Faithful Christian
2 Timothy 2:13-19
The command from Paul was that Timothy keeps on (press on). Philippians 3:12-15. Paul knows what will take to keep the Gospel message going out.
Them-) Who is referring too, first to those there at the church, and then for all those in the future. That is us here at Handley.
I. What is that he needs to keep reminding them about?
1. That there will be false teachers out there and don’t get all crossed up by all their words.
2. They will be full of Unless words.
a. What are some of these unless words?
1. Special knowledge
2. Jn 1:1 the words is a god
3. There is only on right translation of the bible.
All of these and more are unless words. Be careful what you spend your time on. Do not let it become a waste of time.
Vs. 14- these unless word can be catastrophic to those that you are teaching.
Today we have so much of this happen around us that we are easly over taken by these waves of unless words.
II. The Christian is to be like a workman ready to use his tools.
1. Remember that Paul had used three other picture of a Faithful Christian in 2:1-7.
a. Soldiers
b. Athlete
c. Farmer
2. Know your tools.
a. What are the Christians tools
1. Bible- we must know all we can about the bible. Stop letting everyone else do the learning.
2. Prayer-
3. Fellowship
4. Time
Vs. 15,We must (rightly divide the word) cut it straight.