Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
The treasure of our Heart
Matthew 713-29
Last week we discussed:
BEWARE of the false prophets.
BEWARE: look out, be on guard
They come in sheep clothing but inside are ravenous wolves.
Prowling for food
This is like a man saying come to me that you may have life and behind his back he has a dagger.
He is deceptive that he may devour.
How do we test these prophets?
By their fruits
Apple trees will not bear oranges.
We need to put our fruit goggles on.
Its not just these false prophets that we need to beware of but also our culture.
the popular way.
Enter through the straight and narrow
Broad is the way that leadeth to death and many are upon it.
Test your steps to ensure you are not on the road that our culture who denies God is on.
the road of popularity.
For example.
The preachers of our day that proclaim life is found in the bottle.
Test the fruits.
How do they sell alcohol?
Give me a commercial prototype.
They dont sell it by going to the homeless shelter and showing the wrecked lives.
they dont go to the jails to show the bad decisions.
They dont go to the homes to show the battered wives and the hearting children.
Most people that find themselves in this position didnt start this way.
It begin with the idea that life was found in this arena.
This is the answer to our problems.
Preaching a message of hope and life.
The problem is fruit does not stand in the fruit test.
If the world and the false teachers were not enough it doesnt end there.
Satan uses these things top pull at our heart.
Have you ever done something that your parents told you not to do for your safety but you didnt anyway thinking they were wrong?
Look how jeremiah describes our heart
Dont trust your heart.
hallmark, follow your heart.
who here has been hurt by following your heart.
God will judge each man according to his heart.
The fruit of man.
The evidence of where their heart is.
The same way in which we judge what the false teachers are saying the same way we ourselves will be judged.
He knows all things.
Theres no getting around it.
He knows what happens in the most secretive spots.
We are in some serious trouble if our hearts can trick us.
How can i know where my heart is?
This is by what we cherish or treasure.
What i treasure begins to reveal where my heart is.
What we speak begins to reveal the position of our hearts
Our lips are driven by our hearts which springs forth a crop and a fruit that reveals (with enough time) where our hearts are at.
Our answer
Be the wise man that builds His life upon the Rock.
The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools dispise wisdom and instruction.
Some of you this evening God is telling you, you are running and rebelling against me.
Its time you confess your sins, getting specific with God and asking for Him to forgive you.
That you may be made knew to longer produce the bad fruit that is deceptive but that you may walk in newness of life.
Tonight if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts.
Resist the devil and submit unto God that you may experience the freedom of God.
Enter through the straight gate.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9