the things that we do are the things that we don't do that are contrary to what God says we should do. Have separated us from him. They have broken off. The fellowship mankind were supposed to have with their creator. They have caused us to be instead of being worshipers being Rebels want to persuade you that that's the true state of every human being apart from Christ. We want to persuade you. However that Jesus who is God's son did a work being both God and man did a work. By dying on the cross by paying the penalty for our sins that can see those sins forgiven and can see us reconciled to our creator so that we can once again have fellowship with him into worshipping truly as we ought to and as we talked about tomorrow and live with him forever. We want to persuade you of those things. We want you to be persuaded. We want you to respond even this morning. We want you to respond to that message.

By putting your faith in Christ, but turning from your sin and entrusting yourself to him through what he did.

That's what evangelism is. again, when you give you a quick biblical example We could see an Acts 26 that whole chapter Paul evangelizing. We see that his evangelism is teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade. This is when he's speaking to Agrippa. We seeing verse 1 chapter 26 or group of said to Paul you have permission to speak for yourself. So probably going to speak he's going to use words. He's going to teach the people there something he says he stretches out his hand and makes his defense. Will you can read about the things he says there's something to be learned there about how we evangelize talking about what we were before we came to Christ talk about how we came to Christ and then the difference it's made in our lives. I just want to know the Paul is teaching using words. Will what is he teaching? We see him verse 19. Therefore O King Agrippa. I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared first of those in Damascus then in Jerusalem throughout all the region of Judea and also to the Gentiles that they should repent and turn to God performing deeds in keeping with the repent repent is for this reason to Juicy's me in the temple and tried to kill me to this day. I have had the help that comes from God is so I stand Here testifying both small and great saying nothing, but with the prophets and Moses said would come to pass. What was it? That the Christ must suffer and that by being the first to rise in the dead he would become flame light bulb to our people and to the Gentiles. That's what Paul is teaching is using words to teach the gospel and we seeing verse 27 through 32 that his teaching the gospel had a name to persuade those who were listening to him. He says King Agrippa. Do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe and Agrippa said to Paul in a short time. You would persuade me to be a Christian King Agrippa knew what the deal was. You know what Paul is trying to do trying to convince him trying to persuade him in a short time. You would persuade me to be a Christian and Paul said weather short or long. I would to God and not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am except for these Chain Gang of Roses in the governor and Bernice and those who were sitting with them and when they were withdrawn I said to this man is doing nothing to deserve death row in prison men and Agrippa said defense is this man could have been set free if you're not appealed to Caesar. Apollo's evangelize. He was teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade. And we did this last time I talked with evangelism going to do it again. I'm going to take a survey. I'm going to give you guys a little test. I hope many of you learn the first time. If not, you'll learn this time for those of you who want their this may be eye-opening to you. So here's what I'm going to do and no one has an obligation to participate you are free not to participate. But if you're willing to participate I'm going to ask you questions and I would like you to the first question to indicate your answer by raising your hand my first question and just wait till I finish my first question is this how many of you have shared the gospel in the last year. That's my question. Wait as you put up your hand. I want you to leave your hand up until I say otherwise, okay, but if your hand if he even in the smallest way you can share the gospel with someone in the past year. All right. Now I want you to leave your hand up if you share the gospel successfully put it down if you didn't.

Alright, some of you didn't learn.

Successful sharing of the Gospel requires only that you share the gospel. If you put your hand up saying that you share the gospel then you did it successfully. Nothing that comes after that plays into the success of sharing the gospel except what God does we cannot save people? We cannot convert people only God can do that. We have been called to share the gospel. So if you share the gospel with someone you've done it successfully provided the gospel you shared with them. We need to remember that faithfulness in evangelism is simply sharing the gospel. We leave the results to God. I recognize that evangelism is a difficult thing. It's a tough topic. It's something we struggle with it something that I struggle with. That's why I want to finish this morning simply by giving you for encouragement in regards to invade and evangelism for things for you to do four ways for you to apply this message to your mind in your heart that help you with evangelism. And all I'm going to ask you to do today over the next week over the coming weeks of this sermon series is to consider these four things and I believe if you consider them, just think about them. That will help with your evangelism. First of all consider the reality of Eternal punishment. Consider the reality of Eternal punishment and some of your sitting there last pretty more but Jude.

2nd Corinthians 5 10 and 11 Paul says for we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ. So that each one may receive what is due for what he was done in the body whether good or evil. Every person is going to stand before the Judgment seat of Christ.

And then he says this therefore. Right when we see that word we say what is the therefore therefore? It's a speak to what he just said. They're for in regards to everyone coming before the Judgment seat of Christ.

Knowing the fear of the Lord. He said we persuade others. He says knowing that people will be under judgment and that judgment will be Eternal we persuade people. That's a motivation for evangelist. So consider that consider the reality of Eternal punishment second. Consider God's sovereignty. Acts 18:9 to 11 reading the Lord said to Paul One Night in division do not be afraid but go on speaking and do not be silent for I am with you and no one will attack you to harm you for I have many in this city who are my people? And he stayed a year and six months teaching the word of God among them. We believe here or Western Alliance that God is Sovereign and salvation God is Sovereign and saving Sinners and its sovereignty and converting unbelievers and bringing them to repentance and faith is in no ways a damper or a discouragement to our evangelism. In no way is it that inside God's sovereignty and salvation is one of the greatest occurrence because apart from it. I don't believe anyone would come to faith in Christ. If it depended on my presentation of the Gospel or dependent on their understanding of the Gospel. I give up. There's no sense in evangelist evangelizing anyone's and yeah God is Sovereign and when we think about God's sovereignty his control and ordaining of all things we have great reason to be motivated to share the gospel because he has people who are his he will bring to Faith when they hear the gospel third consider the gospel itself Rita 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 18 through 21 all this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that is in Christ. God was reconciling the world to himself not cut it counting their trespasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ. God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin. So that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Is it a Paul says their pulses because of the gospel because God was through Christ reconciling to himself us because he was not counting trespasses against them through what price did because of the Gospel. I'm going to share the gospel. That teaches us that is we consider it and is we meditate on what God has done through Christ were motivated to promote that message to other people.

The gospel the truth about who God is the truth about what sin has done the truth about what Redemption looks like and restoration after that and especially the cross and resurrection of Christ will Infuse you with motivation to share that good news with other people the means of evangelism. The gospel is also the motivation for evangelism. And then I finish with this for thing for you to consider consider the corporate nature of our individual evangelizing. consider the corporate nature of our individual evangelizing Philippians chapter 1 We see Paul and Timothy really communicating to those Servants of Christ for in Phillipi.

We seen those first versus the introduction to the letter words to Grace to You and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ verse 3. I think my God and all my remembrance of you always and every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from this date. So now the fact that we're in this together that a church is doing this together their Partners In The Gospel. He says I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me is really serve to advance the gospel so that it has become known for the whole Imperial Guard and all the rest of my that my imprisonment is for Christ and most of the brothers having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment are much more bold to speak the war without fear some indeed preach Christ from Envy in rivalry, but others from Goodwill the ladder do it out of love knowing that I am put here for the defense of the Gospel the former Proclaim Christ and of selfish ambition, not since Early, but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment what then only that in every way whether in pretense are in truth Christ is proclaimed in that I Rejoice. He says only let your manner of Life be worthy of the gospel of Christ the weather I come and see you or I'm absent I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit with one Minds driving side-by-side for the Faith gospel Paul here up points to the fact that we are Partners in the gospel and a part of that picture of shared gospel partnership is the proclaiming of Christ of those who don't believe we ought to rejoice and Paul prays for them in regards to this share Duty and Delight of evangelism and even in the midst of this letter he testifies to the gospel and what God has done. He even understands that his own evangelism and its consequences the consequences being that he's in jail. Now he's going to die. Even those things serve the purpose of impacting his Partners In The Gospel in a positive way. He's pointing the fact that we do this together. He recognizes that his own evangelism encourages others to evangelize. Even when it ends up in prison. Steven dismisses the motives of people as long as they're preaching the gospel that can be an encouragement to us. And so we need to understand that part of walking worthy of the Gospel is evangelizing. It has weed together stand firm and one spirit with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the Gospel. We will commit ourselves to evangelize as individuals who are part of a corporate body who are Partners in the gospel.

brothers and sisters faithful churches aim to plant churches church planting is evangelism that results in new churches. We need to be faithful in church planting. Ibanez were faithful to the Great Commission and a light of that Great Commission in light of what church planting is. We need to evangelize. So encourage yourself in this in regards to evangelism in regards to the Great Commission in regards to church planting. that there is eternal punishment waiting for those who don't come to faith in Christ. Encourage yourself with the fact that God is sovereign. God is Sovereign and does all that he pleases even when it comes to Salvation of human beings encourage yourself with the gospel. Think about it meditate about it. Pray about it sing it.

Can understand the corporate nature the partnership we have in pursuing this and let's pray.

Father God we thank you for your word. And I thank you for this church. I thank you for this body of believers. Can you have United? to each other father God for the purpose of pursuing Your Glory we understand father God that we pursue Your Glory we pursue. that by making sure People understand how great you are by making known the greatness of God. Would you help us in this by God? We desire to be faithful to the Great Commission. We desire to be a faithful Church. The plants other churches recognize and both these things father God the part of that faithfulness is evangelizing. That's a difficult thing for us father God, but I pray your spirit would help us and a particular. I pray that you would help us as we consider those things which we looked at at the end of this sermon. The hell is real and its Eternal, but you are sovereign and you can save anyone you choose to save at any moment. You choose to save them. The gospel is glorious. I got to work in this together let those great truths motivate us so that we might be faithful Believers in a faithful church. I pray this in Jesus name.

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