Jesus: the ONLY One Who Saves

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Jesus: the ONLY One Who Saves  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:32
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Good morning church. It's a beautiful day right? Never know cuz that's where I came in to be a winter storm by now. Welcome to the end, I guess. I will be in Hebrews 3 today. I'm preaching today that Michael be back in the pub in next week and then I'll be me for a couple weeks or trying to keep everybody on their toes and it comes with one of us. They'll switch a rib. So what we'll do here, hold on wait for the single load up. I guess we'll have time to drive cuz this is going to be And it's kind of a nice treat today compared to the last bit of preaching I said which has the end of Daniel which was quite difficult just to even studying and understand myself enough to be able to teach others about it. Not the Hebrews is like a piece of cake and doesn't want to study that's not what I mean. But I believe it's a little bit more straightforward and is a far easier for me at least to the understanding its entirety. So looking forward to today if you want to turn me to Hebrews 3 if you have a Bible app yourself the one if you find one in the Saints Row, all of our Bibles, don't take somebody else's that we can meet around on the screen. Therefore holy Brothers you who shared a Heavenly calling consider Jesus the Apostle and high priest of our confession who was faithful to him who appointed him just as Moses also was faithful in all God's house for Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory in Moses as much more glory is the Builder of a house has more honor than the house itself, but every house is built by someone, but the Builder of all things is God now Moses was faithful in all God's house is a servant to testify to the things that were to be spoken later. But Christ is Faithful over God's house as a son and we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and are boasting in Our Hope. Therefore is the holy spirit says today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts as in the Rebellion on the day of testing in the wilderness. Where your father's put me to the test and saw my works for 40 years. Therefore. I was provoked with that generation and said they always go astray in their heart. They have not known my ways as I swore in my they shall not enter my rest. Take care Brothers. Let there be any of you and evil unless there be in any of you and evil unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from the Living God but exhort one another every day as long as it is as long as it is called today that none of you may be hard by the deceitfulness of sin or we have come to share in Christ's if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. As it is said today if you hear his voice do not Harden your heart is in the Rebellion or who were those who heard yet rebelled. Was it not all those who left Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was he provoked for 40 years was it not with those who send whose bodies fell in the wilderness? And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, but to those who were disobedient. So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief. Let's pray. Heavenly father is wonderful to be in this house today. It's wonderful to be able to open your word and be spoken to directly by you father. Help us to always be super grateful for this opportunity. It is just awesome to be able to study together and have you speak to us as a group Lord. So as I have you behind your cross with a learner's we divide this world this week as we Deep dive into the Hebrews 3 and Lord. I pray that you will speak to everybody here directly and and instill in them a meaning hear a powerful take away today that will help a homeless and are we to come at the very least Jason's am I pregnant? All right. So this sermon is titled the only man who saves and a thematic Lee like every song I think we did today focused on this idea surprisingly. It's not very difficult to find Christian music that talks about Jesus being a savior how ever I think the key thing here is not the Jesus saves but only Jesus saves and I will get into right here in Hebrews. So Moses is good. He starts right off into this into that kind of a little bit of a rant about Moses Moses was good. You deserve better. I think it's fair to say that this doesn't resonate as powerfully with our generation of Believers. At least since I've been coming to church and such there weren't a lot of passes at stood up and extolled Moses and how good he was already did I know about Moses? I know Miracles that occurred but those are generally credited in our structure of belief to God and provide provided for his people not so much that Moses himself was you know, I'm believably charismatic person. It was very close to God certainly no comparison of Jesus, but the Jews at this time held Moses is very nearly Cinemas, right? He was sort of the the Mosaic law. I need it's named after him, but he brought the Commandments down. So he was seen as somebody there was almost untouchable. and if you can imagine a world where That's the case. It becomes a little bit difficult to talk about somebody who is actually the Son of God who was without saying it did secure salvation and learn it Jews were saying I have that right meme most provided by which we can be safe. All we need to do is fulfill it and I know we don't quite fulfilled we have sacrifices and he took care of all this so you know for us we may think comparing Jesus to Moses is absurd. I mean it is to me like I don't we don't have these conversations. I've never had anybody argue with me like in a small group that when I don't know perhaps Moses is indeed, you know what every bit as good as Jesus it doesn't come up. The Jews would have felt the same that comparison is absurd but for different reasons, right they would have thought how dare you try to compare this this man of Jesus who died on a cross and what is his law that he did they would have felt the same kind of disconnection.

We are God's people. These were God's people like they have lineage was a big part of their life. I don't come up here and say good morning church. I'm Chris. Son of Rick son of Don that does not happen to say. Okay. Well I establish part of the priesthood lineage so he can Preach Today we don't do that anymore. But in this day and age, it was really critical. They would know where Moses is the Son of God and he's better than Moses. You need to stop worshipping Moses. That's like saying I've got a new kid. That's a better kids in your kit and Lexie some rest of Litecoin. Do you really well? They sell that right? Because we see our family you can't just sub in a new dad right? Like he's a better dad so Dad, you're fired. We got a new dad that's a bigger deal for them. So we want to know that I'm I only read this and maybe I kind of like, I don't know how I feel like, all right, so Moses number to that best, that's fine by me big deal for them. It makes this a great analogy here by Moses was created and Jesus was a Creator on this a couple times, right? Nobody made Christ Christ is God that was not created. Jesus was born on this Earth. But Jesus is the son of God is pre-eminent. He's always been and always will be. That's not the case for Moses Moses existed on Earth for a time. He was made by God even his soul is it is eternal life is a creation that uses a house here. And I think it's a strong when it's if anybody knows me. Well we talk I'm an analogy guy. I use metaphors and hopefully we can maybe be annoying for some people but I find it to be very helpful to communicate almost as much to myself as it is the other so hear what we have is a honestly a really solid metaphor in the thing that I like about the house analogy that is using Is there a comparison to say if I built the house if I'm the homeowner that's clearly a different link than somebody who just lives there. But they're they're not the same one who lives in the house wouldn't say because I live here. I'm as good as the homeowner. I just get part ownership intrinsically. That's not true. That way go to somebody's house and now become an owner because you live there the owner owns the house. However, we see here. What what is interesting is God made the house and he's made he's made everything of in the house. However, his son buying part of God fundamental in the creation of the house. Now we have is Jesus the son the Creator building a house living in the house. With us, right as a son of the homeowner Moses was in the house were on the house now, but we are who you know, if you go back to the Jewish times, he's the comparison here is is Moses. Was there as a faithful servant he absolutely did what he was asked he lived in the house. He was welcomed in the house. He knew his rank in the house. I am a servant of the most high God the homeowner. I'm not him. I don't want to be him but Moses was not a son he was on an heir to that house. That's Jesus is gig when Christ comes for us and what he's talking about here is Christ comes with a different promise price doesn't invite everybody into the house to be servants invites us to end of the house to share any inheritance we get to be Sons with it. That's not something Moses could do. Big difference there if you look at somebody and other reason I like this analogy. If you go to somebody's house and you have some kids and you have some servants. I know this isn't really you may have a tough time everybody you clean your room and you clean that other room. Okay, what about them? What they're supposed to do. The big difference comes in when you go down to the paperwork and you figure out who's getting water around here by servants are employed there doing their job that that's wonderful. But the sons inherit the house The Inheritance the the wealth in the the jaw all the things that come with being the son of the homeowner and am I touched on this notion of of sonship in the reason it's sunship is mentioned and not daughters whatever else is because of the notion of inheritance this time night that everybody could be a son means we all get to inherit the kingdom of God, we all get to be home owners eventually sharing with Jesus the son making this connection for us, you know, Like I said, maybe not so good I've ever been not so easy. Right but the sum total here is Moses was no slouch the servants go. He was a good person and they're not disparaging Moses. He's not telling the Hebrews out. He was a he was a scumbag and you know, you were foolish to follow anything that he said that's not the case, but he wasn't a son he was not God's son and because of that there are things that heat will not be able to do the servant of the house. Cannot Grant you inheritance of the house with the sun certainly could that's the sun's right as one who owns The Inheritance I can distribute to whomever. I see fit and God has charge of Jesus with that ability. He did not charge Moses that ability.

So you probably thinking like me we don't have a Moses problem. I may go.

I don't struggle with Moses vs. Jesus will have these debates but I will say we absolutely do struggle with good people that do not offer salvation. We may not argue much about Moses saving us. But if you look at churches today, if you look at the world today, there's a lot of people a lot of humans that have great influence over people's decision making in the Bible says this but here's another book that's like the 70 ways to get in the stay happy and these I can quantify and I can do this I get up everyday I clap my hands I whatever you know, what all these wrong with that. However, we need to understand that doesn't save us in this was a problem at the time. I said you were doing this. We've already got the whole protocol for how we live our life. Anything you do I will however, it's not going to save you. That's a Jesus's job. He is literally the only way to save you and Hebrews thus far the book cannot stress this enough. If you've been paying attention what he's trying to do as he's describing this the author of such creature is if remind you remind us remind the Jews at this time who Jesus was and what separates him why he is something to be held in higher esteem than everybody else that has ever come.

I grew up in a world where Jesus was talked about in that position. I don't have a problem with that notion. However at this time we're talking about is yeah, that would have been a real struggle just you know, keeping that in mind how I say that In-N-Out this Danza me right. Suppose. If I were to say Jesus and baptism saves you must be baptized to be saved.

That one we usually are very quickly can quick to call out that's an easy one to argue about in the world. Let's go to the scripture in and talk about that. But this I called it here be careful of the gospel. And what we see now is the Jews at this time there non gospel was Judaism. The group grew up with it. I've been going to the temple we do the sacrifices This Is How We Do Life there. This isn't a burden for them. Right this for us would be like getting up and going to work and coming home and having dinner with her family and may be attending meeting or whatever you got to do. This was the Cadence of their life. That's what they did. Now. You got somebody that shows up and says wait a second you guys have sinned that isn't covered by this protocol. I say that's not true because of the law Moses said anyway, you know what we find in our world isn't so much that because we're not in the midst of a Jewish culture but a culture that just denies that sin exist at all, if if we can decide for ourselves what scent is that? We don't have a need for repentance best. We don't have a need for a savior, right? There's no need for a good news. There's no need for any news at all. Right this notion of non gospel is prolific in the world around this right? You can see I mean there's a government is is working 2 to take things. That would be considered send the queen of the Bible and and protect them legally. So now you're not just allowed the sin. But if other people don't help you sand or something now, I can be held liable in certain cases write this notion is about us getting away from this right. It's no problem. I just won't say a sentence in and then I got to repent of it and then I don't need to be saved and I go to heaven at some sort of a loophole except that it is a problem and it's a huge one the fact that we need to clear that it's not sin going back to the homeowners analogy of the servants say hey, you know what we're going to do pick a new kind of silverware and we're doing it this way regardless of what the homeowner says in our say. Well it's time to find a new servant right. Now. You're out of here in this house as a servant here. We must abide by this more. So even as a son so we must understand the whole gospel, including our inability to think about a total depravity. And what we see here is as Hebrews 3 rolls on he starts going back and talking about the you know, remember this remember that happened and what they finally knows this and is you're never going to get it together, right? We are a wreck. We need the gospel. We need to understand how bad we are and if we start the $0.09 if we start paying attention that what we think we know is good. What we say what we do everyday the way we live our lives in the the stuff we work on that's going to save us or actually don't need saving because this stuff's okay. That's we find herself in this trap. Elrow Las AR doesn't fret over who will save us. We just decided we don't need saving any more than anybody else when you try to talk to people about Jesus and they're pretty Star Wars in that regard at that's a really tough stop. Men's us team Ray comfort. Love him or hate him many regards what he has a really good job of is getting people very quickly from I'm a really good person to I'm going to hell he just talked to him a little bit about like, where are you going to go to heaven? If you don't absolutely Wild live the good life. This is a very common answer right? Do you believe that the Bible should I do you think it's as long as it is great. So did you did you commit adultery know what Bible says about to do in their heart? They have you ever had lust in your heart for someone else layoff and after about 15 minutes of this they broken all the Commandments and he says the wages of sin are death. So without salvation you're going to hell you're not going to have you go to hell according to your own standards. Well and if she feels like in the face, like what there's going to be alright because I feel like a good person. I mean, I'm better than a lot of other people that we play these games in a flea to take this back to Hebrews. It's a really slippery slope when you're talking to people that have pretty they pretty sure that got it figured out and you're trying to say you don't have a figure What you think is true while true? Isn't the whole story and that's exactly what you just came. Careful Chris. We don't want to read ourselves into the scripture. This is something that I talked about all the time and we don't want to find ourselves in there in like all this is about me and you're right. But in this one in verse 12 receive very specifically God is calling us to examine ourselves right take care Brothers. Let there be any of you in an evil unbelieving heart leading you a follow-up to Fall Away From the Living God. So this is a called us to be challenged when I when I talk about us in here. I want to be clear that we're not we don't want to be comparing ourselves to Bible Heroes write all the Bible Heroes exist to to foreshadow Christ. And I say that with confidence right now we could debate that will sometimes I can relate to David and that's fine. I'm not saying you won't see alignment it that that God is providing miracles in our lives in and we feel a little bit like like David fighting Goliath every now and again, but more times than not we're going to find ourselves the Israelites watching those to fight and David is showing Christ's victory over sin. So simple with a right we should be able to keys to compare ourselves to Bible button. So people that are like goodness gracious. They're wandering around in that 40 Years of wild. Come on that's pretty easy for me to relate to I've been alive now 42 years. That's a pretty good now. That's all I want around the desert still wandering around the desert. I'm not saying free every day. I followed up every day. I go back to the cross and beg for forgiveness and Rec for life-changing in various regards. That's me. I'm the wandering in the desert and I will be until I'm off this Earth promise, right? But when we look at the scripture, we what we don't want to do is completely take away an impact for us. So yeah shirt look at a sale on like Moses leading people on the person that's getting distracted by people like Moises that are good people Christian people doing the work of God, but they're not Jesus and if I put too much stock in them and not enough stock in Christ, that's dangerous. very very dangerous

Do what I say not what I do anybody ever heard that phrase. I don't say it too much but I probably ought to be should be pretty familiar with this scripturally by now. Right God's people could not get it together. He brings us up as you move towards the end of this week. He starts talking about a the older the old the old days of Egypt and how rough it was and who was it that I can almost see this? Who was he the people that you know, we're led by Moses this guy that you're holding up and really high esteem careful Moses didn't save any but they couldn't get it together and packing until I got it together, right? They never got it together. However, that last bullet God is gracious over and over and over we see God shed and Grace on these people that do not deserve any Grace because he loves them because he knows through this. I'm going to demonstrate my power to save and your inability to save Don't forget how much you struggle under Moses. Don't forget that. He didn't he didn't show up and save you Moses end. It's recorded in the Bible. Right? He did stuff. I got told him not to do God's faithfulness, right? I'll strike this Rock and Roll come forth. Like. All right, I'll tell you what are there, but I told him to do that right? Like I care easy. We don't see that problem with Christ. We don't have that issue with Christ. Here we see a little bit of a Twist if Moses is capable of saving him. Why didn't he now that's a peacock paraphrase of of 7 through 19. It doesn't say those words verbatim. But if you walk through this, right what he's getting at as he brings up all the suffering and all the time wasted if Moses could have done what Christ did why didn't he do it?

Now if your talking to people now in the world today, and you say if Good Deeds could save us then why don't they say well, I think they do you say based on what standard right what things Moses did save us based on what's a number to go back and look at the wall most that wasn't about saving it was about serving, right? It it it it been delayed punishment of God, right? But you were still comfortable for those since they were they were not taken away for all day. That's what Christ did on the cross and that's different in the law proves that. But I think a lot of folks this time just like a lot of people today. Well not to me. That's not what I believe believe it or not. The truth is the truth Moses was a good guy, but he was not God and could not save people. We don't have a Moses problem. We're fine. I get it Moses isn't God. That's most likely true. I doubt I say most likely because I guess there could be somebody who has been a devout follower of Judaism in the hell's hold Moses to high esteem. I don't of education. But I will sort that. It's about anyone or anything. That's not Jesus if you re-read this chapter and you substitute a great man of God, but not Jesus or Moses. It really Rings true. I'm not saying it's a good idea to change the word of God. That's not the point. But we talked about Moses here Moses is a motif. He's a he's a caricature of somebody that is a good person that does the work of God but is not Jesus Christ and this is a really dangerous than we have time to talk about you no danger to really dangerous were or 30 dangerous roads are good Christian man seems like a nice person. He does good things. Like I don't know what he believes. I can't account for his salvation. It's impossible to do. So, but if you give confidence to people because of their actions of things that they say or do or they're always encouraging people nice. Those are wonderful attributes that they don't save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. You can say Jesus is a good guy. But what I really small group today right way it worked with the Ten Commandments and you go back to this the story of the rich man, and he's like, well, what do you do to get to heaven and Jesus says, yes. What's off before 5 or upset? The name of the Jesus didn't mention until the end was the fact that you shouldn't have anything before God. There should be no other gods before y'all got his ability to follow the ability to do good works. You knew what the Commandments were. He's following intuity, but it wasn't for God's glory as for his own. I think when we get into this space that believe in anything, but Jesus is misplaced. . If you think you were going to be saved by anything outside of Jesus Christ, you are wrong. I don't care what anyone told you we can absolutely discuss this later. Well, it's Jesus plus my works of this not that I know there's a lot of theology to teach that all wrong. Wrong we can do nothing good without Christ that the example of Moses here was to prove out that even somebody like Moses who was arguably one of the best individuals to ever do the work of God on this planet. He was not perfect. He was unable to save them the best he could do was show them how to appease appease God's Wrath and delay it until it was paid for on the cross. That's the best Moses could offer. Here's the law. Oh, wow, this is impossible. I know that's what we'll do is we'll kill some animals and put Blood on the altar will use all this protocol to show God that we we we we are faith is in him and we're just having to wait through for something to happen for this prophecy. Looks like in the eventually God's going to provide a land that takes care of this. We're going to have to stay the course. Sounds good. Then the lamp shows up and everybody's so comfortable with staying the course that they forget that they were waiting for a lamb and I got the heat the Hebrew preacher here saying Jesus was the lamb the lamb foretold in the scripture that you hold so dear and you're missing it you're missing it. You're not catching it your love and Moses your loved one. He thought your loving the law of the protocol all the things. You do know Jesus anywhere no salvation anywhere if you're here today because I come to church every Sunday. That's a terrible reason to come to church. That's not true. I'm not happy that you're here at church that will not save you. They're not going to pull up the church roll card and Punt and look and say hey you only missed your 2% on absences that get you in its a 97% We're curving down so good. Welcome to Heaven that's never going to come up like Jesus. Do you know this person? Yes in no out. I came to church every Sunday. Wonderful. If I heard the announcer you coming to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sand in the garage makes you a car. I love that one. But somebody like it well, technically if I identify as a car in the garage, I could be one. Well see that kind of stuff is where we get into trouble. You can't just call yourself a car. It's not going to be allowed. You cannot you cannot call yourself a Christian. That's Jesus's job when we talked about all the stuff we do here. We talked about studying this and we talked about how gracious God is and and and what he's doing for us and why it's all based off God's decision to be gracious and save us what we do here is an act of worship and I could Thanksgiving to holy God we running nothing. This would have been crazy to the Jewish people that had heard prior to Jesus. If you don't come to church you're going to hell if you don't come to the temple, you're going to hell you got to get here The Works mattered to them because Jesus is not anymore. I have fulfilled that are taken care of that now, I want you to go tell the world of good news about me. I like the good news, but you just took away everything we do all day is like, yeah now you're free to go out and share the good news. What good news and some people course like we would see today. I kind of like the old news. I knew the old news confused about the new news people don't like me. They're upset with me people getting crucified build stuff, which is where we find ourselves today. So God's grace is not to be assumed. When you shave your saved, but if you ain't you ain't that's that's the way that it is right what we see here is is the way that summarize right which is not a punch card. We've come to share price if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end of that may sound like oh no that sounds like a work. We got a hold of the phraseology here is is a side is basically saying if our confidence is in Christ, if I'm confident the Christ the Savior me welcome to Heaven. Confidence comes from Christ that regenerative life the whole notion. They were to salute us the the notion of salvation of the way. It takes shape. It's all of Jesus if that's where my confidence is not in me or my works or my church or my family or my lineage or Moses or the law. If I have come to share in Christ's and hold that front of the end I'm saved and if I'm saved I'm saved if I say, well I hold the price that a lot for me, but I'm the one that actually decided to change my life and I'm the reason that it all came to be priced offered it and I accepted it and I could deny it if I wanted to and it's really about me and my ability to do that trouble. If you disagree with me, I encourage you to get to the work we can argue about that later, but we'll see when you when you get dig in here and you see over and over again while he's trying this to drive home is stop trying to save yourself. I don't care what form it takes if it takes a good works if it takes Mosaic law if it takes coming to church everything helping people cross the street none if it's going to save you Jesus came to do it and it's urgent that you know that All right, just to reiterate I made a slide of all the ways to get to heaven. All right, that's it the short list. And I'm sure anything like that. That's that's funny and that's all right, but I really hope that someone who's not that simple. It can't be that simple.

Look at all that why is the Bible so thick? Why is the boiler so many chapters and verses and all these attributes of God if it's just that simple.

The reality is everything in the Bible seeks to demonstrate where Jesus should be ranked in your life. Right far call Action today. I want to be able to tell you I love you and tell you we have Jesus ranked in your life. I'd like to be able to say alright, let's get this out. I have you taken online Crazy by seeing these things on Facebook or whatever like the answer 15 questions. I'll tell you what your favorite color is like whatever I would love to do that today. Everyone come up here you to answer some questions on a kiosk when you said hey Jesus is the Lord of Life congratulations does not exist. That's between you and the Holy Spirit. By this time what we do at the end of this is called I actually set aside for you to engage of God and pray don't leave your unsure about who Jesus is or what he did if this is gray or blurry. Are you think I've misspoke? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Let's let's have a conversation about that. It's too important, right? If you are confident that Jesus or if your life we want to talk we want to play with you don't leave here were down. So don't leave here fed up or confused. It's not worth it. We're never promised tomorrow. And when we read these books and we're eating with that urgency of these authors that are riding these people that heat when this comes up as soon as it becomes like, you know what I bet there are people that are frustrated and confused about Moses vs. Jesus saw this happening and said, that's enough. I'm going to have to put down on paper where Moses goes where Jesus goes why it's Jesus alone and we can do that all the time with everything else in this world self-help books fitness health and all this kind of things right these things can move into a place where like this is what I'm going to do. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus will save me but but I can live another twenty years. If I do this, I'm confident it. Well, maybe maybe not right either way. That's not where you put our faith. So this is the time for us to do a little business with God if you would like to come up and say that's fine and I'm serious if you have questions or Turn the mics back there. I'm up here by all means a grab one of us and say I I don't understand this. I don't get it and I want to be confident of where Jesus went to my life. That's right. Heavenly father. Thank you today for a wonderful time to studying the scripture. Thank you for your word. Thank you for its encouragement. I thank you for the clarity and how I can bring Clarity into our lives. Maybe it's murky Lord. Then I pray specifically this time for folks right now that are may be hearing something today that it's parked in their head A New Perspective or a different understanding or perhaps some consideration something that they never thought about Lord or maybe you've just give you your spirit has moved in them in and open their their eyes to fundamental disbelief a fundamental misunderstanding Lord. I pray today Lord if there's anybody here that needs to Tuba to be praying that we prayed over prayed about or just have a conversation with some took to get some additional Clarity Lord that will encourage him to get out of their seats and come up here lower. We desire for people to know who you are absolutely and with unbelievable Clarity and and not to confuse people are or muddy. The waters are done. You are a God that redeems and renews and out. We're thankful for that opportunity with our minds and our spirits today extra this time together this new Sons of my Prairie, MN.

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