Rising & Living WITH Christ daily at Home & Work

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Words, ignored scorned, as sexists, certainly not politically correct, tell you caves into sinful patriarchy and to slavery - not real Paul - that roles and attitudes not commands from the same Paul who just 8 verses earlier said we are equal in Christ, throw out as not authentic or at least ignore as just capitulating to culture so Christianity wouldn’t look bad in that culture. But before we hear these Words of God and seek to understand them, I want you to know one new thing about the context, and remember the main point of the book!
i. Context: Remember why Paul wrote this when Aristarchus had come - told of false teaching spreading - fulness in super-spiritual visions, aestheticism - deny family life seek fuller life - whether by rules, mystic experience, others in gnostic movement - actually didn’t give up sex, said family life household mundane thing of earth unimportant - like some extreme Pentecostal founding - live loosey goosey in terms of everyday relationships and their families. Well in this context, I want you to recognize that not just family, but also work relationships - be a Xn but take off on your master - wrong them - owe them. Won’t find a Christian approach to ancient institution of slavery, but how when in that kind of relationship live out your life with Christ. Look at
Colossians 4:9 ESV
and with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They will tell you of everything that has taken place here.
Colossians 4:7–8 ESV
Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts,
Colossians 4:8 ESV
I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts,
Colossians 4:8–9 ESV
I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts, and with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They will tell you of everything that has taken place here.
Onesimus as some may remember is a runaway slave, Paul sends back and asking other member of the congregation, Philemon, receive him back not only but as a brother… returning to be reconciled. Light of the Gospel shine into broken relationship, gospel work of all that vice/virtue - remember that’s how growth of God happens in you, that’s how Christ in you is not only for eternity, but how Christ the living head of the Body of Christ on earth, the first born of Creation, came to redeem all things, every square inch- now what Paul is doing taking that general teaching of every day life WITH JESUS. There are practical specific ways in the most basic relationships and activities of day to day life, - Christ’s Lordship has got to work itself out.
ii. Point of Book: Allow me to illustrate that - the first half of the letter about being root in Christ, remember - event at centre of the universe, death resurrection ascension - get rooted in that - and really this second half of the book is build on that. False teacher - say don’t need deep roots in Christ, don’t need live WITH HIM< rules .. Well like those character virtues can’t tape them on - can’t just follow some rules, some experience, abiding in Living Christ - RISING LIVING WITH HIM - these organically grow in your life. And so too not a bunch of rules to tame and cage vices, die WITH CHRIST daily to these sins, really deal with them. So too these household and work rules not random external set of rules - Picture it as William Barclay put it roles and attitudes transformed by thrust of the letter “in which like tendrils the Christ-event spreads out as it were, and covers the whole surface of life.”
Key Truth: The Christian Household Code are commands for roles to be touched by Christ.
The Christian Household Code are practical specific commands of behaviour and attitude for roles we’re are called to in life to be touched by the Life & Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The Christian Household Code are practical specific commands of behaviour and attitude for roles we’re are called to in life to be touched by the Life & Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Key Truth: The Christian Household Code are practical specific commands of behaviour and attitude for roles we’re are called to in life to be touched by the Life & Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Now what do we have here. Luther studied gave them name Haustafeln - house rules. But much earlier recognize just like those vice and virtue lists, we have what would have been in the in air the Colossians breather. Aristotle among many others - household manual How basic unit of society should work - for Aristotle the order, hierarchy - literally - holy rules/order. For him, like Plato the head superior - master and slaves not equal in any sense, husband wives, adults children. But they didn’t believe that basic unit not individual, had to commit and find your identity and purpose and role committing to something bigger! Well the Jews Philo and Josephus also gave a Jewish version of these household orders. Paul takes up this general form, like the vices and virrue lists - and he gives to Colossians and us, how Christ transforms heals, and re-orders all of this. No accident that last verse we looked at says:
Colossians 3:17 ESV
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Workmanship of your life - so much about words and actions at home and work - We are Christ’s workmanship now, how do we say and think words and do deeds in his name at home and at work. That’s what this is about. And that is why the next 9 verses of our text, have 7x a call for you and me in whatever role we find ourselves in to come under the LORDSHIP of Christ! Whatever role you are fulfilling in the holy order God has laid out, and sovereignly placed you in!
And this is the one trait of Paul’s household list that stands out most from the world’s household lists. Because this is about how the Lordship of Christ heals, transforms and directs, unlike the pagan ones which focus on the one thing the heads brings order over the everyone else, and only occasionally address the others as inferior. Paul’s list here the tone is the same for husbands as wives, for children as parents, for slaves as masters. On a personal note - in my role as husband as father, I was rebuked and redirected and encouraged to find Christ’s new way - , as much as a son to my parents as they age and I’m far a way, and as employee of this congregation who answer to boss. All of us in a position to submit first of all to Christ, then to each other mutually in Christ, . And then we see that when called to lead to exercise servant leadership, to be responsible for oversight and direction in other roles in our lives, we realize it too is under the gracious rule and our submission to Christ’s headship and Lordship. And when we are called to follow leadership, like X does too! That’s how the whole letter works - Christ working his Lordship in every are of life.
Let’s jump in to the first area we must seek Christ’s Lordship in our lives.
A) The Wife / Husband Relationship
Paul addresses each party, each time and it is with a clear sense that there must be order and tht order is fitting with Christ as King of Creation and or redemption. The word submit, is a dirty word in our culture, because none of us like to do it. One that’s been distorted. Our culture tells us to submit is to , is BE SUBJECT, let some dominate you, you are a doormat, power struggle about who is worth more. In the Fall creation order distorted and men do treat women like that, women fight back - its a mess. But that’s not the way God created it, nor the way Christ redeems it. This verb is actually not just passive, it is in the middle tense, it is reflexive. Literally not be subject, but voluntarily Submit Yourself. a
Colossians 3:18 ESV
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
This is not talking about men and women in general - Corinthians tell us equal in value and mutually dependent on each other, neither in general nor in marriage does this imply inferiority of the wife. Submitting is something that even the Son of God did voluntarily to the Father and his will. All of us called to this is submitting to each other in put yourself alongside and indeed under and willingness to be led and to serve sand support another. But when it comes to husband wife union, them as a unit, each wife is to comes alongside and indeed under the mission of the husband - its not a general thing like I am better than you so you do what I tell you; It’s sub -mission like submarine come under what? The mission. Husband as we read in and , like Christ to His church, is given a God appointed leadership and the submission of other to that mission is what is being talked about here. Paul doesn’t say obey which removes that voluntary recognition and teaming up under leadership, that’s different about child-parent relationship or employee/ employer. Though like all Christians many times submit to each other, this is speaking of a different voluntary kind of submission of the wife to the husbands leadership for the family!
You know what it means to co-ordinate a birthday party - all the parts who is brings what do that together, well sub-ordination - is to recognize one is called to lead in that mission and I will do my part for that mission - Now that is so different than subjugation, which is all about my power exerted over you. NO! It’s mission voluntarily agreed and worked for. Now what is the mission of a household - provide and protect - Christ’ centered home - not just biological children - but community that adds value in this world, and that reflects industry creativity, the joy of the Lord, Husbands given a mission to have dominion - make the wilderness a home, bunch of individual a city … And given to each other mutual dependence\y, one flesh relationships, to work this mission together!
Need to understand that our society has been increasingly anti-family and pro-individual and even Christian families - lost sense of mission. Very simple way to see if this going on in your home - and those with out husband, father - find other ways for this to be happening, but how often is a clear attempt at biracial leadership given - how often do you hear: Let’s do this, Why don’t we try that, I think … INITIATIVE< better be servant-leadership - calling other to come alongside. And wives you are to voluntarily say not only I agree, but I get that God-given mission and leadership and … now be easier if we’re married to Jesus. bad hsuband, flawed husband make this model hard. But its also true that its just easier to live life as individual - family of convenience just exist together, but not really - shuffle - by each other not shoot for any mission together.
But look what Paul does next, he qualifies what kind of voluntary submission tosi to happen
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Colossians 3:18b ESV
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
as is fitting in the LORD. The Lord Jesus is , could have said Christ but in the LORD, centre piece of the divine order, holy household that the cosmos is and he now reigns, got missions for you and me all over, and Paul says it is pleasing an fitting for the LORD. In our househld - when Lord Jesus is yardstick for husband-wife relationship. If you are married and a wife, belonging to LORD, it is proper to come under godly mission of the husband - cause flourishing in the mission of that household!
Interestingly do you know where that word hus-band comes from in English language - house bound; ancient piety a pagan and biblical - understanding faith in your duties to God, but then also your duties to man A husband know those duties in the home, obligation beyond self to the thriving of those in that home, a plan an leadership for that, need wife partnering and pulling for that plan too! B- Not merely 1950’s do as I say, but across all cultures this order of a husband bound by duty to have a plan and initiative for it - and the wife following that lead!
Paul didn’t say Obey yourself to your husband, because you live in a patriarchal Roman society. Some of that patriarchy definitely abusive and sinful, he says submit yourselves to the husband because it is fitting for those who live under Christ’ Lordship in the sphere of Christ.
Aii: But then Paul flips it and says something unusual for the lead in this relationship. Not about the pagan idea of superior being exerting control and power to get things done. Listen to what the Christian household rule is for husbands:
Colossians 3:19 ESV
Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
Now the tense is is active and present continuous command to love. You know we are creatures of habit, spare time creep into same chair watch same show sport, habit of doing routines in household putting out garbage or preparing your special a family meal .. .all these routines and habits. Paul says husband the most important habit you are called to - maintain the habit of loving your wife. Surprise in pagan when marriage not necessarily based on love - mistress and romantic involvement outside… . Your priority is maintain habit of love daily - practical thing of providing in every way , protecting - valuing and cherishing - of course both all called to love - but wife needs expression of this kind of love - you know what others need to see that reflection of Christ love for us - mature adult married love - demonstrates to all others what life is about - best thing parents can offer children see that love in action daily.
Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
But lest your not sure what this means, Paul describes more specially by contrasting it with the opposite of love. Opposite isn’t hate, but indifference! Can you imagine if God had been indifferent to us - our needs, our purposes in life, our plans, indifferent to our suffering and our sin - well whatever - judge it all in the end - doesn’t even respond to us! Imagine if more than indifferent, in negative way his response was what HARSHNESS!
The verb tense here means - always avoid, never be harsh - don’t let your heart get embittered against your own wife. Husbands do you have a bitterness detector, what are the habits you have when growing bitter? What activities - stone wall, criticize, heart grow bitter, you stop trying for oneness stop trying for mission s top leading - .... Epidemic of disengaged fathers, with no plan no commitment to household beyond comfort and their hobbies.
Husbands and wives have roles to play in creatino that got distorted with sin, but in Christ roles still exist and by the gospel redeemed. Limited by ultimate authority and reign of Christ and His Word, delegated by Christ the head to the husband with the call to do it the way Christ does it - as one not lording it over, but by serving, even willing to lay down his life, but definitely leading for the good of the marriage the good of the household, the good of Christ’reign in the home!
Household codes didn’t tell husbands to love, But Paul says, the Christian husband must AGAPE - word always used of Christ’s loving and self-giving. Word just used of the virtues that must be put on husbands re-read those. It would seem Paul is highlighting what we resist and chafe - husband abuse leadership, wives chaff at respecting and following lead.
Well congregation, the LORD has an order in creation and now in the re-creation life WITH Christ, has a plan for marriage - includes roles wives and husbands - protect dignity unity, but especially their mission before the LORD. I think our youth see it - not just individuals whatever please, but a solid home where nurture of children does happen, where a deep respect , where leadership -
One of the tendrils of the Kingdom of Christ, his reign, kills sin and rises with goodness happening. It is one thing for us to take political stands with other social Conservatives in the political sphere and I think we should; but not nearly enough. Not what Paul is talking about here, lived out, vibrant husanding and wifing - for glory of Christ and his grace and mission to go forward.
But next Paul, acknowledges that children are to be addressed and are important. Startling that the inferiors of pagan household, Kids the way you do childhood matters to the King of the Universe! In the pagan world, kids had no status at all. A book in my library When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity. Before Xnty - little legal status, abuse, little responsibility of parents in moral education.... But in Christianity a valued heritage, in creation,
Our culture though centered on fountain of youth, stay 20 year old forever, actually in someways is becoming anti-child. Don’t believe look at birth rates of Western world - something wrong with society says PM of Romania doesn’ want to reproduce its self, its culture. People have always seen themselves in a line - first time in history only see themselves as an individual. Actually a thing that teens have divorced themselves from parents. But Paul now applies the Lordship and reign of Christ rising WITH HIM to children and to parenting! That too is part of Christ’ holy order - needs ore-ordering and redeeming
B. Child /Parent Relationships
Children are to be subject to parents , close to submission but not the exact same-thing. Less emphasis on the voluntary pulling together as equal in dignity and honour, and more that kids you have a duty before the LORD to obey! refers to an order where, unlike marriage where the stress is one that unity, the stress here is on an order where one party defers and the other party orders! The word literally comes from really listen to. Salvation in Christ, doesn’t erase the creation order, replace the hier-archies the holy orders that God has put in place, it re-establishes those roles and orders but with a gospel manner!
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Colossians 3:20 ESV
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Colo 3:
In what manner - it doesn’t say ALWAYS - there are times when parents encourage or even command kids to do illegal unholy things. But what Paul says is kids, youth, in all respect, in everything at every point, in all areas of life - parents are to give godly direction, don’t violate your agency and freedom, responsibility grows so does your freedom, BUT IN EVERY AREA there is to be direction guidance, house rules based on biblical principles. Parents it your responsibility to tell them, explain them, apply them; and children it is your responsibility to obey them!
In what manner - it doesn’t say ALWAYS - there are times when parents encourage or even command kids to do illegal unholy things. But what Paul says is kids, youth, in all respect, in everything at every point, in all areas of life - parents are to give godly direction, don’t vioate your agency and freedom, responsbility grows so does wyour freedo, BUT IN EVERY AREA there is to be direction guidance, house rules based on biblical principles. Parents it your responibilyt to tell them, explain them, apply them; and children it is your responsibility to obey them!
Actually remarkable study of about 2000 middle class boys and their families - pre-teen through to adult years. Compared childhood influence - with best self-image and best adjusted: homes -loved and appreciated, strict, and yet open & democratic. Why those three: when order security - responsibility and accountability to duty - boundaries become freedom for individual growth and personality!
Actually remarkable study of about 2000 middle class bodys and their families - pre-teen through to adult years. Compared childhood influence - with best self-image and best adjusted: homes -loved and appreciated, strict, and yet open & democratic. Why those three:
Why the 5th command is the hinge (eph 5) - if you can’t learn to submit and to obey parents you can see, how will you ever learn to submit and obey your Heavenly Father you can’t.
But look at the reason you are to do this - not like with wives “as is fitting in the LORD, BUT BECAUSE, FOR this pleases the LORD. Can’t pretend oh I’m the Lord’s but I can live in active or passive resistance against my parents as a settled attiude. All of us in one form or another are those under the authority, oversight, the responsibility of an another even all of us under the Lord. Of course, dsicipline, follwing rules will cross you .. but in all areas that clearly God’s will, and in those areas that don’t violate God’s will has - you are to obey,
I can’t describe it exactly, but because as the youngest I didn’t grow up with a lot of rules but some clear ones.. but grew u with expectation s and all I can do is try to describe how even though never grounded, got spanked occasionally , sent to room, wrote lines. but at the core of my being I wanted to please my parents, never wanted to disappoint them, natural and redeemed feeling - live in obedience honouring position God gave me, really getting in line with mission they have from God - raise me with freedom and desire for what is good and holy. Kids can you say - that desire is there and the Lord is pleased, What rising with Christ will do. Piety ancient and biblical isn’t just about your spiritual life, your spiritual life is about down to earth relationship and duties!
Lest you think that is unrealistic, story Phillip Yancey tells in what’s so Amazing About Grace. a woman verbally abused, then mother just left when she was a young teen - on her own with some younger siblings. Hated her mother - . Speaking to all of us - all have parents whether old or young dead or a live - and will we honour them.? Time when parents because of abuse or neglect - don’t need to be obeyed, but still honoured. But when God’s placed us under the protection and guidance of parents, we are to obey!
That woman had Grace to meet with her, lot of quesions, lot fo pain - Acknwledged can’t know all that, but I love you as my mom, honour you WOW that what God’s after in our better homes too.
B.2 and what is the flip side you parents:
Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
Colossians 3:21 ESV
Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
Speaking by sydoche - one memeber but refrering to whole group. Anyone with authority over children, certainly parents together, but could say uncles and aunts, say Cadet leaders Gems leaders Teachers . But in the home, Paul says especially Fathers. And is remarkable in that calling to leadership , how so many men distorted that leadership in a way that not only harsh with wives, but actually set up their chidlren to become restentful and hate them. Type of dad that kid would say: “I will never be good enogh” He is alwsy disappointed , he can’t stand me.”
Let me ask you what stimulate and arouse your attention, what excites you? Think of dog laying peacefully in backyard, grab a stick run along other fence - stir up that dog to fierce or annoying barking. Father, parents leaders of children - when Christ reigns in you life, you Rise with Him daily - pay attention to how your life excites stuff in others - What wakes you up and even rattles your cage in life? What are you stirring up others to? we are to stir each other up to good deeds, we are to excite a sharing of comfort,t WISDOM … carefulness, seriousness about life What do you stir in others? Some of you can stir laughter, welcome trait - Parenting like coaching or teaching, involves stirring people up - see where they are heading and encourage not there yet but going to stir up…
What do you stir in others? Some of you can stir laughter, welcome trait - and good to laugh togeher otner. Parentting like coaching or teaching, involves stirring peope up - see where they are heading and encourage not there yet but going to stir up…
And Pual says you can’t stimulate irritation, exasperation, , cause them to resent you. Word provoke means. Of course times when whole family feels miserable in dealing with tough stuff, of courses parents are to exercise authroity and lead and ptortect and - sometimes that will mean conflict, and Paul isn’t saying don’t confront and just sweep everything under the rug - saying eaiser just to let it be - fine be that way - times when kids will be really mad at good parenting. IE I hate you in different cultures. Adoption class.
But what Paul is warning against, is something, I wish I knew earlier - religious home often come with rules, rules unless we recognize that total depravity the bent of sin in our children and us, doesn’t get fixed just by rules. Religious kids can sometimes live with a lot of criticism, feel like all you ever do is criticize me - that is what Paul is talking about and says is PROBLEM PARENTING Often for myself anyways, leading and parenting led to trying to control and getting in emotional battles over controlling those behaviours. We can’t control outcomes, but we can’t give up parenting. That was my mistake. Paul’s concern is that we don’t discipline in such away that the child -gives u p trying to please their parents, that proper piety in duty to parents for God! ie. horse tamed with 2x4 or with halter, bit, blanket and saddle progressively little incursions = obedient but spirited horse!
So look at the reason that Paul gives with this one: lest they become discouraged. There is a world of difference between bring up a problem, even criticizing, and seeking to getting deep under someone’s skin, into the core of another’s being - and pop the balloon of their being, and soul. Literally it says lose spirit, to have no hope, those words that acocmpany this are so often : you always you never, and the feeling is that this person has writen me off. Disdain!
Need to understand children/ youth age of becoming - becoming wise or foolish, but youth is unexperienced Proverbs - simple not yet life pattern mold hardening. SO what they BECOME is key to parenting - gospel in parenting - not to contribute to child becoming dispirited, morose disheartened. Of course something to breaking a child’s self-will, there is need for remorse over sin, but it must always be with gospel hope - and we must never but not violate their personhood and dispirit them as a person.!
But Paul doesn’t stop with your nuclear family when he applies the gospel of living WITH Christ to you. Significantly he moves to your working relationships! Unlike in Ephesians where he only 5/19 verses to slaves and masters, it would seem that Paul giving 5/9 more than half the verse, proportionally in Colosse maybe many more of them where household servants, even slaves, like Oneismus, and otehr had salves and servants in thier home.
And here we should note, a full response to slavery not worked out. Unlike marriage and family, slavery isn’t a creation ordinance. It was a Roman institution -with great diversity, from indentured servant, to catpured slaves: 60M or about half of the Roman population!
But signifcantly Paul says, household not just those biolgoically related to you in nuclear family, those patterns how you treat spiritual family (Epistles of John), but back then your physical family, foten involed those you worked with, servants, slaves, adopted extende family members. And it would seem unilke in EPhesians where he only 5/19 verses to slaves and masters, it woud seem thtat Paul giving 5/9 proporitioally in Colosee maybe many more of them where household sevats even slaves like Oneismus, and otehr had salves and servants in thier home. And here we shoud note, a full response to slaveryu not worked out, yet, not a creation ordinace like marriage and family, but an insittuion -differn tath modern slvarey Afican slave trade, indentureed servant, to catpured, how as a Chrstian in these relationshisp is Christ to reign and are we to RISE WITH Christ in our work situations, where we have a role to play whether that institation good or not. And here too Paul is saying Christ reign touches and trandforms, eventually slavery done a way with, but roels that aply even to our work istuation as emplyerss and employees Christ Lord ship is to reach there too. Again notice how the employee the servant, slave is one sevig LORD and one ulitmely ....Note the slave is one Paul says is getting an inhertiance - they had nothing … has to the gospel transform our work and our roles at work - how are we serving the LORD in them…
How as a Christian in these relationships, is Christ to reign and are we to RISE WITH Christ in our work situations, where we have a role to play whether that institution good or not. And here too Paul is saying Christ reign touches and transforms, eventually slavery done a way with. But these roles apply equally to our work situations: as So what is God’s gospel will for you in your work relationships?
C. The Employee / Employer Relationship
Before you discount this as a less worthy focus for your gospel action WITH CHRIST, you need to recognize that up until the industrial revolution and the growth of modern cities and towns, practically everyone worked from home, whether farm, workshop, or an office. And the whole household was employed together in that work. Spent a lot more time with each other, working - Today the average Dad speaks only 35 min a week, that’s five minutes a day. William Bennett Cultural Indicators, that was 1994 before ipods and mobile smart phones, think of last car rides. i I suspect even less. life has changed. Parents average less than 7 minutes a day one study now says.-So who do you use your words with, if not family? Well we use those words up outside of the home and in our work places, school, coffee shop. And Paul is saying in those relationships, we to are to die and rise with Christ. Some o f the most basic witness to Christ we give each other and our nearest neighbours. The focus is on how Christians ought to serve others in general at work and how some are to lead as bosses!
Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
Colossians 3:22 ESV
Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
Recognize that it is remarkable to have slaves addressed at all in a household code, but Paul does and with the same tone as he does bosses! Those who serve, those who work for others, Paul has positive gospel instruction for you. While, yes it is obey in everything, look at how he sees the situation. Right away he paints a contrast: they are just your earthly masters, and you really we all have a heavenly master. Yes, Christ recognize your job as part of the God-given order of the stuff of earth. But the point of the contrast is that, in serving legitimate earthly masters, in a legitimate way, it’s not just that you will get paid, or get taken care of - no ultimately why should you and I do any work in this world - whether cement finishing holes in cement tank, or making cars, or serving in government , healing people, making clothes, taking care f young ones, preparing school work or sermons?
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23 ESV
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Colossians 3:23–24 ESV
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
Need to recover that sense of God-given calling in contributing to society - and our ultimate reward for this work is doing it for Christ and the inheritance he gives! And because of this you can no longer just work for the weekend or just for the pay-check or a comfy retirement!
In a sense Paul is saying what our lord Jesus said in . There are people who do work even in my church just as people-pleasers, only when boss is looking, and just to get the bosses favour. They don’t really care for the work and the result of that work. Doesn’t mean every job is equally fulfilling all the time, see all sorts of purpose in it - but not doing it just to please people, but for whatever benefit it gives, and bigger picture, so you are not what Jesus called a hireling - you really shepehrd in your area of work! Sincerity of heart, fearing the LORD! Your work and my work - is more breaodly worship to the LORD. With singleness of purpose we are to work not just with the eye, but with the whole heart!
That really is the key to the whole household code: our leading and following our obeying and parenting, our working and bossing - it is to be done in bond service tot he Christ of the universe, to the Lord of our lives!
Colossians 3:22 ESV
Bondservants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.
Paul recognizes that both for the boss as well as the worker - wrongs can bve done and the Lord will judge and those need to be rectified. Even says that with that runaway slave delivering this letter, to his master - if anything is owing, if Onesimus has wronged you Philemon - I will pay that back and make it right.
And in the same way, he says the gospel works in these reciprocal relationships - both roles h/w, p/child, e/boss. touched by Christ’s Lordship and grace. You bosses recognize you too must submit in your lieading to your greater boss and master the Lord Jesus. The bosses are Christ’s slaves, and the slaves are freemen in Christ! And what you do as boss, how you lead, provide, instruct, expect - justly and fairly - and see your Master in heaven behind your working. Ultimately the workers and the bosses are serving the same LORD together - that’s the goal in marriage, in family life , in our work!
Well congregation, do you see it? From 3:1-17 seeking the things that are above - Christ’s reign rule it isn’t about super-spiritual visions , obscure rituals or mere law keeping, it is about Christ’s character getting down into your living in the daily - killing vices and rising with Christ to new virtues of self-giving love. Its about how you do home and work WITH CHRIST - seeking his order and his purpose redeeming the stuff of earth for heaven’s purposes!
Let me conclude drawing a simple picture: Life in the garden about four things - worship, kingdom service (raising up image bearers), but also relationship, and work. Four areas of life, and one is messed up affect the others. Well Paul has spelled out in chapters 1-2 the wonders of Christ for our worship and our service in His kingdom, but now he says that grace, that rising with Christ has got grow into how you do relationships and family; got seep into your daily work and the actcion producing for blessing others. Our culture increasingly saying that work and relatinoships have no purpose no direction, up to you and for your enjoyment choose your.
Paul says steward these area of our life - experience both the grace and the direction of Christ as Lord in them. X’s fullness in all our relationships!!
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